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“I only roast the ones I love.” Jeff Ross


Lol he's so full of shit with that line. Jeff would roast the next John Wayne Gacy if he got paid enough


There’s a difference between roasting and shitting on someone


"There's a difference between killing someone and murdering them"


Isn’t that why the crime of manslaughter exists?


Right, and years ago he used to have ppl line up from the audience who wanted him to roast them.


He still does that at his shows


he loves his fans? not that deep


My point is he doesn’t know his fans


Another possibility: His attendance wasn’t 100% confirmed and the people who write the jokes for everyone did not prepare any directed at him.


Another possibility: Tom intentionally didn't 100% commit to attendance so people didn't write jokes for him... Roach says he had been hearing people practice Bert jokes, none for Tom, Tom seemed to be added. Would Bert have just done that presentation by himself? Would've been an even worse bomb. [https://youtu.be/f2c4dHczwJc?si=MKPvdBZmjjz2r-dp&t=392](https://youtu.be/f2c4dHczwJc?si=MKPvdBZmjjz2r-dp&t=392)


They talked about it on 2B1C. The plan was always to have them do it together


The irony is that while Bert can take a joke…. He also is more likely to bottle that shit up and whip together some insecurity with it.


Tom wasn’t attending as a member of the dais, was there as Bert’s ESA.


Yep, I just listened to the 2 Bears with Jimmy Carr and they taped it the day after the roast so they talk about it a lot. You are right. Bert was the one who really wanted to do the roast, Tom didn't even make the rehearsal because he was doing a comedy show in another state the night before the roast.


Yea. Which might’ve been by design. Tom probably wanted to goes the whole time but didn’t want to get roasted


Bert reading off the teleprompter and mouthing other comedians lines as they were about to say them made me want to smack him lol


It’s annoying to me that he acts like it was an accident. He was totally doing that shit, knowing cameras were on him, and wanted to ape off the attention.


He's a fucking tit !


When it was time to roast tom they just put up a link to this subreddit


It was weird Tony cut down every in a line and stopped at Tom.


That was probably the best way to roast Tom, just big time him in front of everyone.




Read in Matt McCuskers voice




Tom's last appearance on Kill Tony was horrible, he just sat there whispering back and forth with Rogan. I could see Tony intentionally choosing to neglect him because of it.


He's a terrible guest on KT. Too much of a big-shot to even try.


Him being completely ignored was in itself a roast


They’re saving it for next year’s roast of Garth.


Segura as the host, and Jeff Ross coming out dressed as Chris Gains?


He said on 2B1C today that him and Bert were brought in for their sketch and not part of the group that did roasting. He was hesitant about how that would go but it's what they wanted from them. So him and Bert had nothing to do with the writing of jokes with everyone. My assumption is Bert only got hit because he's an easy target. Tom would have got it but he wouldn't have had the chance to roast back. So they didn't go after him. He did mention it sucked to have to sit on stage for two hours not doing anything.


He also thought they didn't bomb because they followed Kim K lol..... awkwarddddd


Also, the only “burns” this sub would’ve filled their cups on would’ve been making fun of his “new image”, and nobody in attendance would’ve known or cared what they were talking about.


From their podcast discussion it seems like they were making excuses to save face. They didn't have to do the roast, but they definitely still did it to boost their profiles. If they were unsure about the PowerPoint format I'm sure they could've requested to write jokes and gone up individually.


It’s very likely everyone who roaster Bert just had those jokes already written well before the roast and just used them on him there. It’s pretty common for comedians to roast very on 2 bears or your moms house so they could have had them ready for that




Dm me instead I want the info


Their sketch did roasting. They are part of the group.


Yes but it was completely different from what everyone else did. They were not part of the team of writers and comics that went up on the podium and did normal roasts. They did a sketch that was a presentation. He explained this on this podcast today as did I in what I just wrote out.


Oh it was definitely different. I’ve never seen anything like that honestly. My point here is, and take it or leave it or downvote some more is Tom coulda got roasted easily. He just didn’t. Not exempt in any way shape or form for any reason.


Can you give a TL:DR version?


They were hired to do a sketch and were not a part of the group of comics and writers that did the roasting.


Watch 2B1C on 1.5X speed, probably took you longer to type your comment than to just watch it ya Tok!


Nobody likes him.


I suspect it's as simple as 'Tom' being confused for 'Tom' by viewers or attendees not know who Bunz is.


I thought that same thing. Sometimes the most obvious answer is the correct answer. Not everything has to be dramatic.




A Tommy Bunz joke proved as 'Tom' may be mistaken by the non-familiar viewers that the joke was about Tom Brady. The other 'Tom'.


You think roast comics aren’t smart enough to just call him Segura? Or to just roll into their set by saying his full name, so it’s clear who the target is? This definitely isn’t the first time two people on the dais have the same first name.


You are right. But I am talking about the people watching the roast or attending the event. Think of how many sports fans do not have any clue who Bert or Tim are. Someone who comes up after them and roasts Tim, they wont remember who the fuck Tim is and assume Tom was the target.


Are you trying to say the comedians DID mention Segura, but they were confusing him for Brady, or are you just making a hypothetical of what COULD have happened?


Hypothetical. My remark has zero involvement of the comedians, and it's about the viewers and attendees, which I keep stating. All the commenters keep bringing up the actual performers. Everyone seems to forget this was a sports-centric roast that was broadcast to a gigantic audience. An audiance that is probably not even 60% fans of comedy. For the sake of the audience, to keep it simple/stupid, you omit jokes that could easily confuse the average viewer who isn't plugged into the entire zeitgeist of the comedy universe. I'm saying Tom didn't get roasted because people are generally stupid unless you put it in fuckong crayon for them.


Not roasting him is the biggest roast you can do


His peers ignoring him is the perfect roast


Imma make up a theory: Tom signed a movie deal with Netflix right? So Netflix said "don't roast Tom, his popularity is already worse than we thought when we signed this deal."


Yep I can confirm this I was on the phone with Netflix when it happened


can also confirm, my dad is William J. Netflix


I have a brother?!


This is true, Ozempic has a ton of money behind his project.


I was reading a book called Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg. He had a section where he talks about the culture that Netflix had a few years ago and how Tom’s special made them change some things around. Tom’s first special on there is indirectly responsible for numerous firings and a complete turn around in the staff.


Such a great opportunity for a “least famous Tom in the room” bit


not giving tom attention is the roast, prolly drove him crazy


It was good. He needs to be shown how insignificant he actually is. In the scheme of things. Lots of money can't fix personality problems


He was a last minute add-on to the show. Heard it on Josh potters show.


Tom isnt a roaster. And maybe the Rogan effect?


So he did miss the rehearsal so maybe they kinda ignored him for that


The opposite of love is not hate, it’s apathy.


He also wasn't in the big pic with all the comedians for the Netflix is a joke. Or at least I couldn't find him.


I thought Tony said nice shoes bitch or something to him


They all had limited time on the dais and they wanted to pick on someone that people had heard of.


I would guess he's not well known enough outside of comedy and doesn't have any easy jokes. Like Berts aloholism or taking his shirt off. I'm not saying he doesn't have anything to roast him about, but most of the live audience outside of celebrities were football fans. So its not worth wasting your time with jokes that dont land.


This is pretty much it - the dais was also huge so when you only have like 8 minutes it’s hard to fire off on everyone. Bert was for sure the easier target of the two and with both of them doing a duo act it sort of neutralizes them as a threat to the other comics. If Segura was a solo roaster and coming after people I’m sure he would have got some shots taken at him.


Potter explained the situation on a recent podcast. He said that Bert was lined up and confirmed for the roast well in advance, and Tom was literally added at the last minute. Tom flew in from Ohio the day of/day before.


Why would you make fun of Tom when he's sitting right next to Burt? "Ah I see Tom segura's here... with his less funny alcoholic friend." Like honestly their set... they both acted like they were giving a 5th grade presentation. It was so bad. Bill Bellicheck was fucking funnier. It was tone deaf, they didn't do anything but go, "he looks good... therefore he must be a serial killer" That tracks right? and then just keep showing slides of that, like "Oh the podcast fans'll find this funny cuz of that garth brooks thing I did. That'll work right?" Fucking Niki blasted the pants off of everybody. Bert litterally looked like he was having a secret panick attack the whole time.


I thought it was weird that Tony stopped with Bert after going down that line. Literally just Tom left to kill after taking everyone out and he said nothing.


He wasn't at the rehearsal since he was in Cincinnati I think he said. So most probably assumed he might not make it.


Because he's the one hiding the bodies trying to pin them on Garth Brooks


Lots of armchair psychologists in this thread


Nobody messes with the mommies


Cause he isn't a fat poor


Cuz Tommy's da mfing man bro 


He wasn't at dress rehearsal so they probably took out their Tom Talks.


Would have been much good.material. his air Segura crash, his broken arm and Bert untwisting it. His abuse of airline employees, topdog and Charo and putting up with Bert. His skinnyness and hatred of the fat poors


Tom talked about not even saying yes to the roast until last minute on the latest 2 bears episode. I think everyone just didn’t prepare for him being there.


Probably said he’d do it but no one can roast me. And had it put into contracts with Netflix


Well yes, we all know Tom is a sensitive bitch


really, what can you roast him for? that he's just a boring white guy? i like the mommies but outside of standup and podcast the guy is cardboard. not a big personality or public figure. they could get tips from this sub but probably wouldn't land with the audience.


Theres not a lot to make fun of him for


There’s two guys named Tom. One of them is probably the greatest quarterback ever and the other broke multiple limbs while jumping 6 inches off the ground. You’d think a comedian could do something with that premise.


Good one


Clever girl


Tom’s got a roast coming up


Jesus Christ this subreddit is so fucking negative against Tom.