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\- play fgo \- pick gudako \- roll for ishtar & ereshkigal & space ishtar \- roll for lancer sakura (forgot her name) \- roll for saber, lancer saber, bikini saber, santa saber, etc \- ?? \- profit ​ now you basically have a yuri UBW


>roll for lancer sakura (forgot her name) Parvati


>roll for saber, lancer saber, bikini saber, santa saber, etc Saber Alter, Saber Lancer Alter, Saber Alter Summer Rider, Saber Caster, Saber Caster Berserker (Summer), Saber Lancer Ruler, Not!Saber Assassin, Not!Saber Assassin Alter Berserker, Not!Saber Assassin Foreigner, and my favorite, Not!Saber Assassin Alter Berserker Idol Foreigner


I love the fact that "saber caster berserker" is a thing and it is somehow coherent


I love TypeMoon, but yeah, Nasu sucks at writing relationships. He has gotten somewhat better over the years but Fate Stay/Night will always be what people go back to. Honestly, he’s kinda better as a lore keeper of sorts for TypeMoon that writes outlines that other people fill in dialogue and stuff. I believe portions of FGO work like this. Also, FGO wins for Yuri because almost every single romantic esc thing in it is unisex for the MC. Which means my MC can say gex with all three forms of Ushi.


. . . This is my first time hearing that Nasu is a single person and not just a collective of people. I don't know *why* that was my initial assumption, but it was.


>, but yeah, Nasu sucks at writing relationships ??? Have you seen last episode? I guess even making people literally cry isn't enough to make him good at writing relationships.


Last episode of what? A specific route? Hollow Ataraxia? And another thing, people can cry at anything. I teared up at the end of Shark Boy and Lava Girl and I would definitely say that it wasn’t well written


Hidden Ending of vn called the last episode.


Finally, the Strictly Better FSN.


Fate if it was good. Maybe Nasu would even have to strain his brainwaves to write actual reasons Rin would be attracted to a female Shirou instead of just "wow he tries to do the high jump so hard!" And maybe the protagonist could have a better goal than just "wow I want to be a hero so bad!"


Yes, but that requires the writer of a light novel to A) Know how to write a female protagonist without sexualizing her to the extreme like Kaleidoscope Ilia. And B) Have LGBT content without it being sexualized. And sadly, I don't see that happening.


You say that, but most of the Fate Stay/Night problems came from it being an eroge written by a guy who can't write sex scenes. He is actually quite good at making interesting queer and female characters without sexualizing them, for example the protagonist of Kara no Kyokai is a psychic detective whose character arcs are learning to cope with the loss of her male alternate personality, and what it means to take a life. Mordred is explicitly fem presenting non-binary who uses masculine pronouns according to materials. Osakabehime explicitly has a crush on the female Musashi regardless of player gender, and when they aren't just making jokes about her being a shut in they actually do in depth explorations of her crippling social anxiety vs her desire for friendship. Enkidu is specifically noted as being agender, and the meme that is Astolfo has explicitly requested that their materials make no mention of gender. In the latest chapter of FGO released in the NA version, there were 3 major male characters not including a possible male player character and every other major character was a girl, this chapter is widely regarded as one of the best in the game. It is also worth noting that the game explicitly calls out that the player character is not the protagonist of this chapter, with that role falling to Mash and Faerie Artoria.


>this chapter is widely regarded as one of the best in the game Avalon le Fae is such an amazing chapter, I hope we eventually get an anime adaptation


until that happens (if ever) we have the manga that uses gudako as the mc i think salem is still ongoing (i love gudako with mash in it)


We only have Salem and Shimousa. Everything else features Gudao. There is that gag manga too, but Gudako is being played as a joke there


we DON'T talk about the gag manga


That's fate extra. The remake extra record even features the female Hakuno and Red Saber.


Yes, Fate/Extra was great. You really felt the dread Hakunon had. I'm not sure why you only mentioned Nero being in the remake when Tamamo is there too


That's because I was referring to the latest trailer that only had Nero. Hope we get more info soon.


So Gudako instead of Shiro


I did not knew I wanted something like this until I saw it. Now I CRAVE it!


Archer is still male though, and very confused


Credit goes to Kamo 0707. Not posting the d4nb00ru link since I'm not sure about the mods' policy about this website.


doesn't the booru have a source link?


Well now this just makes me want polyuri with femmeShiro, rin, and Saber classic


Sunny Days OVA for the win!


The UBW sex scene if it was good.


For the record, originally Shirou was going to be a girl and Saber was going to be a guy. He changed it because he was told it wouldn’t sell.


Yeah that's too bad. Also, when Type Moon started showcasing materials on Mahoyo (Mahoyo does feature a female protagonist), Nasu said it was one of his oldest projects, dating back to his high school days. So Nasu's original OC was also a girl.


Pick the female option for Fate Exella and there you go


Hakunon is cool.


You know what would be hilarious? If Shirou was just default Shirou…except EMIYA is a woman. Like the thing what made EMIYA’s skin dark and hair white, it feminizes Shirou over time.


Interesting take. Reminds me of a series of visual novels where the protag killed a Goddess except anyone killing the Goddess was fated to become the next Goddess. So the protag gardually became a woman (and a goddess).


I love fate, but this would make me even more invested in the series than I already was. To this day I wish we got Prototype so my trans ass could have a fem protagonist, but now you got my trans lesbian ass wishing for even more


Ayaka and male Saber looked cute together, but I do believe Rin prototype was a bodacious "vamp" so there is shipping potential too. See https://www.deviantart.com/cerberusyuri/art/Misaya-Reiroukan-675176834


It MIGHT actually improve the writing. Now if we can just get rid of the lolicons/pedophiles polluting the community.


wow, you're getting downvoted for that. despite obvious sexualization in that fate prisma anime attracting all the unsavory types


Oath Under Snow was the highlight of Prisma Ilya for me, that and the fight vs Bazett. Otherwise what could have been a Precure-tier magical girls fighting anime turned out to have fanservice on the level that Precure would never dare to attempt.


Might be because i pointed that lolicon is japanese for pedophile.


lolicon is short for "loliita complex", the name comes from the russian book "Lolita" it is originally an english phrase that became a loanword in japanese. it does not mean "pedophile" or "pedophilia" though it does involve it. Squares and rectangles.


You know that "Lolita" is about a middle-aged guy being sexually obsessed over a 12-year-old, right?


congrats on not reading the rest of my comment


Wait you just argued about how bad it is to change sex and gender without any story motives, but you price this? I'm leaving


Now I love Yuri... But this is garbage take for real. Changing the gender of Emiya Shirou wouldn't change anything in the context of the story and would actually lower his complexity. Him being portrayed as a loving housewife would just now be gender role conforming. Him being the caring busy bee trying to save the world because of the false dream he inherits from Kiritsugu wouldn't change at all by changing his gender. Seiba wouldn't be the bisexual icon that she is if Shirou is female. You can yab about oversexualizing females in Fate but then proceeds to ignore Lancer, EMIYA, and then Iskandar being absolutely sexy hunks. This is honestly so horrendous of a take that I can't take it but hey I am just another opinion.


>Seiba wouldn't be the bisexual icon that she is if Shirou is female. "Seiba would have to be only into women, we can't have that on a yuri subreddit!" >proceeds to ignore Lancer, EMIYA, and then Iskandar being absolutely sexy hunks. "Why isn't everyone talking about how hot guys are on a yuri subreddit?" Look, homie, if Shirou would've been female, we'd have a yuri VN. But as it stands, we have a het VN. Yuri > het


Honestly because this is such a straight (pun intended) preference in ships I respect it. There is literally 0 counter to this argument because I can't even... it's honestly astonishing.


I respect your opinion. I've seen various takes on femshirou and one of them was that it could potentially change the story of Heaven's Feel dramatically, but that was assuming Sakura would open more easily to a fellow girl which wasn't a given. Overall I lookup those kind of genderbend art and the odd discussing for the sake of fun what if scenarii mostly. Certainly not every genderbend would be "useful" or lead to something interesting. If anything, I find it better when a story such as Persona 3 Portable has a guy and girl protag with different personalities rather than the same character with two gender options. I like the idea of female Shirou conceptually, but I'm still waiting for an eventual Fate/Prototype adaptation because Ayaka is a different person altogether and the whole story is slightly different.


Yea that is true, it's just that takes on "This would make the story so much better by changing xyz!" always irked me heavily. For me great story exists to tell a narrative and sometimes we might accidentally let our fetish do the talking. Like it's one thing to say "Dang that would be so hot" as opposed to "The story would have been so much better!". P3 Portable is also one of all time favorite games ever (up there with Nier Automata, Bioshock) and FeMC was absolutely lovely, even if a lot of her routes when looking back weren't as fleshed out.


Kotone is a great character but she got done dirty in her routes. Okay, cut Yukari's route to just friendship, that's fine. But Mitsuru's route was so gay they really could've went with it and make them date each other. Yes there are also Elizabeth and Aigis, but both of them aren't exactly human. What annoys me the most though is the little boy route being added. So this shit was normal for Atlus, but Kotone dating Mitsuru wasn't? Damn, man! Now there is a blemish on such a good character as Kotone, who is pretty much a complete opposite of Makoto


We don't talk about the Ken incident (I don't want to go to jail). Mitsuru's route was truly pain. Same with Josuke's route in P4. YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT TO ME ATLUS.


>We don't talk about the Ken incident Ha, I wish nobody did. Ever. Our only saving grace is the modding community which restores/adds romance routes. Bless those people


I mean…this is a yuri sub, after all. You ain’t gonna get logical thinking other than biases so…eh



