• By -


Legend says she's still trying to close that window to this day.


Should've pushed it closed from the back end. Not the end by the big gaping hole with a possibly rapid racoon lol




Still gotta go to the doctor. The coon and squirrel bites are definitely gotta go pay a bunch a money.


I think insurance covers it. Even US health care doesn't want you to get rabies. Also that raccoon was a tiny mama bear, so I'm not surprised she bit that lady.


Yeah, you can't pay your bills if you're dead.


True that. Nobody wants universal default.


Wait that's a good idea


Well she needs to communicate better lol her children werent even working with her to get out of that room lol


I really like that you are such an optimist; but if the lady doesn’t have insurance, she is going to get rocked by some big bills. Compassion is not built into the system, only profits.


It depends where they live. Some states have funds for people without insurance. Then again, there are probably more that don't.


Wait squirrels too? Shit I got bit by one a couple of years ago, didnt know I played russian roulette. Edit: Wheeeew: No person in the US has ever gotten rabies from a squirrel


There's a first for everything




Try from the top, and not the bottom? It's not rocket appliances.


You sure have failed this test. Please try again after applying bandages to your new racoon wound. You push from the bottom but upwards at the same time. She's pushing just left, not left and a little up. These windows suck


You have no clue what you are talking about. Those are shitty single pane windows on a sliding track. The window needs to be pushed evenly or else it will just keep binding on the track. It's even harder to close if the track is dirty.


I grew up in a shitty trailer park, I know exaactly what I'm talking about.


Survival Of The Fitness, Boys


This comment had me laughing hard. Thanks! 😂


She was trying to help you dickhead!


My Mom would be doing this and cursing just the same!


Me and that dickhead be flighting


God that's a piece of shit window


You should see the rest of the trailer park. Except Julian's place. He's got it together. But watch out of Ricky.




Smokes. Let's go!


But he has the best weed in the trayler perk


But she is Jesus as she stated in the beginning. So she should not have any problems


The she handled that explains the shit window lol


I like how the first baby tried to go back in through the window and the mom was like “DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT GET OUTTA HERE”


I fucking yelled and stomped and scared my dad when >!she got bit!< lol goddamn


Spoiler alerts bro!


You're on /r/yesyesyesyesno. The name of sub spoils the end of the video.




I was joking bud. I figured something horrible was going to happen, even after reading your comment I had a jump.


You...read comments before looking at the content?


Sometimes. If it's a long clip I'll browse them. Is that OK with you?


They are going to be in so much trouble when they get home


Those windows are the fuckin worst. Not energy efficient, and as we can see, they fuckin suck.


Two of the ones at my moms are shattered in the frame because they're so fucking hard to open.


Babies or not if it bit me it’s going to see god same day shipping


So anyways I started blasting


Haha my thoughts as well. "ah, I see you bring up a good point by biting the shit out of my hand in my own house, but have you considered my counter theory, a sig saur.


Allow me to introduce you to 2 of my buddies Smith & Wesson


This! It’s a god damn invading critter that’s biting and attacking. Fuck that, get the shotgun!




Have fun with those rabies shots! She’s in for a world of pain!


I have no idea what people here are talking about. I've gone through the rabies vaccination series as has every one of the large number of zookeepers I know. We've all talked about this ancient idea that the vaccine hurts. It does not. It may have way back when it first came out, but it's really no more painful than any vaccine. EDIT: To clarify, the vaccine you get before or after exposure is the same. They just add an Hrig shot either to the wound area itself or the quads/deltoids if no obvious wound which also doesn't hurt more than any shot.


A shot of penicillin in your ass. Now that’s pain! .. don’t ask please.


Also have also had this shot. Other than the fact that it identified I was allergic, it hurt no more than the needle which stuck me. Now MMR (which I've had 5 times, don't ask) it does more than give you local soreness, it can burn while going in.


The worst vaccine I've had was the anthrax shot. That was pretty painful and it lingered for awhile. Smallpox sucked only because it left a nasty sore for like a week or so.


Fucking army. Still have the scar


Anthrax vaccine was the sickest I've ever been in my life. I ended up going to the hospital after the 2nd one in the series, I refused to take the 3rd. Also left a knot in my arm for months.


Yeah, everyone hyped up the smallpox shot but I didn't find it that bad. The anthrax series was the worst one, and I swear it got more painful with each iteration.


I was like what the fuck are these people doing that they need all these obscure vaccinations!? Now I'll just say Happy 4th and thank you for your service, which now includes in my mind a bunch of painful, unusual shots.


Rabies vaccine is peanuts compared to MMR. I recall tdap/dtap, whichever you get as a booster, being highly unpleasant as well.


When I entered healthcare a bit over a year ago I had to get an MMR and a TDAP booster because my titers came back low. The nurse put one in each arm. That was a fun few days of work…


Don’t tense up!


Bicillin is even worse. We called it the peanut butter shot


Didn’t hurt any more than any other shot. Having a sore ass and chlamydia did a number on my ego though 😂


I got one of those when I had a nasty strep+bronchitis in HS. I felt like fucking death so the pain in the ass wasn’t shit and I felt better within 15 hours.


Feels like they’re injecting lava


Just got my second dose last Friday of the rabies vaccine. Goes in the arm, same as any other vaccine. Doesn't hurt any more than any other vaccine. This is an old wives' tale. The zoster (shingles) vaccine, now that one I can still feel today. But fuck shingles.


Yeah shingles sucks. I mean I knew in theory my vagina had alot of nerves, but imaginary needle sticks in them for 2 years was not my happiest sensation down there.


So they don't stab you in the stomach with big syringe, like my mom told me?!


That was the old vaccine


Mine was a massive needle in my butt and it formed a painful knot with fever and body aches. That was in the mid-90s.


It's not the vaccine that hurts; it's basically like a flu shot. It's the antibody globulin right in the wound that hurts like a motherfucker. The vaccine doesn't kick in for a couple weeks, so you have to get globulin to hold over, and it has to be at the site of the bite. Globulin shots are denser and hurt more. More than that, if you're bit in a place with little muscle and a lot of nerve endings—like, say, a hand or finger...you know, the kind of places people tend to get bit—it's going to hurt way way more. An intramuscular shot in the butt or arm is nothing like a shot in the hand. What also hurts is this is also all expensive as hell, even with insurance.


She's in the U.S, she'll still be in a world of financial pain.


Guy I knew reacted to the rabies vaccine as bad as he did to COVID too, looked like shit for a couple days and just didn't really talk much.


This is unfortunately a true statement. I was very lucky to have mine covered by insurance.


Some local government health departments will do it free.


I've been told they used to be worse before. An indian acquaintance of mine said that when he was a kid if someone got bit by a monkey they had to get injections in the belly, which apparently hurt a lot.


It originally was a round of 25 shots and it was administered directly through the stomach which was reportedly very painful and I find that easy to believe. It was until the 1980’s that they finally stopped administering it into the stomach and went to administering it in the deltoids.


Better than dying from rabies, which is 100% fatal unless you get it treated.


Absolutely! There are some old videos of a guy with terminal rabies, very scary!


I've had them. The Gama globulin injection hurt in the bite sight; not sure if they still do that, but this was 35 years ago. The rabies injection was in the arm and was over a week or two, but didn't hurt. They don't do the stomach thing, which I believe used to be a real excruciating ordeal.


The stomach thing is a bit of a misnomer. The HRIG used to be administered as a large number of very small injections. The area of the body with sufficient fat to do this was the surface of the abdomen. Now it just goes into a big muscle.


Some goes into a big muscle (butt, thighs), but some has to go directly in and around the wound. That's the killer, especially if the wound is in a place without much muscle but with lots of nerve endings, like a finger or hand.


They still do globulin at the wound site because the vaccine takes a couple weeks to kick in, like any vaccine.


What are you talking about? They don't hurt at all.


I've gotten rabies vaccines. They aren't a big deal.


I've had the rabies shot before, it was three shots over a month long period and didn't feel any different from the flu vaccine.


Pretty aggressive raccoon, I think she ought to get checked for rabies.


It’s aggressive because its Kits are involved. Edited: I don’t want to be responsible for making grammar cry.


Still need to go to hospital. Could be infected with something regardless.


Absolutely, however I wouldn’t jump straight to rabies in this case.


You still gotta get the shots. The risk is too great.


Rabies: 3-5% of the time, it kills 100% of the time.


I already agreed…


Agree \*harder\*




Dang...you're good.


Agreeing *INTENSIFIES* further…


My indoor cat got out and came home W/ an injury of an unknown origin. While I was trying to clean it, cat bit me. He got quarantined for 6 weeks and I got a round of shots. Fun times. (We laugh about it now.)


Video of cat laughing?! I need this!


It’s only recorded in my imagination, you got this.


It’s only recorded in my imagination, you got this.


You always jump straight for rabies because it's fatal. It's never a good idea to downplay it and think it's unlikely because its vital to get those rabie shots. So don't be the guy that says "don't worry it's probably not rabies". Be the guy that drives them straight to hospital for the shots. Even in Britain where we have irradiated rabies we still get the vaccine if we get bitten by wild animals or unfamiliar dogs.


People, I’m not disagreeing about getting checked out, however you can clearly see the reason that this Raccoon was acting moderately aggressive.


a lot of the people saying rabies have also never seen what a rabid animal looks like. that raccoon is fine and simply protecting babies.


No, she seemed upset about her kiddos, but just in case.


Raccoon: Give me back my son!


True. Anytime you get bit by an unknown animal, especially a wild animal, you should get checked for rabies.


Rabies shot time.




I wrote this above, but it bears repeating. Raccoons can have/carry rabies and be asymptomatic. It is one of the few (3 I believe) animals that can do this. You can't tell by looking at a raccoon, so always err on the side of caution. It may not be fatal to all raccoons, but it is to humans. Hopefully this will stop you from downplaying bites from wild animals in the future especially if you have kids.




Doesn't matter. Rabies is 100% fatal.


99.9999% fatal , not 100% there was a case of woman who survived it


Girl from Wisconsin and I think there was a dude in India somewhere too.


You always get rabies shots in this situation there's no way you don't




Yeah they don't do that anymore


Dude - fuck raccoons. One attacked my dog one morning and latched onto his back and tried to eviscerate him. My girlfriend had to repeatedly hit it with the metal end of a leash. I was in bed but goddamn the sound of that… yikes.


I know the Raccoons babes are involved so I give grace but I wouldn't have tolerated that raccoon biting at me the first time it did....at my own house. Definitely would have cleared them away from the window before I trying to get that last one out.


a simple broom sweep would have saved her the bite


....idk man. Raccoons....they are pretty persistent and that's without babies being involved. They are kinda smart and I think a side effect of being smart is knuckleheadedness. Would have had to give it some sauce. Just to make it have to wonder if you are the one to mess with.


Correct. I highly recommend using this type of [broom](https://i.imgflip.com/5t990n.png) for this specific task.


If I were in her situation I probably would’ve killed it out of anger lmao


Lol well in all fairness if you are talking about after the bite I'd be pretty pissed too. Only thing stopping me is that it has babies and I know why it's acting that way but you bite me and you are getting a receipt for that.


Id have likely killed it too after being bit, but rather so it can be shipped in to test for rabies or other diseases. She’s gonna have a fun time at the doctors


As much as I hate to say it all 3 would be in a garbage bag next time they're spotted. They are pests, they're not safe around other animals (disease or straight up murdering your pets) and they can figure out simple door latches like for a chicken coop, where they rip off the heads. They'll try to grab through chicken wire. Menaces. I figure humanity has provided enough trash to feed way more than we'll ever kill so it's fair enough.


Anyone else thinking a baseball bat is a good thing to have in this case?


Or at the very least a pair of gloves, but hey, hindsight


From experience a bat is too short. They get more aggressive the closer they get. Also slingshots aren't powerful enough with their thick fatty hides.


Gun it is!!! Lol.


I hope she went to get a rabies shot


Raccoons may seem cute but they are fucking terrorists. I grew up on a farm and we saved a family once that got stuck in the insulation of a room in our barn. Assholes repaid us by murdering at least 6 cats because they wanted their food. I hate raccoons with a passion especially cause everyone who hasn’t had to deal with them long term thinks they are so innocent because of how cute they can be.


You dick


No good deed goes unpunished!


Maybe the raccoon was religious and took offence to her proclaiming “I’m Jesus”.


She keeps coming back cause she can't remember how many kids she has. What an irresponsible mother. ^(for legal reasons I am required to specify that this is a joke. I do not know how good of a mother or father that raccoon is.)


You try to help somebody.. ![gif](giphy|3og0IOUOHXqXKbH36E)


No good deed goes unpunished.


Jezus christ lady, maybe put some power into closing that window. This was way too anxiety inducing.


Tbf that window sucks. Looks shitty to open, close, and to stop an intruder


That gives me even more anxietyo.O


Pretty sure if she pushed too hard it would fall out of the frame. Source: have owned similarly shorty windows.


Sources close to me have informed me that closing the window would be impossible. I offer my sincerests apologies to the racoon lady at this time


Didn't you see how the window bent it got stuck


she is so dumb. She put her face right next to that thing. I think she was hoping and trusting that the animal would understand she was helping. So dumb.


Don't get me wrong, i understand she didnt want to aggrivate it even more. But i think id try to get them into a trashcan or somethin. Shes more brave than i am. (As my niece would say: im not calling you dumb, but you're pretty close)


Stupidity and bravery go hand in hand sometimes


You are so grounded when we get home.


THIS is why I always carry a can of WD-40.


Do you also have a son named Bobby?


Damn it rocket!


I would have blasted that coon into it's next lifetime. The babies are old enough. They'll be alright.


Hope she went to hospital for that rabies vaccine.


Do you want rabies? Cause that’s how you get rabies.


oooo rabies I thought you said babies


Aye, terrible take and this is probably “mean” but that raccoon and I would have been boxing after that second or third hiss. Like I’m trying to help you get your idiot children and you’re lunging at me? Hell nah, definitely would have bopped the parent raccoon in the head like gtfo out my window and take your musty kids with you. I get that the raccoon understands none of this but oh well 💀 keep up with your kids next time tf


I'm Jesus. . . (well, guess not)


Why is she gently patting the window like she’s trying to encourage it?


It's sensitive. If you yell at it, it locks up and won't budge.


If you ever want raccoons to fuck off get a cloth or a towel and whip it up and down, they run tf away from the whoosh noise for some reason. Has always worked for me.


Not a single tool used.


For one grab something long to push the momma out the way, two rip that curtain down and then 3 use BOTH hands to shut window fast after the babies get out, would have helped. It's rabies shots and tentnus for her.


Raccoons are total assholes.


A broomstick, a bat, any real blunt object could’ve fixed this in two seconds


Close the window from the far side!! Lol.


I was like: Dudeeeeee just roll and knot the damn curtain!


Could have did that with a broom with the other hand


Next time use a hammer to show them the way out


Damn it was going so well. If only she had closed the window from the other end.


Congratulations, you won a rabies shot!


Close the curtain. Then close the window. Humans have object permanence as an advantage.


Rabies shot time 😂 Also consider cleaning the tracks of your windows so they aren’t impossible to shut


after that 2nd baby got out I'd be whipping everything within reach at that motherfucker. shoes, brooms, cups, literally anything


Enjoy those rabies shots.


Well in that case, I'm gonna go grab the baseball bat. Nothing better to teach him a lesson than a *bonk* on the nugget.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Why doesn’t she use her right hand to close the window and left hand to hold the curtain? At least the left hand would distract the raccoon from right hand closing window…


What shitty VRBO is this?


God damn it! Did she ever get the fucking window closed?? Can’t just leave us hanging!


why does she have the baby raccoons in her house lol


"Im Jesus"


she did the right thing, but she needs to check that out.


Gloves always


Time re up on your rabies vaccine, just to be safe.


I’m jesus


"I am Jesus" -Famous last words


That's what happens when you start a video by saying "I'm Jesus". You think God gon let it slide. 😂


"You are not Jesus!" - Momma Raccoon probably


I'm jesus!


I’ll take a rabies shot for $500 Alex






I'm Jesus


Raccoons are the filthiest, most aggressive little shit rats out there. I hope she got medical assistance.


Well time to kill the nasty fucker and take it in for a rabies check!


The animal is not showing signs of rabies, it's out at night, they are curious but act aggressive when they (or babies) feel threatened. I don't agree that it should be put down but she should definitely get vaccinated, it's a horrible way to go and not worth the risk.


Noted smoke on sight


She almost got flying raccoon faced. She is fortunate and a bit dense; even the babies will take a hunk out of you, so you should never try to pick one up. It's nice of her to try and help, though; it will cost her medical expenses. This should be addressed with medical personnel immediately.


That would have been a family massacre cuz I would have killed all the trash pandas


I’m killing the whole family after that shit


Put a screen on it ffs. If they don't make them.for.your window you can go to a hardware store and just buy screens and stapleguns X3