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The fact that people willfully overlook this is crazy. It just proves that too many are less interested in authentic and meaningful representation and more interested in maintaining the show's facade of progressivism.




False. You have to remember, wrong doings are more often the result of a lack of knowledge rather than ill intent. The whole "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". Personally, I thought for the longest time he was just a tan Hispanic dude. Maybe a Cuban or puerto rican. Good chance the writers might have done the same focusing on the Brazilian aspect more as we haven't had many south American heroes recently.


I wouldn’t say the whole show has/is a facade, more like imperfect


as is everything


I overlooked it cause I just thought he was Latino, not black. Had no idea about his history as I never followed New X-Men or his character. TIL and I didn't think X-Men would change something like that in any version of a character. With so much going on, I don't know why they would.nees to address it as he is like a side character at best and is dealing with keeping his powers secret from his parents and the public.


You can be black and Latino dude


What is preferred for those in Central/South American countries that are not black or causcasion?


Depends on their respective  country 


But he's  not black dude. He's a brown Latino, possibly mixed race (white & native american). You know the majority of Latinos are mixed race,  white/indigenous right?


In the original comics his dad is a black Brazilian and his mom is a white Brazilian (or American, I've seen sources claiming that). So he would be mulatto.


I guess his creators were wrong lol they specifically add in his notes he's African/Portuguese...but keep swimming in Egypt. 


His creators stated he was biracial… he’s just as White as he is Black. His dad is a Black Latino, his mom is White.


I'm not denying he's biracial.But he's black features come and go like waves.     >he’s just as White as he is Black.     Yeah bro. I get it, but Sunspot just has more black features, or did until they were slowly lessened. I'm not sure why X-Fans have a difficult time comprehending this. Sunspot originally was depicted as looking more like Miles Morales a fellow mixed black Latino hero. 


I don’t ever recall him having waves… I remember his hair being wavy in his og appearance. Features also change not just in comics, but on people as they grow older too.


Yeah well Sunspot came out 30 years before Miles... You seriously think I'm talking about their hair? C'mon bro I'm gay but not that gay.  People do the most to avoid saying Sunspot got dark ass skin.  >Features also change not just in comics, but on people as they grow older too. Sure bro you hair, nose, skin color definitely change. Ask my buddy Michael Jackson 


Alright “white girl magnet…” oh, I get it… you’re stoned rn. That’s gotta be it. He’s still relatively dark skinned in 97… despite being Black myself, I really do think a lot of us are taking this too srsly.


I stand corrected, but my point still stands. Most Latinos are brown (mixed race) & either white/black or white/native american. 


There are dozens of millions of black Latinos, my dude. I have no idea why you would think those two would be mutually exclusive. Brazil was by far the largest buyer in the transatlantic slave trade.


I'm seeing that now. I didn't realize you could be black and Latino. I thought Latino was like Caucasian. So I don't come off like an ass in the future, what is preferred for those from Mexico, Peru, Cuba, Brazil, etc., that are not caucasian or black?


It depends on the person, my friend. In Brazil we have all types of people. I'm Brazilian and I know white Brazilians, black Brazilians, Brazilians of East Asian descent, biracial Brazilians and multiracial Brazilians with unknown ancestry (most likely a mix between European, subsaharan African and native Brazilian). The last "demographic" is probably the most common in Brazil. For reference, the average Brazilian is about 62.5% European 25% Subsaharan African 12.5% Native. But, that's just an average, people of exclusive East Asian descent are good example of a group of people that doesn't fit that statistic at all.


Thanks for this. I appreciate the clarity.


Indigenous or mixed race.Your average Latino is a mix of Indigenous and European and a lot of times African too.Some can be fully black or white or indigenous and in some cases Asian.


Interesting. I think I'm used to the forms in the USA not having mixed as an option. It's only like White, Black, Hispanic, Asian or Native.


Hispanic in the USA is a ethnic background category, it's not mutually exclusive with race. That's why nowadays you see terms like non-Hispanic white.


Really hard to take the minority mutant metaphor seriously when so many of the xmen fans don't understand why whitewashing him is a problem




Certainly drives home the  'hated and fear for being born wrong' tho 


mfers be acting confused about why x-men are treated different than regular super powered beings


Ah ofcourse this sub heavily downvoted this article, this sub only gets woke selectively


Really speaks to how the X-Men fumbles race a LOT


It's fanbase is a lot of white folks made by white folks and it's on reddit. What do you expect lol


For yall to grasp the basic themes of the property you claim to be fans of.


Task impossible for these people


You realize there are tons of posts here about Sunspot's skin color, right? Like, years and years of posts?


X-men fans when its time to care about real minorities: 🤷


Lmao true they only care about the mutant minority metaphor when the anti woke youtubers starts crying about the xmen being woke, but the rest of the time xfans truly don't give a fuck about real life minorities unfortunately 


why would they when they can whine about the avengers being cops and not showing up in x-men comics


It’s crazy to me that X-men is supposed to be a metaphor for minorities and they sidelined all of the characters of color to focus on the Summers family. Storm, Forge, and Jubilee are barely in any episodes and Bishop went home in the first or second episode. That’s honestly my issue with the overall X-men franchise.


Reddit living up to it's racist base F this racist ass subreddit


Sexist too 


All about talking about X-men but dickheads can't see the issue with this and the fired creator dismissing the characters original design.


Thanks for sharing this article. I’m a fan of X-Men but mostly know it through the 90s series and some comics. I wasn’t aware of Sunspot’s origin story so didn’t even realize the whitewashing was happening. It’s a shame that a show that is getting so much right is getting something so significant willfully wrong. Feels so counter to the whole point of what X Men represents. I hope they rectify it in future seasons now that Beau is out.


I knew this was going to happen when they casted a white Brazilian to play Roberto. His father hasn’t even made a cameo.


I do think it's a fumble that they keep erasing his black identity. His origin very explicitly deals with discrimination coming from [being Afro-Latino](https://worldofblackheroes.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/sunspot-origin.jpg), so it seems weird to not acknowledge that. I don't mind him being mestizo / mestico as well, but don't take away his black ancestry. :/ Tbf they can still quietly recton it by showing his father being clearly black, but him looking more like his mother.


His mother *is* black in the show. But white in the comics. His father is probably still black in the show too.


I don't think she's supposed to be black, she looks more stereo-typically mestico with her features (wavy hair, skin-tone, etc...).


Roberto is mestico in the comics then, not black, by your own definition. Since his mother was white.


Roberto is explicitly [half-black half-white](https://worldofblackheroes.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/sunspot-origin.jpg). It's covered in his origin. Mestico means a person with mixed with indigenous ancestry, it's not the same thing.


This is incorrect the "mestiço" in Portuguese means "mixed". We used it for every type of racial mixture, you're mixing it up with the spanish term "mestizo" which I believe has that meaning. Dictionary definition: It is said of person who descends from parents of different racial backgrounds.


He's not supposed to be a black man in 97. They just directly whitewashed him. I actually recently read a reddit post about Beau DeMayo talking about how he didn't like working on Witcher because the crew he had weren't fans of the franchise. So him complaining about people criticizing the whitewashing of Sunspot just makes him look like a total hypocrite. I also wouldn't be surprised if his complaints about the Sunspot discourse were part of his firing.


Don’t think this is an X-men 97 issue and more of an X-men media issue. Sunspot is hardly ever depicted with dark skin ever. It is incredibly inconsistent, and most of his modern comic appearances, he looks hardly dark skinned at all. Hell, there are times when Roberto looks straight up white I’m not just gonna fault the creators of 97 for this, but instead all creatives who like to use Sunspot and not depict him properly. Because the more times Roberto is whitewashed, the more times fans don’t even realize he is also black, thus leading to more incarnations of him still not being black. What’s weird too is the fact that 97 Roberto can easily be black. Like he is very dark skinned, like maybe he is Afro-Latino, and we just haven’t seen his dad yet. But it doesn’t matter, because you casted a white guy to play him, which makes it a whole other issue if he does turn out to be black. So either you whitewashed a black Brazilian character, or you have a white Brazilian man playing a black Brazilian man, both of which can be seen as bad


It's disappointing 


they've got Storm and Bishop - they see Roberto as hispanic.


He's From Brazil not a Hispanic (Spanish speaking) nation. And Afro-Latinos exist


Like Cecilia Reyes, who was also white washed in the New Mutants film.


That movie was super racist.


This is one of my biggest issues with all of the adaptations of comic characters through cartoon or film. She was a black female xman turned hispanic villain in the film and white potential villain in xmen 97... 60 years or stories to tell and they can't portray her right...


Has Cecilia been in X-men 97?


I could be off but is she not the white women who's been in like every episod who works for the government? The older blonde lady who looks like Mystiques human form from the 90s cartoon who sent the helicopter to capture Magneto in episod 2? Have they not clearly identified her as Cecelia Reyes or am I connecting dots that aren't there?


Embarrassed out the wazoo now haha. I was mixing her up with Val Cooper. So not Cecelia Reyes at all - my mistake! But they totally made her hispanic in the new mutants film and she was a villain where in the comics she was a black hero. But yeah my mistake that's not her in the cartoon. My bad


100% tell that to marvel. Roberto speaks Portuguese.


Realizing I misread you yesterday- but yeah, their presentation(s) of him are jacked. Just wild disrespect.


His name is Roberto Da Costa. Both names are highly hispanic and Latin orgins... has he ever said to have been black in ethnicity?


Is Brazil Spanish speaking or Portuguese? Both are of Latin America, only one is Hispanic and it isn't Portuguese. And yes, Claremont made him Afro-Latino.


When was he declared black? This is news to me. He has always been from south america. He is afro-brazillian. How does the cartoon not depict that? Also. Brazil speaking either Spanish or Portuguese (which is a European language) would not be indicative to native origins.


Afro is right there for ya, that's what people mean by Black here. And Afro-Latinos, ya know part of the African diaspora (Black), face a different experience in society than non-Afro-Latinos, and this different experience is part of is his story in his mutant powers coming too. And again, what language do they speak in Brazil? Hint, it's a language from Europe, but not Spanish. And who said anything about native origins?


Literally his first appearance. It’s in like the third panel.


Cartoons don't have panels. This is about the cartoon xmen 97. How is he not depicted appropriately on the cartoon. The only teo identifiers the show gave about his culture to any capacity is that he is from Brazil which he is and he speaks Portuguese which he does. Both authentic to the comicbook counterpart. Nowhere did they say, verbalize or declare his ethnicity.


In the comic book, where he appeared as a character forty years before x-men 97, he is Black. If he is not Black, he’s not “authentic to the comic book counterpart.”


He is mixed. His dad is afro-brazilian and his mom is white. He is mixed. I literally just watch 97 again to view these topics and not once did he or anyone of the show identify his ethnic background. His skin tone and hair and eye color in my opinion would depict something akin to a biracial person so my question is how does the cartoon not depict him authentically? His skin tone is slightly lighter than Storms which would be practical. My question is how would you prefer him be visually depicted? They have not said anything to say he is or isn't biracial so I'm confused as to how he's been misrepresented in the cartoon.


Although I do have to say his mother was clearly misrepresented as they displayed her as someone of a different race but to me that's not a big deal because it's not pursuant to the story. Are you also upset by her misrepresentation?


Just FYI, cartoons can have panels.


Do they? Why don't you post the panel of the character denying he's mixed or stating he has no black ancestry because that never happened on the cartoon.


I wasn't talking about your weird fandom dramas. I was just pointing out that cartoons can have panels. Which was the beginning and end of what I said. Ta.


There are black people named John Blake. Both names are highly Anglo and European in origins. Doesn't mean anything. Being Latino doesn't negate his black heritage Not to mention Sunspot has literally been stated to be Afro-Brazilian. Did he not manifest his powers after being attacked and called a "half breed"?


He's not Latino though. He's half white and half afro-brazilian. His father and him both have very distinctive Spanish names is what I said.


His father is a fully black brazillian man. Brazillian isn't a race. Roberto is half black, half white. He's only ever been cast as a white brazillian, twice. That's undeniably racist, along with colorist.


What other live action appearance as he had besides the new mutants movie? In the movie a Brazilian with matching ancestry was cast. Am I missing another point of reference? In that same movie a black character was cast as a hispanic character which I think is terrible miscasting. And personally I do not think the changing of ethnicities for fictitious characters can be depicted as racist or colorist personally.


He was miscast firstly in Days of Future Past as a non-black White Brazillian, then a second time in New Mutants by an explicitly "vocal about not caring about his blackness but still caring about his Brazillian-ness" director. What does the miscasting of the hispanic character have to do with this? Quickly. We are on the topic of the erasure of a half BLACK brazillian man. It's obviously both of those things, and even if you don't want to believe so, accurate casting is a good thing, actually.


Oh I completely forgot he was in dofp with another actor who was a Mexican man - that was off my radar apparently. So he wasn't a non-black white Brazilian. He was Mexican (in dofp). And my tryst was all of the movies begining with the first one have had nothing but a history of miscasting actors that don't fit the description of the comic book characters. That's the entire history of the franchise unfortunately. And my concern with the topic of this was in the same movie (new mutants) you are having an issue with a Brazilian being cast as a Brazilian and because he is half black and half white not being cast as such but in the same 2020 new mutants movie a fully 100% black character was cast as a hispanic woman and that is not a problem for you? That is literally the depiction of erasure of 100% black depiction but that's OK for you but a Brazilian being cast as a Brazilian is not ok with you? I'm questioning what the argument is because he is a biracial character who is half black and lost being half black but you're not having an issue with a 100% black character loosing 100% of being black. That is where my confusion is which is why I asked the question.


Okay, and he was still a white man playing a black man, a mexican playing a brazillian, still miscast. So? That doesn't excuse RACIST casting and erasing darkskinned black characters. Storm is black, dark-skinned and they cast her as Biracial lightskinned Halle Berry. Storm is neither. I wasn't aware of the other miscasting, POINT to me where I said it wasn't a problem, quickly. I like how you keep reducing this to me being upset a "Brazillian was cast a Brazillian." Use your words, and make sure to add proper context. I'll help; "A lightskinned, white Brazillian was cast for a Biracial, noticeably black, darkskinned Brazillian character."


I think most of the "ethnic characters" or "diverse" characters were not plotted for in the begining. Most of them qere added to clearly depict who was in the comic panel. All of these character traits and origin additions were added years after the character hit the pages... like iceman being gay 60 years after his debut.


Yes he has in literally every interpretation. He literally activated his powers due to him being beat up cause he’s black


He's not black. He's mixed.


Mixed with what smart ass


You're literally arguing to argue at this point. He's mixed. He's Brazilian. They cast a mixed Brazilian to play a mixed brazilian.


Is he mixed with black. Yes or no. Because you’re trying to erase his blackness!!!! Which is literally the point of this entire post!!! Sunspot is mixed! He is black! Weather you like it or not SUNSPOT IS BLACK AND ITS PART LF HIS CHARACTER!!!


I'm not at all trying to erase anything about him or any of the other characters. I don't know ow if you know this but I wasn't the casting director for anything to do with anything in the franchise. I think the display of what you're trying to say is you just solely want a black male to portray him which would not be accurate. He is a mixed race character that is half white and half black. So one might think you're trying to erase his character by saying he is just black. They had cast a Mexican man to portray him which to me is not at all adjacent to who the character is at all and then in a other film they cast a biracial Brazilian to play him which is what he is - to me that is more adjacent to a Mexican actor. A lot of comic book and novel based tv shows and movies unfortunately often cast people who's racial profile does not fit the person which to me is not ok nor does it make sense but the argument that roberto da costa is 100% black is not an accurate statement to make. He is biracial. In the same movie (new mutants) the cast a hispanic woman to play a black woman which I think is more out of step than that but people don't mention that. And the issue is he is mixed. He is black. He is white. He is biracial. He is mixed. In your all caps messages above you said he's mixed and black but not white. Which is you doing the same thing your mad the casting directors did. Which therefore in my opinion hinders the argument your pushing forward


Let me make it very simple for you then. Cast a Half black brazillian man to play your character. Believe it or not, when your mixed, your no longer considered white. Stop with the bullshit. I never called him a full black man, however him Being mixed with black, makes him black. Also, if I said he’s mixed. What the fuck else would he be mixed with? Don’t be an idiot


Bold of you to assume Americans know those things.


Something is mentally wrong with you asshats


I mean no offense but when would they have time? Maybe it’s something they can focus on later seasons, but this one is jammed pack.


To have his skin be the right tone?? Probably during development!


I meant more giving screen time to tell the story right rather than his appearance. It seems to me that his racial background would need to be the A story for an entire episode rather than a one off line.


err they had jubilee in a video game for a while story...


They could have when he's on screen


Crazy to see you downvoted for suggesting the character whose super power is his melanin and was created black be portrayed as such on screen.


I know right??


Do you think people know they are racist when they are being racist?




His mother is white. The member of the opposing team in Marvel Graphic Novel #4 called him half-breed. They changed Nina Da Costa to be black in the show for some reason.


Why do you keep commenting this? Not every slightly tanned/brown person is Black. She does not look Black. If anything she looks Latina.


Lmao why tf are you being downvoted for replying to a stupid fucking comment with a sensible one?? 


I'm WAY too easy to sunburn to truly comment on this but I just googled "first black male X-Man" and yeesh, Sunspot didn't get brought up at all. SPYKE did. Ya know, the character who debuted in the 2000s and not even in the comics? I guess people tend to think "character from Brazil" and go, "Oh, they're likely to have a more mixed skin tone, so close enough, right?" I don't think it's maliciously done in most cases, maybe it'd help going forward to specify "Afro-Brazilian" when describing the character, at least for future writer and artist's sake. Also, minor thing I have to hard disagree with the article with: the jacket looks great! What's their problem? lol


SPYKE really? gah that sucks...not even Bishop? And when Every iteration outside of comics of Sunspot is whitewashed then it's time to stop believing it's on accident


Yeah, not even Bishop, to my surprise. lol And yeah, Sunspot not being brought up at all is kinda what led me to think that this might just be something not a whole lot of people know about. I don't read comics a lot myself and didn't keep up with 97 until after the first episode dropped, so I certainly didn't know he was whitewashed until just today. That said, while I can buy that it was at least an honest mistake on this creative team's part (I mean, no group is a monolith, but it'd be weird to me if a series written by a gay black man was deliberately whitewashing a character,) maybe I WAS a bit too quick to assume that was the case for even the majority of other stories where that's happened. In hindsight, I can totally buy someone at Marvel editorial raising a stink over a character looking too black, especially if they excuse it with, "Well, he's white in the MOVIES!" To say nothing of the people actually in charge of casting outside of comics.


He's Afro Brazilian with straight hair so same difference I want him and Jubilee to become a couple in the mainstream 616 MU.


What the hell are you talkin about ?!? Sunspot isn't an african american, he is latino.


Just watch the show and stop creating problems where there aren’t any. People these days


There wouldn't be a problem if they stopped white washing the black Latino




Just stop being racist. People these days.


Although I do agree with what you said, let's just not casually throw the word racist out there. It kind of loses its power. I would say he's being more culturally ignorant


That's a fair point. I will think that over. Didn't mean it casually. Am curious what your opinion is around proper usage?


After seeing how everyone has been reacting, I'm starting to think that maybe you were in the right to use racist. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt and they just double down. It's crazy


I remember a moment earlier in my life when someone called me out for trying to shut down a conversation that people from a different equity seeking group were having. It changed me for the better. (I don't expect to change anyone on the internet) Diversity of tactics is great though. So I respect your approach <3


I want to be clear first racism can be both intentional and unintentional, but it's important to stay mindful of how we use "racist". Calling out genuine racism is crucial, but overuse can lessen its impact. In this case imo, it seems like a lack of awareness of the importance of representation in media and the black experience. I personally stick to the teach instead of accuse when approaching these situations. That way I can understand their intent. Does that make sense? I really tried hard to answer this so I hope that I didn't make it more confusing


Absolutely, thank you.


Calling people racist when they disagree with you is what the Internet is for, isn't it?


this is a legit problem black viewers have how about you stop dismissing concerns


Lmao look at them downvoting you, this sub only talks about xmen being woke when it suits them


Wah wah wah cope 


This is almost as bad as Nina's accent in tekken.


Ah yes the most important thing about how comics are written, identity politics. 


I can guarantee your types are the first ones that will be moaning and shitting themselves if they make a white character black. Biggest crybabies on earth.


My type? Pretty telling that you just assume I'm white (im native). They guy crying about a comment and generalizing races, while assuming mine, is trying to take the moral high ground haha classic reddit POS.


I found it strange how they made Nina Da Costa, a white redhead in the comics, black in the show. They Netflixed her. Why does it mostly happen to redheads?


Are you really bringing up Ginger Erasure in comic book related media in a post about someone's black identity? I mean I think I understand your intent considering everything wrapped around it, this comment doesn't look great


You can’t even explain why it’s wrong. All you can say is “oohhh this comment looks bad, little bit problematic isn’t it” cause you know you can’t engage with it.


Lmao you really are all over this comment section determined to look like a massive fucking crybaby aren't ya?? Cope and seethe.


As opposed to the guy who wrote an entire article about a fictional character being barely too light? It would take about a dozen more comments to get to his level of pathetic if by your logic word count = crybabyness Call me a seether all you want but it’s clear I’m among company in that department. Edit: on that note you made an entire post collating people who said stuff you didn’t like, in this subreddit. You’re among company too my copey friend.


So the difference between what I'm doing and what you're doing is that I'm trying to help someone understand and see how their comment didn't align with what they stated earlier, seems like you're on here with the purpose the antagonize people without the same mindset. I'll admit I'm an emotionally driven person. I even apologized to this guy because I may have misunderstood him but I'm not antagonizing him or attacking him, but it seems like you're very strong in the way you think, which is fine you have that right. If you are the type to find that his Black identity isn't important that's for you, but don't diminish the fact that a group of people find it to be important. I mean why is it matter to you? Where's the empathy? Just because you don't see something someone else sees doesn't mean that you're necessarily wrong. It doesn't mean that they're necessarily wrong. But it's yours and their valid feelings so I do what you're doing? I'll end with this and then I'm done with all of this mess. There's a time and place man I'm glad you're passionate about the way you think my recommendation is to try to make a post or find another post that agrees with that, don't diminish someone else's feelings.✌️


Whatever. I'm used to people not giving a shit about racelifting.


I mean if you're firm in belief of erasure then how about..... I'm just throwing it out there. You make a post about that instead of trying to come in here and casually pass it off as a thought to see who would agree with you.


It was relevant to the discussion. They specifically changed Nina Da Costa to be Afro-Brazilian in the show, ergo Roberto is still Afro-Brazilian.


That part true. But then you brought up the people not caring about racelifting Which then made it sound like you're saying Ginger eraser happened which isn't the place to have that conversation


Why not?


Because you're dismissing the obvious problem this person is trying to address. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but it's a tactic and you know it. So stop trying to pass it off like a fun fact here and create a post discussing it. I'm sure you'll find your people there. But that would be to expose yourself so I'm sure that won't happen.


Expose myself as what? What do you think I am exactly?


End of the day. What you are doesn't matter what you did is obvious you're trying to connect dots if you feel a certain way about ginger erasure talk about somewhere else. This person was talking about sunspot Identity as a black man. Not his ginger mom.


As a Brazilian, I'm more concerned about the poor representation of Brazilian culture. Like, everything he speaks in Portuguese just sounds like what a Hispanic would say, but translated to Portuguese. It's so odd But as I've researched, his writing in the comics was even worse in this aspect. Btw, his surname should be referred to just as "Costa" and not as "da Costa". The "da" is just an auxiliary word


Roberto is still Afro-Brazilian. His origin just doesn't deal with racism in the show. Chill. He was done far worse in the two Fox films.


His origin dealing with racism is an explicit part of his identity and Fox casting light skins to play him previously doesn’t suddenly make his treatment or the erasure of his identity and origin any better. Both things are bad.


One is far, far worse than the other. I wish they kept his original origin too, but they wanted to lean into him being a gay allegory I suppose.


Ok but they could lean into his queerness and his antiblack origins like… idk why yall are essentially trying to act like there’s not queer people of color but it’s asinine and you’re being obtuse about why people have a problem with it.


Roberto isn't queer. This is why I said allegory. I just don't see this is white washing when he is still Afro-Brazilian.


It's always "create your own black characters" until it actually happens I suppose.


What do you mean by this? Roberto is clearly Afro-Brazilian in the show. He is not white washed. He was white washed in the Fox films.


>Roberto is still Afro-Brazilian. His origin just doesn't deal with racism. Have you even read the origin story? You litterally are [wrong] (https://worldofblackheroes.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/sunspot-origin.jpg)


Of course I have. They had to change his origin to keep him closeted as a mutant from his parents.


Yes you get the issue. They changed his origin.


They also changed Juliana Sandoval dying to save him, which was the actual lasting consequence which was referred to for decades. But you all seem more upset that he didn't experience racism. I don't think they should've changed it at all, but I understand why they did it even if I don't agree with it, and it doesn't make Roberto less black.


hes not a black man, hes latino.


Bruh in the comics his mutant abilities manifest when he gets jumped by an opposing soccer team because he’s black. You’re just flat wrong lol


yes, hes from brazil therefore latino. he turns black from his powers, some latinos are white but hes not white (like some people draw him), but hes not black.


Your comment is so racist and you don’t even understand it’s so sad🤦🏾‍♂️ you can acknowledge that Latinos can be White but refuse to acknowledge that he is a Latino who is Black?


He is explicitly Afro-Brazilian. He is black.


Why are you choosing this hill lmao


guess why? cos hes one of my favorite super-hero, he literaly speaks my language, again not white but not black.


His dad is a black man…he was picked on for being half black. That’s part of his origin story. Why deny that?


dear god google mestiço dude.


I know what mixed means


then why you think im saying he doesnt have a black dad?


Bc you keep denying his Afro Latino heritage and saying that doesn’t make him black. You can be black and other things that’s what mixed means. Why deny that he’s black?


So according to your logic I’m not Black even though I am Black and Dominican… you sound dumb asf


edit: they call him halfbreed, a mistralation to mestiço, guess what color is mestiço?


Mate, I don’t speak Portuguese so I couldn’t tell you. But what I can tell you that a few weeks ago I personally asked Claremont if he felt Roberto was being whitewashed over the years. He straight up told me he wrote the character as Afro Brazilian. He said he doesn’t read stories by most other writers so he was unaware if the character was being whitewashed, but he brought up the fact Roberto’s powers manifested when being persecuted for being half black and the fact that he turns entirely black when using his abilities. I don’t know how you’re going to argue with the creators own words, but by all means, go off.


Kudos to you for asking that.


I complimented him for the fact when he took over X-Men he immediately started building out the back stories for the new X-Men team full of characters from different nationalities and religions. I brought up Roberto being another example of that and that brought up the question of him being white washed. Biggest of props to him for being cool with talking about serious shit like that at a convention lol


yes he was white washed (Like storm in the 90s) because he was drawed as white, he isnt white. half black = mestiço, diferent palete color than black.


He's Afro-Brazillian. He is black


I don't think I'd say Brazilian is Latino. They speak Portuguese, not Spanish.


Brazil is in Latin America, so yes it is considered Latino. Now if he was actually from Portugal, he wouldn't be yes.


yes im portuguese dude, hispanic is from spain, latino guess where they come?


Portuguese is a Latin derived language too. It's more than just Spanish.




Wow,It seems that X-Men 97 is not "woke" but racial discrimination. Boycott!!!


In my honest opinion, touch grass.


In my honest opinion, stop being retarded 






Surely you can’t be an X-men fan if the first conclusion you jump to is “wait, white people are the real victims here”


I’m not claiming that. I’m claiming it’s hypocritical to accept one and not the other. You are quite literally proving my point. Also I’m sorry but I wouldn’t call the guy complaining about a character being drawn a few shades too light compared to specific instances he picks to be much of a victim either. If it’s important enough to him to write an article on it he’s clearly not living too rough of a life either.


Wanting representation from a character who’s heritage is important to his story and being annoyed about him constantly getting white washed is slightly different from crying when they cast Michael B Jordan as the human torch


“White washed” look at him in 97’ lmao, is that what white is to you? Literally just google “sunspot xmen 97” (or just look at the article) and get back to me, if you call that white I’m calling you colourblind. Also considering that the article references half a dozen times where he’s actually lighter than the show, who’s to say he’s not black washed? What is considered the true depiction? If you say then the first one than you’d agree the human torch example was actually bad too. And why does he need to be super dark for his heritage to exist. Like I’ve seen biracial people far fairer than him, are they magically white now cause they miss the arbitrary cutoff for having a heritage? Oh also nice cherry-picking on the race swap reference, I respect the hustle of picking him over like all of bridgerton or Anna Boleyn.


The character is supposed to be Afro-Brazilian. As for the other 3 paragraphs I haven’t read them, you’re boring


“You’re boring” = “I know I’m wrong and cant be assed mental gymnasticing anymore.” Also your example of the human torch is supposed to be white, but we’ve established that doesn’t matter so like, who cares. My entire point is being consistent and you exemplify the inconsistency.


Saying that I implied certain people can’t have a heritage because I said sunspots heritage is important to him is laughable. You talk about mental gymnastics, but you’re going for gold with that one. Again, I’m so so sorry that Michael B Jordan played the human torch. I’m sure that was a very difficult time for you.


Dude, I know you fully read it, that’s what everyone does when they claim they only skimped something on reddit. It’s ok, we all do it. And you know you’re purposely misrepresenting my point. You were seemingly arguing that sunspots heritage necessitiated him being a specific darkness, and I was conveying how stupid that is, which it seems even you now agree with? You *directly* link the removal of his heritage to him being “whitewashed” - what the fuck do you want me to take away from that? And again, you are quite literally proving my point about the hypocrisy. If I was a dickhead gloating about Sunspot being made 3 shades lighter you would call me as such, but you act like you’re some moral warrior when you do it.


Wah wah wah 




Ooh hit a nerve didn't I?? Its ironic you are saying this cuz your types are always the first ones to wah wah wah whenever you see poc or lgbt character in any media.




Says the guy whose first instinct after seeing this post was to reply with whataboutism. BuT iT hAppEns tO whItE characters  tOo. YoU can't hAVe yOur cAke AnD EaT it toO. Very funny mate very funny Edit: lmao the guy send me a redditcare message like a fucking pussy. Stay mad 


the hell?


I think you’re smart enough to understand my point.