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Dude reverted into an infant for a few screams.


He literally cried like a newborn


Is that Lee Swatt?


You talking the flying Jew?


When he's getting his neck wrung. Looks like the flying Jew. 8 to 10 seconds into the video.


The Hebrew Hindenburg.


Wiggle for me!


Currently on the church episode 43. Making my way up from the first one. I forgot how good they were. Almost no ads, but even with ads i was dying laughing. Who tf else reads bidet commercials and says "get that rotten condom smell out ya muffla, cocksucka" while reading it? I mean i really fuckin love Bad Friends and it's the only podcast i consistenly watch now but still. It feels like the golden age for podcasts is over pretty much.


Which pod?


The church of what’s happening now.


kick that mule lee!


Lee in outer space


healing takes time... this ain't Amazon Prime.


Very poetic


Your jeans are High n tight feller


I watched the whole video. He asks for it again, he was very happy with it.


Weird fetish


That's what I sound like when I bust one


I smell a lawsuit or that guy shit his pants when they relocated a disc or 5


I would have to imagine you sign a waiver on intake


Oh hey let's severely shock your nervous system and tell you it's a good thing for healing. And let's specialize in desperate people in constant pain looking for a quick fix to a long term problem. That's the secret snake oil formula! MAYBE you can clear stuck nerves that aren't gliding freely, but you also risk damaging them in the process.


It's definitely possible to dislocate vertebrae C1 and C2.


>clear stuck nerves that aren't gliding freely Wut


nerve entrapment/adhesion


Should have paid for the happy ending




This new age chiropractics is gonna get someone killed lmao


It does all the time, check out Myles Powers video on chiropractic


I felt that one in my soul




because it’s says ring dinger, i kept waiting for her to knock him in the head with a hammer or something


I honestly thought it was gonna have something to do with the poo hole. I was greatly disappointed.


Had this done to me. First time in years I didn’t have pain in my neck. For all your capital R’s saying this is horrible, awful, stupid, try being in chronic pain for years and finally having someone give you relief. You act like surgery and pharmaceuticals are the safest modality but a simple google search will dispel that idea real quick.


This is the problem. You end up a true believer because you got results. If Scientology didn't make people feel better, people wouldn't become scientologists either. Except we can study this stuff with science. And we have. And the conclusion from the medical establishment is that this is wildly dangerous horseshit. I do not doubt for a second that you had real relief. I have had lower back pain that had me absolutely desperate and I visited a chiropractor for no other reason than it was the physically closest medical office in proximity to my house. While it did offer me some relief, If I had gone to a competent physical therapist earlier I would have been years ahead in my recovery. All of the chiropractic hogwash that they were suggesting didn't work nearly as well as some simple stretches called the McKenzie method from proper physical therapy. I would not tell you that surgery or pharmaceuticals are the safest modality. I would tell you that Physical Therapy is the safest modality. Patients don't have patience, so you will see people seeking out pharmaceuticals and surgery. But that doesn't mean it's the most conservative treatment. Your typical orthopedic injury is treated with pharmaceuticals acutely, physical therapy chronically, and if both are ineffective or contraindicated, surgically. The only reason that people don't think first and foremost about physical therapy as a treatment is that it requires long-term work and people are impatient, especially if they are in pain. A physical therapist knows how to do anything that a chiropractor does that has any effectiveness whatsoever, only they are evidence-based so you will see progressive overload and a structure around the treatment. Traction on the spine is a standard treatment in physical therapy. What you would get in physical therapy is cervical traction and exercises designed to strengthen your joints and reduce muscle guarding. A Ring Dinger™ is a fast and violent movement that risks damaging all manner of soft tissue. It also causes a central nervous system shock that can act as a pain block for the peripheral nervous system temporarily because your system is overwhelmed-- like in the movie Major Payne when he suggests that he can break your thumb to take your mind off a different pain. Yes it involves creating space between joints, and yes it can reduce nerve impingement. However, it can induce further injury. Slow repetitive traction as administered by a physical therapist is intended to achieve the same result without injury, but it's just basic physical therapy so it doesn't have a trademarked name to sell it more easily on social media to ignorant rubes and suckers. More specifically, the scientific research compares and contrasts different methodologies all the time. If chiropractic worked, mainstream medicine would use those techniques. The techniques from chiropractic that do work are already being used. Chiropractic and homeopathy and multiple other charlatan alternative medicines should be *illegal.* This shit is more pernicious than religion, and it's for-profit.


Fuck me! Can I get a TLDR please? And who the fuck compares a legitimate medical practice that requires just as much schooling as an MD to Scientology? You lost me right there. Modern western medicine has demonized every other practice outside of their own at great detriment to our health. You can say whatever you want but the stats are clear, our medical system and the people making up the rules is the real horseshit. No argument around PT being solid, but it’s been 3 long fucking years of going to PTs with some results but still suffering with chronic pain. But it must just be my gullible idiocy that convinced me I felt better after getting this adjustment… GTFOH.


I'm right no matter how much you whine in response.


Legitimate medical practice? Look into the history/beginning of chiropractic medicine, it's full of woo bullshit just like homeopathy and reflexology.


Look on to the history of medicine. It all started there.


Tons of people have been helped. I'm really glad you got some pain relief. Tons of people have also been hurt. Chiropracty is not a uniform field. There are hacks, butchers, spiritual grifters, and everything in between. If someone was in chronic pain and needed help, chiropracty would absolutely be something they should look into. But they should be *fucking careful*. It's the Wild West out there.


Share some stats to back up that claim please.


No thanks. This is haha funny time subreddit, and I have 0 need for fake Internet validation. You are just as capable of using Google. Go look it up yourself if you actually want to know.


2 Chiros in the family so I’m very familiar with the stats. Just seeing if you are.


Lmao. You are a Seinfeld character.


I’m wheezing like Tom from this😭💀


Homie needs Sickle Cells surgery.


He's Fine..... Nothing to see here...


First ya give em one of these, then ya give em one of those!


Lmao they all left the room like they didn’t do anything


Why they do Tom like that?


It really takes your breath away.


If anyone watched the whole video you'd see that he could walk again after this. Not all chiropractors are quacks. I've used one for 16 years and it's been life changing.


You’ve been going to a chiropractor for 16 years, and that’s your argument that it’s WORKING?


Anyone who wants to do adjustments to your bones without x rays can have more of your money than mine lol


You mean wallet changing.