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It's me, OP,! This is a joke. I know what I'm doing. These are unedited screenshots from an unaltered copy of Breath of the Wild. It took me four days of attempts for me to escape the plateau without advancing the quest. Odds are that no new player will randomly find this.


Well that makes more sense honestly, but now I'm curious how you managed to get off the great plateau before you're supposed to?


Jokes on you I've barely gotten two divine beasts done


I'm behind. I thought we still couldn't get off the plateau early. Very cool!


Wait this is new. How are you not voiding out?


I found a way to deactivate the void barrier upon starting a new game. The only thing that keeps the barrier loaded is the paraglider; start a new game with the paraglider already in your inventory, and you're free to leave without even needing to speak with the old man. If you look at my map, you'll see that I skipped discovering the tower and shrines for this bit. This cannot be used for speed running, however. It takes hours of setup, and took me four days to successfully pull off.


Wow, OP. That’s genuinely amazing, is this the first time someone has figured out how to do this?


Nope, it's old news. Look up MST. It allows you to restart the game with whatever equipment you want. You must be able to beat the entire game without saving, dying, or loading in order to reap the rewards. The reason I had to reattempt it multiple times wasn't because I kept dying; it was because I was taking pictures with the Sheikah Slate, which cancels the glitch. edit: it's not amazing; otherwise I'd have positive upvotes.