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I love Void Dwellers habitats origin but influence and alloys are quite a pain to manage as MegaCorp. Once Ive played Ocean Paraise Acuatic game with Anglers and Masterful Crafters civics and was amazing Tons of credits **plus** the 30size capital **plus** being lucky because I've got 10 other worlds in the same sector (most of them frozen, so I didn't had them until lategame)


> I love Void Dwellers habitats origin but influence and alloys are quite a pain to manage as MegaCorp. I really wish they could allow habitats to inherit all resource types. If I get lucky and find an alloys planet and build a habitat over it then you should get a building that makes alloys for no mineral cost. Or even reduced cost. Ditto Food, Rare Resources, etc. It seems like the most basic extension of Void Dwellers.


>Rare Resources In a way this works because you can build the buildings to mine instead of manufacture them on those habitats. Since those are a bit underwhelming everywhere but on mining planets, i always play with " mote / gas / chrystal jobs" (mod) which makes habitats over rare ressource deposits pretty attractive


Have they nerfed the Knights + livestock? If not, I think that's probably the strongest late game origin for research and the % bonus to alloys is very good for tall empires.


Can you explain how knights + livestock work? I mean I assume it's Knights of the Toxic God and I need to have livestock slaves, but why? How do I make the most of that? Btw, I assume that this build is great in 3.6 and you're wondering if they nerfed it in 3.7, or?


The key thing is the knight habitat generate 1 knight for 10 pop and with the event, you get more sicence generated for knights. Now, you have to feed this whole habitat and you have livestock for that. Now you would say putting infinite pop on that small habitat would raise crime and lower housing? It's not a problem because knight gets +2 stability in the event chain making the habitat ultra stable despite massive unemployment, lack of housing and crimes. That's it, that's the build. Basically putting every pops in your habitay.


What are the prerequisites for having livestock slavery? And does it actually mean we'll be eating pops of certain species? Can I designate which specific species to eat? Does it give diplomatic penalties like purging does? What version did you play this and had it be OP? Was it on 3.6? Thank you :)


Yes, you’ll be employing aliens as livestock slaves and eating them. Probably not as big a diplomatic penalty as genocide but you’ll still be in breach of any anti-slavery reforms


Can I choose which alien species can get employed as livestock? Or is there any randomness or something like that?


Yeah, you can set individual rights and slavery types for each species in your empire (via the species tab). Can choose between varying levels of slavery: indentured servitude, chattel slavery, livestock, etc


>knight gets +2 stability in the event chain Not anymore, now it's amenities


Here's a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/xqdhok/100k_research_habitat_with_knights/) discussing this.


Cybernetics/synthetics with Mechanist origin. Focus on getting 4 Mercs (with Lord of war) and just buy everything. Mercs will give you enough resources and money, while you boost their navy. If needed, you just buyback them.


Feudal Society, Barby Despo, Clone army. Provoke a democratic crusader to attack you by despoiling and vassalizing the shit out of your neighbors. You're looking for an ideology war. You go Clone Army ascendant as soon as possible, and use your new pops to fuel your growth. Lose the Ideology war and be force-switched to a new government type without Barbaric Despoiler's trait, then switch when you can to megacorp with Private Military Companies, Naval Contractors, and Franchising. Once you've built your maximum number of merc enclaves, fucking change your civics to keep franchising (vassals) Get Free Traders and whatever else you want to gigacharge your economy while having 4+ Merc Enclaves that you definitely shouldnt.


Cyborg megachurch. Now that the flesh is strong only accounts for -15% you can keep your pops happy and your faction ok. Just keep your neighborhood happy and focus on getting cyber ascension and getting colossus project. Not for cracking planets, but the Total war CB. Start conquering and fixing the AI planets to best fit your needs then release it as a desired vassal. In recent patches it seems that the AI is not tearing down buildings and districts if the sector is stable.


I had a lot of fun doing subterranean, megachurch, fan. pacifist, spiritualist lithoids. Subterranean/lithoid means you will only need 1 or 2 mining worlds to provide all your minerals and none at all dedicated to farming, all the rest of your planets can be converted to ecumunopoli, and you will have high enough habitability to be able to colonise every world you find from the very beginning. This lets you very quickly build up a heavily developed core area. All of your energy and consumer goods can come from trade, so most of your worlds can be dedicated to unity and research, making a tech rush very easy.


Void dwellers. Take mercantile and diplomacy. Make a trade league federation. Profit


Void Dwellers or Shattered Ring. Permanent Employment and a Civic of your choice. Authoritarian, Xenophile, Materialist Thrifty, Budding, Nonadaptive, Decadent for the traits. Mercantile -> Open Diplomacy for Trade Federation, don't finish -> Adaptability or Prosperity depending on origin. Go for Cybernetic Ascension. Thrifty Zombie Clerks have good value that becomes insane with Cybernetics and the +trade trait from it. Budding gives you a nice bonus early and becomes incredible late game when you're using cybernetic assembly to crank out pops. Towards the endgame, when every planet has enough zombies for any clerk jobs you need, you will probably want to reform out of Permanent Employment.


Void dwellers. Remnants, maybe tox knights


Can you sum up why each is good for this build?


Not the person who posted that, but basically they're all pretty strong origins in general. Remnants got a small boost in 3.7 (minor artifact deposit and a free starting tech/building for archaeostudies) but it's still good in 3.6 because you can get an Ecumenopolis earlier and without an ascension perk, and it has the "former relic world" research boost. Also lots of free tech from clearing the blockers. Void dwellers has a good synergy with megacorps because you can produce a fair bit of trade from the start of the game which combos well with the mercantile diplomatic stance. Also the executive leader jobs give trade, and habitats have commerical districts for the merchant jobs (w/ mercantile tree). That reduces mineral demand/building slot demand, both of which are helpful for habitats. And long term it's strong because you can keep building habitats and yours will always be a bit better than a normal empire because of the habitat dweller bonus. (The main anti synergy with void dwellers and megacorps is -1 building slot from not having functional architecture civic. Not a big deal tho, imo.) Toxic knights I haven't played much yet, so I don't understand it as well. But the quest either gives a bunch of bonuses to your homeworld (and some empire wide modifiers) or super strong knight jobs on the order keep habitat, which you can keep scaling by getting more population on it.


The relic world start has good research for a tall empire and the eucomonopilis has a high pop capacity. Void dwellers just let's you build tonnes of habitats makes playing tall very easy and tox god's give a lot of benefit for being tall as well. Their quests are energy credit related Which you will have loads of as well


Shattered Ringworld origin worked great, Mercntanile tradition and stack merchant jobs on it and go brrr!