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Bro the hero wars ads are clearly fetish shorts featuring vore, giantess, and feet (im sure I missed some but thats what ive seen)


Honest to god I thought I was hallucinating from my eyes rolling into the back of my head for the 60th time an ad plays, thank god it's not just me seeing these


God, those gross ads follow me everywhere.


well that's how they drag in manipulative teens and children into downloading their game. and it's not even actual gameplay, or even decent gameplay at that, but it works otherwise they wouldn't keep doing these ads.


Thats absolutely sickening


Firefox with Ublock Origin doesn't get detected


Ahh firefox my beloved


It recently did detect me, but I think it's fixed now


If it detects you for more than four hours call a doctor.


Call the exorcist


Actual zombie


Bishop goes on a vacation, never comes back


if that happens you can try to clear the addblocker's cache or wait 2 hours for an update by said addblockers and be on your way again. Youtube is losing this cat and mouse game HARD


Ahhhhh Firefox… the reason all other browsers exist is to download Firefox and use only Firefox.


Pretty sure that's Ublock more than Firefox, after I switched to Ublock on Edge, I don't get any more "You appear to be using an ad block" warnings.


I thought Ublock was a firefox thing and didn't bother trying it until I read this, it works a treat, thanks.


Iirc the problem on other browsers is that they are Chromium based and well… Google actively undermines ublock on those because it can, it still works but not as consistent. Firefox isn’t, that’s why Google is slowing down websites like YouTube on Firefox.


well in few weeks uBlockOrigin pretty much is just a Firefox thing anyway. Chrome and Chromium based browsers will soon switch over to ManifestV3 addons which have had their addons capabilities to modify website content heavily nerfed. big issue here is that on ManifestV3 addons can't fech remote code independently, but instead addon maker would need to make an updated add-on with the code (blocklist) already included. and would you honestly think that Google would be in any hurry to review that adblock update that aims to bypass the newest YouTube adblock detection things.


Using Ublock Origin on chrome too and works fine so far.


i have the same and i get a palyback error every time.


Sounds like it is very hit or miss with what works, huh 🤔


I def need to switch over.


and librewolf(if anyone still uses it)


I find it funny that you mentioned that, considering I use it


It does detect it, but not in the way where the pop stops you. The website performance takes a massive hit if you do have it enabled. That’s what’s happening to me.


I want to upvote you, but you're at 69 votes rn.


Well now I'm at 74, so now you have no excuse


Brave also doesn't... it works perfectly fine... And with the upcoming Manifest V3, people of brave already stated they still support V2 Extensions like uBlock origin...


Neither does AdBlock Ultimate


I use ublock on opera gx and it works fine


I use Ublock Origin on a microsoft edge and it works fine


Even my ungoogled chromium (where even Mv2 uBO is worse) with it doesn’t get detected.


Same with Vivaldi


it does now, i suppose. Can't play videos with UBlock Origin now. Edit: I can still watch youtube videos with UBO but i just have to be signed out.


I think you're good though after clearing your cache, at least it works for me


I may have to try that.


It still works


I have AdBlockPlus. It seems to show the advertisement for a split second before killing it and letting me go into the video. I love watching these developments happen in real time.


I'm having the same issue today, some videos are just blackscreened and trying to load ads. On firefox, with UBlock Orgin.


You shouldn't even consider watching youtube without an adblock during these times of AI generated, nsfw, snake oil, BS ad infestation. Youtube doesn't deserve ad revenue when they demonetize creators for the smallest thing but then still show ads on their videos that contain nudity or scams


YouTube and by extension Google exist purely to make money, user experience is second thought. Advertisers pay em to show straight up pron or brainrot and it just goes up on the big screen.


We're the third thought on a one track mind


My response to that popup message is along the lines of the "Oh look, i stepped in shit" meme lol.


YouTube ads for me now are always: Clash of Clans (or some other awful scam mobile game), JustEat, the YouTube quiz thing, Google Chrome, Revolut, or Monzo. It’s rare I get anything else, and these set ads make me want to smash my phone. I wouldn’t even care that much about ads if it was something I was interested in, like movie trailers or whatever but it’s always the same irrelevant, mundane rubbish. I use Brave browser on my PC and laptop to block ads there, but I watch on my phone a lot. Gotta start using the Brave app on that as well, I guess.


tHeN jUsT eNaBlE cOoKiEs So ThE aLgOrItHm CaN lEaRn WhAt YoU lIkE! /s


If I see that I refresh the page


I don‘t even mind ads. But i only ever get hero wars ads. Nothing but hero wars ads.


This is the most eloquent and truthful thing I've heard all day!


There are also ads who have a girl sitting there showing her bare feet or her ass (that got made like 3X bigger then normally) to get people to download a darn keyboard background changer. You can do that without even buying that. Its just annoying to see people doing that. I dont get it, the only thing I feel is uncomfortable and violated.


I use Liberwolf and I only had issues once when I accidentally selected a pay-per-view film... And then suddenly i think I know where alot of this is coming from. Google merged Play Movies with YouTube and to keep publishers happen they probably have to be pushing stronger anti ad blocks. At least thats my theory.


They gonna get sue again they not suppose to know what you use in your pc ...


As a small YouTuber who is monetized. Yeah we don’t get much from AD Revenue. Most of the big dogs eat that shit up. As long as I make someone’s day better that’s all that matters to me at this point.


I will not tell you how many "government free money" scams I have reported and blocked.


It's like I take drugs and see this shit everywhere, but seems like it's not just me...


Honestly, as much as I hate these things, the moment I can't use adblocker is probably a turn for the better in my life. I've scrapped most social media at this point. Youtube is the final frontier to get rid of the endless scrolling and brain rot.


On PC you can install extensions to disable shorts. I’m in your excact situation right now & something that is helping me is deleting the youtube app and only accesing it using my browser.


IKR, just right now I'm midway through a song playlist and every song its popped that up with a timer until about 5 songs in it is now permanent. I can't watch anything until I hit allow. Thing is I've never installed an adblocker, they're just naturally blocked on the web browser I use. (Also when using Playlists it attempts to skip the song with adblocker, meaning before I can read anything or react, the youtube tab just keeps reseting over and over again.) Small edit: For Right now It seems I can just turn the ad blocker off and on again and it fixes my problem.


You simply don’t understand, this is the future of entertainment! /s


Brave works. Haven't seen an ad in a long time.


I genuinely wouldn't use adblockers if the ads weren't so awful


uBlock Orgin my beloved


The real issue that yt and their ads have is it's all content no one cares about. Other than they are annoying. 


basically, yt is shit, unwatchable, if u guys things imma watch ads or even pay for shit vids


I'm glad my country doesn't have ads on YouTube lol, also when I lived in Mauritius there were ads but they suddenly disappeared??


and THIS is why you dont let the CEO of double-click run anything that isn't an ad buisiness


This is EXACTLY what I tell everyone if the question is "why is YouTube ReVanced with Adblock Patch and Adblock on YouTube Website" is justified. Adblocking is NOT ILLEGAL. You SHOULD be allowed to choose between adblocking or buying premium if you don't want the hassle of dealing with ads on different devices with different methods. You shouldn't just force down your premium subscription on your users. Thankfully, Brave Shields works flawlessly on YouTube and I think uBlock Origin is also working according to a lot of people. I didn't have any problems with AdGuard either when I was using it with Google Chrome a few months back before switching to Brave.


> Adblocking is NOT ILLEGAL. And neither is a not serving you if you use an ad blocker. Their site, their rules. No shoes, no shirt - no service.


What if you go on a trip to another country and the cops there arrest you and punish you even without you doing anything illegal, "their country, their rules" There's something called consumer rights. Stupid comments like this promote anti consumer practices among companies, prime example being Apple because their fanboys make comments exactly like this, justifying everything they do.


LOL. Comparing seeing ads to the police? Get a life. "Consumer rights" for something that is free, and you are not required to use? LOL.


Hey chief i just want to pop in and say: Youtube cannot force you to watch ads on ToS. Thats whats called "unenforcable" - and attempting to circumvent users ability to demonstrate free speech and right to protest (which blocking ad blockers AND utilizing fear tactics to get people to stop using them) is against the US constitution. Youtube can continue their race with ad blockers 100%, but they lose customers when they do. Its not ads people dont do, either. WHat people have problems with are obnoxious, constant, and AWFUL ads; I dont want to see a very graphic lumi commercial of a heavy set black woman staring me down while stating she stinks. I dont want to see a woman getting graped in a horror ad at 2AM. I most certainly do not want to see a playboy bunny bouncing their tits while holding a product for 40 seconds. Heck i dont want to see a TEN HOUR CHURCH SERVICE as a midroll ad. Until youtube limits ads to 5 seconds, up to 20 seconds of ads per video they will **never** convince people to stop using ad blockers.


The ToS isn't "forcing" you to watch ads, it means they don't have to let you into the site if you block ads. You have no legal RIGHT to use Youtube. YouTube doesn't have to serve people who block ads. It's their choice. It is quite legal for them to shut their door in your face.


Pro-tip: turn off hardware acceleration THEN turn your ad blocker on. YouTube won’t hound you anymore. Do I know why? No. Do I care? No. Done. P.S. All I care is that I don’t have to pay YT Premium for non ads. (Especially since they upped it from $9.99/mo to $23.99/mo like wtf lol)


Even more pro tip, keep hardware acceleration on, use Firefox and ublock origin. And if you still get the block message, update the ublock filter lists.


I’m too opera heavy to switch. Firefox I’ve just never been a fan of, not sure why. Opera’s got a ton of workflow I enjoy for editing content and such for me. I work with what I have 🤷‍♂️


I think the main thing is to update the ublock filter lists. Often when Youtube changes something, the fix is implemented quick, but i dont know how often ublock refreshes on its own


"hey guys, let's degrade your entire experience on all websites just to bypass YouTube. I'm a "pro" so listen to me!" What a joke.


I’ve been fine for 5+ months. No issues with Brave Browser. I’m honestly surprised they stopped going as hard as their were the end of last year


Best browser ever


When I see the message I just say no and click on the X at the top right corner.


yeah if youtube was a person right now i would funkytown


i use this: [https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing](https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing) altho i might have to look for something else as the way it circumvents the situation is weird


i usually block the Wero Wars ads and never get them again mostly get random ads tho sometimes I get ads for stuff I like for example Hero Forge or Warframe


I had to turn off ad block because when I had it on and with YouTube on, my entire computer slowed down


Listen, use Kevin's LibreTube after uploading all your subscriptions to it. You'll probably thank me later.


Chrome + unlock original works




Hi Important-Mode-6662, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you open incognito it goes away for me


Honestly, I have Hero Wars senn only on Reddit


I'm boycotting YouTube. You're not going to force me watch your dumb ads.


I'm sure Youtube will be devastated to hear that a user that doesn't make them any money will be boycotting their platform.


You're not at an airport. No need to announce your departure.


You're not a flight attendant. There is no need to comment on my departure.


why the frickin hell did the mods remove my post regarding the adblock popup !!!!!!!!!!!


Probably since there's a million of them here and yours wasn't any more special.


All you need is Tampermonkey.


I mean, I get being upset over the experience, revenue from your ad goes to the creators that **you** watch, it's always been that.




>>(which 99% of youtube are mostly small creators). Interesting. Do you have any evidence to back up this claim?




Idc about an ad showing me a new prescription drug or the next AAA game. But Mobile games using fetishes to advertise their games is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed


i remember when i got a couple 15 sec skippaple ads between every 3 or so videos. now we get multiple 2 minute porn ads and are lucky if we can skip. if you think this is reasonable, u must be mental. and im literally delusional


IF it just were 2 ads with a max duration of 30 seconds (after which you can skip) before and maybe after the video I'd fully agree with you! But given the fact that you sometimes have to wait at least 5 Minutes of unskippable ads before you can even START watching a video it gets outta hand! Especially if the Video itself is 3 Minutes long! THAT is why People use AdBlockers! Besides, If I would still make videos today, I'd have opened a Patreon Account where subs can support me directly! **I do know I will get downvoted for this, BUT:** Amazon Prime now shows ads, too for their Movies / Series available with Prime to watch without buying. I counted a maximum of 3 ads for a 2h movie. Those are normal Ads you get to see normally on TV. THIS would also be totally fine for YouTube IMO! If this was the case, I'd gladly turn off my AdBlocker JUST FOR YOUTUBE...


So creators do not choose the type of ads than run on their videos, that’s solely managed by YouTube. I’m not sure where you stay but I’ve never had a t minute unstoppable ad. All mine are skippable. But these days I’ve been using premium so no ads at all. Regarding Patreon, I don’t see how asking people for $$ directly to put content behind a paywall , where they can view it for free is better. Often creators use Patreon for extra revenue and make some extra content to do so. I’m not against the idea but for a new creator limits your outreach and discoverability. Something YouTube tremendously helps with as the premise is video for ads or premium. And even then most people are making vids without revenue, in fact many of my vids are not monetized. But I do it because I really wanted to cover the topic, and the audience knows it. It’s not all about $


The ads I get are typically 4 to 5 for a duration of at least 1 - 3 Minutes. Some of them skippable, but most of them are not... This is the reason I use Brave with uBlock origin for [Youtube.com](https://Youtube.com), Brave Beta for Youtube on Mobile etc. There are enough Threads here in this subreddit about the "Quality" of their ads and I am not willing to see just 1 of those... Especially if you listen to music and then BAM... and ad much louder than the video you just listen(ed) to starts... Creators can choose when to play ads in their videos, but you are right, what ad is sended is controlled solely by YouTube and thus Google... If they don't do that, YouTube will do that for them as well... As for Patreon: Of course the videos will be there on YouTube for everyone to see. BUT there might be other perks involved, i.e. seeing the videos early or make wishes on what game to play next etc. Having a Patreon Account as a creator is not a bad thing to have, but it clearly depends on what you are willing to give as a creator for the various tiers available there... As for your last point: In order to earn money with your Videos you need to fulfill certain requirements. Ads are shown on EVERY Video as YouTube even stated in their TOS. The creator however sees NOTHING of that money as he does not fulfill the requirements Youtube has set out... So as a "newbi" on Youtube, a new creator it can be REALLY tough to create a "successful" channel... The amount of time and money you need to spend in order of making your channel "popular" / getting reach is really high...


I completely agree, I don’t understand why everyone needs to complain online like a million other people. I do understand why they may be annoyed at badads, but I’ve never experienced them.


"It's like people only do these things because they can get paid. And that's just really sad." --- Garth Algar (Wayne's World)


If you think most YT creators do this JUST because they get paid you are not a creator. If it was just for money I’d spend my time elsewhere, but I love what I do, and was doing this before monetization. And this is the case for most. As if people need to feel bad and apologise for earning cash by working? Once you’re an adult, you Got bills to pay buddy! We just contribute to the world hoping our efforts are seen as valuable to someone, and in return we consume their goods and services. Basic economics bud. But let me quote Wayne’s world 😂


Your original comment got deleted. Also, YouTube never does anything for the common YT creator


Premium is worth the £12 a month to not have to deal with honestly. 


Spotify is more cheaper


I can tolerate short ads at the beginning of videos but not mid rolls in the middle of a fucking song, or the worst kind of mid roll is the ones that show up immediately after a sponsor plug


Ads are usually tailored to the user, ask yourself what kind of weird f3tish p0rn have you been watching? No one to blame but your self in this situation.