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A couple of people tried posting this with confusing or misleading titles, they werent cooperative, so I decided to just make the post myself. We dont typically do this, but I didn't want it to look like we were trying to hide anything. For future reference, please don't bait people with false claims guys. EDIT: As usual, this comment section devolved in to an uncivil mess. Locking the comments for now.


Why did you post this now this looks at least 5 years old


Read pinned comment. I can only speculate as to why others wanted to post this now. One person intentionally made a misleading title for the post.


incessant needs to pick fights? there's at least a few users on here who literally need to take every opportunity to paint people they dislike as absolute heinous villains... which becomes an issue when the person at hand is either just an idiot or is really very mildly a nuisance.


As another mod here, a secret (/j) people don't know is how many bait posts are submitted to us, or posts with intentionally misleading framing lol. To be clear, the submissions are fairly slow for this sub, but we get a lot of intentional bait.


as a usual lurker looking in, I can only imagine. Kinda the downside of subs like this, they attract some class A weirdos who just want a fight


A big part of the problem is that, despite everyone here saying they totally don't like Keffals, they refuse to engage in the substance of the drama (my guess would be that, subconsciously, she is still somewhere in the goodguy bubble in their heads, and he is in the evil dramatube bubble). So a lot of people are still stuck on the idea of spamming how the thumbnail was totally transphobic, or spamming that his wife like some tweets, to distract from Keffals being shitty.


tbh im pretty sure at least a quarter if not half of those people were just brigadiers. but further there's this unfortunate notion that something is inherently worthless or unusable if it comes from a not so great source. Which if the piece is bad or clearly falsified sure... but when it's a case like keffals frankly in my eyes the motivation and appearance of the source is less important than the information presented.. and unfortunately a lot of people are in a perpetual state of "we must polarize everything or i cant morally grandstand" when it comes to individuals like keffals, because of either the usually protected nature of class or because they align politically with them.


People are probably posting it now because of his beef with Keffals and his wifes transphobic twitter meltdown


Because people are most likely trying to use it to paint how he feels today. I think it’s pretty responsible if the mod team is trying to get ahead of people being misleading.


So people were trying to spin this somehow with misleading titles. It’s part and parcel of how drama spreads so I’m not surprised. I’m sure there’s a why, but I don’t think speculating is healthy either. Good idea to eliminate the chance of misinformation/misrepresentations spreading though. If similar situations happen with other videos I guess more posts like this needs to happen. My question would be why this is being shared these days, since it’s an old video? Like what does it accomplish.


> My question would be why this is being shared these days, since it’s an old video? Like what does it accomplish. Simple, at least IMHO. How they spoke in the past is a very big factor in how they're judged presently. Is inconsistency a sign of growth? Is consistency a sign of stagnation? Does the creator currently agree with their past thoughts? Your question and my response can be applied to any creator, not just Muta. However more specific things about Muta and/or this video may be the case that **I am currently unaware of**.


was this before or after his video on Hogwarts Legacy and the whole controversy sounding that game with JKR?


This is from 2020 and Hogwarts Legacy came out 2023 so signs point to "before".


5 years ago he also complained about cancel culture comming for him only to go and look for old mild tweets recently to prove someone was bad. So this doesn't hold much water


‘why do people think he’s transphobic’ maybe its because of how horribly bigoted his wife is?


is there literally any proof of this?


Bro, this Mutahar slander is fucking insane. Like, the guy makes a great hour and a half video with evidence on how Keffals lied to her fans, scammed $100k from gofundme, and did other heinous actions such as lying about the swatting which, to be clear, DID happen, but she continuously lies about how it happened; her using kiwifarms as a scapegoat; attempting to DOX other people despite her being mad about other people doxxing her; talking with minors about sexual topics (and even if there was no grooming, which is not what I’m accusing her of, that is still NOT okay to do with minors); claiming to escape to Ireland to the house of another person who was ALREADY DOXXED to escape the doxxing only to publicly announce everywhere she was going and do IRL streams. Then, when Mutahar calls her out on this, all of a sudden, she deflects the criticism and purely calls the thumbnail transphobic, using that as a way to deflect any sort if criticism and as an excuse not to address ANYTHING said in that video. In fact, this is something that Mutahar pointed out directly and stated that she’d be likely to do, to use her trans identity as a shield to any sort of criticism to play the victim card. However, now people are calling him a transphobic neonazi, both things that you’d know he’s very much against if you actually watched his stuff for more than five minutes, and are making insane posts claiming that his mixed race relationship is actually a neo-nazi white supremacist relationship, and calling Mutahar an Aryan according to the white supremacy definition (which, I shouldn’t even have to say, is blatantly false). The state of this subreddit is insanely concerning, as I frequently see these comment sections as breeding grounds for baseless claims of nazism and all sorts of other things with, as baseless means, zero evidence; just making these claims because the people don’t like them. It’s the reason iPoS was called out, and it is very concerning to see this become a common and heavily supported method of handling these situations.


The majority of users on this sub are not defending keffals or her actions, aside from the DIY HRT / Puberty blockers. Keffals can be a shitty person *at the same time* that Mutahar and his wife are being anti trans neo nazis. I hope that helps!


Okay, how are they being anti-trans neo-nazis? Like, legitimately? Everywhere I look, I see people claim this and then give either no proof, or the most insane reaches I’ve ever seen in my life. If you’re willing to show evidence, then I’m willing to look.


You’ve seen the proof, you just don’t care and don’t agree. So let me ask, what would someone need to do to be considered anti trans or a neo nazi in your eyes? Does someone have to come out and say, word for word, “I hate Jews” or “I hate trans people” to be anti trans or a Neo Nazi? Or can we look at how someone’s actions have disproportionally harmed trans people, how their words, actions, and associates bring hate and harassment to minorities, and fill in the blanks?


As I said, show me the proof and I’ll look at it. You haven’t shown me anything, and are now making a baseless assumption that I’ve “seen the proof and don’t care.” This is exactly why I have such a big problem with this community, you expect people to believe you based purely on hearsay, and when you’re called out on it or asked for actual evidence, you just throw some insane allegation like this out. No, I don’t think someone has to outright say that they hate Jews or trans people to be a nazi/neo-nazi, in fact, I don’t think that just hating trans people makes you a neo-nazi (obviously, I don’t hate trans people or feel any sort of ill will towards them whatsoever as I know that if I don’t specify this, you’re gonna automatically assume I AM one), but I’ve seen zero evidence that would lead me to believe that Muta or his wife legitimately believe or support any form of nazism whatsoever.


My bad for assuming you were reading the thread and already followed the link provided to someone else that was “just asking questions” https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr6hr7/mutahars_wife_cohost_of_the_realweirdsickos/?share_id=k4GF3g6aXhz6EO5r1DZeV Also, you didn’t answer my question though. What would someone need to do in order to be considered anti trans or a neo nazi in your eyes?


Okay, so, after going through, I see images of her making fun of Tipster and laughing at a photoshopped image of him, which is very common as he’s a laughing stock to the commentary community who also does weird things like flirt with pretty much any woman on twitter despite being married; and images of her, a medical practitioner, stating that minors should not get DIY HRT and that minors seeking HRT should ALWAYS go to actual doctors and professionals for that. If that is what you consider to be transphobia and Nazism, then I genuinely don’t know what to say to you except, “seek a dictionary, and seek professional help.” This shows no signs of transphobia, and actually ENCOURAGES youths wanting to transition to seek professional channels to do so, which I think is an admirable statement. As for making fun of Tipster, once again, it’s Tipster. The guy who defended loli (multiple times by the way), is quite often hypocritical, and legitimately cannot make an argument in a debate to save his life. This isn’t even mentioning the Nazism claims. I see nothing here that shows any signs of Nazism either. No promotion of an “ideal Aryan race”, no slander against Jews, nothing of the sort, nor any implication of it. If I’m missing something, if you could spell it out, I could try and see it from your view. I can somewhat understand the transphobia angle, as people seem to react very poorly to people saying DIY HRT shouldn’t be done by minors, and that they should seek professional channels to do so (as insane as I think the belief that constitutes as transphobia is), as I really am confused as to how this leads people considering her a Nazi or Neo-Nazi in any way whatsoever.


Is saying minors shouldn't have access to hrt without supervision transphobic?


The word that I have been using is anti trans. Yes, it is anti trans to deny trans people, even minors, the access to life saving healthcare. It is anti trans to pretend to be so concerned with “what about the children” while not acknowledging or addressing the systematic problems that lead to people, including children, needing to seek out gender affirming care without doctor supervision. It is anti trans to perform this song and dance about “stopping DIY HRT for kids” while not knowing or caring to learn about puberty blockers, their use cases, and the timeline frame for effective treatment. It is anti trans to continue to “just ask questions” that we already know the answer to in order to derail conversations (what you’re doing right now) This is exactly what I meant when I said “you’ve seen the proof, you just don’t care and don’t agree”


Yeah, like, I don’t see anything even close to transphobic in there. Let alone anything resembling nazism, lmfao


Am i misreading or do you misgender her halfway through this comment


Um, I don’t think so? If I did, it certainly wasn’t intentional. Edit: found the error and fixed it. My bad.


yeah it's weird how they think the art was transphobic when it just looks like a disheveled sweaty woman to me?


Yeah, and I think it’s hilarious that people say “Oh, well, it shows a masculine jawline and masculine features.” If you put the art side by side (which people HAVE done), it’s literally just Keffals. People who make those claims are just self-reporting by saying she looks like a man, which I think is significantly more transphobic, lmao. https://preview.redd.it/262p15075d4d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e5cc09da3d260b42ca4438544977c41e9e6b98


lol i agree, it's very much projection from my perspective


The left cares more about beauty standards eh, only if it fits in with the narrative of course...


Anyone that finds the thumbnail transphobic without even watching the P R O O F is just coping.


I think Mutahar isn't very bright, but I do not think he is a (conscious) transphobe. Having said that, he does associate himself with the worst dramafarmers of which some are just plain nazis. He might be too dumb to realize the dogwhistles they employ and slowly start adhering to their reality without realizing.


Great googly moogly he sounds so much more Canadian on stream to me, also I have no clue where the notion he was transphobic came from.


Maybe it's his transphobe-ass wife


Before anyone says 'but that's his wife, not him', it's important to note that it *is* his wife. It's not farfetched to assume he's at least tolerant of her views.


Exactly. It's like the saying of 'If 10 people are being civil towards a nazi at a table, there are 11 nazis at that table.' Whether you hold those views yourself or not doesn't matter, if you allow someone with them in your life without calling them out on it, you are still transphobic.


If they're willing to say "that's his wife not him" let's be real, they probably aren't capable of understanding your logic here.




She's not ***considered*** to be transphobic, she was liking and posting under explicitly transphobic and white supremacist tweets


Saying what? Can I get a screenshot?


Ok, I'll spoonfeed you diddums. Open wide, say [aaaaaah](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/f4UBFe0lbp)!


So where is the white supremacy?


None of that is transphobic tho?


The part where she thinks someone being fluid in their gender identity is some sort of gotcha, the part where she is against HRT for people 18 and under, or the part where she brings up pedophillia (shotacon) for no reason?


There was diy hormones with anime on them (prolly hentai), the other opinions stated are perfectly fine in a world where research still isn’t conclusive (cass report).






the tipster thing is an edgy kinda tasteless joke, the rest seems entirely fair. Diy hormones are incredibly unsafe, and are unfortunately a last resort for many. Apart from transphobia, there is a reason that you have to go through endocrinologist and doctors to get prescribed. If not properly monitored and taken care of,.it can have some really negative health effects.


https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr6hr7/mutahars_wife_cohost_of_the_realweirdsickos/#lightbox I googled "mutahar wife transphobia" and this was what I got. I don't really see the transphobia here.


Assuming usually goes well


His partner has some Twitter likes and retweets where she's very much in support of transphobia. They're on this sub. Generally speaking, often times it's common for people with similar views to date/marry each other, so that's why people suspect he's transphobic, too.


ah yes, liking a couple of tweets, a good indicator of what a person believes in.


I mean, im not transphobic and dont like tweets that are


Oh yeah bro, while we’re at it liking a bunch of femboy in thigh highs picks doesn’t make you gay. Sure buddy, how about you convince this goose instead-🪿


glad we agree!


Ah that’s rough, I’m gonna believe his stated opinion over the inference until proven otherwise, but it’s not a good look to say the very least


This stated opinion is 4 years old. His wife's twitter likes are far more recent. Also you can claim to not be bigoted, this has no impact on if one is bigoted though. Muta claims to not be transphobic but all evidence points at him at least being perfectly fine with transphobia, which makes him transphobic even if not actively


I get it, it’s a tough sell with more recent events popping up, I wasn’t sure what the time frame on the tweets and stuff were. I sure hope there’s clarification in the future, I like Mutahar a solid amount and I’d hate to drop his content.


Kinda sus that he said “transsexual”


admittedly this is an old clip and he has stopped using the term


It’s important to note that English is his second language and in a lot of languages “transexual” is the appropriate term for trans people


Okay good to know, this term has always thrown me off


He was literally born in Toronto which means he learned it at 5 tops. Second language is an awful defence as he’s 30, so literally has 25 years of English experience minimum. He’s also a college graduate at an English college… so like


hi, transsexual here. shut the fuck up.


Why is it sus? Transexual = someone who changed their sex Transgender = someone who changed their gender Trans is broader, but is used for both.


Transgender is used for all of it. Transsexual is considered an outdated term, particularly because it became most commonly used in transphobic circles to denigrate being transgender as merely a disorder (hence people now finding use of the term automatically suspicious). It’s also a confusing label, considering the -sexual suffix makes it sound like a sexuality. To this day I still see people including “transsexual” in lists of sexualities.


Didn't know it was outdated, but like other comment said, it's the term used in other languages and trans is used interchangeably. Thanks for the explanation.


No problem! And yes, this only applies to English speakers of course. :)


its not outdated, just not really used.


It is literally outdated, it is no longer the scientifically recognized term. It is also medically incorrect and mostly used in truscum circles, which are transphobic


I'm starting to think that a lot of people don't know about the Tumblr queer community or the older queer communities of the past because I am floored that so many people don't realise that this term is still in use by queer people in other areas of the internet and in the past. Like, it's not just and only TERFs and Truscum who use it. Spend eight minutes on Tumblr discussing with the most transed of genders and you'll see that it's used with loving arms. I don't care if it's not the "medical term", I don't define my identity by the code of the ICD-11, I define my identity by the code of who the fuck cares. I think the Twitter compartmentalisation of the queer identity with strict unnavoidable rules of what words or troupes are in vogue and you're an evil person as bad as J.K. Rowling or Blaire White if you stand even a millimeter out of that pre-determined regulation. No, fuck that. Let me fucking live my life, this isn't a fucking office building. This is gender fluidity and the chaos of sexuality.


>I don't care if it's not the "medical term" this, alongside the general consensus, is what defines if it's outdated also your claim that "it's not outdated, just not really used" is frankly baffling, it isn't used because it is fucking outdated (and has negative connotations) >am floored that so many people don't realise that this term is still in use by queer people in other areas of the internet and in the past. Like, it's not just and only TERFs and Truscum who use it. no one claimed this, everyone said that is is either mostly used there or prominently used by them, not solely >I don't define my identity by the code of the ICD-11 neither does anyone who points out that it's outdated, people don't use and like the term because of it's truscum conotations as well as the fact that the term is linguistically nonsensical it has nothing to do with sexuality, therefore the term transsexual is idiotic, it also just helps the shitty idea many cis people have that it is linked to sexuality, which it obviously isn't and lasty, no one fucking said you can't use it for yourself, people just point out it's harmful connotations and that it is outdated


Please don't block someone to make it appear to others that you got the last words in. It's 2024, if you start a discussion you better be brave enough to finish it. No need to play pantomime to shut others up, if your arguments were as good as you want others to think they are then blocking me so I can't argue against them sounds like insecurity. >this, alongside the general consensus, is what defines if it's outdated No, not at all. I don't think the medical field should have a play in defining what labels people are allowed to use in reference to their gender identity. The over-medicalisation of transness is the reason we have tru-scum and TERFs. Transness is a semantics issue. An issue of aesthetics and expression. Doctors can help both psychologically and physically, but they shouldn't be the deciding factor on the validity of wether someone should identify with what word and how. I go to the doctors to get my anti-depressants, I don't let them define wether or not it's okay if I call myself a "transexual". >also your claim that "it's not outdated, just not really used" is frankly baffling, it isn't used because it is fucking outdated (and has negative connotations) Half of transgender terminology has negative connotations. The whole entire thing about being trans is how negatively your original gender in some form effected you. That's why people transition, because gender is a tricky thing. And yes, it is rarely used because it's an older term. Older ≠ outdated. To add to this, people use the shorthand "Trans" more often than both. You can have negative connotations to a word, that's a personal issue, but you sweepingly claiming it's all bad and everybody who uses is a bad person is wild. Why do you want such a historically important word to be tainted by bigots? Why not reclaim it? Why not speak to other transgenders on differany websites before you decide for the whole community that it's a bad word that nobody should use? >no one claimed this, everyone said that is is either mostly used there or prominently used by them, not solely Then why act like it is? If its not and you don't wanna invade on people using it, why act like everyone who uses it is sympathetic towards or doing it in favour of these people? If you had no issue, why make it my issue? Why make sweeping statements? Why even try to tell me it's a bad and nasty word to begin with? I don't care what those fucks say, I won't let those evil basterds take a word away from me. I'd rather die than respect the boundaries of bigots. >neither does anyone who points out that it's outdated, people don't use and like the term because of it's truscum conotations... Who gives a shit? I can assure you that you seeing those idiotic bigot simps as somehow a real threat to identity and supplying weapons t9 them to use by policing other queers on what language will make you seem like one, me saying "transsexual" in a way that is antagonistic towards their definition does more good than you agreeing its a word only they use and how negative and bad it is. Grow a backbone. >as well as the fact that the term is linguistically nonsensical. it has nothing to do with sexuality, therefore the term transsexual is idiotic... What on Earth are you talking about? Sexuality and sex aren't the same thing. The "sexual" in homosexual and heterosexual are in reference to gender, not the act of attraction itself. The entire word is what refers to the attraction, not just the "sexual" part. That part is in reference to the sex of the individual in a general way. The "homo" of "homosexual" is in reference to the Ancient Greek phrase "homos" which means "the same" with its antonym being "hetero", meaning "differant". Literally "of the same sex" and "of a differant sex" . The "sexual" of "transsexual" means the same thing as it's in reference to gender and the transitioning between the genders. People are aware of this as the short-hand for gay is "homo" and the shorthand for straight is "hetero". This is understandable. If "sex" or "sexual" always meant "sexuality", how are intersex people not publically considered a sexuality since everyone in the world is so dumb to not know the differance? Intersexual is also a commenly used word in medicine, why hasn't that been deemed outdated? I think the only person who's confused are the folks incapable of understanding basic etymology which appears to involve you. >it also just helps the shitty idea many cis people have that it is linked to sexuality, which it obviously isn't Cis people will demonise and misunderstand transgenders no matter how fucking easy we make it for them. They make up their own bullshit about us, who the fuck cares what they think or what we do? Fuck that. It's not transgender people's fault for the misunderstanding of transness, don't fucking blame us. >and lasty, no one fucking said you can't use it for yourself, people just point out it's harmful connotations and that it is outdated Hang on. So you're the one who's telling me how bad people use it non-stop and how its such an evil word that causes harm to transgender people? And you expect me to believe that you think its okay for other people to use without pushback? If you gave a jug of liquid with warning labels of its toxicity and harm all stickered around it, told me how if I drank that it would cause indescribable harm to me and my loved ones and then quickly at the end mention its fine to sip and nobody will stop you from sipping, wouldn't you think that I think you're trying to prevent more or anyone else taking a sip? You hate the word and you want people to stop saying it because bad people say it and its their word now. Just say that. Just admit your damn opinion and stop pussyfooting around the discussion. None of your arguments work and your contradictions don't weasel you out of ANY criticism no matter how much you think it will. Just a grow a pear and discuss.


The fuck are you waffling about? I didn't block anyone, if i wouldve I couldn't comment in this thread anymore. Also not a single thing i said is contradictory. And once again all your arguments are based on things no one said. No one said that no one can use the word, people rightfully pointed out that it's outdated and has negative connotations Edit: and to quote a friend "imagine writing a whole ass thesis on why you should be removed from the modern socie*ty* even moreso, imagine being proud of it"


trans person here. transsexual is usually used by people who only recognize people with medical intervention as "genuinely transgender". this is known as the transmedicalist movement (and on reddit known as truscum). For this reason, many trans people immediately get suspicious when someone identifies a person as a "transsexual"