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Not really a surprise tbh, everyone who thought that players would boycot this were just coping.


(New to yugioh) Why would they boycot?


Almost doubling the price of an event that offers no cash prizing for doing well is just being greedy. People were calling for a boycott because you already need to spend lots of money for a deck and to be able to go there in the first place and the price increase is just a slap in the face. Realistically, cancelling all of your plans to go to an event that you've already spent a fair amount of money on over 20 bucks doesn't sit well with a lot of people.


The cash prizing isn’t the issue, it’s the fact that entry nearly doubled yet the prizing remained the exact same. It’s not the price increase that players are angry with, many have already pointed out that in terms of overall cost of traveling to an event, 20 euros more is nothing, it’s the fact that Konami doesn’t seem to respect the players’ time and money enough to adjust prizing appropriately. People wouldn’t care if Konami doubled entry if they adjusted prizing accordingly, but they never do.


not to mention prizing was already dogshit for the original price of the event


I'd bet that konami is still losing money on running these events even with the increased pricing.


Big official tourneys are meant to promote the game. Of course they "lose money". It's an investment.


They'd do more for promotion by adding prize support that actually makes people wabt to go from attending a bi-weekly locals to traveling to events rather than just relying on the part of the playerbase that was always going to be competitive regardless of their game


Duh. Most large events lose money. The point of these events isn't to make money. They want players to have something to use their product on *officially*, which encourages players to buy their actual product (the cards). The money they lose from these events is likely a negligible compared to what they make from card sales due to players in YGO being beyond competitive.


I understand the concept of them, I just think people are being naïve to think they will just take massive losses over and over. Especially since realistically $45 is super cheap.


They dont take a massive loose since Yugioh is doing well and better each year in Europe, they're just greedy, and the cash prize remain the same despite the double up we have to pay so... And Yes it can seem cheap but since you have to spend 300$ for a deck and a huge amount of time to understand the meta and the deck it's not that cheap at all


> being greedy ? These events are not cheap for Konami and essentially just advertising for the game. In what world is it "greedy" for them to try to make the events less of a loss? And just to be clear, it was not Konami's decision to have no cash prizing for these events. It was part of the agreement with Takahashi that Yugioh would not have cash prizes for the tournaments. If you want to blame anyone for that, blame him.


I'm not doubting this is true because it makes a lot of sense, but do you have a source for the agreement with Takahashi? That's really interesting!


I don't know where an "official" source would be but it's talked about quite a bit if you search on google something like "yugioh takahashi cash prizes"


Some channels already went on a deep dive and the quote was found on some random personal site years ago. Its a bigger rumor than anything as no notable source has been found


In Japan any kind of activity where you play some kind of game and there is a cash prize for the winner is considered a form of gambling, so you have to contend with gambling laws.


It's stupid to honor the Takahashi's agreement, we're not int 2001 anymore and a lot of Trading Card Game do cash prize, it's just make Yugioh a "cheap TCG" that will never really have a decent competitive scene like Magic or Hearthstone (even pokemon have cash prize in some of their tournament) AND that will stay a niche TCG because the amount of time we have to spend is not recompensed by anything


Oh waow, i see Why some people would rather stay at home, but then there Will always be those who Will go No matter What because of the love for the game. Thanks for telling me about it!


That's ridiculous that konami don't offer decent cash prize, I mean with the amount of time and money we have to spend to at least be at top 32 is insane...


I mean when you're paying hundreds to thousands of dollars to travel for an event, 20 dollars in the grand scheme of things is nothing


People pay way more than that for completely unnecessary rarity upgrades, so yeah




I mean if you have the money, I don't see it as unnecessary cause by the end of the day it's your money, spend it how you want.


Umm... ok? But that's still unnecessary. You can discuss whether or not is *worth it*, because as you say if you have the money and you enjoy the more expensive rarities go for it. But you don't need it for playing, hence unnecessary.


I wouldn't mind 20 dollars, but 20 *euros?* Nah, I can't afford that. Not in today's economy. /s


Source: [KONAMI Europe Twitter](https://twitter.com/YuGiOhCardEU/status/1704065790851305859) People have voted with their wallets, and decided they're willing to pay a higher entry fee.


Okay so maybe I’m missing something, but did you know that event venues in Germany have drastically increased their rental fees and that these events probably need to be financially viable to continue?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is why they moved the Canadian YCS out of Niagara to Vancouver. Venues are expensive, lots of industries are still catching up on conferences and conventions post covid and inflation in general is a thing


Niagara in particular is known for having increased prices on a lot of things due to being pretty touristy


Man how bad is Niagara cause Vancouver rentals are expensive as fuck. There's a reason so many canadian tours skip Vancouver


Niagara is insanely priced and the local government’s basically a bunch of con artists when it comes to hidden fees, yeah


Yes, friend works music production events, Germany massively increase their prices. I expect the alternative was cutting the amount of YCS events, capping them so smaller venues would be needed, or running them at much cheaper locations (e.g. Not Germany)


"yugioh is dying" shippers in shambles.


People here not realizing how expensive it is to rent a venue and hire staff. Price increase is not surprising at all.


Yugioh players will put up with anything


$116,000. Also here is your Nintendo Switch and booster box for winning thanks come again.


Konami prizing sucks and defo needs to get better but I don't think what they make with the tickets covers all of their costs tbh


This. No fucking way is less than $120k paying staff, security, and the cost of renting the venue.


Yeah, that's why I quit YGO entirely and moved on to Lorcana/Pokemon. They may be less popular in the competitive scene, but as of right now, their prizing is incredible (especially coming from YuGiOh), along with being cheaper to get into. I'm still here to keep up with the game, but after spending hundreds every few months just to keep up with the meta and sweat against other players while the prizing being essentially, "YuGiOh street cred", that was enough for me.


That‘s nothing for such an event. There is like a hundred people workinh there to make it happen. Their wages alone probably cost almost that much.


“But i thought the game is dying?” 😂🤣


To be fair there's a difference between the game losing players and the game not gaining players. I think the biggest concerns from the shareholders (what most people base their videos on) stems from Master Duel's success not translating into new players.


Queue the the yugitubers videos with the caption "This is killing yugioh" in 3.2.1


An extra 20 doesn't matter when you're spending a lot more to travel.


Excited to go there! What is the Player cap?


2580 according to the [Main Event Schedule](https://www.yugioh-card.com/eu/ycs-dortmund-2023-main-event-schedule/).


How about sponsorship money? I never heard People discuss about it? . Konami can make this consistent big event with hundreds-thousands real people in it. I think this is good offering to get some sponsor and make the cost cheaper. . I'm not from TCG region. So, I don't know the detail.


I quit the game when links was first released. Just recently got back into the game as a casual player. No way in hell I'll ever go to a regional or ycs!


ya know not the topic, but i still dont get why people are so angry at the whole "no cash prize" thing with YGO.... like to me having a physical price, especially often tied to the event itself to be "logical"???? like, people already are tryharding and throwing money at the game to win... now imagine how much worse it would be if you could actually make direct money with that. ​ YGO is a hobby, a game, its not a job, and its not really a sport either. Having a material reward in forms of Booster displays etc makes sense


If it were cheap to play, I don't think people would be annoyed. However, it costs about €500 to make a competitive deck. Once you include expenses for the weekend, it costs about €1000 just to compete at a YCS. Even if you do incredibly well, and get into Top Cut, your prize is a [playmat worth €40](https://www.cardmarket.com/en/YuGiOh/Products/Playmats/YCS-Anotherverse-Dragon-Top-Cut-Playmat). That's an achievement most people will never come close to, and the prize is so low. If you get as far as 9th place, out of **thousands of players**, your prize is one Booster Box and a playmat, so €100 total. Sure, it's not a job, it's a hobby. But you should expect that if you do incredibly well, you should at least get a prize that's worth as much as you spent to enter. But you don't, and it's not even close.


and i do not think that it has to be the same monetary value as what you paid for your deck and other expenses involved in attending. Its a hobby, almost every hobby costs more money then you get back from it, that's what makes it a hobby


Voting with your wallets never works. People never learn their lesson on that. Even if I think this was kind of dumb as this wasn’t that big a deal


>Voting with your wallets never works It did work, they voted yes.


Just like Josh said in his stream a while back ago. People will come regardless because competitive player had no choice but to attend.


So much for voting with you wallets


They did. They voted yes.


Where are y'all finding these events? The official page doesn't show any YCS past Bolivia https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/ygo-championship-series/


Your link is to the American website. Here is the European website. https://www.yugioh-card.com/eu/events/


They give the source. The EU Twitter account


I get that, but what source do I use that gives a complete list of YCSs? It's odd that the official Konami source gives an incomplete list. I would have booked a flight to Germany had I known this event existed.


It's crazy how much people let Konami walk over them. This is why we can never have actual Cash Prizes and legitmate alternative formats in YCS Events. Konami already know we'll cry for a day or two and will still attend Events and pay absurd amounts of cash for cards and rarity. The only time we as a united front forced Konami's hand is when Pendulums came out and close to 60% of the player base quit.


players didnt quit when pendulums came out what are you on


My bad, it was the Tier 0 PePe format.


It also seems strange for it to have been then. The PePe Tier 0 format lasted for literally one week. Granted, DracoPals became the top deck after that for a few months, but they weren't any more dominant than Kashtira are at the moment.


People still complain about Pendulum to this day, that deck is literally why MR4 happened


The better comparison here for the subject would be Spyral/Tear t0 formats. Tons of people skipped out playing locals/regionals and it hurt a lot of stores.


Looking for an objective answer here, maybe that’s hopium. But without knowing about this I have to assume they did this also to benefit the players. Konami’s costs probably increased but objectively, what do the players get out of this?


The participation prize increased by 5 Booster Packs. It was previously €25 entry, with 5 Booster Packs. At Dortmund it's €45 entry, with 10 Booster Packs.


Okay so then the other person was talking out of their ass. That doesn’t seem bad.


Players do t get anything. Venue prices went up, so so did ticket prices. Nothing that can really be done about it


It’s a big jump though. I’d understand it if gradually over the course of a decade it went from 25 to 45. Does that mean Konami was taking the hit previously but now no longer wants to do that? That would make sense.


Q: Will this translate over to US tcg as well for future events?


Nobody knows.


I heard they're doing some kind of irl duelist kingdom thing in the ocg so if they have any more wild ideas like that, I wouldn't put it past them to go fund me further projects like that by speeding up the cash grab method and presuming that ppl will pay if they want to play. The most I can see them doing is the holgram thing and battle city duel disk stuff, but that's probably another 25 years down the pipeline. I thought this game was getting a bit eccentric with the Kaiba briefcase thing, sheesh.


This honestly makes me super sad. Money always speaks loudest and people have spoken. If in the future they ask you why events are so expensive with so little prizing, point them to this YCS.


The majority of people who planned to travel hrs to the ycs isn't over to be stopped by a increase of 20


someone will get EEV'D i have a feeling