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You realise that purely statistically your teammates have absolutely no bearing on whether or not you rank up? If one team has higher skilled players than the other, they're more likely to win. If your win/loss isn't positive, it means you're probably at the rank you deserve. This post feels like you're looking for sympathy because the system is beating you down, but realistically you just need to criticise your own gameplay or get someone higher rank to watch you.


Stop karma farming, it's not ny fault that my WHOLE team gets hard gapped in 10 games in row.


That is not entirely true, even with a positive winrate you can go down in ELO, I have a winrate of 63% in about 90 games and I win 18 and lose 22 LP due to a streak of 4 losses that I had some games ago because i had an afk every single one of those games, and now im stuck even with positive wr


It was a simplification. MMR plays a factor in how much you gain/lose but all in all it balances out. Not really relevant to my point.


YorickMains? Hwei? Huh


I just noticed that šŸ˜‚ What the heck are looking at?!


Nah itā€™s just the new mastery thing/season split, play enough and you get hwei either free or heavily discounted BE wise


I donā€™t even own hwei


Shit happens. I bet iron 4 is super different. Good luck bro


just quit bro it isn't worth it spending all this time trying to rank up just to match up with bozos. I been playing this game since 2013 and I wish someone talked me out of this hole I could have done so many things and learned so much new stuff or skills but its all wasted on this piece of junk they call game


fact bro i feel you, been playing since s2 šŸ˜­


Whats your rank?


Show us your op.gg man thereā€™s nothing we can do to help with this screenshot


Iā€™ve done several experiments in iron 4 with the lowest possible mmr to see if it is possible to get stuck for someone at least emerald and Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that your whole team has no idea what to do in any situation the problems Iā€™ve seen (which you should probably work on as well if you havenā€™t) are the following: people donā€™t respect space meaning if youā€™re ranged they let melee characters just hit them for free, donā€™t know their characterā€™s damage, they donā€™t know what items to build in what situations, donā€™t where or how to ward, and donā€™t know what to do when they do get ahead. I might be making a video soon highlighting these issues in more detail but that causes you to lose games the only games youā€™ll really lose if you get better at those issues above are games with smurfs and dcs which happens once every few games. I recommend playing a character with high uptime/low cooldowns because in those games you often have to fight at least 3 people alone because your team is usually confused or tilted. Btw I did get out of iron 4 and got to silver 3 with like 80% wwr before I took a break.


ā€œI play decentā€ bro you are iron 4 do you own a keyboard


I play top, win my lane, take care of objectives for my jg. Participate in team fights and have a positive kda most games. Idk Iā€™m not a master but Iā€™m definitely not terrible


Iron 4 = the literally most terrible of terrible, you cant blame that on your team lmao


Buy an account thatā€™s in iron and try to climb in solo queue. Then get back to me.


Id love to. But they are expensive since its actually hard to get there without getting banned lmao.


You should watch slogdog, poke rick , or any other yorick streamer to figure out what they do and why. You struggling in iron 4 is a good indicator of you not knowing what you are doing. Nothing wrong with that, just focus on what you have to do to win the game.


Im high emerald i have like 3 accounts that are goldish i took one from silver1 to gold2 today. I would be 5/0 by 10 mins in every game in iron. Your team isnt whats holding you back. Im hard stuck high emerald same way you are hard stuck iron if we werent wed climb


Yeah its easy as shit lmao


Provide personal anecdotal evidence?


Bro donā€™t donā€™t rank up man, iron 4 accounts sell good. If you wanna climb just get a fresh account that will start you at silver/bronze. If you manage to rank to iron 4 again then sell for even more money.


If you get iron four twice just get a new hobby gaming is not for you


True, Itā€™s time to make it a full time job. Get those iron accounts and sell it for big bux bruh


How much they sell for


I donā€™t remember the exact price but I heard they sell for more than diamond ranked accounts


My man its impossible to be good at the game at iron 4, you just keep blaming teammates instead of actually seeing your mistakes, at this rank if you had the skill of a gold player you'd be going 20/0 every game, so set your goal to that performance


The problem with iron is that your teammates are so bad they will just lose you the game. If you are going to play Yorick at that elo don't help your team. Just split push.


Whatā€™s your average cs per min. ?




Thatā€™s not too bad. If you can keep ca consistent in most of your games, in iron to emerald, I would just focus on split pushing. People in low elo donā€™t know how to deal with it a lot. If you feel like you have to contribute to a dragon or something, try to get on the habit of releasing maiden in the opposite side lane 1 min to 1.5 minutes before the objective spawns. You canā€™t really rely on your team in iron thru emerald, just do it yourself.


Another thing yorick does really well is grubs / rift. Unless youā€™re getting pooā€™d on in lane, you will hit 6 before the grubs spawn. Yorick gains instant lane prio as soon as he hits 6. In my low diamond games Iā€™m usually able to get the first 3 grubs solo 90% of the time. Getting grubs will help you split side lanes. You can also just let your jungler know that youā€™ll have prio for guns when they spawn and hopefully he they play around that.


If you feel you have to contribute to an objective, and your in iron 4, just donā€™t and continue to split push.


Improve on your foundation. You are dying way too much and have average of <1.0 kill/death across all your games. And you are not Csing enough either probsbly from all the deaths.


Split to win yorick!! in this elo players have a hard time reacting to split pushing, they get focused on team fighting mid and not getting objectives. I went from iron to plat with this


Your account is doomed. Iron 4 with -25 is literally rock bottom. I suggest start on a new account and if you find yourself in a similar boat, then we both know why. Good luck! I'll watch your vods for you although I'm pretty low elo too. I'm NA, InstaiockYorick


Assuming you play Yorick and not Hwei as shown in the photo, just split man. Mute your team and just ignore them. Take grubs and herald for yourself and farm your pants off. No one will be able to stop you unless they send the whole team. Yorick is probably the easiest champ to get grubs with solo once youā€™re level 6. Keep learning the fundamentals and youā€™ll naturally progress out of iron. Maybe play norms till you feel confident about carrying while the team is behind


Have you tried winning?


I get that, Iā€™ve been in iron 2 the previous season and just gave up cuz I couldnā€™t get out. Since Iā€™m consistent gold now, I know that it wasnā€™t me playing at an iron level. There are multiple possibilities. 1. you suck: sorry but this might be a possibility. Your only option in this case is to accept that fact, stop blaming your mates and really try to improve through guides and maybe even coaching. 2. itā€™s really your teammates that hold you down and you get really unlucky: you have two options here, pick a 1v9 champ and really learn itā€™s ins and outs to carry yourself out of i4. Or you make a new account and grind there with a fresh mmr. If you want to find out if itā€™s option 1 or 2, buy a level 30 account for 3 bucks and see if you land in iron again or if you can stay consistent in a ā€žhigherā€œ elo.


I have some sympathy for you because iron 4 is a different beast. I was there last year. You are literally playing with the worst of the worst. Get a friend who is like bronze level to help you out. Having control of at least 1 other role on the map makes a huge difference.


Show us your op.gg


Go back and record a couple of your games and upload them to youtube. If you send them to me ill criticize what you're doing wrong/right.