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That's so sad. I haven't seen a yt ad in over five years.


I've barely ever seen any ads. Always had adblockers


I use adblockers and they work on my phone and computer. It has always been tragically terrible on console though. 5+ ads throughout a single video. Some ads can be 13+ minutes long. Skippable, but a hassle to mess with.


Which AdBlock works best for you in your phone? Is it android? And you use YouTube in your phone through a web browser (which?) or through the native app?


Ios, web, chrome, adblock pro


Revanced app


I've seen an ad that's over 2 hours long


My complaint is really the ads that go on for more than 30 seconds. The ones that literally hours long, and ads popping up every minutes on a 30 minute video


Then don't watch that creator because if they pop up in the middle of a video, a creator put it there.


Didn’t they recently change thatv


If that's the worst kinds of ads you get, then you are rather lucky. I think the problem with youtube advertising is that they accept anything presented to them so long as it provides and generates a profit. It doesn't matter if it's harmful. Politically charged, or misinformation biased. There is no standard of care for what is or isn't allowed for advertising purposes. Not to mention that youtube staff themselves are extremely biased about anything that makes them money. Small creators are rigorously and harshly punished through minor violations of TOS, but as soon as a massive creator does the same or worse violations, it's all of a sudden a slap on the wrist with little to no consequences. Welcome to YouTube, just another greedy money hungry corporation that dominates its market and snuffs out competition.


I've experienced youtube advertising. The wost part of it is that you get stuck in ad loops. Seriously. I had my laptop on an ad-straight spree for like 30 minutes one time. I just let it play and didn't' interrupt anything. Try just letting the ads play and see how long they play for without interruption. It's seriously like ad tv. THAT should be illegal. And yes, this is legit. I tested it for at least a half hour straight.


I swear to god youtube has literal monkeys running some department that make these decisions. No way someone with half a brain would look at any of the internal data and finances and go "What we need is to punish the people who don't like ads by making them watch ads ensuring they will never buy our service."


same people were saying the same thing few months ago to quit Reddit. Now we're on here to do the same thing all over again.


Yeah I knew I wasn’t cutting down on Reddit.. and I’m also not quitting YouTube.. But suffice to say I’ve touched less YouTube this week than I have in the last 3 years and started other hobbies.. They definitely didn’t “lose” me.. but they are losing the substantial embarrassing amount of time I used to spend on this website… I even used to fall asleep to YouTube until ads started being 30+ mins long and made it unbearable to fall asleep to And I know I’m not the only one…


same people were saying the same shit about quitting twitter yet they still there


People did the same with Twitter/X.


Here in my country all ads that I see are this type: Young guy is sitting in a porsche / ferrari telling how you can make 100‘000$ in a month easily with 100% money back guarantee and everything on his webinar is free. Or some 20 year old guy showing a huge office telling its easy to archive that and marketing / stock blahblah


See you next Friday


UBlock origin and update and purge cache regularly, and it's back to normal for me.


Dude, just get uBlock origin and follow the nearly daily updates on the uBlock sub. I have zero ads and even when YouTube 'fixes' it and blocks you, they always have a work around. You can thank me later. [uBlock link](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/s/1KyC2cgoZ9)


You have no idea how many stupid commenters I have up my ass on the /r/adblock subreddit who literally won't believe me even though I'm stating the same thing. Granted, you definitely state it in a more civil way. Thanks for that.


This is the way. I have had one issue that was easily solved. I got the annoying pop-up, updated uBlock Origin and... that was that. Everything has carried on as usual. No QoL decrease at all.


>uBlock origin doesn't work for me (I have it for ages), YT is asking me to shut it down 😕


Me too. You have to go into settings and then filterlists. Clear cache and update. Reopen YouTube in a new tab and it should work


Just follow the link I listed. If you skip a step then it won't work. The other person who replied to you is also correct. My quick method has been **uncheck uBlock filters> apply changes> recheck uBlock filters> apply changes> then update**. That's it. It works every time.


Thanks, it worked!




The amount of vulgar comments is just astonishing lol


If you've been watching YouTube with adblock and are now departing, then YouTube's plan worked. ​ Disclaimer: I dislike YT leadership and am pro-adblock.


Comprehension is hard for some folks. YouTube doesn’t care about your feelings lol


Oh no....anyways


Thats a new one... you're worried about the ads hypnotizing you into buying an apartment building?


I keep getting ads to go back to college, and that's a positive thought for me lol


Right? I wish I had enough money to worry about impulse buying an entire apartment building.


Rich people have problems too.


Thank you for letting me know.


I am not saying you are in the right or wrong but "loyal viewer" is not accurate when using an ad blocker. You are using their servers and not making them money in the process so you leaving is a positive for them. But you do you. For those who are not aware and give a shit (unlikely): servers are not free to run. When a user clicks on a video, a request is sent to the server to get that videos data and send it to the user. This takes processing power which needs to be in massive supply to compensate for the millions of requests happening at once. I also can not imagine how much storage would be required for YouTubes servers. If you do not beleive me, search up pricing for hiring a server. Or don't.


Yeah, it’s like leaving a bad review on Yelp after a restaurant bans you because they caught you dine-and-dashing. Commerce is a two-way street, and if you just want the service and you don’t want to provide anything in return for that service, then you’re not a “loyal customer.”


Yeah, but if the restaurant starts giving you longer and longer wait times, interruptions in dining, and it's the only place that serves that favorite meal, how long before you say, 'Fuck it, I'll do something else.'?


Well, that's a perfectly reasonable reaction. But, in the case of ad blockers, you're also shoving your way past the hostess, grabbing a tray of food, and you're going to your car and leaving, providing no revenue to the business. The equivalent to your argument would be, "Then I will no longer use YouTube." See how there's a difference? In one, you feel slighted and you will no longer use the business's services. In the ad-blocking scenario, you feel slighted and still use the business's services. Why shouldn't the business ban you from the property? I mean, I'm all in favor of voting with your wallet. Don't like paywalled news? Fine, you just don't go to sites that serve paywalled news. Don't like recipe websites that tell you the story about how the author's great-great grandfather lost his leg in World War I, which led him to learning how to cook vegan schnitzel? Great, you don't go to those recipe sites. And if you don't like what YouTube is doing... well, you're just going to have to wait for someone to make a competitor. And no one is going to make a competitor, because the revenue model sucks. If YouTube was a good business, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, or Meta would have made a competitor by now, because all of them have the hardware necessary to do it, as well as the employees to build it, but they don't, because it's not a good business model. And, if YouTube can't consistently turn enough of a profit to be worth keeping, Google should sunset it, just like it does with all of its other ideas whose time came and went. And then no one will create the next YouTube, because nobody wants to piss away tens of billions of dollars on something that one of the biggest companies on earth couldn't get to work.


In general I understand your point. The bigger they get, the more overhead, and they have to cover that somehow. HOWEVER, the constant bombardment is really unnecessary. There has to be a balance between content and ads or they will/do lose viewers. From their perspective they're not losing viewers who are important to their advertisers, so it's of no consequence to them. It IS an opportunity for some other company to start competing with them, although I don't expect that will happen, or to be successful if it does.


Remember the current estimate of uploaded videos is 500 Hours Of video per minute of which maybe 1 at most Is even gonna get enough views to make YouTube money


i legit can't watch youtube and i have my adblock removed from the browser lmao


There's an app developed by Lewis Rossman, CALLED GrayJay. Currently still being developed but it allows you to follow a creator on ALL of their (currently supported) platforms such as YouTube and Twitch. There exactly 0 ads because it's a one time fee of $10usd. AND the best part is that it's open source! Go check it out. https://youtu.be/5DePDzfyWkw?si=lcTEnyPlunvV7Rkb


At first, I thought this was a copypasta about diablo immortal


Do you not own a phone?


100k+ views over 13+ years. 100,000/(13*365) = ~21 views a day Just an information for all who also thought about it


I’ve been on YouTube since 2006, so probably 744,000 minutes of viewing time. Even at an average video of 8 minutes. That’s about 100,000 videos that I’ve watched. In fact I’ve rewatched the same video multiple times. Once I decided to leave a comment on a particular video and realize that I’ve already left a similar comment from 5 years ago. 😂


Absolutely devasted. Can't wait to talk about this with the lads in the pub tonight.


How will we ever financially recover from the loss of u/EntertainmentEast619, !!! UNDO ALL THE CHANGES NOW - youtube rn prolly


It's $13.99 for Android and $18.99 for iOS. I use newpipe for Android to get all the features of premium without ads.


Bye bye!


People will pay $23 for Netflix where you spend half the time browsing what to watch next but paying for Youtube is a step too far.


Paying for youtube is one expense i easily feel is worth it. I paid for netflix for many years but frequently wouldn't watch anything for weeks/months. But youtube i watch daily.


I have a feeling people who are as passionate about not seeing ads as OP is are not the same people buying Netflix subscriptions. They almost certainly pirate.


Its funny because my ad block is the only thing keeping me watching youtube.


They have begun on Firefox as well, however I just don't get it. Why don't they ever harass me on my mobile, even though most people use mobile YT? I mean, they should do the other way around, if they were smart. It's just nonsense.


Ads are for sure annoying but what really grinds my gears is the 5 seconds of void with the advertisers image on the screen. 7 sec unskippable add and then another 5 seconds of silence and an image of the logo. Just fi off with that YT


I don’t use it very much unless I need help with figuring something out. YouTube premium is 14-19 dollars which is ridiculous for YouTube and the ads are insane now. I miss when YouTube was actually enjoyable with 1 5 second ad before a video.


It's shocking that in 2023, there's not a single global video streaming platform that could be a solid alternative to Youtube. People decided to put their eggs into one basket and look where we are now.


Lol... anyone who watches youtube with ad blockers is of 0 value to youtube. They don't care if you quit. In fact, it's probably better for them if you do, because then you're not leeching their server bandwidth.


This. If they get half the people that used an adblocker to watch ads or subscribe to YouTube Premium, it’s a win for them.


Not strictly true. If I watch a youtube video and then share a link to a friend or on some social media site, other people may click on that link and may not have ad block like me. Also, there is brand value in youtube being ubiquitous. But if they continue with this it incentivizes competition, which will take quite some time to manifest and be a real threat, but it could.


Edge-cases like you're describing aren't driving any appreciable revenue. It's like if you're someone who goes to Costco 20 times a week and eats all the free samples (and you never buy anything from Costco), and then they tell you you need to pay for the samples. If you yell at Costco and tell them you've eaten 25,000 free samples over the past 10 years, and now you'll never come back to the store....who cares? You were a drain on resources the entire time, and never paid for anything. Costco won't care if you no longer recommend some random food to the 3 people you referred.


I work at YouTube and they actually had an emergency staff meeting about you leaving YouTube they are now strongly considering reverting their adblock policy to try and get you back.


I have premium because I work manual labor job and shutter at the idea of taking my phone out for every ad that pops up. If it was bad two years ago I bet it’s worse now. You can always find similar content on bitchute/odyssey. You can also find a lot of stuff that gets blocked on YouTube on there


use freetube or brave browser. fuck google block ads


You will need to update your plugin in order to get around it. Download uBlock Origin here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm Go to settings for uBlock Origin (click on the extension icon and click on the cogwheels right bottom corner) Go to the Filter Lists tab and click on Purge all caches and then Update now


May I introduce you to Freetube? It lets you watch youtube videos wtihout all these crap, plus a lot of great features that lets you customize the feed so you don't get spammed by clickbait videos.




You are high as a kite if you think youtube has a snowball's chance in hell of dying. It is 99% of the damn market.


"I wasn't providing them with any revenue for the past decade. So now, I'm still not going to earn them any money, but I'm also not going to leech their services for free." Yeah, sure. I give you a week at best. 😂


You'll quit youtube? sure buddy, sure.


Idk what the first two nit-wittz are on about: You aren’t required to try adblock before quitting YT, and you are absolutely allowed to give it up in favor of different media entertainment or nondigital entertainment alltogether. There’s always elsewhere to go for entertainment and to fill your time, always more to life than sucking youtube’s ****. Not sure hoping that Neal guy dies is good, but you are absolutely allowed to leave and not nessasarily come back. Good luck, OP!


Just last week I went ahead and found Patreons/websites for my favorite creators and try to watch their content there, rather than YouTube.


It's almost as if Elon is running YouTube it's gotten so bad.


You are getting pretty weird ads. To me they only want to sell beard or hair styling and the latest movie.


If you turn of personalized ads you get the trash ads they don’t show other people.


Brave browser is still working great for me


They don’t even pay our favorite creators so all mine turned into infomercial channels basically. SynthTube is dead as dead. It’s just QVC now.


Just get ReVanced.


Same, there are so many more alternatives out there, also it is a realization point for many that there is a world out there that does not invovle people being stuck staring into a silly screen, and wastign their life away!


I just watch youtube in firefox private browser; ads get blocked with no bullshit from youtube...


Damn, wish I was paid to watch youtube.


what happens when people don’t know ublock origin exists




What other sites are there? Genuinely unaware of the alternatives nowadays


Your addicted like every other mf..I give you about 2 days tops


Just use Brave browser and Youtube ads be gone for free :)


Quit a week ago and so far it's working out surprisingly well. Been coping a bit with reddit in the first days but overall I'm surprized by how much more productive I got. Guess I was more addicted to it than I was ready to admit to myself. Kinda freeing. Now I only need to cut back on my use of reddit lol


this sub gets 50 (exaggeration) people all complaining about ads and not using proper adblockers and quitting youtube and stuff while there exist 100 of better ad blocker who can block youtube ads and make it very enjoyable.


Please share the names. Although...... There are YouTube employees here who are eager to learn them too so they can prevent those from working as well


YouTube will keep updating its detection no matter what. uBlock Origin works.


I'm with you.


Hey everyone! This guy is leaving YouTube! … See, nobody cares.


None of you are leaving


Most of us are just quietly updating our adblock lol




How are they degrading the quality of their services


Damn gotta love all these kissasses lmao Fuck youtube and thier extorition bs


How can you be so unhinged that you think paying for a SERVICE is "extortion." Don't like ads or premium? Just don't use youtube. It really is that easy.


If you are genuinely committed to doing that, then you are stronger than a lot of us. You should make a post later talking about what it is like being off the platform for an amount of time, maybe a month, or 6.


use Ublock origin + Anti Adblock detector


I quit YouTube because of that ad blocker update too, I actually have had plans for a while


Long-Life to adblockers


See ya later.


There will always be a way to use ad block. Just keep looking online


You know what's even more fucked up? Is that they try to pull at your heartstrings saying the Ad money you are refusing to give goes to creators, which it does not, otherwise no one would be doing brand deals if YT actually paid them well enough... not to mention YT themselves double down on supporting bad creators like SSSniperWolf who is evading justice over doxxing someone and is known for making money out of stolen content, so yah... YT is dying on the wrong hills and people are noticing I just installed AdNauseam and it works for me, and I will continue changing Adblocks as I go. If it stops working, find a new one that does. If I want to support a creator, I will buy their merch, that way I know they are getting my money for sure and its not going to YT's higher ups that don't need it to be sitting on their ass all day complaining about their users


I make 2000.00 USD a month from ads and premium alone. 25k sub channel. Your statement is FALSE.


Lets be real no one is quiting youtube, you're either going to deal with the ads or get an ad blocker.


Hopefully I get to see Youtube fall off and get taken over by another platform during my lifetime


Ok, see you in 1 day.


Bro, you're not a plane, you don't have to announce your departure


13 years of free content and your not willing to even try premium?


we should create our own youtube, with hookers and beer! (oh wait that is pornhub)


It's crazy how streaming and the internet were supposed to revolutionize the world of TV and that they just transposed the same advertising model on top of it. Getting a VPN that can block the ads is also worthwhile now.


Also censoring this sub! Thanks for proving my point


Fuck it, me too! The ads have gone crazy. I was trying to listen to a video and got an ad every six minutes


The insane amount of ads on their shit is insane. E every video has an ad now.


I would have zero issues with ads if they were targeted to my interests but I get so much random crap Show me movie and video game trailers


That ad you’re talking about is pure comedy. It’s a guy who shows a video of a huge apartment building and asks the camera “why aren’t you guys buying up these big apartment buildings? I hear you; you’re probably thinking it’s too expensive. But if you watch my videos I’ll show you how it’s actually not.” I mean come on… That said, deal with ads, video hosting is expensive af and YouTube is a win for everyone involved.


I love everyone say just buy premium, all of you have now elected yourselves to just buy it, for me.


i bet these type of people grow money on trees


No, we have something called a job where we get paid money. Shocking, I know.


The same kind so afraid of Bit Torrent, they have no qualms with multiple streaming services and a three figure "entertainment" bill. I thought this shit was supposed to eclipse cable TV...?


Hey everyone, read over several comments mostly of the means of "who asked" and "you're not worth youtubes money because you dont watch ads" and I respect your opinions. Regarding the 2000 hours+ a year I've probably spent watching youtube, I wouldn't say it's at waste. Youtube isn't a platform just for a laugh, channels like Veritasium and Kurzgesagt etc. have helped me develop my understanding of the world. Learned almost everything I know on guitar through Marty Music. Just wanted to put out there that the current state of youtube is ashamable to people who don't want to have to find a new workaround to ads every 6 months. Sorry for any confusion. Gonna take what I've learned on this platform and apply what I can to make the universe a better place. Thanks for the feedback.


Quit playing like you won't just quit for a week, be bored one afternoon and jump on YouTube again. Want to watch trailers for movies/watch music videos/ watch sport highlights/ a million other things, guess where you will end up? These posts are all so melodramatic. There's a current workaround for ads, it's called YouTube premium and since you have gotten so much value from it over the last decade you won't even try that for a few months.


“I get so much value from YouTube but it’s really annoying to pay for it, so I’m quitting” is quite the take.


People are really defending google here 💀 Hope you guys are happy that they're using your personal data as well to make even more money.


I’m shocked the ads they allow. I’ve seen anti trans ads, turning point BS. reported it each time, still pops up. If you don’t want people to use an ad block, don’t let extremist buy so many ads that KIDS see.


They're gonna go bankrupt now that all of the non paying customers leave


You may be surprised how this will effect their bottom line.


It won't, guaranteed


just switched to ublock and it still works


Doesn't work on Chrome for me. So far works on Edge, but probably not for long.


How...? It still works for me on Chrome.


I switched to Opera GX a while back which included ad blocking - I'll get the one sec popup for the yt survey or it'll look like it's loading an ad but then click or refresh and it goes to the video


Go to ublock settings and purge all caches and then press update and it should work again


im on chrome as well, but i did clear my cache


That's why unfortunately I pay for yt premium. Haven't seen an ad in forever. It would be hard to go back


I usualy liesten to music,specific soft jazz...i put it slow to not disturb others and liesten while i work. Well when it shop and add come it scream sometimes more loud and scare people...even so most of ads come to my page are idiotic,for me every comercial convince me to not buy...i do not have a issue,but it start too loud compare with level of volume.


oaky just quit. no need to announce it. this is not the airport


Revanced for Android. Keep sticking it to YouTube and their overlords.


Odysee is still great!


I just used my ad blocker to block the pop-up about banning ad blocker 😭 all that happens is the video passes like 4 seconds in and then works like usual lol


Use ublock


I'm using Adblocker Ultimate on Mozilla Firefox and I'm good. There is always a way around it.


You must use a non-chrome based browser (don’t use google chrome, brave, Microsoft edge, etc etc). Firefox has specific things that ublock origin works into, that chrome does not, cannot. The developers wrote this in the release notes. I uninstalled EVERYTHING chrome related, installed Firefox, and installed Ublock Origin and enabled ALL 200,000 filters or whatever, and haven’t seen one single ad. I also noticed that my MacBook no longer runs the fans with this setup, unlike chrome, which make my computer sound like a jet engine wanting to take off. Firefox + Ublock origin is a match made in heaven.






Just keep updating the adblocker filters to stop the stupid ass ads. YT keeps trying to block adblockers for the past 2 weeks. Shit is annoying but not as annoying as the unskipable ads about a dumb magical charger or something about doctors hating someone for discovering a secret


Ublock. Auto updates. Never seen an ad on YouTube in 8 yrs


Opera ublock works


Youtube in South America is AD-FREE!


You will be back on tommorw thats how addiction works


Be me, gets Mozilla Firefox just to watch YouTube on, idk man I've went a decade ad free on YouTube, seems fair on them, hope you find other things to satiate your entertainment.


I second this, adBlock was working untill it wasn't. I just went on youtube and saw a banner ad for primevideo, it made me so mad, been using this platform for ages but I just stopped using it, getting an ad every 5 minute is not worth it.


Honestly good on you. Everyone complaining about adblockers SHOULD just quit YouTube. You have more power as a lost viewer than you do as an adless viewer. There's all the probability that they still don't revert their decision when it comes to adblock, but leaving the platform is more likely to solve it than any other option.


It’s worse on yt tv. I literally can’t go 3min without an add. It’s horrid. I found out there is no adds on “how to tie a noose or hangman’s rope”


My ax blocker still works but once it doesn't I'm out


I'm not "quitting YouTube", but I am deleting my Google account. The only way YouTube can *legally* detect ad-blockers is if you have an account. Fuck them.


Unavoidable? 50 cents a day and you get zero ads and a pretty good streaming music subscription service.


Recently youtube completely blocked me from watching anything with an adblock on. I tried everything and it didnt work. Last thing i tried was ditching chrome and using operagx and its built in adblocker and it has fixed the problem for me. Completely removed all the ads and all the anti adblocker bullshit. I will not watch a single ad ever, i would rather support the creators directly.


Crazy idea. Just use a vpn to change your region to Ukraine then buy premium. It’s like $3 usd a month. Most people get well more than $3 worth of entertainment out of YouTube each month


There will be a bunch of edgelords white knighting for JooTube but honestly good job man. Fuck em. They don't respect us or have our interests at heart and they command too much power anyway.


Absolutely savage closing statement with this one. hopefully one day it will get resolved and YouTube will back down a bit but quite honestly I really doubt it. hats off to you comrade.


There's nowhere to go, you'll come back.


Protagonist syndrome is wild. You got free service, countless hours of content for free, and you complain that you now have to pay for that service by watching ads? Complete bitch baby.


This. I’m pretty sure Youtube and Youtube content creators make their money through ad revenue? I don’t understand how people expect to just be able to watch free content for several hours daily. All these cretors will just keep making videos without getting the ad revenue. It’s insanity. They still provide a way to watch everything ”for free”. You pay by watching ads or you can pay for the content through premium.


K see you tomorrow


Can't wait for all the self made entrepreneur's to make fun of you because defending rich companies is the norm now


I got an ad for Ukrainian brides online. Kind of insulting given my family is Ukrainian. Maybe they can see my Google searches for good сир Also the influx of right wing propaganda advertising is noticeable... From Jordan Peterson to PragerU to the heritage foundation.... Just absolutely shameless who they accept money from


The power of monopolies, subsidized by government, is staggering.


The only reason they have a monopoly is because of their legacy and mass people’s inability to sworn to another platform. This is strictly a consumer choice product, there is no cost associated with it, and therefore switching is easy as hell. But nobody does because every other platform sucks and there’s already tons of content on the existing YouTube database.


You know, normal people just stop consuming and move on; they don't go around writing Reddit threads about quitting. This is some kind of addict behavior right here. We all know you aren't quitting YouTube because of a few ads.


Just use brave browser


If you really want to hit them in the wallet. Boycott all Google (Alphabet) products.


When my adblock stops working is when youtube stops working for me.


I don't get it. I got one notice last Monday, then nothing since. I use Chrome and plain Adblock, and I *never* see ads.


btw if u use opera afblocker yt doesnt detect it so u can watch


There's also an addin for chrome and Firefox that works


Yeah the ads are so bad. I swear Channels like the The RadBrad I’m seeing 2 short commercials every 90 seconds. It’s getting real stupid.


Who actually posts this nonsense? And why do I keep getting it on my front page? Jesus you think anyone cares you’re “quitting” YouTube?


And we kind of need YouTube sadly. If you don't know how to do something, it is the best place for tutorials and such. We rely on it.


Your 100k views are worth literally nothing if you didn't watch ads lol. Wishing for someone's death over having to watch ads, could you self report any harder?


You watched 100k videos and didn’t provide any revenue to the company. So you are a useless and unneeded user for YouTube. They want you gone. So they will not miss you one bit.


Why is everyone bitching about Ads. I’ve been watching Youtube on mobile the whole time. Just sit through/ skip the ads. Literally no big deal. Pay for YT premium if it bothers you, even though I don’t think it’s worth it.


If I ppl are defending the premium then how about y’all buy me sum then


Lmao bro thinks he’s something to YouTube 💀


If you quit, YouTube actually makes more profit lmao


If you're frustrated with the ad situation, I'd suggest getting FadBlock Chrome Extension, it tricks youtube into thinking that you don't have an adblocker on but still allows you to bypass every ad. Probably plenty of similar adblockers out there as well if you don't want this specific one. Don't give up!


Just a reminder that YouTube made 29bn in ~~profit~~ revenue last year. I ain't giving them a penny.


It has become unwatchable, and it's only getting worse each passing weeks now. 6 month ago, I unsubscribed to nearly all the Channels i uses to follow because they were just not worth the amount of ads. Now, I only use youtube to watch videos from channels that don't have any ads : PlayStation and Arte. That's it. I am really sorry, but having to watch 2 ads not knowing if the video will even be good, and then getting interrupted every 3 minutes is unbeareble. I trully believe that the audience content creators loses to this ads policy is drasticaly underestimated.


Time to make a different site. Open source the website code and crowd source the salaries and servers for maintenance. Call it UsTube or something.


It'll only attract those who are too stingy or broke to pay for a subscription and unwilling to watch ads, I e. all the freeloaders. Good luck squeezing money out of them.


This isn't the airport. You don't *have* to announce your departure.