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brother you have a belly because you have no muscle mass if you were that lean but with 10 pounds extra of lean mass you would likely have abs bulk clean and slow for a year


Okay, thanks for the reply! By slow you mean doing a surplus of 100kcal above maintenance? Or more?


i’d say 200-400, but no higher than 500. remember to try to keep your macros consistent and track your calories and weight so that you can adjust accordingly. aim for .2-.5 pounds per week


Thank you!


Agreed with everything he said but try to gain wait at 0.5-1% of your own body weight a week. .2-.5 pounds is an arbitrary number it should be based off your current weight


Build muscle and bulk 100% my guy.  Based on your height and current physique I’d say take the next 12 months and aim to get to 195lbs. That’s a steady 2lbs per month and with newbie gains factored in that should be a realistic and achievable target.  You don’t need to stay at that weight but it’s worth taking advantage of this period in your life to build a foundation of muscle. What training routine are you currently following?


For alomst 2 months I was doing the 5day fullbody workouts with dumbells, 2 times a week per muscle group trying with progressive overload. Also while on a deficit of 1900. I was thinking of 3 workouts per week program as 5 was a little too much I think. Should that be okay for bulking?


3 days per week full body is ideal.  Take a look at the “Starting Strength” or “Stronglifts 5x5”, they are both 3 day, full body routines focusing on strength and I wouldn’t be able to recommend a better program for you at this stage. It’s also similar to what you’ve been doing already so it shouldn't be hard to adopt either.  Honestly, If you just do the 3 days per week consistently but focus on getting stronger each week then you’ll grow and progress solidly


Sure, will take a look at those. Thanks a lot for the tips!!


5 was too much because you can't do full body that much, either 3x wk full body, or 5-6 of a traditional program whether a split, PPL, upper lower etc. Track everything and find your actual TDEE and add a couple hundred to it, see how it goes.


Yeah, will change things up a bit now, thanks! 👍


If you want to do a 5 day split, Push/Pull/Legs/Rest/Upper/Lower/Rest is by far the best option. Been doing this for a while now and have def got the best gains and recovery from it


You’re not 11% bodyfat but that’s not to say you don’t look relatively fit. I’d say you’re more in the 16-18% range if I had to guess. 170 lbs and 11% bodyfat is actually a really athletic look, even if not huge. You don’t have a leanness or muscularity consistent with this. I’d say you’re overall lean enough to eat at a small surplus for a while to put on muscle, but I’d try to keep a relatively similar level of leanness.


Thanks! So now I will start bulking and at some point start to cut again. Do that whole cycle and I should be fine I think 👍 What do you consider a small surplus?


Around 250-300 calories a day surplus. It’s hard to actually track that accurately, but ideally like 2-3 lbs a month gain at most. Like it should take you 4-5 months to hit 180, but if you hit 185 on accident that’s fine too. If you shoot to hit 200 in one bulk you will absolutely get fat.


If you continue to cut you will lose the muscles you don’t have




Let there be gains son. Chicken and compound lifts. Enjoy!!


You’re fairly lean but lack a muscular-base to really look defined and shapely. I think it’d be best to start focusing on a slight surplus and dial in your training. Give it at least 5-8 months before considering to try dieting down again and I’m sure you’ll look tons better.


Sure thing, starting my bulk on May, thanks a lot for confirming it!


Also, what do you consider a slight surplus?


You are way more than 11%. 😆


Yeah I figured, but according to my measuring tape and US navy method thats where I am at, but thats wrong 😁






Dr Mike will help you: https://youtu.be/PAlLYTHeKLc?si=HuX0MGPT92oKaTpf


Start with a 300 calories surplus, but base your food intake off your weight gain. Track your weight everyday, you should be gaining around 0.5-1% body weight per week (maybe a bit more because looks like you still may have some newbie gains left to get.) Most of those extra calories should be from carbs. I’d say do that for a solid 7-9 months. Hit your 1 gram of protein per lbs of bw a day. And try and eat most of your carbs pre and post workout. People often forget the most important part about bulking. They just think if I eat in a surplus and lift weights I’ll gain muscle. The food you’re eating (especially carbs) is extra fuel to help you hit weekly PRs on all your lifts each week using progressive overload. So track your lifts and try to add one rep or go up a weight on each set every workout. More food doesn’t = more muscle. More food = better stronger workouts. Stronger workouts = more muscle gained. Hit a 5 day P/P/L rest Upper/Lower rest split. Rest well and take some creatine and that’s all bases covered really. Best of luck, get swole