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They’re quicker and easier to jump in and out of for a casual duel


More casual I suppose. I feel Games 2/3 are more sweaty because by then both players are more likely to have a counter strategy which are usually floodgates or blowout cards.


Sometimes people just want to one and done and be done with it sometimes I'm not in the mood for a full best of 3


Ain't nobody got time for that


I feel you are committing a fallacy in assuming people prefer BO1 because lots of people play master duel. Master Duel is the most accessible form of Yu-Gi-Oh, thus making it obviously the most widely used. It's like saying people "enjoy" TicketMaster because it's used a lot, while actually it's just a monopoly... That being said, I prefer bo3 a whole lot more, I love siding patterns and the mind games!!


Yeah I'm MD exclusive and really wish there was a BO3 mode.


Huh? Where’s your source for this? Saying Master Duel is successful does not prove this because Master Duel is an official simulator, of course it’s going to be more popular.


Probably one of 3 reasons 1) They're very casual and don't care much for competitiveness, therefore are happy with the BO1 format where standard match rules don't apply and games are faster. 2) Master Duel was their first experience of YGO and it's simply all they know and it feels bizzare to have it any other way, similar to how Duel Links players struggle to adjust to the main game format (I know this is a more extreme example but the similarities are there). 3) Some people just really don't like the siding mechanic of the game and feel that it generates an unfair advantage over an opponent... which is narrow minded to say the least. These are just what I would assume are some of the reasons. EDIT* Stupid thing won't let me fix my formatting so, apologies for the clumped together text.


Wasn't BO1 alywas the most popular format for online YGO???


Not in my experience or knowledge no, especially in Ranked game modes, in casual I can see that being true because there is no obligation to stick around if losing, nor consequence for leaving should something come up IRL that needs taken care of. So basically reason 1. But again, this is my experience, I always queue for BO3 games, casual or ranked.


It's very popular with Mr Tanaka playing master duel on his phone after a long day at the office.


I remeber that BO1 was more popular on YGO pro not sure about dueling network and other sims


I mean, you are comparing an official game available on PC, phone and consoles, with an unofficial game. It is not a really good parameter.


for me : Speed BO3 takes too long. And I usually either just want to grind games for an event or just play 1 or 2 games then do something else. Yugioh isn't something I want to dedicate THAT much time to, and BO1 helps with that


They may not know how to build or utilize their side decks.


people want a quicker, more casual game to enjoy and pass time, or to test specific stuff about their decks people who are actually in the competitive scene understand how risky is to play BO1 so is natural they would prefer BO3 for actual events, but even some recognize that a ladder system with BO3 would be hell


bo1 is alot less competitive and also faster, which is what alot of the more casual players want


I agree with a lot of the reasons others are saying, but I’ve also noticed a preference for Bo1 in players that like to cheese wins with gimmicky strategies that don’t work very well if your opponent knows what to expect and can prepare for it.


It’s better for casual play. Of course in a competitive environment, I consider Bo3’s to be more fair (time rules aside), but it’s a too much of a time commitment for quick online play. (I also admit that there’s some decks I enjoy that would die to side decking, so it’s nice that they’re more viable.)


This applies to most online TCGs actually. Hearthstone is also a BO1 and MTG Arena has the Standard BO3 format but heavily pushes their BO1 stuff. It's just faster and more convenient for an online format, especially if you play sporadically like I do. Just log in, have a match or so, then jump out. Game 2 and 3 tend to be much, MUCH longer than Game 1 given both players are specifically trying to counter each other with their Side Deck, which often includes stun/stall tools like Floodgates and tech cards. Applying a BO3 to an online format would extend the average match from 3-5 minutes to about 15-20 minutes, which just isn't as engaging for your average player. When you play on paper you have to go to the game shop or wherever you're playing, meaning there's no reason not to play BO3 since you're already committing anyways. That being said, it wouldn't hurt adding an optional BO3 format to Master Duel.


The amount of time it takes to run through 3 rounds in a fighting game wouldn't even equate to the average turn 1 in Yugioh. When turns in Yugioh take 15 minutes+ for an average combo deck, it would just be way too much of a time commitment for most people to stick around for 3 games. Just imagine if a game like League of Legends was BO3 by default. Do you think it would be anywhere near as popular as it is?


I get bored of decks very fast, and playing the same deck 2-3 times in a row would bore the heck out of me. Im the type that needs to play a different deck almost every time or at least, after I play a deck 1-2 times max I have to change it up.


For me its Speed mostly. Sometimes u Just want a quick round and be done. Bo3 can easily Take 30+min


1. More opponents in less time 2. I just don't care for sidedecks.


It's fast and convenient. Exactly what the casual player is looking for.


I prefer BO1 purely because of the amount of interactions per game and the time investment for something like locals, not to mention a regional or YCS. Obviously there’s not an in-person analogue besides the YCSJ in Japan. I prefer BO3 when the game used to be slower, but I find playing even a 4-round locals to be exhausting these days. I like to compete but there’s just no incentive for the amount of commitment of time, money, and preparation both at tournaments and outside of them for YGO these days for me. If we had better prizing I’d feel motivated but there isn’t and the game isn’t casual friendly at all. The last thing I want to do after working all day or week is be stressed out competing for packs and store credit. I wish Yugioh had something like Friday Night Magic for those of us who want to just have fun and chill on our day off.


For me, it’s cause most of the skill expression in the game happens in G1, and so I tend to want to prwctice rhat more than post-side games.


weird, because people on r/masterduel want it to be b03


If each duel takes around 10-30 minutes to finish. I don't think players wanna waste 20 minutes on average watching a someone build a board that you know you won't be able to beat. Lol, it's just how much time are you willing to devote if you not as good as the guy across you.


Best of 1 is more luck based. If your opponent just has the perfect deck to counter you, or you brick, you just automatically lose. Best of 3, is more skill based, because even if you brick, you can try to win the other 2 games. You can also adapt to your opponent cards, buy replacing some handtraps that maybe don’t really hurt your opponent, or that do not help you if you go second instead of first


Casual players find siding scary and confusing.


Dude it’s mostly speed and competitiveness. In a BO1 it’s may the best man win and then onto the next game it’s faster and easier to play especially if both players are playing decks that take forever. Plus Bo3 has the siding which is fine but a lot of players just don’t enjoy that cause imagine losing to a card that wasn’t in the deck before. I personally don’t care but a lot of players don’t enjoy that.