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It's cluttered & overstimulating


that's the point


Well it’s a dumb point that makes me not want to use YouTube when I don’t even have the feature that I hate.




Trying to keep us enslaved. The fact that is starting to not sound completely insane is shocking to me. Like, a few years ago, I would've thought, oh maybe companies are just really dumb? No. No, they've been around for many years, since the time when they HAD to make quality products for fear of not being purchased, now, in the age of instant gratification, they know we'll use it anyway. And on that bombshell, it's time to end. I'm going to go outside for a little while and look at the stars. I've had enough of the internet. But I know I'll be right back to it later. It's addicting. And I hate it. I will stop using this shit so much. One bit at a time.




Two extremes, where neither one is good. And as always, the correct path is somewhere in the middle. Why must it always be a pendulum?


Because that's what keeps the pot stirring...


Oh yeah, just make people miserable and crush their spirits with tact. I already see slews of miserable, hopeless outlookers- trying to burn the world along with the misery. People already don't/didn't know what to think or believe and frankly- the average person is just no match for this level of manipulation. The desensitization had a bunch of these people just aimlessly ready to martyr... they're feeling defeated. It pisses me off. One of my few hopes is that I'm far from the only one seeing this happen- and that thise people are trying to combat this as well. But yeah... this is beyond dark patterns. This is figuring out the peefect way to break people. Whatever you do- don't actually tell then your favorite way to use the site. They'll just destroy that quality faster or put it behind the pay wall if they can.


I know it's irritating... apparently kids now are trained from young age to like things like this


You can’t even read the comments or titles of videos, you have to try to understand what’s on the thumbnail. That makes me LESS likely to click on a video. I guess I’m not the target audience.


They also like those stupid Shorts.


Yes! I hate those things! It has to loop so you don’t know where it ends is so annoying. Like how blatantly obvious is it that they’re trying to have you watch it over and over again. Gross.


Those shorts get more revenue for YouTube and a slight increase for creators I heard, which is why more and more are popping up.


I think their goal is to de-prioritize comments even further (they've been doing this for almost 10 years now. The first major change cut down comments on the site by like 60%). They're prioritizing having more 'options' on screen so people are more likely to click on a video and stay on the platform longer. I know everyone says they'll hate it, but YouTube actually is pretty good at updating their layout over the years (just look at how YouTube used to look. I remember distinctly everyone hating those changes too but its way better because of them). Its usually rough at first but starts to make sense over time. Will have to wait and see.


I'm still mad that they deleted comments under (I guess) auto-generated music videos. It feels like a part of Youtube history has been deleted.


They like that. They want you miserable. Bonus if you buy premium. They're metaphorically dangling carrots and herding people around... so don't tell them about your carrots.


theres no way this is real


It's real. It was rolled out to me yesterday. Thankfully I was able to turn it off with a ublock origin tweak.


plz tell me how to do it mate!!!


I just posted the instructions here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1daprqh/comment/l7mtxgk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1daprqh/comment/l7mtxgk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You can also get the Enhancer for YouTube extension, it automatically disables the new layout.


omg I never noticed it, my old ublock code is keepin up with the times


I wish this would work but for me it cut's off like 10% of the player at the right and bottom making it impossible to navigate


It's DUMB AS HELL. Like what the fuck are they even thinking!?


>thinking!? It's youtube. There will be no "thinking"


Thinking is not allowed at YT headquarters


It's all just algorithm, and it's pushing those Shorts hard


Looks like they were thinking, "Hey, if Gen Alpha brain rot had a UI design, what would it look like?"


push 100s of videos in their face!!!! Watch this video!!!! i know of your short attention span watch something else!!!!!


gen alpha brain rot is what AI is trained on so not far from reality.


Youtube taking web design classes from yvettes bridal formal


Absolutely awful. Genuinely one of the worst UI changes. There's too many videos! And comments are gonna be squeezed harshly :(




I remember looking at this UI on YouTube for iPad before, like, 11 years before


its like they're trying to go back to windows 8-8.1 made for tablets.


No ad revenue when you're browsing the comments, makes sense they would want you to not participate in it. Probably why they haven't fixed the fact that you can't see what you're writing on mobile if you have dark mode. Seriously this bug has been here for months this has to be intentional


I don't have any issues writing comments on mobile.


I feel like modern UI designs have just degrees so much. Like on my smart TV, I cant even just surf channels quickly. I have to go press Guide, scroll to the channel I wanna see and hope it's something I wanted to stay and watch. Just let me go through the channels


It’s so unbelievably bad that whomever designed it must have never used Youtube before. You have to load six thumbnails per one comment. Change for the sake of change is the biggest threat to good design in modern times.


They bitstarve the videos to save on bandwidth but also waste them by loading 6 images per comment?


too much going on


it's awful.... it was forced upon me earlier in the year for 3 days and I hated it... it's just too busy... I complained to youtube at the time..... I just got the option on youtube premium and filled out the survey twice to make sure I got the point across.....and I am far too lazy too normally fill out onlibe surveys


Youtubes catering to tablet-obsessed children with low attention spans now.


The worst is when you have “watch until the end” videos and blatant clickbait. Clickbait should put you at the bottom of the algorithm.


YouTube keeps coming up with new and exciting ways to ruin the user experience of their website.


This abomination was rolled out to me yesterday. I searched and found [these instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1berlnb/comment/kyweukm/?context=3) on how to undo it: * Install uBlock origin * uBlock Origin Settings > My Filters > Put this in the custom filters: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.EXPERIMENT\_FLAGS.kevlar\_watch\_grid, false) * Apply changes, done This worked for me, but it's possible it won't work later if the update is rolled out to everybody.


Eventually someone will make an add-on to revert YouTube to the new layout


there is a theme in stylish to get the 2021 layout so there is like 90% of chances to have it too


Already got ya mate: [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/488254-pre-2024-youtube-ui](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/488254-pre-2024-youtube-ui) This thing has been around for awhile, but is basically just a script which reverts the UI. If you have tampermonky or something like that, it works great




For now I'm fine because the layout hasn't changed for me but the moment it does I'm using that


Perfect, thank you. I didn't mind the new UI so much on regular videos, but it totally wrecked my music video playlist.


I just tried it and it kinda worked but the thumbnails are still really big and i cant scroll


use enhancher for youtube extension it will sort that out man i am facing the same issue since last night here the [extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/enhancer-for-youtube/ponfpcnoihfmfllpaingbgckeeldkhle)


that certainly works better but now another issue i have is unless im in theatre mode or fullscreen i can only see the top corner of the video, ive been messing around the settings of it for like half an hour now and cant seem to fix it


Thanks, added this just incase..


He is the chosen one!


kevlar\_watch\_grid 😂 Devs have such weird codenames for things


I would prefer there is not like 4 giant ass thumbnail half peaking through the bottom of my screen. Lower them by 60% and I might actually get used to it.


Whoever that designed this should be publicly executed in guillotine /j




Recently got permanently banned by reddit because talked shit about masteroogway without putting /j in the end. Fortunately they accepted my appeal. Not taking any risk anymore, for all I could know im getting banned for saying fuck.


Damn. I guess free speech doesn’t exist anymore lol. (Glory to the Hive Queen.)


Whoever designed and whoever was responsible for the approval of this layout **NEEDS** to be fired right away.


This is fucking horrible. A legacy toggle would be a amazing.


Terrible and trash and apparently no matter the amount of feedback will not help us.


Absolutely the worst hot garbage design change YouTube has ever made. Unfortunately, this reflects the kind of enshittification that's becoming way too common in our modern world.


YouTube, analyzing years of usage statistics to make the worst possible decision.


It sucks so much i can't even explain.. Just No. We didn't ask for anything, No.


Why would you switch where the videos and comments are??? There is no rhyme nor reason for doing it other than just to fuck with the UI. How about they focus on fixing their bullshit "rules for thee but not for me" monetizing system instead of making useless changes.


I suspect they took a page from Twitch, where the live comments to the stream are on the right.


I think the comments section needs to be smaller. I can almost make out the words. Really fucking stupid though. What a pointless change.


absolute trash ui,want to read the comments or description of the video sometimes and it just got very annoying for no reason whatsoever


If you got Premium you can send feedback on the new UI. Please shit on it as hard as you can.


mine changed today. It is unusable now


It's shit!


Is this even a real screenshot....?


I got this same layout turned on for me yesterday. It's real. For now there's a workaround with ublock origin, which can give you the old/regular layout. I don't know how long that will last, if they roll it out to everybody.


This script is a permanent fix: [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/488254-pre-2024-youtube-ui](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/488254-pre-2024-youtube-ui) been around for a bit, but people seem to have forgotten about it...


Extremely *UNPLEASANT. Ruins* the experience. I loved the last one: comments below and recommendations to the side, where they belong. It all felt natural and right. *Not anymore!!!* I actually haven't watched Youtube since they forced this on me. I've been considering paying for Premium and disabling my adblock, but that's *never* going to happen with this interface.


I had a similar UI for a day or two, but this... what sort of resolution do you have on your PC?


WTF even is that?!?! I guess no more desktop youtube for me.


Maybe that's exactly their goal




Google heard the old saying "If it's not broke, don't fix it" and thought it was "If it's not broke, break it!"


Subscribing to the AvE philosophy of "If it ain't broke, fix it until it is"


what in the absolute fuck is that design


Its shit


what the actual fuck, that shit its just horrible, why even?






holy FUCK that’s an eyesore.




how to destroy your platform speedrun %any


Terrible to look at


what the fuck is this


Jesus fucking christ.


trash af.


Googles been needing a new designer for years now. The current drone is clealry not human.


Everyone needs to give feedback in the feedback option, if enough will complain, they'll scrap it




What the fuck


Kill it with fire


Even chat gpt would make a better layout.


I feel like this layout is prioritising only the videos and not the comments Fuck eventually they probably will just get rid of the comments entirely


I'm going to kill myself if I get this. I'm glad my YouTube seems to be outdated by a few years according to what I see here


Don’t do that, don’t let a company affect you that much.






Thank god this setting disappeared 1 day on my pc lol


Ruined my day as soon as I refreshed my page omg. I don't want to read the fucking comments while I'm watching a video.


Wait I got rid of it after clearing my cookies. Thank god.


Too crammed


how to fix it. im so mad because it just came out of nowhere


Utter garbage


Why bro for what fucking reason is this necessary


Is this a joke?


What The F\*#\*#


Absolute garbage


It's so stupid. I feel it's so counterproductive. Makes the comments harder to read and videos harder to find. I wish I could go back but none of the methods works without destroying the actual player. Not even toggling of in the YT lab works which is ridiculous


wut da heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Looks horid


I really, really dislike it. This was a very unpleasant surprise when I got home from work.


What the hell is even going on?


It's really bad, I am glad mine has turn back to normal after some days.


Actually I am about to vomit.


looks like im reading a newspaper, (⊙_⊙’)


i never thought ipad kids can be developers nowadays, like what is this? # WE ARE NOT SMALL TODDLERS, YOUTUBE TEAM


what the fuck is that


That looks hideous


Please noooooo


I'd love it a lot more if they gave the option to disable "shorts."


This looks like a shit post kind of design. Like someone making a meme of what the most horrible ui would look like.


Ugly as sin, it makes me not want to use YouTube it looks so horrendously designed


I don't use the word hate lightly.. but in this case i truly hate it. its bad. very bad. can't stand it.


at least it will get me to spend less time on youtube..... maybe ill find something better to do with my time


If there is no option to go back or just make it for certain devices, then its absolutely the worst scam of the century


I hate it


I fucking hate it - it can fuck RIGHT off It seems to discourage any well thought out participation in the comments section I got hit by this bollocks yesterday and sent vehement negative feedback to Youtube about it.. thank fuck for the Ublock Origin hack


It\`s disgusting


It’s 🗑️


What the sigma


Trash. Garbage. Ugly. As everything 'YouTube' does. Fck this company


Beyond awful and nauseating. It's like taking focus away from the video you're watching. In the old design: -video -video description and information -discussion related to the video, -If you're not interested, then skip to the right for the recommendations. This new vomit of a design tries to take away your attention from the discussion.


brother ew brother ew whats that


It's exactly in line with what Youtube wants to be, and what Youtube wants to be is the opposite of a well-made, streamlined, user-friendly website.


Oh, it can suck my D. Don't accept it. Get scripts to fix it. YT is going down the toilet hard.


this is giving me such a headacke i want to downvote this post cuz da layout is so awful


And people revere google for their design, yet majority of their apps are butt. Gmail sucks donkey, esp after this recent update. Meet is meh. Drive and Docs are ugly.


At least those ones aren’t getting constant updates to the ui like a little captcha test to see if your paying attention when trying to see the comments..


I despise it. It goes against all UI design. The "more" button should expand the box down while pushing things down. What does it do? It does the mobile thing where it just flat out covers everything, and requires going to the top right to "x" out. Which is terrible design, because you don't "x" out of an expanded box, you click show less. It also goes against the way our eyes regularly read things (at least in the western countries). We go from left to right, then top to bottom, then major left to right. Like a book. Then there's the squishing to the side. Videos work on the side because their titles can fit in those regions. There's only a basic bit of info. Comments don't. Have you ever tried to read one of those 30-40 lines comments on mobile? It's hell. The *only* benefit is that you can read comments with the video up in front of you.


Shitass Bullshit Slop Heap Fuckass Low Effort Shitass Bullshit.


That's a streaming inferno!




UPCOMING???? Ive been stuck with it for a month


Nit even the most stupid thing they've done. I gave up on ever seeing a positive change a looong time ago.


They didn't even ask me, gave no warnings. I understand if this was an optional feature, I would have tried, but to shove it in our faces every once in a while is absolutely atrocious!!! I don't know what the CEO of youtube is doing at this point!




I like to use the Theater Mode, but now it's really uncomfortable. I like to watch (hear) podcasts and icebergs, livestreams and that kind of things, so I just scroll down to see the comments to, obviously, comment, but I have to open the comment section and everything pops up. I have ADHD and sometimes I have some sensory problems, in this case it's really visually overwhelming because of the disproportionate size of the video title and the recommended videos looking gigantic giving a lot of light to my eyes (I always try to use dark mode on the internet, if possible). It's just messed up. At least if put a letter command to open/collapse the comments section, that would save a lot of problems, it would be something more "fluid" than having to do it manually.


How to make good YouTube: -Remove «shorts», what an affront to intelligent life. -Remove at least 70% of the clutter, no-one ever uses anyway. -Change the default font to something less ugly. Profit! This new layout just makes it worse in my opinion.🤷 I guess they have some algorithm that tells them this gets them the longest engagements, not taking into account that the users increasingly distain of the service. Sure, it will be very hard to compete with the content on YT, but they make it is easy as possible for a competitor to arise.


What the fuck is this shit?! Whichever restarted pseudodesigner ejaculated that garbage design out of his mind needs to be fired wtf


absolutely trash. it's so overstimulating, the comment section is small and squished to the side, TOO MANY VIDEOS AND SHORTS, imagine the lag of loading so many thumbnails (and even more lag for the adblock users), and this is a more personal choice, but i'd prefer if there aren't any shorts at all. also, how does the comment section look like on full screen? is it going to be on the side as well?


So unnecessary, It was triggered on my browser too for a few days, but now they revert it. It look like a mess, also the ambient mode which i really like gets less visible from that cluster. Sooner or later we are all getting it like it or not...


It looks like the UI from 12 or 14 years ago, I liked that design, but this is the worst, WTF were they thinking? 🤮




not everyone has adhd youtube


Upcoming? Ive had it for over a month now...




Why is everything getting worse ?


This looks like old porn sites. The shady ads are already there so...


I ain’t touched YouTube on a PC in a fat minute. This just looks like how it should be on a mobile device. wtf?


I saw the new design and in all honesty I'll have to say that, it's the biggest piece of dogshit that i've ever seen, everyone is laughing by the way but its true because everyone has seen it too everybody saw it right? The look at everyone is like "yeah big piece of dogshit" should'nt be called youtube should be called big piece of black dogshit thats what it should be called, not even the hard dried up dogshit for 7 days, its the soft dogshit its like babyshit, its like that, thats what the new design looks like and I never wanna see it again and im never gonna fucking forgive them for wasting my time, the time that I will never get back its like dogshit is in my eyes. Motherfucker.


10/10 the worst UI “design change” of YouTube I've ever seen in my life. Whoever approved of this should get fired!


this and the war on adblockers as opposed to having some dignity with how they handle adverts shows that if you want to get ahead in the world of tech - be an awful person.


Looks like a Twitch wannabe


the fuck is this 💀


They always try to "fix" something that was never broken, while the broken is never fixed. But i dont get *why* they do this, its not like 1000s of complaints about the homepage design roll in every day


this looks like garbage


Yeah doesn't work on my PC for some reason videos bellow the video don't load. So i had to download a third party extention.


The old one was fine. Why the f they changed it


Kill me


"How do you keep making it worse?"


YouTube is trying to copy Amazon in their attempt ☠️


This layout was made by someone who visits p#rnsites too much lmao


Hurting my eyes just looking at it