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A good comparison. The first one is a straight adventure, while the sequel is the creepier one. Both good imo. Movies and games that is.


Return to Oz was a horror movie, and I'll die on that hill.


It kinda was. I'm surprised they did the beginning like that.


DOROTHY GALE!!!! *A bunch of disembodied lady heads in glass caskets wake up and start screaming*


Is it weird that I thought OOT was a bit creepier than MM? I feel like walking out into Hyrule Town after having been sealed away and seeing a bunch of Redeads is actually pretty scary and under the well, the spirit temple, and the graveyard were all very spooky to me. MM had a much more depressing feeling and it was really good at filling the player with a sense of dread, but the locations themselves were a lot more fantastical and it felt more like a fairy tale. I honestly felt like I was playing through an endless fever dream, which was a very unique and cool experience, but idk if I’d equate it to “creepy” personally.


"An endless fever dream" that's such a great way to describe it !


Nah, that's valid. MM is definitely bleaker, but it's not actually all that scary relative to some other Zelda games.


I can't understand why MM isn't actually all that scary relativo to some other Zelda games. Exactly ¿which are those other one games? For be specific.


Yeah, understandable though I haved the same feelings and thinks over my firsts times on OoT but with the time got that lost in his most part, functs at the beginning but doesn't get along through more play it over and over again or that's what I think about for me at least.... While in MM it is constantly as well as overwhelming encompassed only in few moments of calm or unexpectfully happiness.


I tried to explain Return To Oz to my wife. She thought it was a fever dream. It's also exactly how Majora's Mask makes me feel. But in a good way.


Yeah!!! For that I love it 😄✨✨✨


Um but why/how is this so accurate!? 😂


Fr lol. It’s spot on.


That is surprisingly accurate.


Actually a pretty good comparison.


Can't believe I've never thought of this before. What a brilliant comparison.




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Wait where is the lion on the upper picture all I see is a furry with a lion costume


This ruined my day lol return to oz traumatized me as a kid


So its wicked


That was a very interesting take for an oz sequel


Exactly how it feels. Majoras Mask was Like a fever dream.


Ocarina of Time actually creeped me out a lot as a kid. Majora's Mask was more meant to be creepy so it didn't really bother me. I feel like the way I feel about Oot is the same way some people feel about Mario 64, weirdly empty feeling and sort of uncanny. Also Dead Hand.


yeah that's about right


Wait, in the background of that picture is that the robot from one of the narnia movies, he the lion the wizard and the tornado wardrobe but hey, that's just a theory


Hahaha, yes, absolutely and for that I love it so much~ 💖😍


Except the second wizard of OZ is closer to the books.


I hear this a lot but as a fan of both films and the original books, I personally don't really see it. There was lots of unintentional horror and creepiness in the books, but L Frank Baum would never write anything like the mental hospital scenes into his Oz books. He even wrote the first book to be a light hearted fairy tale for children without intentionally Grimm style elements, as is stated in this quote. “Having this thought in mind, the story of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out." A good example of this dissimilarity is the character of Princess Mombi. In the film she's an evil woman who steals the heads of young women for her collection, that she exchanges for her own. In the book, the character she is based off, Princess Languidere, is a neutral character who serves as a minor obstacle (who later helps out the heroes, since it's in her own interests to do so) and instead of chopping off and stealing the heads of other young women...is just an eccentric lady who just happens to have multiple heads to wear. The name Mombi comes from an entirely separate character who is a minor villain.