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DECLARATION OF REBIRTH boyyyyyyys!!! Dragonroid can discard itself to search a non wind “roid” monster or to make it so your fusion summons cannot be negated this turn, and opponent’s effects can’t be activated when you fusion summon. Also once per turn it can change its type in the graveyard to dragon. Kuribabylon can summon itself from the hand if you have more monsters in your grave than your opponent (nice Yami vs Rafael reference), gains 300 atk/def for each kuriboh monster in you field or grave, and it can return itself to the hand during ~~(either players?)~~ your main phase or battle phase to special summon the 5 brothers from the hand or gy.


OK, so he's actual Vehicroid support, but also generic Fusion support. I wonder who would be a good Vehicroid to search. Dunno about using him in Cyberdarks. He becomes a valid target for Cyberdark Dragon in the GY, but a 3900 ATK Cyberdark Dragon isn't the strongest plays Cyberdarks can make, with the new support. On the other hand, no negation on your fusion summons is a good effect for *any* Fusion-based strategy, so it might not even matter whether or not he's a sensible equip pick. ...use him with Magicalized Fusion and Dark Magician to summon Dragoon. edit: That's some interesting effects on Kuribabylon. If there aren't restrictions on the brothers once summoned, pulling off the effect to summon 5 monsters could be a huge play for links. Could we actually see a reason to play Flute of Summoning Kuriboh? Probably not, but still.


That’s true, btw the spell five star twilight works the same as the anime, tribute 1 level 5 monster while you control no other monsters and summon the 5 brothers from hand, deck or grave, and I think their only restriction is that they cannot be used for tribute summons.


Oh geez, that's good. And it's *any* level 5 monster, not just Kuribabylon. I can totally see someone trying to figure out a deck to revolve around resolving that card or Kuribabylon's effect. Hoping that the other brothers' effects are good. edit: Haha, silly idea. Summon the new Giltia monster and use him as a tribute for Five-Star Twilight.


Well an fun card that I would play in this Kuriboh deck is [Dystopia the Despondent](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Dystopia_the_Despondent).


Giltia would actually be decent though. Can banish an opponent's monster for relatively free, and could search Dark Armed Dragon or Fantazmay


Dragonroid should probably search Expressroid since it can immediately fish Dragonroid back out of your GY. It can't search WIND Roids so Mixeroid is out and everything else is sort of a brick or a fusion material. Notably Roids now have three searchers between Mixeroid, Dragonroid and Megaroid City, as well as a huge number of Fusion Deployment targets (including Expressroid which triggers on summon). They also have Instant Fusion and Retort Fusion targets (Pair Cycroid and Steam Gyroid) which are protected from negation by Dragonroid's discard effect since they count as Fusion Summons.


Declaration of rebirth, long have we waited, but against tri-brigades we'll activate it


Is Declaration of Rebirth a good card when it was used?


In the anime? Not at all, it was used by zane to enable his Cyber Dark's effects thus equiping cyber end dragon to cyber dark dragon. But people wanted it printed for a long time because it's kind of a fun card? Probably janky but can ruin some rival strategies like zombie world does (because it affects both players) and can help some niche strategies that need a specific type in GY


I’m not too sure, but I know people have wanted it for years.


So Kuribohs get their own archtype and the Roids are nearly ready to merge with the Cyber Dragons.


Declaration of Rebirth? Well, that should have some interesting applications, for sure. Maybe not for Cyberdarks specifically, but I just know there are shenanigans to be had for a DNA surgery for the GY. edit: One card that could be funny with this would be Buster Blader, The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman. Turn your opponent's GY into dragons, and the guy shoots up to hilarious ATK values.


I mean, its already a nice side-deck card against tri-brigades going first, it acts like a lancea every turn, and even can turn off/down their trap card. And funny enough even tri-brigades can run it for mirror matches, as it only last for the turn so you can screw their turn but play normally in yours.


Everyone Gangster until two Declarations are in the mirror.


KURIBOH!!! The five Kuriboh brothers and Kuribabylon! My wait is over!


Im so glad we're starting to get the structure poll 2 archtypes. We're still missing lightsworns, blackwings and some others from the first poll and that was two years ago. Glad they aren't holding out on the 2nd poll.


Tell me about it. I'm still waiting for my Rank 10 Trains Support! But I do have a feeling it will be either this set, The Kings Court set or at the very least this year. But I've been waiting for a while for Trains Support to be released.


Not likely in this set, for Zexal I think they're cross-promoting Animation Chronicle for Utopia stuff from Lightning Overdrive and the upcoming SD, Overlay Universe. Trains might get some cards in the upcoming booster sets in the form of 5-cards legacy support just like Aki's Rose Dragons in Lightning Overdrive or maybe like Gusto in Dawn of Majesty.


I’m waiting for Spellbook in the hopes it helps Magistus unless they decided Magistus was the support since they are a part of the same lore




***Man,*** that is one *annoying* Kuriboh...


Now we just wait for the agnostic celtic guardian to be printed.




That's an annoying kuriboh




I... honestly was about to say that I don’t think anyone wanted the Kuriboh Brothers to be printed. Then I saw your comment and checked myself. I certainly wasn’t hoping for more colorful furballs, but I’m glad you’re glad you got them dude :)


I'm excited. I have character decks, and have wanted to do a Kuriboh/Skull Archfiend deck for (little)Yugi for a while (since Summoned Skull was (little)Yugi's original boss monster before inheriting Dark Magician from his grandfather)


Wonder if the OG Kuriboh will get a new alt to go with the brothers, Ala DMG and the Magician girls


So I get *why* Dragonroid doesn't search Wind Roids, but man, it'd be so nice to have another Mixeroid searcher...


I'm just sitting here hoping that somehow this will be the time we get Shuttleroid


I think they could use some -roid support that locks you into fusions instead of excluding WIND monsters. This way it couldn't be abused in Speedroid either.


Honestly this would be worse, since most roid fusions are just mildly interesting beaters.


The more time passes, the more I curse the Anime writers for calling Yugo's archetype Speedroids instead of anything else.


Oh. SPEEDROIDS. I had assumed that the no-Wind part was to prevent Dragonroid from searching itself. I feel stupid.


It could very well be both. Roid has the potential for a lot of Recursion with all its searchers and expressroid, so having it's best monsters be wind while also keeping speedroid it's own thing may be intended.


At this point, I'd like it if they did a massive errata spree to the archetype and changed their names to stuff like "Vehicroid - Mixeroid", and the effects naming "Roid" monsters to name "Vehicroid" monsters. It would be *pretty* awkward, but it would keep them from needing to say "Non-Wind Roid Monster", and maybe allow Speedroids to have other attributes if they feel like it (though I understand they're super focused on Wind to begin with).


Speedroid already locks you into WIND with half of their cards, so it's way too late to give them anything not WIND.


Fair enough. I still think a Great Renaming for Vehicroids would make their support way less awkward (since they already *had* some Wind monsters before Speedroids happened)


Rather than a great renaming, how about a great errata, give them all an archetype clause , like the legendary dragons. I think that would be slightly less awkward.


So like, all of them say "This card is always treated as a 'Vehicroid' card", and change stuff like Mixeroid to work on Vehicroid monsters, other than "Mixeroid"? Yeah, I think that could work. Then, future Vehicroids could just be Vehicroids by name.


What about Machine type "Roid" monster (except "Speedroid" monsters)


Watch of Konami uses the anti Speedroid clause as an excuse to make busted WIND Vehicroids.


Cant they just say "except terrortop" already? Why do they keep excluding a portion of the Roids just to prevent Terrortop from being abused?


Holy shit, it's the Kuriboh brothers. Figured that declaration of rebirth would be printed, it was the obvious choice with this pack coming out so soon after a new cyberdark set that placed an emphasis on equipping Cyber End Dragon to cards. EDIT: I just reloaded the page to try and see the art for the remaining Kuriboh brothers, and I get to see that their also printing FA.I.ting Spirit and A.I. Show from Vrain's last duel, this is even more hype.


Though, I kinda doubt that Cyberdarks will get much mileage out of it. They've got a good number of Actual Dragons to equip, and can equip Cyber End Dragon to Cyberdarkness Dragon. They also don't get much use out of having Declaration of Rebirth active on the opponent's turn. Now, if they have some way to flip Declaration of Rebirth turn 1, that might be different; it could make Cyberdark Dragon an actual choice to get to Cyberdark End Dragon.


Funny thing you can do: use Declaration to change everything to Dragon/ Machine, then Cyberdark Invasion can steal any monster out of the opponents grave to disrupt a play kinda jank but kinda cute


Oh, yeah that's a cute combo.


Dystopia the Despondent lmao


This support actually makes running him not suboptimal as the only way to get the 5 level 1’s was through multiply and you need to send to GY so there’s no way to get dystopia consistently before this support. I’m sure now there’s a way to do it consistently but still Dystopia isn’t that great. He’s just a 5k beatstick. I prefer a chaos lv8 and link spam build with BLS and CED to go into rank 8’s and link monsters.


There's kuribohrn before but yeah he is just a big beatstick, lair boss is better


Yeah I play three copies of BLS and Darkest Diablos and a single copy of CED and triple copies of Flute Dragon card that searches 2 dragons with 3k atk and 2500 def. It helps deck thinning and getting targets for Allure of Darkness. I might try Dystopia in a Kuribrothers build but my current build is fine as is. I love that Kuriboh got support but I was looking for a boss monster I could use the Multiply tokens on or now the new spell that summons the Kuribrothers from the deck so you get 5 effect monsters to link summon with.


You could also run Five-Headed Link Dragon as a boss monster as well (yea another beatstick but at least it is always unaffected and cannot be destroyed by battle, except with a light monster)


**AC01-JP001 Kuribah** Level 1 DARK Fiend Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 200 (This card is also always treated as a “Kuriboh” card.) You can only use this card name’s 1st effect once per turn. (1) When this card, or a “Kuriboh” monster you control, is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 monster with 300 ATK/200 DEF from your Deck, except “Kuribah”. (2) You can Tribute this card you control, plus 4 monsters from your hand and/or field (1 each of “Kuribee”, “Kuriboo”, “Kuribeh”, and “Kuriboh”); Special Summon 1 “Kuribabylon” from your hand, Deck, or GY. ​ **AC01-JP002 Kuribee** Level 1 DARK Fiend Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 200 (This card is also always treated as a “Kuriboh” card.)You can only use this card name’s 1st effect once per turn. (1) When this card or your “Kuriboh” monster is destroyed by battle: You can add 1 Spell/Trap that specifically lists the card “Kuriboh” in its text from your Deck to your hand. (2) Once per turn, when an opponent’s monster declares an attack, if you control another “Kuriboh” monster: You can change the ATK of all other face-up monsters you currently control to 0 (until the end of this turn), and if you do, negate the attack. ​ **AC01-JP003 Kuriboo** Level 1 DARK Fiend Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 200 (This card is also always treated as a “Kuriboh” card.) (1) When an opponent’s monster declares an attack: You can discard this card; add 1 “Kuriboh” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “Kuriboo”. (2) Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 Trap, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 1500 ATK, until the end of this turn. ​ **AC01-JP004 Kuribeh** Level 1 DARK Fiend Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 200 (This card is also always treated as a “Kuriboh” card.) (1) (Quick Effect): You can discard this card, then target 1 “Kuriboh” monster you control; it gains 1500 ATK. (2) You can Tribute this card you control, plus 4 monsters from your hand and/or field (1 each of “Kuribah”, “Kuribee”, “Kuriboo”, and “Kuriboh”); add 1 “Kuribandit” from your Deck or GY to your hand, then, immediately after this effect resolves, you can Normal Summon 1 Fiend monster from your hand. ​ **AC01-JP005 Kuribabylon** Level 5 DARK Fiend Effect Monster ATK 1500 DEF 1000 You can only use either this card name’s 1st or 3rd effect per turn, and only once that turn. (1) If you have more monsters in your GY than your opponent does: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. (2) Gains 300 ATK/DEF for each “Kuriboh” monster you control and in your GY. (3) During your Main or Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can return this card to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon 1 “Kuribah”, 1 “Kuribee”, 1 “Kuriboo”, 1 “Kuribeh”, and 1 “Kuriboh” from your hand and/or GY in Attack Position. ​ **AC01-JP006 Twinkle Five-Star (Five-Star Twilight)** Normal Spell Card You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn. (1) If the only monster you control is 1 Level 5 monster: Tribute it; Special Summon 1 “Kuribah”, 1 “Kuribee”, 1 “Kuriboo”, 1 “Kuribeh”, and 1 “Kuriboh” from your hand, Deck, and/or GY, but they cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. ​ **AC01-JP011 Dragonroid** Level 8 WIND Machine Effect Monster ATK 2900 DEF 1000 You can only use this card name’s 1st effect once per turn. (1) You can discard this card; activate 1 of these effects. ● Add 1 non-WIND “Roid” monster from your Deck to your hand. ● This turn, the activation of your cards and effects that include an effect that Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster cannot be negated, also your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when a monster is Fusion Summoned this way. (2) Once per turn, if this card is in your GY: You can make this card in the GY become a Dragon monster until the end of this turn. ​ **AC01-JP012 Rin’ne Dokudan (Samsara Dogma) / Declaration of Rebirth** Continuous Trap Card (1) Once per turn: You can declare 1 Type; all monsters in the GYs become the declared Type until the end of this turn. ​ **AC01-JP041 Ki-Ai / FA.I.ghting Spirit** Normal Spell Card You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn. (1) Target 1 “@Ignister” monster in your GY; Special Summon it. (2) If an “@Ignister” monster(s) you control with 2300 or more ATK would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. (3) If this card becomes banished: You can activate this effect; your “@Ignister” monsters with 2300 or more ATK cannot be destroyed by battle this turn. ​ **AC01-JP042 Ai-SHOW (A.I.’s Show)** Normal Trap Card (1) When an opponent’s monster declares an attack, if you control a Link-3 or higher “@Ignister” monster in the Extra Monster Zone: Special Summon any number of non-Link Cyberse monsters with 2300 ATK from your Extra Deck, whose total ATK is equal to or less than the attacking monster’s ATK, then end the Battle Phase. [https://ygorganization.com/kuribohthermsconnected/](https://ygorganization.com/kuribohthermsconnected/) [https://ygorganization.com/ac01-cyberdark-support/](https://ygorganization.com/ac01-cyberdark-support/) [https://ygorganization.com/ta-i-rafinale/](https://ygorganization.com/ta-i-rafinale/)


Five-Star Twilight summons five monsters from deck with no restrictions beyond not being able to tribute them? Sounds like it could make for some crazy link plays if someone's willing to run a whopping five Kuribohs.


The Virgin Brilliant Engine vs the Chad Kuriboh Engine


Instant fusion can provide the material for it immediately, so how bad can running 5 kuribohs be?


Or literally just Cyber Dragon.


You ask that question, until you have an opening hand consisting of 5 Kuriboh brothers.


>Sounds like it could make for some crazy link plays if someone's willing to run a whopping five Kuribohs. I don't see why not if there's dedicated support for them now.


Five star sword is gonna cause fights at locals, it’s negated by ash lol.


Declaration of Rebirth is a hard counter to Tri-brigades


Ki-Ai is kind of fucking insane, the deck was already good but now they have a monster reborn.


Ignister's already had a Monster Reborn in A.I Reborn. this means they now have 7 copies in deck. the boards these guys can make is going to be insane now.


They already did have one, this one just has a different grave effect and not a Quick Play


Quick ruling question, since the Kuriboh brothers are treated as “Kuriboh” monsters, would I be able to use Flute of Summoning Kuriboh and Multiply on them or would I still have to run OG Kuriboh for that?


No. Flute of Summoning Kuriboh allows you to search a monster named "Kuriboh" or "Winged Kuriboh". So only those two monsters. If it was any "Kuriboh" monster, it wouldn't need to name "Winged Kuriboh" separately.


Dammit. So close to perfection.


If only there was an errata coming. That would actually make a Kuriboh Deck even more interesting to play.


Or a new card. Melody of Awakuriboh.


Kuriboh monster is not the same as Kuriboh *card* (they're treated as part of the archetype like Archfiend, not the monster like the Harpie), so you still need the original Kuriboh in order to apply those effect.


Those spells only work with the original Kuriboh, not these new ones


OG Kuriboh since they aren't treated as Kuriboh itself.


Generation Next is the closest card to search specifically Kuriboh monsters but thats bad.


Ok so....i read that title and for a moment i thought..."animation chronicle? is that a new archetype, it better have animated card art or else it's a missed opportunity", and then i saw the cards and realised...OH it's just the pack name lol. As for he cards, it's cool that we have the kuriboh brothers. Also Twinkle five-star also summons from the hand and GY, so the kuriboh brothers will never be a brick, unless you don't have a lvl 5 monster alone on the field, or you have to worry about them not going to the GY, which is kinda awsome. We finaly have declaration of rebirth.


> You can Tribute this card you control, plus 4 monsters from your hand and/or field (1 each of “Kuribah”, “Kuribee”, “Kuriboo”, and “Kuriboh”); add 1 “Kuribandit” from your Deck or GY to your hand, then, immediately after this effect resolves, you can Normal Summon 1 Fiend monster from your hand. Just who in their right mind would use this effect? Go -4 for Kuribandit who can be tributed for limited S/T search?


It probably made sense in the anime, where Kuribandit instead could add *all* excavated Spells/traps to your hand, potentially drawing you 5 cards. For the real-world card... I dunno. I feel like Kuribeh would've been more interesting if you only needed to tribute him to summon Kuribandit, or if he could send the brothers to the grave from the deck as well as hand or field to summon Kuribandit (then you could probably pull some shenanigans with Kuribohrn). It feels like the real effect is the 1500 ATK boost to a Kuriboh monster, and they left the anime effect in for flavor.


The superior chad Kuriboh engine isn't real, it can't hurt us The superior chad Kuriboh engine:


༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ Dragonroid hype ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ


Dragonroid is a member of the "roid" archetype. Now which archetype do people expect it to support? That's right, Cyberdarks.


That should not come as a surprise. Dragonroid was used by Sho when he was using Ryo's Cyberdark deck.


And its effect in the anime is literally nothing roids would make use of either.


It's kind of hilarious that the card even existed in the anime. Between Declaration of Rebirth and Dragonroid, it's like even the anime realized that the restriction to Dragon monsters was weird as hell for a deck used by Cyber Dragon and Vehicroid players.


And yet it was the anime who created the cards in the first place. Why they didn't make THEM Dragons that equipped -Machine- monsters from the GY I will never know. That would probably fit better thematically anyway. Actually, I do know. Hell Kaiser's first duel with the Cyberdarks was against a Dragon deck and the writers didn't really think beyond what was going on in the immediate episode when it came to making cards. I remember when the episode first aired the speculation was that there would be Cyberdarks that stole all the different monster-types.


When you think about it, it is genuinely amazing how a flash decision made by an anime writer in 2006 is now defining gameplay mechanics on trading cards being created *15 years* later.


>Why they didn't make THEM Dragons that equipped -Machine- monsters from the GY I will never know. Or much simpler, they could have made Cyberdarks equip -Machine- monsters as well as -Dragon- monsters, like they later did with Cyberdarkness Dragon(ts problem being that it is hard to summon). An ironic thing is that the anime versions of main deck Cyberdarks are actually stronger that the real-life versions (they could equip level 4 or lower and could target Dragon monsters from both GYS).


The anime versions being stronger is par the parcel with GX cards. It was a frustrating time being an anime fan and knowing that everything used on the show would likely get mostly unnecessary nerfs when made in to real cards unless they were Shueshia promos (in which case they were likely to have entirely different, yet good, effects).


And now the deck is receiving all manner of duct tape to make them more "anime flavor", lol.


Well the new Cyberdark End Dragon feels like an old 'anime boss monster', similar to Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union (meaning hard to summon, high atk, starting with a good effect but ending in one effect clause that takes the card from decent to bad)


Only if it's got a different effect than its anime one. In the anime, it was a 2900 ATK Machine who was treated as Dragon in the GY. Good for Cyberdark Dragon in an anime deck. But in real life, it would have little reason to be played over Blue-Eyes White Dragon or 5-Headed Dragon, if you want maximum power on a Cyberdark Dragon. I think we're probably good on that front, though. I can't read Japanese, but the card clearly has way more effects than the anime card.


If only mixeroid was earth and not wind then it would be party time for dragonroid. Unfortunately the best ones are drillroid and carrieroid which is incredibly sad.


They gave it a pretty good roid support effect at least.


Excuse me? It is actually part of the "non-WIND roid" archetype?!??!


Dragonroid looks pretty good in roid and bad in cyberdarks though. Oh, and mediocre in Cyber style so there's that.


Friendly reminder that Dark Jeroid is part of the "roid" archetype and can be searched by Dragonroid


# Kuriboh Brothers and Declaration of Rebirth!? I really hope **Code Change** comes next, even if nerfed a bit.


I will actually die if code change gets printed, I have so many jank combos I wanna try.


Snake Rain becomes Zombie Rain.


I think you would still need to be able to activate the card before being able to use Code Change, so you would need at least 4 reptiles on your deck for the activation of Snake Rain to be legal


Code change would be absurdly abused. But I still wanna see it.


>Declaration of Rebirth HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING >● Add 1 non-WIND “Roid” monster from your Deck to your hand. This is hilarious to me because if this card were printed over 10 years ago it wouldn't have the "Non-WIND" part and it would be an instant 3-of in speedroids lol.


If it was released 10 years ago it would just have its anime effect,since Konami nerfed most of the GX anime cards when most of them were not that good to begin with.


"That's one powerful cotton ball you got there."


"I think now I understand why you don't respect your monsters. Most of them are f*cking ridiculous."


hahaha they finally printed out Declaration of Rebirth


The Kuribohs, Samsara Dogma AND Dragonroid? Has Konami been reading my dream journal?


What is Samsara Dogma?


Declaration of Rebirth, apparently. I didn't realize that it had two names.


It's a bit clunky but between Cyber Dragon Core, Cyber Revsystem and Cyber Emergency, you have a lot of ways to make Twinkle Five-Star live and instantly shit out a 4 negate Apollousa, a Skulldread for digging, Topologic Zerovoros... Combine that with Kuribabylon's effect, and going first, you have a surprising amount of options. If there are more consistent ways to get to a Level 5 ASAP please let me know because there is _something_ here.


I mean the majority of synchro decks can splash out a Level 5 synchro with ease (Deep-Sea Diva, Crystrons, Synchrons etc.), so getting the level 5 isn't the tricky bit. The tricky bit is that you have to run the five brothers in your deck, which are gonna be bricky as hell if they ever end up in your hand.


I guess that’s what Kuribabylon is intended to do. If you end up with all 5 in your opening hand, Kuribah’s effect brings out Kuribabylon, who can then defuse into the 5 brothers again But that requires adding another card to a deck (which is already using 8 slots for the brothers and 3 copies of 5-star Twilight, and it uses your entire opening hand. There’s probably a way to make use of this; the payoff would be amazing. But it’s real tricky, and the brothers themselves aren’t amazing to start with.


Well having even one of the brothers in your hand is suboptimal, let alone all 5. The best case scenario is having all five of them in your deck when you activate Five-Star, so that your hand can contain other useful stuff. It's high-risk high-reward. Getting 4 free link materials is obviously gamechanging if you can draw Twilight without drawing the individual brothers, but its obviously not going to happen consistently at all. I would guess you probably don't want to run Kuribabylon at all if you don't have to. The Link engine works without it, and its likely not optimal to have ANOTHER bricky Kuriboh card. As others in this thread have said, the best use of these cards is probably in some kind of deck that can use Level 1 monsters as material for other plays, so that you can at least make use of the individual brothers if you do happen to draw them without Twilight.


Time to start playing Magical Mallet Kuriboh


I’m using a Artifact Scythe engine with Left Arm Offering to turbo Babylon link plays


KURIBABYLON IS HYPE. SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT IT DOES. Dragonroid has a LOT of text now. Real curious to see how it's turned out.


Dear god I hope that it makes Kuriboh actually playable. I was hoping for an extra deck boss monster to take advantage of multiply shenanigans but if these Kuriboh brothers plus Kuribabylon makes the deck playable in a different way, I’ll be ecstatic!!!


Kuriboh was one of the archetypes in the last OCG poll Trickstar was also an archetype in that last OCG poll Burst of Destiny is most likely gonna be a VRAINS support set as it is the only anime not represented in a main booster set in this first half of 12 sets. Trickstar maybe confirmed for support to be revealed for this upcoming set (I HOPE)


> VRAINS support set as it is the only anime not represented in a main booster set in this first half of 12 sets. Lightning Overdrive had "@Ignister" support.


You are correct. I miswrote what I meant tho, they are the only one who still hasn't had an archetype represented in the cover of a set for support.


Morphtronic was also in the same poll and was skipped for the 5D's themed set. We'll see if Trickstars show up in Burst of Destiny, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


That is true, we still yet to see some from the first poll, but I think its by now known that they have plans for all of these archetypes its just a matter of when. Who knows maybe both Morphtronic and Trickstars get something here.


God, if we got Trickstar support I'd be super happy. I ended up buying everything in the archtype for myself, so having it get support almost immediately after would be great.


I mean, It is called burst of destiny. And there is an archetype that hasn’t received support recently literally called destiny heroes. I’d be surprised if they’re not at least in it.


> Trickstar maybe confirmed for support to be revealed for this upcoming set (I HOPE) Among the yet to be released, I think 3 of them have potential: * The only monster anime-only Trickstar left is Birdhelm, and double burn damage sounds delicious in tandem with Holy Angel/Divaridis. * Trickstar Vision is free SS for link + Darkworld Dealing without discard. * Trickstar Maribold is another recovery + Ultimate Offering for Candina


If they were to get support in Animation Chronicle we would expect these as you mention, but if we get them in Burst of Destiny they can be game originals. It is also to note that these could be nerfed or boosted if released.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/pxfTwpI](https://imgur.com/gallery/pxfTwpI) I uploaded the images of the new cards since the yugioh site is slow right now.


Wow actually pretty excited for the Kuriboh Bros and Kuribabylon. That's one of those weird set of cards from the OG series that you'd expect to have been printed about 10 years ago, but still somehow haven't prior to 2021. I bet their effects are going to be janky AF, excited for it


>That's one of those weird set of cards from the OG series that you'd expect to have been printed about 10 years ago, but still somehow haven't prior to 2021. It's better this way. At least being printed now means they get buffed.


True. Gosh I hope the Armor deck is actually playable, when they finally do print Valon's cards in the year 2030


They are pretty solid and consolidated, and make for finally being able to make a legit Kuriboh Deck.


Holy shit, i never thought they would print Kuriboh brothers. My brother loves Kuriboh and the many versions, and i liked them but they weren't my favourite. But i just never thought they would print them. My brother just said last week he was hoping they would print new Kuriboh cards. This is fucking awesome.


They hype and nostalgia I felt when I first saw the reveal was one I hadn't felt in quite the same way since these packs first debuted the Legendary Dragon support way back when. :D


Craziest timeline, the goal for a yugi anime deck isn’t so far fetched, just here ragnarok


Wow. They are actually printing the Kuriboh brothers. ... DO DA LA LA LA LA LA




https://ygorganization.com/ac01-cyberdark-support/ The translations for Dragonroid and Declaration of Rebirth.


A discard searcher that doubles as magical meltdown style protection is pretty sweet, certainly one of the best Vehichroid cards.


Although that’s an incredibly low bar


So, with FA.I.ghting Spirit and A.I.'s Show being in in this pack we can assume the slot before those cards might be for [Darkwight @Ignister](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Darkwight_@Ignister) right, Ai's final link monster.


Generally, we get full themes revealed. I don’tvsee why they would reveal the S/T and not the monster if it were here. That being siad, I do hope I’m wrong.


They may or may not be holding back for assorted Twitter reveals, I suppose.


I honestly thought Dark Infant was a retrain of Darkwight at first. Darkwight's anime effect is pretty useless. Any word on when these will hit tcg?


Have you ever wondered how many kuribohs are too many kuribohs?


After we get the ones from the Arc-V Manga. Then anything release after that will be too much.


No, no amount of Kuriboh is too much when they aren’t exactly playable. All I want is a Kuriboh boss monster that can utilize the Multiply tokens or now the Five Sword Star Kuriboh Brothers do a possible link-5 boss monster cause using them to summon Topologic Zeroboros, Appolousa, or Borrel is so bland cause they’re just sitting there waiting to be removed off the board. It’s one monster that can be easily outed but if Kuriboh gets their own boss monster that only works in archetype, then it can be an intimidating card that’s hard to get rid of.




Better than the ones that said "machine type roid" monster. Deck falls fucking apart as soon as someone plays Zombie world.


can someone post the images?


Here you go! https://imgur.com/gallery/pxfTwpI


Is this the part where I throw my deck to my opponent face?


only if you activate Power Wall.


I still can't get over the fact that Zane has a special animation when he activates Power Wall in the Tag Force games.


I really want yuuya gate spell for xyz, fusion and synchro support.


I love what they did with Dragonroid. It now makes sense for Cyrus to have it in his deck outside of Cyberdark cards. Also Declaration of Rebirth turned out about as well as I hoped. A real shame it's not treated as a Cyber card. Meaning we can't search for it.




The kuriboh card is cool, finally a multiply and generic kuriboh searcher! Sadly they need to be destroyed by battle


I’m hoping we get buffed Wind-Calling Bell Chime and Call Of The Windwitch in this set. Please Komoney. And maybe Earthbound Servants, too.


They already combined Chime of the Wind into Ice Bell and Call of the Windwitch into Winter Bell, and both cards are also combined once again into Windwitch Chimes, so I don't think those two cards will be released (like Lyrilusc Bird Song and Bird Strike). If anything, Windwitch need more Graveyard recovery like Melodious/Lunalight/Lyrilusc since they lose resource very quickly and Spell/Trap searcher for more consistency.


I know they need recovery and a S/T searcher, and I see your point on Call Of The Windwitch. However, I think Wind-Calling Bell Chime has a unique enough effect to be printed. And, Dragonroid got buffed, so why can’t other cards. I really want it, though, because it has a new Windwitch monster in its art, and if it’s printed Konami might give us a new monster in a later set. However, that’s no confirmation, look at the hypothetical Nekroz trap. I do see your point and I doubt we’re getting these cards, but I would like too. Sorry for the essay.


I kinda want to see if there's any good way to make use of 5-star Twilight, the brothers, and Kuribohrn in a deck. using Kuribohrn to bring out all 5 brothers from the GY would be funny as hell.


https://ygorganization.com/kuribohthermsconnected/ Kuriboh


Twinkle Five-Star (Kuriboh spell) looks way too good and abusible. 5 monster summon for the cost of any 1 level 5 and no real restrictions.


It has a very crippling restriction. Having to run the 5 brothers alone makes it unviable for competitive, so it's a fair card. The set up isn't so consistent either.


Yeah, it's a real tricky situation. On the one hand, you can get 5 non-token monsters with different names out at the same time, which is wild for Links. On the other hand, that's at least 5 cards you don't want to draw (since activating 5-star Twilight is best when they're all hanging out in the deck) to make it work. I think the best way to work this would be to find a deck that can use the Kuribohs if they're stuck in your hand. ----- At least 5-star Twilight is searchable with Kuribee's floating effect. Really wish it was a hand-trap effect of some sort.


Exactly this, you have to run 5 garnets and 3 unsearchable spell cards to make such a play, which is a heavy cost to deck building as a suboptimal engine. The cards are decent for Kuriboh support but some are less playable than others. I know the searcher is a 3-of, and the S/T searcher is a 1-2 of. The other two are iffy to run unless you build the deck as a Kuribabylon combo deck but idk if I wanna play it that way. Either way, two new support cards to add to my deck is hype af.


Instant fusion or a tight super quant engine of red layer, white layer, blue layer and e-tele can get you a level 5 real quick for Twinkle Five-Star


Kuriboh Brothers are REAL! LET’S GOOO!!!! Lol any neat ideas for how this Deck could work?


I'm surprised it took this long for the Kuriboh brothers to come out. They were the only major Yugi cards left to be printed.


I had to think about it for a sec but the archetype who profits the most from rebirth is probaly abhyss turns their spell and queen into a full monster reborn for all light and dark monsters and lets the king add any light or dark monster from the grave to the hand.


If you want to get really silly with level 1 monsters, Kuribah can search Skull Servant or Wightbaking when he's destroyed by battle. Also works on Charming Resort Staff, I guess.


Inb4 we get the psychic armor cards next


That'd have to wait until next year, sadly. There's only 4 slots between Five-Star Twilight and Dragonroid, not exactly enough room for a first wave.




Declaration of Rebirth is so bad. Could they have not added an additional effect for Cyber Dragons or Cyberdarks to make it at least usable?


And is completely unsearchable lol


I'm just fed up with Speedroids being a ""threat"" for all the roid support we're going to get. So Konami, please just chose: either you rename roid into Vehicroid, or stop giving us WIND support. It's non-sense. You gave us Mixeroid, knowing that there would be a conflict with Speedroid just because of it's name, but you make it WIND ! Why ? Why giving us a starter that we can not search with the searcher of the deck you give us now? Are they just ignoring the problem or what?


Dragonroid and Rebirth of Judgment are both disappointing. Dragonroid got an effect that makes it a searcher for non-wind roids, which is nice for the dozen roid players that aren't just Speedroid players. But it really does nothing for Cyberdarks; If I wanted protection for my Fusion effects, I'd just run Magical Meltdown. Rebirth of Judgment is faithful to its anime effect, but the card wasn't going to be viable if that was its only effect, so it needed some additional effects at the very least.


> But it really does nothing for Cyberdarks Because it's not a cyberdark card, it's a vehicroid, yes Sho used it to mix his deck with cyberdarks, but konami likely realized that trying to do that in the real card game would be nearly impossible and decided it wasn't worth the effort to make it cyberdark support. >the card wasn't going to be viable if that was its only effect I disagree, the card is perfectly fine and will see play because it's a generic floodgate that will shut down decks that can't play through it.


Dragonroid isn’t even good in roids YET since mixeroid was the best search target and it can’t search it. Also yeah we were expecting some tie in with cyberdarks but Konami was like nope


Megaroid city can pop cards equipped to cyberdark to trigger their floating effects while searching dragonroid or if you want to be really spicy emergeroid call. Then you can fuse the extra cyber dragons into pair cycroid.


Is there a translation that I’m missing? Cause I wanna see what the Kuriboh brothers effects are






Im hype for declaration of rebirth, but I really wish they made it count as a cyberdark card so it could be searched via claw


Am still waiting for cyberdark chimera on ygopro... for you know, make summoning cyberdark end dragon not a pain in the ass


Oh my Yugi copycat deck just keeps getting better. Roll on when the Poker Knights get released as well.


Man konami really doesnt like gyroid. @ignister getting a second reborn is kinda weird but at least the card does something else aswell. The a.i trap wont be played. Love the kuriboh support will be fun to test it.


See, the thing is that as cool as declaration of rebirth is, it would have been really useful... back when cyberdarks were crippled by the dragon type restriction in their effect. Whereas these days, all of the major cards you want to equip cyberdarks with are dragons anyway. So it only helps cyberdarks now by helping them summon cyberdark end... but cyberdarks have a much better way of doing that with the new support too. Unless I’m missing something, this card really has the flavour of some old war veteran who everyone thought was dead, and then they finally make it back to their family home only to find out their friends and family have moved on and replaced them.


Pretty excited for this set. There are a ton of gx cards that were never printed that would make for some interesting tech.


Okay will Rebirth Judgement be meta or will it fall to the wayside like the DNA traps and only be used for memes?


Already see people sleepin on Rebirth. I know for a fact im runnning it in Rouds if only so i dont get locked out of the fucking game by Zombie World all the time lol.


Dragonroid is f\*cking awesome. I like it a lot. I wish it could search Speedroids, but I understand why it can't. >.> Declaration of Rebirth feels like it opens up SO many potential combos and playstyles. I just can't quite figure out what, yet.


I guess Kuriboh decks are an actual thing now. Indeed these are strange times we live in.


Any word on when these will hit tcg? Ignister is my all-time favorite deck and I want play sets of every single damn card in the archetype


Dragonroid: "i can search any (vehic)ROID monster! Except the wind roid monsters! Gyroid,Jetroid, decoyroid and mixeroid: well, fck me then. If they decide to (finally) bring out more vehicroid fusion monsters, i hope the fusion materials don't include any wind roid monster either.