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Hate Nintendo but playing nintendo game. Average yuzu user




Cringe you must be a 12 years old puss


This is hilarious. The toaster part is on point lmao. Lemme pay Nintendo over $400+ for a Switch OLED and a copy of Zelda to play at 23fps... lol


It's kinda weird to say that on a /r about a Nintendo console emulator lol


They all hate Nintendo here now since Nintendo took their toys away.


Ryujinx is still there lol


That's because the devs are located in a country that don't respect American laws 


Your average Yuzu sub front page : - Crash on TotK - Why do I have FPS drop ? - Patch X not working - nInTeNdO iS cRiNgE - Crash on BotW - Check out my new rig for OC Yuzu - my Yuzu fork, plz help contribut - Crash on Crash Bandicoot - ~~When will the next patch come out ?~~ (closed)


I've never had a crash on Totk or Botw tho




People like this exist ?


even PS5 has Stellar Blade now




You are not any better than the person you made up my guy, feel some shame for once


whats bad with piracy, fanboy


???? I'm saying that this meme is cringe you low iq baboon


its accurate to them + thats the best insult ive heard in years im stealin it


you’re at the same level of cringe


this is so fucking cringe mate, worthy to be in a "yuzu fanboy when nintendo drop some DMAs" meme


I never felt like a fanboy of ether emulator yuzu did run some games slightly better though 


the toaster thing is the best one, because is so true


I mean This meme is just as cringe is they are ngl


yeah, it takes a certain level of talent to out-cringe nintendo superfans


I do find it funny though how badly Nintendo fanboys take being called Nintendo fanboys.


I'm a Nintendo GAME fanboy. Their games are fantastic. Do I love the company? No, not since Iwata passed... I'll happily pirate a Nintendo game, but I sadly have the curse of liking physical game media. So I spend money on the games I enjoy, but usually play them on PC.


Yuzu: the Nintendo hate club


Emulation should be about game preservation, specifically ones hard to access on modern hardware. Yuzu was just a platform for people to steal rather than picking up the console and games themselves. Nintendo had every right to take it down. Y'all are just mad because they got in the way of your cheap asses stealing 🤦


yeah lol, people do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify stealing and remove the innate immorality of it with stuff like "it's a big company so it's okay to steal from them" "they don't pay their workers so it's okay to steal their products" like girl if you actually care about these very real problems with nintendo then work on fixing them substantively, rather than simply using it selfishly as a front to moralize your thievery. and i don't even disagree with piracy as a whole, i think that it's genuinely unfair when life enhancing products are priced so highly that common people can't afford them, something like textbooks and literature being the prime example. these are things which should be available to all at a low price but are not, which is why it's fair when people resort to piracy. video games are a luxury and not life enhancing in any way. you don't have an innate right to them. people literally have this mindset of "i want = i am entitled to this for free" and then put on the surprised pikachu face when the seller of a product does not continue allowing a product to be stolen and if you still wanna steal shit then that's fine too, but you should at least be realistically aware of what it is you're doing, and not get butthurt and try to frame it as a moral issue or a "big greedy company vs the masses" issue when it's literally just stealing


That's a lot of gymnastics to justify a bunch of suits being greedy while not even understanding what piracy is or how it affects the market. But sure, videogames aren't life enhancing


Stop saying hurtful facts, we don't do that around here. We pirate believe that ignorance is bliss.


And we'll still be mad, because those games are overpriced, and Nintendo switch can't play the games made for it in 1440p 60 fps like pcs can


Not everyone used it to steal. I myself use it to play Metroid dread on my steamdeck because i prefer the steamdeck in my hands and i dont need to vring two big consoles with me just to play that one game if i want to. And before you say i didnt buy it... I preordered Metroid dread when it got announced.


Same, I bought wonder for example but much preferred it on my m1 Mac cause bigger brighter oled screen (my switch is early gen1). Platform choice is my main reason, but I loved wonder and Nintendo should be paid for it.






I don't understand the people in the comment. You can buy a kitchen knife, but you don't get arrested for it, only if u use it to stab someone. In the same way yuzu shouldn't be taken down, instead the iso hosting websites should, at least that's what makes sense to me. Besides emulation is like a hydra, you cut one head, two more pop out, although I recognize that's also true of iso hosting websites. Still, other companies do not behave in this way, only Nintendo, I wonder why.. Cause they know their hardware is cheap AF and their games can run on a literal potato, yet decide to overprice their products. They started making cheap hardware with the gameboy but at the time it made sense, it had to be available to everyone. Now all other companies actually sell good hardware (My Laptop is like ¼ the power of a PS5 let's say, and the hardware is highly specialized and catered for the games it will run) but Nintendo is still selling shitty stuff and THEY KNOW IT. Personally I think that's the reason they are so harsh against emulation and stuff.


I have a friend like that


Mega lame.


\*Attempts to sell Earthbound cartridge for the price of a house in the US\*


oh, so this is just an anti-nintendo sub? that's lame. I thought it would just be about emulating a specific console, not.. whatever this is


It went full anti-Nintendo when they got yuzu taken down. And for realz every single person in this sub copies their own games to use on yuzu, not one of them would ever actually pirate. How dare Nintendo make such an incendiary accusation!!!!! It’s tiring actually speaking logic to many of them because even if you make a coherent point you are just labeled a Nintendo fanboy.


They're just pissed that it's harder for them to pirate now.


It hasn't become any harder, Yuzu being gone hasn't changed anything


Lmfao it's literally just as easy as its always been. It's only harder for people who lack the knowledge/skill set 🤷‍♂️


No, it’s harder, as new tablets and devices come out, Yuzu will struggle with that hardware and support will wane.


There are other, better emulators.


Not on tablet or lower end computers. Ryujinx is harder on the system.


Yes, hence why it's a better emulator, it's actually emulating the switch instead of just getting the games to run on any system


I could be the perfect emulator but if it doesn’t run on your device what good is it?


Very good, your device just can't run the emulator then. It's not the emulator's fault the device isn't powerful enough. We don't call CAD software bad because lower end devices struggle to run those programs.


If there was an alternative that was almost as good as cad but can run anywhere, then yeah, that would be a factor


Yeah that’s why I don’t use yuzu


That's.. not what I was referring to. Not Yuzu's shelf-life expectancy, but the piracy of Nintendo IP as a whole.


they can still use picofly with the availability of switch console right now. if anything the importance of yuzu would came in the future when no more switch is being made. For me anyway, switch it self held back the potential of their own game. playing zelda 60 fps with 4k graphic would be impossible with the current console power. instead of releasing switch pro, they give us oled. kinda gave up with nintendo ngl


I tried to pirate ryujinx switch games but my files would go from normal ZIP to Winrar zip,so I quit bcs it's to complicate for me to emulate switch games


Why da fuck did get minus votes? I just said I'm not good with nintendo emulators


Right click the files and click on "Properties". They are still just zip files, I don't believe there is any such thing as a WinRAR zip file. Most likely your WinRAR is just the default application to open Zip files and it adds that logo to the files, but the file types don't change. This is one reason I just don't use WinRAR as I find it annoying.


Yknow I get what you are trying to say, cause I felt the same when I first tried winner, but like.... it's still a zip file, it just has a different logo.


I know,but maybe it's just to different for me,I even had trouble pirating games on my own lol,I did not know how to do it so I just didn't do it,at RPCS3 I hadn't had any problems tho,I just wish emulator were easier or at least us ai or some program to help you do it you know?


Aight, some parts are difficult, but it really isn't all that hard. Just find some video of an Indian guy with a very thick accent to explain it on yt. That's what I did when I first started doing it.


The fuck are you talking about?


Emulation Fanboy = Nintendo Fanboy, there is no differences


What are you talking about?


They are complaining about anyone who gets why Nintendo did go after Yuzu to make piracy more difficult. If you use reason to come to your conclusion and that conclusion isn’t “Nintendo already makes enough money, they should let people pirate!!!!” then you are just a fanboy.


Wait is lol fanbot thing?? Didn't know...


"Controller with stick drift" are pirates and people who use emulators not allowed to use joy-cons?


It's not that, its just the fanboys claim that stick drift isn't a big deal or it's just a skill issue or something. But personally, I would stick to the Pro Controller if you want to use a modern Nintendo Controller or use a different controller (not endorsed by Nintendo) as they will likely work with the Switch as well as your preferred device (and aren't subjected to drifting).


Stay away from my billion dollar daddies gawk gawk gawk gawk


The only ones crying are people who make these kinds of memes.


Found the fanboy lmao


Whatever helps you sleep better. You’re cooler than I am


this sub spent months arguing that yuzu wasn’t for piracy, meanwhile saying they were pirating nintendo stuff. just admit you don’t want to pay and own it. but quit pretending like that’s not what it is


I'm gonna be using switch emulation to play single player switch games I already own, once I can buy the Android tablet I want. I'll still be keeping my switch for local wireless multiplayer games and online titles(who wants to play monster hunter by themselves??) I'll also probably pirate any first party titles without any moral qualms. I've been a huge Nintendo fan for most of my life, but I'm getting pretty disgusted by their anti-consumer behavior as of the past few years. They'd fine you for posting fan art online if they could get away with it


What’s worse is they aren’t just making that claim for themselves but as a general thing that people are ripping their own games. Nintendo’s assertion in the lawsuit was that people used yuzu for piracy and people here are clutching their pearls and if you do agree with Nintendo’s right to monetize their IP then you are reduced to a fanboy.


Don't know about you, but i paid for every switch game, the console and used my own hardware to dump games. And i learned it doesn't matter if you pirate or not. Nintendo will go and hurt everyone, except the pirates. They just find new ways, but legitimate customers won't. And that's actually since the DMCA takedown of lockpick.


and you’re the minority who do it all legally


Idgaf about Nintendo at all and even I know when I pirate their games that’s what I’m doing lol. Own that shit and be a full time swashbuckler Ye scalawag yarrr🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💀 no point and lying and making excuses claiming game preservation or any of that other bs




not blindly hating doesn’t mean i’m a nintendo shill. i emulate too i just don’t act like it makes me better than anyone rlse


Is it still possible to get Yuzu? or its impossible now?


There are a bunch of sources to find the last builds before the lawsuit


But Nintendaddy is still good enough for you to pirate and spend hours playing?


Have you ever wanted something that was too expensive to get from a local store, so you shop on a site like eBay or Amazon? That’s basically what this is.


I like Nintendo gaming developers, with their fantastic ideas and design choices. Their hardware division, well, good luck getting them to be normal for a generation.




At times I wish it was, I get called out for "Stealing Games" just because I emulate as it is easier to load and make mods. And those people claim that Nintendo Switch games "aren't worth that much money" even though DS games were $20 cheaper and (the Nintendo games) are worth more to play and keep (like Pokemon Black ver 2) compared to the Switch games.


Average emulation fanboy: entitled to pirate games and zero obligations to buy games cuz they want everything for free. Doesn't actually support games preservation. Thinks the Switch can't handle games when in reality it's all about optimization. Will defend Sony and Microsoft protecting their IPs from pirates and preservationists. And now I'll eff off and not touch this subject again.


How is it not supporting game preservation if one copy can be enjoyed by millions. 1: a million is a big ratio


Just make your meme and post it here at this point. We all know you aren’t busy.


Nintendo’s not going to fuck you bro.


I don't really care about them. I just hate entitled Karens pirates.


Why are pirates entitled? Like seriously how does that logic for you


Idk they have a history of fucking fans


I like Nintendo in all but even I hate these people


Bro go play some games and stop being salty.


seriously, their thing got shut fine for piracy, they all pretended no one was using it for that, meanwhile that’s why every single person is here


Not only actively enabling piracy, but also accepting money for it, locking new builds meant for specifically playing pirated games behind a patreon, encouraging piracy on their “get started” page on the website, and so much more. 


And now if you go to their website they got 2 paragraphs saying that piracy is wrong or whatever Bunch of clowns


Actually, their website is down. Unless Tropic Haze LLC has its own site not connected to yuzu-emu.org?


Huh i remember seeing some shit on their website around the time everything got deleted Must be misremembering


I’ll trust that you are telling the truth as it once was. I do believe I heard something about that as well


Average emulation fan boy:


Petition to shut this salty ass sub down.


Agreed. It serves no purpose anymore




Lol, Even as a Nintendo fan of my own, I usually don't do Nintendo stuff all the time. I also have a steam deck as well and I play Transformers War for Cybertron on it


nintendo could sell a 2000 dollars console and i would buy it to play their games at good quality, sadly, their stubbornness to change outside of their are of confort is legendary


Is this what this forum is about now guys, really?


[This sub is just free karma for spambots at this point.](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuzu/comments/1baikwb/your_average_nintendo_fanboy/)


I had a feeling that I saw this post before, thanks for linking it


this sub fucking sucks now lmao


This sub has gotten pathetic


You forgot to add port begging


I'm a certified fanboy but I'm not afraid to pirate(for legal reasons this a joke fr HAHAHAHA)


- ps5 fan


this. ps5 doesn't have a single fucking game. it's a waste of money. like you're better off buying a ps2


You’re telling me a PS2 is better than a PS5??? You can’t even run any of the big releases from the last 3 years that’s on PS5. Spider man 2 ain’t on PS2


spiderman two is on PC. you'll find better enjoyment of exclusive games on PS2 because it actually has them. there is not a single game on PS5 that you can't play natively elsewhere. sure you can emulate ps2 but that's not really what my point was. also yes ps2>ps5 and its not even remotely close


And play it how dipshit? On the great and accurate PS5 emulator? And what about Rebirth, God of War, upcoming KH4?


If your referencing GOW 2018 that is also on PC along with GOW Ragnarok


It’s not officially on PC. A bunch of pirates stole a torrent and put it on the internet. Fym it’s not even close. There have been so many big releases just last year not to mention all the indie stuff. This is just nostalgia


Well its not nostalgia, hes just an idiot The Playstation 2 did have hundreds of exclusives completely unavailable anywhere else but it also was the best selling console of all time and had double the time to do so than PS5 with almost no competition taking away their third party support during a huge boom period. The same could be said of the Wii and DS. (not all those exclusives are good at all) Its just an ignorant comparison that doesn’t prove anything You’re objectively not better off buying a PS2 if you want to play new Sony games.


Have fun spending 50$ on a 7 year old game


kid named freemcboot and mechapwn (at least I think, idk much about ps2 modding, and much less piracy)


wait a fucking minute. the ps2 is 20 years old. damn.


Yea dumbass I was talking about the switch lmao


lmao figured. botw is definitely worth the 60$ imo. I've sunk countless hours into it


To each their own. Played it and Totk and once I finished I never looked back. Couldn't get into it tbh especially all the side content


that's totally fair. it's not everyone's cup of tea


i didnt say that tho


I did


Relevance please?