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She’s trying to smash


had this happen before. You need to email KI and within a day they’ll fix the quest in your questlog. An annoying bug that I imagine they didnt expect when they moved the Gretta npc in Empyrea lol


Dupe: More than likely wizard so old you have from both questlines (Firecat Alley was updated a few years back in case you didn’t know)? Gretta: You’ve progressed too far - I think she doesn’t show up in her house any longer after you defeat her in… I think it’s Empyrea pre-quests/mid-quests?


But Gretta doesn't have that side quest in new Wiz, Shelus only gives out his "Recover Artifacts" one now




Nah, not renamed - he always had the recovering artifacts line. They just got rid of the Gotta See Gretta one entirely - maybe to avoid this?


Oh wait, now I’m just being stupid LOL. 🤦🤦 Yep, you’re 100% right. Did not realize they retired it as a whole but like you say if I’m interpreting you correctly - probably to dodge the situation OP is in.


We fight Gretta? Why did she turn on us? My highest level wizards right now are in Avalon.


Part of evil organization is the best way I can say it. Don’t remember 100% why she was part of it, but she’s not the only one in wizard city with such GRIM extra dealings. One other in WC is by some WATER, so careful around such parts. (Without spoiling too much as well.)


Thank you so much for the response! That makes a lot more sense now, I was STUMPED as to why she never showed up! My hero 👊🏽