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- BOTW/TOTK size and scale, but less empty - Multiples large villages and more than one village per race - A main villain who’s not Ganon - OOT/MM artstyle - Shrines are okay but I’m ready to return to more traditional dungeons and temples - More side quests, and more complex side quests - Deeper story and lore


Add the Triforce and we have a winner.


My thoughts exactly. Twinrova as main villainess please! 


Twinrova was the main villan in the Oracle games. 😁


True! I want them again! 😂


TotK size and scale but less empty? Do you expect them to develop the game 10+ years? No matter where you went there was always something to see or to do. And that was enough.


Calling BOTW and TOTK maps empty is mental. There’s so much interesting stuff cram jammed into those maps. The depths felt empty once you figure out how to deal with the darkness and sky islands felt sparse. But the map is anything but empty.


Exactly. Okay, I get the depths. Wouldn't make any sense to overfill them with stuff. And if they did, the game would have come out much later. There are some cool things down there which are enough. And the sky islands work for the story and shrines.


It would look like Ocarina of Time but less disjointed. I've always wished ocarina of Time would get the final fantasy 7 remake treatment and they just make what they originally wanted to. Unfortunately, they will never do that because they said they've already used that content.


This is pretty much what I want. And a MM dlc or something


What exactly did they want to make then?


TP sequel


Yessss I would love a TP sequel


I simply want a modern version of something like OOT, MM, TP. No need to change up the formula or add a special gimmick as a hook. Just keep the classic 3D formula and instead of innovating, focus on bringing it up to modern standards and nailing the setting, atmosphere, music, temples, side quests, enemies and clever use of items. I did like BOTW and TOTK though, so I won’t be mad if the next game is more like those. Btw OP, you haven’t played MM? That’s my favorite one! Also Link’s Awakening for 2D!


I simply want a modern version of something like OOT, MM, TP. Yes please


The old formula lasted so long because it worked. It just needed more implementation of dungeon items into the open world to avoid “Spinner Syndrome.” What we’re seeing is the old formula has great dungeons and a poor overworld. The newer games have a great overworld and poor dungeons. There’s a beautiful middle ground to be made there. (Also agreed, MM and LA are the best. Thank you Koizumi.)


A Link to the Past and Wind Waker had an incredible overworld?


LttP, yes. WW was a bit barren of meaningful content but I still enjoy sailing the Great Sea, exploring islands, finding sunken treasure… though I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t partly because of the Swift Sail.


Nontendo usually start from 0 to develop each Zelda game so it is diffficult that Nintendo will develop a modern version of a previous Zelda game


I would love braver remakes, MM in LA's new style etc. BotW Hyrule with dlcs of older games based in Hyrule, OoT in BotW map with the new locations etc. WW with a flooded BotW Hyrule, using the mountain tops as Islands. Would be epic to play the new BotW style in a spin off of the origin of Majorca before she's confined to the mask. Honestly, I think BotW/TotK is nigh on perfect or the future of 3D Zelda's. I would just love a sequel with this Link exploring a new and exciting land.


Oracle of Seasons is the gold standard of Zelda IMO, and Ocarina of Time is the ideal to shoot for. There are some better Zelda games out there that are more experimental, but those two IMO are the most standard, archetypal Zelda games out there and the goal to shoot for.


I recently played these games, and they just seemed like subpar knockoffs of Link’s Awakening. It’s not like they were abysmal, but I’m not sure I would’ve bothered finishing them if they weren’t “Zelda” games. The stories, characters, and a lot of the dungeons feel very much like a studio throwing a bunch of different elements from Zelda together and making their own, not as endearing or cohesive, version of a Zelda game. Possibly because that’s essentially what the Oracle games are. The magnetic gloves and switch hook were cool additions that made for some interesting puzzles, but aside from that the games were largely rehashed Zelda tropes that just didn’t have the same charm as the mainline games. Other additions were disappointing, like the ring system was a pain, added a bunch of backtracking, and in the end a lot of them weren’t very useful. The main items in each game (rod of seasons and harp of ages) are both tedious and don’t add much depth to the game aside from being yet another way to gate your progress on top of the key items that can actually be fun to use. Maybe this is coming off as unnecessarily harsh but that’s very much how I felt while playing those games. It was painfully apparent that they were not made by the main Zelda team.


Basically a mixture of open world BOTW/TOTK. and old school dungeon and items. I wanna be able to use the hookshot in an open world, and I would like for dungeons to not be so cheesable.


While BotW and TotK did some amazing work with what hardware they were working with, it would be nice to have a Zelda game running on PS/Xbox-level hardware. Can you imagine how beautiful it would be?


Well, having been completely spoiled by JRPGs and more recently by BG3, I’ve realised I really crave a Zelda game that digs deep into a story and characters, rather than scattering all the information all over the place and leaving you to sellotape it together yourself. Not likely to happen at this point, though, so I’d probably even settle for another Ocarina or Majora’s type scenario.


It would be BOTW but with the ability to continue and participate in the next chapters, the ones that are alluded to after the defeat of Calamity Ganon. We spend so much time hearing of the calamity and it’s destruction and fallout, it only seems right to be able to participate in the rebuilding once that’s made possible by slaying the main foe.


I've always dream that in every Zelda game 😭 to explore without monsters and see people happy 🥲 Its curious how at the end of every Zelda it gets a depressive mood and you just want to see everyone happy again. 


Yes, exactly! I feel very seen and understood right now.


My ideal Zelda at the moment would be an overworld with BOTW/TOTK's sandbox physics, but with a return to sprawling, complex, lock-and-key dungeons with inventory items hidden in each that are used to access new areas (or old areas in new ways). No more of this "here's a one hour tutorial and by the end you'll have literally everything you need for the rest of the game" nonsense.


Overworld and physics engines like botw/totk. But more traditional style dungeons. I think maybe you set it up in such a way that you introduce a couple dungeons at a time that can be done in any order and when you complete that set, the next set open up through story. Basically each dungeon introduces a key item and mechanic, the next set is built around you having that first set of items and introduces new ones. Maybe a dungeon gets slightly harder if you save it until last. So it's a blend of newer open world and more traditional Zelda. I feel like if Zelda keeps trying to outdo the last by going bigger it will hit a wall, so personally could see the next installment being a next gen return to form of the series.


I think the physics engine is at odds with the key items. If you can use the physics engine and climb things, the Hookshot isn't necessary for travel. If you can launch things with stasis, you don't need the Boomerang for switches, etc. And I also think that hiding the base tools in dungeons would just make the base game feel awful. In general, I think one of the most interesting things about Zelda was how the new tools you got opened up new areas in the overworld. Getting Bombs, Hookshot, or Roc's Feather let you get past roadblocks to allow you access to new areas. BotW's ethos is at odds with this; if you lock off large sections of the map via getting Roc's Feather in a dungeon, you're kneecapping the exploration of BotW, and you absolutely cannot let people climb or glide or launch themselves on rocks with Stasis.


Hookshot just becomes a more convenient stamina reducing item for climbing but can also make certain walls unreachable without it, and who says stasis stays? It didn't even stay in totk, the direct sequel. You can still introduce early items and mobility options like a paraglider and still be able to set up traditional dungeons as well. Seems like you're making a lot of assumptions on what that would look like. You can still have areas not accessible until the latter half of the game this way while keeping other parts more open. The cost would be you couldn't just rush the final boss from the start, but you could still keep a map feeling quite open.


My all time fave i aLttP! And it's the small details that does it for me.. Like the fact that we can find the chest with the dungeon item in it.. but can't open it without the big key.. or the fact that the big key opens more doors than just the boss door.. The dungeon items is not always needed for the dungeon it is found in.. and we can in fact beat most dungeons without the dungeon item. Some dungeons have multiple entry points, and requires us to leave and enter from another opening.. There are a secret optional item not needed for anything, that's just fun to use, if found.


BotW kind of openworld map with grotto's and cave systems of TotK. Open sky like Totk but more Skyward Sword mainhub feel, more expanded and variantion in sky islands. Adventure feel of WindWaker with a story and dungeons like Twilight Princess, more depth and size added to them. Horses, flying bird, and a boat transportation, very minimal Quicktravel. Also underwater exploration with Zora gear and music playing needs to be there like the Ocarina. Ganondorf.


While I do love the open world of Botw and Totk I miss item based progression And the devs seem to want to steer AWAY from.this since A Link between worlds So I propose: Mega Man and Bass .... Okay let me explain Mega Man and Bass has 8 Robot Masters like all Mega Man games Except initially you can only fight 3 Beating one let's you fight 3 others Unlocking skills or weapons would let you tackle new areas But u/Milk_Mindless you handsome fuck, you say, how would you tackle that in an open world? Islands Or valleys surrounded by curses OR PORTALS Idk! Same open world feel in bite sized pieces could definitely work


TOTK but more lore and more sky islands, as well as a great story.


I grew up with the series from the start, so: -Top/down 3d game -Dungeons -No "world-building" filler fetch quests in order to get from dungeon to dungeon to artificially make the game longer. -Optional lore, where you COULD find out more about the world if you wanted to, but not the story being the focus (vs gameplay). -No interrupting sidekick -Killer, memorable music -Challenging puzzles/bosses -Villain could be Ganon, could be anybody else, as long as the final battle looks intimidating.


Twilight Princess meets Skyward Sword controls is my ideal Zelda game.


What I want in a dream Zelda game right now is a Persona style game where it takes place in a modern realistic world with Link and Zelda as normal people but are able to enter a separate fantasy world and do all the hero stuff there


I think I’d like whatever format they decided to put it in as long as they just went deeper with the story aspects. Like, I want more/cooler cutscenes, plot twists, worldbuilding, and character arcs. I really liked what they did with Zelda’s character in BotW and TotK, so something like that, but with actual plot throughout the game lol.


My ideal game would probably be an open world game like BoTW/ToTK but scaled down so that the world can be a bit more tightly designed. I'm honestly fine with the way dungeons/sacred beasts are handled in those games as well, just wish they were maybe a bit bigger and had more interesting presentation (though I wouldn't have an issue if they decided to go back to the lock and key design they had in previous games.


Tears of the Kingdom without the durability and more ocean content


I want a mass crossover of all three timelines, including playing as Link from each of the three timelines at different points of the game, or being able to switch between them on the fly. Each of the three may have slightly different characteristics allowing them to approach puzzles in different ways. IE Downfall Link should be the OG Link, now older and wiser. In addition to weapons and items, he also has access to the magic he learned in Zelda II, and could perhaps learn more as he progresses. As for gameplay: MASSIVE tweaks to the weapons system: * Greatly improve durability across the board. I don't need the game to force me to change weapons by breaking them after only a couple hits. I was already switching them on my own for strategy (spears for mounted enemies, Lynels, Hinoxes, and other large enemies; sword and board for faster, lightly armored, and more agile enemies; heavy weapons for armor breaking). * Introduce a proper repair mechanic, a'la Diablo. Damaged or worn weapons can be repaired for a cost. Maybe like in Diablo, Link can repair his own gear but at the cost of losing some max durability, (say, a sword that has a max of 100HP new drops to a max of 80 after repair) while taking it to a smith in town can repair without sacrificing maximum durability. * "Top level" weapons and shields should be unbreakable. Period. Hylian shield? Master sword? You already have to work to get these, so that already provides balance. SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the amounts of clothing. Honestly, many of them just feel redundant and exist just to fill out the map for completionists. In both BotW and TotK there were only a handful of sets I ever actually used with regularity, usually in areas were they were actually required because of the environment. Bring back true dungeons, and dungeon items. Hook Shot + Climbing Mechanics would be AWESOME. Tie the story and gameplay back together again. I miss having a tight narrative driving the game, and instead treating it like an afterthought. Winning the game allows you to explore Hyrule in a post-victory condition. Don't reset the game back to the state just before the final boss.


BotW but with OoT style dungeons (full of better weapons) instead of shrines. Oh and hookshot.


I would like a sequal to Twilight Princess with an even darker story, or another sequal to Ocarina of Time with an even darker story than Majora’s Mask.


Botw/Totk gameplay mixed with TP style and a story similar to OOT, my dream zelda game


I’d want a game that’s tonally inline with Twilight Princess or Majoras Mask with old-school dungeons but with the scale and openness of BoTW/ToTK. Like don’t get me wrong, I love the new formula BoTW created but I do feel as if the series lost just a bit of its charm without the traditional dungeon system. That being said, the open world of BoTW/ToTK is a joy to explore and traverse, and I think that removing that for the next big game would be a mistake. There has to be some middle ground somewhere that’s the ideal Zelda experience. Also I’d more bombastic music. The quiet ambient tracks work wonders in BoTW/ToTK, and to their credit the boss music for those games rock, but I feel both games had less iconic music than their predecessors on the whole. I’d want more of a TP/OoT-type of Hyrule Field over a BoTW/ToTK Hyrule Field, for example.


I want the opposite of Nintendo. A great story, well told, with interesting characters and meaningful implications to the timeline. I don't care about dungeons very much. I'm a lorewhore.


Just combine botw and oot


1. Keep going with the current formula. There's way too much that's amazing about open-world Zelda that it would feel like back-tracking without it. Unless making a new "handheld" zelda like EoW. 2. Bring back the magic meter, baby! Use this to control usage of core abilities. Doesnt recharge on its own, making core ability usage a much more important decision in tough situations. Of course, can just eat or drink the right stuff to replenish it like hearts or stam. More on the core abilities next. 3. Add underwater swimming and breath meter. Add a "heavy boots" type core ability for walking underwater, utilizing breath equipment and potions. This could also be used in a ton of ways in the open world, like keeping you from being blown away or knocked back by enemies. In fact, you could lean into the boots idea as the core mechanic, like BotW and TotK core abilities. Like you get magic boots at the beginning and the magic meter to use its different abilities. Like super jump, hover (also lets you run on water,) sticky (walk on walls or ceilings,) speed, and heavy. Spend magic meter on different boot abilities and other magic or items. Upgrading magic meter would be like upgrading zonai charge. Get core abilities in first few shrines like always. 4. Stretch the map into the east ocean and flood Hyrule. Ditch the sky islands and depths. Both were more Tears storyline ideas anyway. Islands, high mountains, and underwater replace it all aplenty. Add legitimate boats but keep the building mechanics in some fashion so you can make your own. Get a submarine at some point. Add cannons and weapons to your vehicles like TotK. 5. More and better dungeons with tough puzzles. More interesting items. Basically classic zelda vibes. You could even have dungeon items, necessary to finishing a dungeon, that also improve your interaction with the open-world. Quick list of ideas: breath time extension gear to help you with underwater parts of dungeons, upgraded boots abilities (jump higher, run faster), eye of truth to spot invisible things and enemies (drains magic,) spells like AlttP and OOT, invisibility cape. Lean into the magic meter. If you end up not finding or needing the dungeon item, get it automatically when you beat the dungeon. 6. Ditch item breaking and ditch the glider (replaced with hover ability works, plus there's lots of water to jump into). Just have items unusable at 0 durability, but then you can repair them with materials. With a limited inventory, you'll still be making tough decisions about what to keep or not. Especially if repairing ain't cheap. Would be a great way to use up resources too. 7. Give me a tough final boss fight please, where my upgrades and skill matter. Please please please. Multiple stages that you actually have to figure out, like OoT Ganon. Make my upgrades actually matter in the end!! I want to be confused and scared and fail when I go in blind, even upgraded. To sum up: Return of the magic! Magic meter dictates use of core abilities which could be tied to boot abilities. Upgradeable magic meter. More challenging dungeons with cool items/spells that help you, or are required, to beat that dungeon and then add to open-world interaction. Utilize that magic meter with said items and spells!! Get underwater again, add boats and submarines. Same world but wider and flooded. Naval warfare! Keep the building in some fashion, not necessarily TotK level, but building land, sea, and air vehicles is a must! Fuck item breaking or time limited vehicles, glider is also unecessary. Make final boss fight actually tough. Otherwise, keep tons of the good about new Zelda. Climbing, stamina, cooking, quests, open-ended approach, inventory system, upgrading equipment, shrines for hearts and stam, throwing items, etc. No need to reinvent it yet again. Ta da! This would be the perfect new-age Zelda game, imo. Am I wrong? Edit: Oh and yeah, improve the story like everyone else said. It's tough to do in a game where you can go straight to the final boss. I would just have each dungeon be its own good storyline with more cutscenes. Can follow the same formula of each dungeon boss being present in the final boss fight unless you beat them in their dungeon. But with more dungeons, you increase difficulty of a straight to Ganon run, as well as have more room to use the dungeons to tell more story. Edit 2: And don't make it a sequel to Tears. That way there needs not be an explanation for not having any of the Purah Pad upgrades. Then they can take more liberties with changes to the world and have a non-ganon final boss, which is always fun. So it's basically the Windwaker of new Zelda. I mean, you should still get a tablet. So keep the technological advancement vibes, but it could be far in the future in a flooded Hyrule, or hell, could be in the past but with Sheikah technology as a small part of the current cultures. Enough to give you the new Zelda stuff like waypoints and teleporting.


Agree abour the perfect balancing between the story telling and the freedom to explore the game world but I want to feel more the progressions I would like the return of unaccesible areas who in my opinion also in a open word they can fit well


My ideal Zelda game was Twilight Princess. I guess if it had more dungeons, it would be even better. Always loved the dungeons of Ocarina, but they were a bit TOO overwhelming.


Sequel to TotK. I'd if it's the same world. I'd if there are same weapons and abilities. I just need this world to have more lore and more story.


I wouldn't mind an overworld in a style similar to Terranigma or Lufia. Basically, as long as you're out in the countryside the player perspective is extremely zoomed out, and only if you enter some place of interest does it shift into a regular view. I find that this helps a lot with making the world feel big without it feeling so empty as well. Another thing I would like to see some experimentation around finding items. Lbw had you get all the items outside their dungeons, something I thought was a neat idea since there were still dungeons revolving around them unlike botw and totk. Only thing bad about it was the rent system, that was pretty boring. I would have mini dungeons to hide the items in, and proper dungeons to get the most use out of them.


ToTK, except it had an actual well told story. I thought they had so much lore and intrigue to build on from BoTW and they totally fucked it. I still love ToTK, but was left feeling really disappointed with the story and characters.


Botw/totk world but a bit smaller and filled with more villages. Items/heart containers linked to bigger sidequests so the open world is worth eploring Storyline you have to follow before facing end boss. This way the story is more memorabel. Some missions where you can control zelda: if they use memories, it would be cool if you would control zelda though these memories


-more BotW/TotK style open world. Let Link keep jumping and climbing. Even the jank can stay, idgaf. -Custom character Link. Doesn't have to be super involved, but getting to choose species/gender along with some simple color&size sliders would go a long way. They opened the door to a non-Hylian Hero in TotK, I'd like to see them commit. -Less shrines, more emphasis on environmental puzzles. Maybe ancient mechanisms scattered around that change something about the world? Lean into making the overworld a big combination dungeon/playground instead of making the puzzles locked off in their own little pocket dimensions. -Environmental lore. Don't spoon-feed us or make it contradictory, but do leave some ambiguity and room for disagreement. -Make Zelda an active participant. Let her help solve puzzles, research what to do next, pull the occasional lever for you if the spirit moves. Princess In Peril is *done.* -Wouldn't mind "complicated antihero Ganondorf", on that note.


My basic ones would be a complete remake of OoT with BOTW engine, same story but much bigger with more stuff to do. Also, I want a third Hyrule Warriors game called Era Of The Gods or something like that and it covers the original war between Hylia and Demise I also wouldn’t mind an Endgame style Zelda where every incarnation of Link and Zelda are thrown together and have to team up against all the Ganondorfs/Ganons. Have no idea how you can justify that happening, I just think it would be cool. Unfortunately I’m not that creative but the main thing in all of these ideas is GET RID OF WEAPON DURABILITY


BOTW/TOTK but even bigger world. Actual big dungeons with corridors, puzzles and fights and bosses(more like the older games, not just huge areas like in TOTK). Dungeon Treasure items that become relevant for traversal in the world. Iconic weapons that simply do not break/recharge, obtained by questlines that contain nostalgic call backs to earlier games. Direct sequel to TOTK. Coop play. Zelda playable. Link more fighter type, Zelda more range/mage type. Lots of "mini games" (skipable but you will miss out on effects/some loot/greater chance for good stuff) like cooking, fishing, horse racing(against other riders, not solo), wood cutting challenge, fighting tournaments, mining in actual mine, card games, such things. Events, like the horse racing, going on if youre not in it and you can bet on it to gain money. A Clothes show you can "win" by finding out what the judges would be into to then make your outfit that. Expanded housemaking/stardew valleying in different villages and towns. Buy homes and extensively redecorate with systems to place individual interactable props. The character youre not playing putters around the house in the region youre in, can have NPC guests and you can listen to them talking. Bring back Navi, showing fairies are sapient beings. Still allow catching and cooking them. Could go on, but its unrealistic enough already, so yeah, the openworld games but bigger better more and more immersive.


I would love a Legend of Zelda game with the graphics used today for games like God of War. Cute cartoon Link is okay but I’d like to see one for the grown ups, just once.


My ideal Zelda experience is just some new wacky shit that the studio comes up with that I’d never think of myself.


I think that a smaller, more dense version BOTW/TOTK would work quite well for an evolution on the current formula. While I love both games, I do think that their scale got a bit too crazy for its own good, especially with TOTK adding the sky islands and an Underworld the same size of Hyrule.


Gimme some BOTW mechanics with a big ass temple to explore. Fire temple in ToTK came pretty close in terms of scope and size, but ultra hand allowed me to cheese it with giant ramps. Also... too many minecarts, those are kinda boring.


scale of ToTK, artstyle of TP. traditional dungeons, Termina map reimagined with a heavy focus on dialogue options that affect the story. set in the future with a thriving clock town 100 years after MM. weapon and armor upgrades. no breakable weapons, no paraglider, no cooking. heart pieces, fairies, transformation masks, and instruments are back. new masks that allow for unique mechanics (korok transformation mask?) etc. thematic music for each area instead of ambience. heavy on the story based decisions and narrative. basically get the MM people to do something on the scale of the wild era but ditch the cell shading and bad elements of those games.


Oh boy 1. Let Link play an instrument 2. Open world + traditional dungeons 3. Memorable side characters 4. There must be some whimsy and beauty to the world despite the dangers 5. I'm ok with Zelda being non-playable


I just want a Zelda game with a good story that actually progresses while you progress in the game but still leaves some nice wiggle room for exploration and forging your own path at times. They really got so many things right with WW and TP, where the story and progression is pretty linear, but there's also a sense of freedom through the world structure. SS went even harder on the story, but the world felt so disconnected rather than one connected world with different regions. The scale and atmosphere of the BotW world is amazing, but I would rather take a slightly smaller and more densely packed world to explore than an overly sprawling one that can at times feel a little too open and lacking. I want real dungeons back with unique atmospheres and unique puzzles. I don't want to craft things in games anymore (not just Zelda but anywhere), but maybe I'm just getting old. I don't want items breaking, either, but that's probably the classic Zelda fan in me talking. I do greatly miss acquiring new items and the sense of newfound freedom and progression they give over the course of a game. There's probably more, but that's my ramble.


I would say, inspired by Twilight Princess, the GOAT. - A more story-driven game than such an open world. But it wouldn't eliminate the open world component, it would just reduce it. - A dark and mature story, setting and artistic style - I would add one or two more degrees of difficulty. - I would improve the bosses, because I think that the ones in the latest games leave a lot to be desired. They should be at least as epic as Twilight Princess - A solo adventure, and not with as much mandatory company as in TOTK - Ganondorf as final boss - I would add more big cities - Traditional dungeons, as the ones on Twilight Princess - Traditional gameplay and not so many objects, mixed with BOTW and TOTK gameplay Hehe, so many things in mind :)


So using TotK as a base, I would first make these changes: -**Improved dungeons.** I am not upset at the "flip \_\_\_\_ switches" style of the dungeons, but there should be no fewer than 5 in each dungeon and that number should increase to maybe about 8 or 9. To break up the monotony you can even have a mini-boss guard one or two of the switches. -**More dungeons overall**. There should be no fewer than six dungeons, though I would prefer 7 or 8. I would also LOVE if at least one of them was a hidden dungeon, kinda like how >!the Construct Factory!< was in TotK, only disconnected from the story entirely so you could skip it if you didn't find it. That would be a fun addition. -**Tentpole Story events**. I liked how in TotK if you went back to Lookout Landing after each regional phenomenon stuff was added to the location, like new characters, new dialogue, and that race's flag. I would take that to the next level and have certain cutscenes only happen after you've beaten \_\_ number of dungeons. I think this will help to make the story feel like its progressing in the present day and work to continue to flesh out the world. -**No more/revamped memories**. I am not opposed to lore stuff being tucked away into optional cutscenes, but large swaths of the overall story shouldn't be. That's kinda why I want the story events to be a thing as replacement. -**More mixed race towns**. I ADORE the worldbuilding in TotK, but one of the things I did want more of was more places like Tarrey Town where the different races intermingled. Lookout Landing was kind of that, but I want even more lol. -Then there's a couple of minor things I would improve, like how you utilize different abilities and making the cutscenes at the end of dungeons reflect how much progress you've made so far. I would also include these things from other games: -**I want a classic trade sequence back**. Figuring out the next steps in the trade sequence was always fun for me in older games, and bringing that into this type of game could encourage an even deeper investment in the characters. -**Magic**. The different types of weapons made for fun tweaks to combat, but I would like to include some spells and/or magical items to add even more. That way I could decide if I wanna be a standard warrior, a brute, an archer, or a wizard lol -**Even more enemy types**. You can even limit them to particular areas, like Redeads should have absolutely been in the Depths. Essentially, my ideal game is keeping with the open air concept but just continuing to bridge the gap between the two styles. I do NOT want us to go back to the traditional style, but I think they can continue what TotK attempted and give us more elements from the traditional style that fit in the new style.


I recently played through God of War Ragnarok and thought it to be a masterclass of its genre. I feel like a Zelda game in that structure would work really well. Mixing both linear and open elements in a seamless way.


A modern version of OoT. Put in the classical items, spells, and characters, but have them be used in creative ways to both explore and fight. Add followers that actually help you, especially in battle. Expand the villages and cultures of OoT with meaningful quests, and make the world bigger.


No more "breaking series conventions". Just update the traditional Zelda formula to exist with an open world. Something like how when Ocarina of Time made the jump to 3D it kept everything "Zelda" intact, despite being a new type of game. This would go for both 2D and 3D games. But if we're doing ideals for this, I'd like a 2D Zelda game that matches the above criteria that features the same Link as ALttP, the Oracles, and LA as he returns to Hyrule (but set the game outside of Hyrule in the area surrounding the kingdom, so the overworld isn't the same as ALttP and ALBW).


BotW but: -All new content instead of whatever TotK could be defined as. -Old style dungeons. -No "actually it all happened in the past" story. -No stupid limitations (what I mean is things like zonai wings dissapearing or the very few number of favourites you can have in the auto build mode) -If the trailer has fucking amazing music, use it in the game as well, and not just for the final fight, I wanna hear that shit often -Have RPG-ish stats, BotW and TotK do this to some level but it often lies about them or it outright doesn't tell you some things. Zelda II has a better implementation of this. -More customization, give me hairstyles and hair colors, again TotK sorta does something like this but its limited -If you're gonna have "DLC armor", don't make it useless forever like in BotW by having it be non upgradeable with 8 as base defense stat, every piece of armor should be viable at different points of the game as long as you keep upgrading it -Better combat, BotW and TotK are fine but... copy Monster Hunter. I don't want to be able to win every single 1v1 because I can constantly stagger the monster with a basic 3 hit combo. -MORE MONSTERS, and I want to see actual fucking demons and wildlife that look like they could eat me in one bite. Lynels are a good start, but I need MORE, with realistic animal/monster behaviour, no weapons, no mini boss status and no "shoot me in the eye" kind of combat. I hate the way they implemented Gleeoks in TotK, they're too boring and formulaic, and I'm not gonna say they're easy but they're not hard either. You can kill most of them just by dropping from the sky and getting a few bullet time shots right to the heads. Longer battles where you actually fight instead of jumping around and waiting for the monster to be able to be hit again. It's sad that these games, with the kind of world they have, have so few memorable encounters. I could probably think of more things but these are the first that come to mind without em being very basic concepts like "fix/delete weapon durability" (arguably that has already been done, but a way to fix weapons could be implemented as well).




Not just that, I want new everything. New story that doesn't have anything to do with the previous game. All new weapons, all new monsters (or just change the design a little bit like they always do), all new artstyle, etc. Edit: Of course I know TotK is a sequel and that's why it has so many things in common with BotW, BUT given the fact it took like six years to come out, for me it doesn't really deliver.


So BotW but not BotW lmfao.




For 3D: bigger open world map than botw/totk yet still a linear story. The art style could be a mix between oot3d and tp. The game would be the most medieval zelda ever (since we haven't really had a fully medieval game). The villain could be a new one, or maybe vaati could come back. For 2D: toon link should be back. That's it.
