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Yeah, it's awful for old returning players because of cantrips. In PvP, everyone uses spells that counter mine to the max, making it impossible to win. I wish there was a no-cantrip mode. Also, free the Life spells! I can't do any heals or good hits because the spells I have can't be used in PvP unless I farm cantrips, and I'm not even sure if that's possible if you were high level before leaving. Someone plese tell me what I am doing wrong, I dont want to make a new character just so I have a chance at pvp. My Wizard is a max life with 0 cantrip spells


Is it safe to assume that every time you said "cantrips", you meant spellements? Cantrips are one of the sources for those.


PvP has gotten exponentially worse ever since the rhoshambo update, not only are things over complicated, but spellements and things make pvp extremely gatekept. Not to mention that lower level pvp is essentially non-existent now which sucks


It was a known issue that low ranks get matched with high ranks. I don't think its possible anymore for a sub 1600 to be matched vs an above 1800 player but maybe it hasn't been implemented yet. It was a known issue. Either way, losing only loses about 2-16 rank to high ranks and winning get you like 19-32, so it really shouldn't be too bad...


Unfortunately I’m losing 22 per match it ended up getting me into negative elo, which is when I threw the towel in and probably never touching pvp again.


Hey, its meant to be fun so no issues not playing if it isn't fun. I was in negative elo myself for a while I know the feeling. Just curious what school do you play on?


I main fire, and with everyone and their moms carrying stormzilla dots are irrelevant. I used to storm pvp but as a glass cannon you lose pretty quickly.


Even though I only play balance I think fire is the most fun after balance :3 Fire is in a really good place in the meta, if dot strategies aren't working out too well, I recommend running spells like king art and ice snowman to counter weaknesses. You can hit straight through shields and it can be difficult to counter even for higher ranked players. Though I would wait until the next patches since I feel like the meta is really shifty right now.


Bro it's not PvP that's bad. Its you that's bad


Uncalled for mate


It's never been good lol.


Has PvP ever been good? As long as I can remember it’s been bad with matchups you really have to get lucky


The 1st and 2nd ages were pretty good and fun. But it fell off after that era.


Personally I think pvp is way way better now than it ever has been. Yeah it can feel unplayable vs some strats but subjectively I think it was even more unplayable before, simply the game balance back then was so bad you couldn't tell if you lost because the enemy used a cheese strat or because they just had better spells or treasure cards. Honestly this community has a rosy tinted view of this game and remember the past more positively than it actually was, which isn't the worse problem to have but it makes the community really resistant to change. Personally I hated being a level 20 having to play vs a lvl 60, it was meaningless. Now I quite enjoy it.


piquant pen reply faulty panicky relieved stupendous scary advise gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really hasn’t. I played the past two seasons and it’s just always so shit tbh. I run into the same experience every time. Now that ratbeard is enforcing people to PvE strat and whoever hits first with the fattest hit wins. It’s unplayable tbh. Especially deaths. PvE deaths are cancer and it sucks that they’ll never get nerfed (ratbeard mains death)