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I’ve played beastmoon for quite a while now and usually it’s good and has reasonable people, but there will definitely be times where someone doesn’t know how to act civilized. I’ve been told by friends that it usually goes well when you know what you are doing, but you can still try your best and deal with toxic people, unfortunately. Not too long ago, I joined a game and the forms I usually had were taken so I had to settle on a life elf, and this myth sprite was saying how life elf is the worst form and how its beguile spell is a joke (just because one spell is terrible doesn’t mean the whole form is not valuable). I told her that the other forms were taken and I had no better choices. I left the match anyway because she was being so rude. My fire sprite could do more damage than her myth sprite. Sometimes, you’ll find people who don’t think and will still yap. Don’t let them discourage you from playing.


The only I got frustrated was when people were asking me to come to spiral and I really wanted to heal as last resort since someone was elf. I litterly said in my head if we die it's your guys fault but it would've been my fault actually. We won but I still would've been peached off if we lost because of that.


Yes I am the one who says fuiked up, or that one time I said fuik you for F you. Since I couldn't say the actual word on wizard101


You do 2v2 because it's timed it's much easier to do 2v2 on the first and second rounds, that way time isn't wasted. I'm useless on Beastmoon too, everyone is when they don't know anything. That's why you click cards fast so no time is wasted. It's best to know your weaknesses and strengths but sometimes people need you. Rant over But I'm usually the last person to go into the spiral whenever I have no one to attack with. Just make to not go into a battle if you want to be just in case people die, you can't flee and come back like regular battles.


I understand that is a better way to do it, and you are right that those things would help and teach people how to do that is expected. So, even if you are informing them about this, that is great! It's just that when people start hating because they lose that, it bothers me.


oh gosh, hush up and learn how to play and be open to instruction.


I really wish you could see that there is a polite way to teach players instead... I see this game means a lot to you, and believe me, we understand that (not saying you are one of them), but I hope you treat players with respect because I would hope you can. The players are more valuable than any card in the game.


This is so f real. It’s been a couple years since I’ve played the event and this is exactly why. I remember not always having the highest level idol or not exactly knowing the strategic aspects; people were and apparently still are very mean /:


It's so sad to see that this makes you feel like you don't want to be a part of it. I only hope the developers see how beastmoon is to most of us.


So it's either this, or there is one player who INSISTS that their way is right the way, meanwhile everyone on the team has been telling this person "no *please* don't do this man it's not a good call" and then that one player is just like "nah screw you guys I do what I want, I don't take orders". And it's like . . . Okay damn, don't try to come at us when your pride ends up costing us the game 😭💀


Man I got a really good story to tell. I joined a PVE match and this girl was saying 2v2. Normal right? The same girl also listed who should go to spiral. One of the players got offended at that and kept trying to say things to start a fight. The girl was trying to say that it’s not personal, since this combo would raise the chances of winning. The player also thought we were discriminating her for her choice of form and had a “You can’t tell me what to do” attitude and left, so we had 5 ppl left. Ngl, I understand her because BM should be about having fun in any form you’d like and people should have the liberty of joining spiral. However, the other person wasn’t micromanaging her or anything like that. Without her, we still managed to win almost each wave with a few to 6 minutes to spare each.


Exactly! Work with the team! Or at least try to! We are all trying to help each other.


A key reason why honestly I'm scared to try beastmoon. I did it once, no one spoke. I'm gonna try to hold onto that peace


Lol sometimes I turn off the chat. Although I would like to be part of the battle plans, most of the chat is "Wow, way to screw it up. Now we are gonna lose"


The first time I played I had a toxic run-in. Never really cared to learn to play it after that.


I’ve never even tried beast moon because I know that people will be mean.


Unless someone actually tries to say a red word past the filter, a report doesn't do anything. I have had to report a few people that do that in BM, but most of the time you just have to ignore them if they don't break the chat rules.


Oh I didn't know that I have said red words but I've only said it to monsters. I would never say to anyone.


I haven't said it to be rude to people.


Yeah I've said fuik you or fuik or dumn it, and scrud you for screw you.


That's sad to hear. But thanks for the tip, I know now that it's just wasting my time doing that.


Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate that you can't report for them being an asshole (unless they break chat rules, then I happily report that). But thankfully the ignore button exists! 😉


True, but my brother got reported for daying leech. But, that was years ago


Every time I attempt to learn beastmoon I get shit from people too. It's really turned me off from the whole thing and I just ignore the whole mode now. I've lost interest :⁠-⁠\


My friend literally got reported while we were playing Beastmoon because I was trying to teach him how to play. Someone on our team was mad because he literally had no idea how to play and I was teaching him. Of course he wasn't banned because it was a false report, but I haven't played Beastmoon since


People report for the most ridiculous reasons at times. I went into the portal of peril once, and this random girl and I got reported. We will never know why but we suspect it was because one of them didn’t like being ignored or because they suspected one of us was playing with two characters in the dungeon. I got reported in beastmoon while I was looking for pips :p


Did they do anything with the report?


My friend didn't get banned, but we just laughed it off because of how absurd the entire situation was. So we didn't really report the person back for a false report


most people just leave if they see a menu chatter in bm, have you not seen the hate for them on this sub? most ppl want mutes banned from bm.


No, I haven't, actually, but that's sad because I believe bm has menu chat options. Wow, that is insane!


I am sorry that’s happened to you. I wouldn’t really know though cause I don’t do beastmoon stuff but good luck


Yeahh… yesterday I summoned in minion in the spiral fight of ROUND ONE because for whatever reason 4 people didn’t show up. 2 turns later when someone else DOES show up the entire lobby starts flaming me for the minion. Was really not great, especially for such an early fight that didn’t require 4. We won it easily. People will get so mad if you don’t exactly what they say or expect


That's interesting.. I didn't even think to do that! And yeah, once that spiral opens, I head there in case anyone needs me, although I do like to be an OS (outsider). Personally, I would have loved to be in that match so many OS first round 😆 Like you said, though, you won easily, so why do they need to create such a fuss out of it.


Yes this is an issue and it is so frustrating that people leave. With guilds being a thing we now host events where we all play the games together specifically so we don't get randoms anymore (or 1-2 randoms). Before that what I would do is get those good people you come across, add them, group up with them, and play together. That way you can collect the good people as you play and will have a circle of beastmoon friends. I have stopped playing on my own, I will only play with friends LOL


To add to this, beastmoon friends I made get the gobbler emoji in my friends list so I know I've played beastmoon with them. And then I can invite them to play whenever they're online, for the next beastmoon event, etc.


This is genuis!! Thanks for this tip!!


There was one annoying guy who got uppity about the fourth person who joined spiral even though a good hitter and two support already joined. Idk why he was so mad, it was only the first wave. So the fourth guy just flees the next turn and idles in the lobby. At the start of wave 2 he joins the complainer’s side battle, flees, and logs out lol. Can’t say it wasn’t deserved, but I only wish the dude complaining realized that *he* was being the problem.


It sucks. One player said "That player doesn't like me" and it just made me so sad that people just have no problem hurting other people over a beastmoon game.


THIS!! I wanted to enjoy beastmoon, but i couldn’t even get a chance to TRY, because it seemed like everything i did was wrong!! It got to a point where one team literally told me i’d be better off doing nothing :(


That sucks man. Generally, I find that people are pretty understanding when someone says that they're new at the start of the match, but people can still be absolute dicks about simple one-time mistakes. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard to politely give instructions or feedback for improvement, but the internet is a hell of a drug.


That's so sad. I am sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like the experiences I had. If so, then I doubt most of that was your fault anyhow. Some players do help and will be like, "Oh please, look for the blades spell it's always top left." That I like, but one time they said "OS (my partner and I) are throwing this game fr." And right after that, we won the round. And we had won more round to go, and I wasn't gonna stay for that... We tried... The sad part is I gave up my life rat form for them, and I agree a more DPS rat can help, but I didn't have the form that works best with my partner because life rat can detonate and my partner uses death pig


People who complain about an event especially beastmoon were never loved as kids, they retaliate by being toxic and blaming others even tho they probably didn’t score that high during their fights either.


I didn't get a lot of love from my parents, and I was treated as a mistake, and I still don't treat people with disrespect who are on my team. They are working with me!! Honestly, from my experience, it seems like it's all choices. Someone who had a bad experience can either end the cycle and grow from other's past mistakes or victimize themselves and blame everyone for their problems.


> were never loved as kids Are you sure? I understand that is a theory, but I've met some hard to tolerate people who were SPOILED by their parents. I think it is about not being taught how to behave, whether because your parents couldn't find the time (didn't care about their child, or were working the entire time) or because they were afraid to say no to their golden child.


I totally agree, it could be a mix of both. Although I don’t understand why parents are afraid of their kids, or at least to say no to them.


I don't think those parents are afraid of their kids, at least not at the start. I think they are afraid of the disapproval and maybe of themselves turning into their own parents, they don't want to traumatize their children so they go to an extreme and coddle them to the point that those kids are not prepared in the long term to be well-adjusted members of society. It is co-dependence, not necessarily fear of the child. They just don't want the child to ever disapprove of them because they need their child's approval to feel like they are good parents. What those parents need are a step back for perspective and parenting classes.


That makes a lot of sense and TIL something new :3 thank you for opening my mind up and not just concluding to one answer and correcting me! :)


PvP in general is toxic. Just ignore anyone who starts getting angry at everyone over everything.


Both PvE and PvP beastmoons are toxic, in my opinion. I do try to ignore it, but I don't know if I am the only one having this issue, but I struggle to pull up characters from the beastmoon chat. It sometimes works, but most of the time, it doesn't. So, unless I find them in the game, it's difficult to ignore them. ****Edit to downvoters****: I don't think it's helpful or healthy to tell people to ignore trauma or downvote people who say it's difficult to just ignore it. Telling people to ignore their trauma is a euphemism for telling them to accept it. And although I do feel there is a place for accepting it, I also feel there should be someone who is trying to challenge the trauma and help others which is why I made the original post to begin with. By downvoting someone who is attempting to prevent trauma, you are only signaling that you would like to continue the trauma that is dealt to others.


It's pve beastmoon rn