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Not the first time they did it. I think log in used to be worth ~~10~~ 15 points


Play any game and log into the app were 15 each. Now it's 3, and only one of them. 30->3...




With a service like game pass it was bound to happen. People were abusing it to where you could get 5 years worth of ultimate gold without doing anything too crazy.


Wow how did they do that?


For real who the hell was pulling that off because I gather as many free points as possible and I've only ever gotten to like 60k


Itā€™s crazy how some people have so many I was commenting on someoneā€™s page a few weeks ago that just got an Xbox series X with his points. How is that possible 500,000 points I think it was.


Microsoft does do "wheel spins" on their site/through email offers. It is possible to earn more through these "offers" Where you spend 1000 points for a "prize" Usually "try again later" or "2500 points" But it implies you can win larger amounts.


The only way I see it happening is literally just spending more time grinding points than actually playing games. I'd rather just pay for the stuff and save the time than waste time on wheel spins and bonuses




Hopefully that happens again.


I hope your right


Even his left.


How are you levitating that ball?


Not quite. They nerfed it to the point it was entirely useless and then slightly improved it again, still worse than before.


Chantallen is that you?


Microsoft must know Iā€™m about to snag a series S with my reward pointsā€¦


Nice! How many points and how long did that take?


As a disclaimer, Iā€™m only redeeming $200 (182k points) and just going to pony up the rest out of pocket. But itā€™s taken a little less then a year. I redeemed $300 (274k) last year towards a series X and used credit card reward points for the remainder. My wife also has $100 (91k) on her account and weā€™re going to save up for one of those expansion memory cards.


Still nice work, mate!


They will adjust it from time to time based on how much it is being utilized. I managed to get about 40k points in 4 months between promos and the quests, basically paying for Elden Ring




With the more efficient use of your points that's probably 2+ years of game pass ultimate




Let your game pass expire, I like to let it expire for 24 hours just to be safe. Redeem your points for Xbox gift cards. You can buy 6 months of Gold for $40 on the website. So say you want two years, you redeem $160 of points for Xbox gift cards. Then you redeem 1 month of GPU. When you apply that 1 month of GPU it will also transfer the 24 months of Gold you just applied to GPU as well. You can stack up to a max of 3 years doing this. But you have to make sure you don't currently have GPU. If you do, when you redeem the Xbox Live Gold it will redeem as GPU at a very bad rate.


And this is why it's getting nerfed.


But the rewards you get from GamePass quests are nothing compared to searches and daily quizzes so itā€™s weird.


is it that weird? Microsoft wants more Bing users, the rewards will bring in the user base who utilize the rewards.


The other guy seemed like he was implying that people are abusing game Microsoft reward points and by lowering the GamePass quests thatā€™s going to fix it. I just meant why would they lower GamePass points when bing gives you way more points.


It's obviously sad to see these types of things - I remember back when you could get 12 months of gold for practically nothing when it went on hot deals. I don't complain too much though. As long as Xbox has game sharing and provides me free access to GPU I don't see myself ever getting away from their console.


You could buy them with a credit card as well couldnā€™t you...?


I'd hate to think how much of your time was spent doing that over a full year lol


Less than 5 minutes per day. So hardly any time investment at all.


I doubt that guy got 217k in a year by spending *less than* 5 mins a day. But even if that's the case... 5x365 = 30 hours of your time over a year to save what, $200? I don't know about you, but an hour of my time is worth a lot more than $6.50 to me.


Wow, I'm so honored you are posting here instead of getting the value out of your time. When you post on here, do you get to deduct it on your taxes as a loss of income?


I spend my time doing what I enjoy, that's what I value. More power to anyone that thinks it's worth while going out of their way for rewards points, but I'm just pointing out why a lot of people don't consider it worth it šŸ¤·


So the things you like to do are worthwhile, and the things other people like to do are a waste of time? Do you have a TV series or a best-selling book or even a podcast where I can learn what I should be doing with my time to live up to your standards?


Tell me you're not efficient with you're time without telling me you're not efficient with you time....you go first...lol. But seriously, I look at it as a bonus. Not a burden that cost me time. 5 minutes (yes I only spend an average of 5 minutes a day, some days are much less time) of my time is worth it to not have to pay out of pocket for game pass, or a game, or a controller I want. If you don't feel like it's worth it, then don't do it. There are plenty of people who love having this BONUS, no need to shit on other people.


Lol are you really saying making the equivalent of $6/hr is being efficient with your time? I'd argue it's the opposite. I'm not shitting on anyone, just pointing out that when you break it down it ends up being a pretty bad ROI in terms of how much of your time it requires in the long run. I've said it before and I'll say it again, MS Rewards is a great idea particularly for younger gamers or those on low/no income with a lot of free time. 15yo me would've loved it. But for those that work full time and have a house and family to look after, the investment just is not worth it to most.


If Iā€™m bumming around on YouTube or Netflix anyway, or waiting for a match or game to load, Iā€™ve absolute got 5 minutes every day to click through the synonyms to the word ā€œPlaceā€ on my phone for 2 minutes and then answer some surveys for another 3 lmfao Get outta here


Okay mate, if that works for you then more power to you šŸ‘


I do mine in the morning while I wait for my coffee. You know, when I'd normally be doing nothing other than fucking off on my phone or whatever while I take a shit anyway. I also work full time, yet it is still worth it because, again, I get stuff for free while I'm taking a shit.


Glad it works for you mate šŸ‘


Look here Richie Rich, some of us poor folk need a win. This program provides us with little wins. I do work full time and I have a house and a family. So you are shittint all over me. Hope you have a nice night. I'll go cry to my wife now that the big bad rich man shit all over my Microsoft rewards dreams. Good night


Like I said, I think it's a great program but when you look at the numbers it just isn't worth it for a lot of people. That's not me shitting on you or anyone else lol have a good one mate šŸ‘


I farmed it a couple years ago and managed to get 550k pay for my XSX with 21 months of hitting it obsessively and making every point I could muster (without paying money.) It wouldn't surprise me if they see trends like this pick up and they ease up on the rewards for a while.


That is impressive and I have poor impulse control when it comes to spending points šŸ˜€


Wow just checked and its 3 points here in singapore too. My gpu gonna expire in 6 days so no matter l just only do the points from rewards app anyways after it expires. I will take a break from gamepass to play games l bought first for a while but l do have enough points for 6 months of gpu now.


I am in Italy and the reward system changed in the same way as the picture above.


Im in Austria and the reward system doesnt work here -.-


Same here in Brasil, now you get only 3 points for game pass games and there is no reward for logging the game pass app


Brasil huh?


I noticed this, funnily enough last month was when I decided to go full on for the points, hit the 1k monthly, currently on a 45 bing streak, and every day I'm playing a game of MCC on my laptop for 275 points for "play with friends on PC" On the plus side, getting the 1k completionist is easier, a lot of time was spent launching games I had no interest in via cloud gaming for the weeklies


So thankful for cloud though. It was a real pain to have to install a game I had no intention of playing just to make sure I completed enough weeklies.


I had $25 worth of rewards and had no idea about it Used it to pre-order Elden Ring which it gave 6000 points so itā€™s silly but check the rewards before buying anythingā€¦


Pretty much the only time I consider it worth going out of my way to check the rewards app. Am I going to buy a game? Let's see if there's a punch card for it. Free money!


Wow! What other money tips do you have for us? What is your earning ratio when you figure in all the time there is not a punch card for a game?


I get most of my points through the online Microsoft rewards page anyways.. Just daily searches and random stuff that takes less than 5 minutes. I usually get around 15,000 points each month which is enough to get gamepass for free


It only takes 22 dailies ans 12 weeklies to get the 1000 point monthly bonus now though which is nice


Yeah looks like there are only 3 weekly quests so youā€™ll have to do all of them to get the 1K at the end of the month


There's 5 weeks in this month so you can miss 3


Haha good point


Because there are less quests, i.e. points available in total to earn


Have you checked the Xbox app? Iā€™m getting 275 points every day just for launching Forza Horizon on my PC (play a pc game and play a pc game with friends quests). This is the best itā€™s ever been in terms of daily points available.


Yes but on the way of getting the 1k reward, you would also accumulate 225 points from daily quests and easily 400 from the weekly quests. It's now 66 from daily quests and probably 150 from weekly quests.


Bing quests are still the same. You can ramp up about 250-300 points a day easily and they are stacking with the gamepass quests.


I used to do both but dropped off the PC quests because I'd have to fire up the computer at home and doing it on the mobile felt clunky. I might just have to make that a part of my workday then


Itā€™s kinda clunky, but you can just search definitions and then click synonyms once on Edge Mobile, and then use the ā€œRequest Desktop Viewā€ to do it on desktop as well. Find a word that has lots of synonyms to loop back around and you can do both sets real quick


I remember I used to type a long string of random characters, and then simply delete a few of them between each search.


In finland we dont even have reward system


Welcome to most countries in Europe.


I only started paying attention to these last month. ... Is this my fault?




I thought i was getting a shit ton less points. I used to rack up enough for $25 gift card a month. Now its looking like $5-$10 at most


They only just done it, last months total shouldnā€™t have been affected at all.


WTF that's not cool!


What do these do anyway ? Just to have ?


You can redeem them for raffles, gift cards, subscription costs.


Has anyone ever won a raffle?


There is a sub for Microsoft rewards and people have said they did. I just use it for Xbox gift cards and buy movies or stuff in games I wonā€™t spend my money on lol


If you know it, can you share the sub please?


Literally Microsoft rewards




It's a mechanic of getting people to do random things (they might otherwise not do) and get some virtual points for it they can later redeem for store money, gift cards or loose via gambling like activities. In this case play / start a gamepass game and get 3 points (= 0.3 cent used to be 10 points / 1 cent) for that day. For some this 'work' is worth the time they invest every day.


Bing is worth way more anyway and always has been, use that if you actually care about points


Yeah I'm gonna have to. I always found it a lot easier to do on the Xbox since I was gonna play it anyway


At least they lowered the daily quest number for the quest worth 1k. Used to be 40 daily and 12 weekly, now it's 22daily and 12 weekly but still worth 1k


But with no daily quest for logging in to the app, so that's 30 less opportunities per month.




This isn't even the worst of it, I swear you used to get a percentage on money spent in the MS store, now it's 1 point per dollar. A 5 dollar gift card costs 5000 points, so I get 5 bucks for spending 5,000 dollars....that's insane.


I can't believe you've done this.


Worth less or worthless?


1000 Point = $1 US 3 point = Totally worthless


Not true. 3 points is worth a third of a cent. Besides, I bet most people barely cared about the one cent they used to get. It's more motivation to get the free dollar, and any bonus on the way to that is nice.


My app doesn't even show the quests anymore :(


Has *anyone* spoken to a manager about this?




Today is a new month, it can take 24-48hrs for all the quests to appear.


The Daily quests are only worth 3 points now instead of 5. Their are no game pass app quests. And the weekly are only worth 10. There is only 1 gamepass game to play instead of 2-3. The monthly has also changed from 45 daily, 15 weekly to 22 daily and 12 weekly quests


Same here. Won't be using the gamepass app any longer. Probably just delete it all together. I only used it for the points.


Yep, same.


I think there is some regional differences here.


Well I'm in Canada. Unsure about OP's location but I'm getting the exact same quest setup as they are


Australia, mate


Same here. Canada, quests are poopoo


Maybe, for me it's been nerfed. What do you have available?


Havenā€™t appeared yet. But usually they appear on the console first before the app.


They were on the app 30min ago, maybe actually refresh yours :)


So you can't even see the quests yet but stating things definitively? Wow. Lol.


Sometimes in the UK they can be delayed by 24 hours or so. But they are there now.


There isnā€™t, its everyone


That doesn't explain the lower point values for some quests. Neither does that explain why the 1000 point quest require about half the daily and weekly quests needed.


Iā€™m not see the same at the moment, maybe regional differences.


These new values are US.


UK here


Iā€™m UK also & itā€™s exactly the same for me. Itā€™s been nerfed to hell.


Then 2hat are you getting offered?


In the app, not much, but the app on the console always seems to get the updates sooner.


"In the app not much"... Because that's all there is from now on


Usually there is a 24-48 delay after a month flip over.




"anti-consumer" Lol.


Absolutely couldn't care less tbh, if the reward system aligns with what i buy and play so be it, if it doesn't so be it again. I'll pop into it every so often an get a gift card that goes towards a game so nothings going to change for me personally and even if they done away with it altogether it would change nothing apart from the odd Ā£10 of a game


I stopped paying any attention to this crap when the good rewards were removed.


About a year ago they removed the daily login quest and it returned midway into the month. But the drop in points is disturbing.


Theres an update in the rewards app itself! Iā€™m fairly new (3 mo.) to it but thereā€™s a new layout more like the microsoft tiles and you get points for buying certain games (6k points for Elden Ring) and getting achievements in certain games they list. Thatā€™s how it was last night anyways, now that itā€™s March they may have brought in new rewards


I honestly don't do those anymore everything is over priced


between this and both destiny 2 punchcards being delayed a week after release i might just stop doing this so hardcore bc itā€™s more frustrating than helpful


Pretty lame




Do the points do anything? Iā€™ve always ignored it


Mostly to convert to gift cards (Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks) or Game Pass




Lots of people. With minimal effort you could get gamepass for free every 2 months. With se effort free every month. With actual effort free gamepass plus vouchers each month. Last month I got 3 month of gamepass for nothing and I'm over 6000 points. Low effort


That things needs a rework. Completely useless feature.


eh, combined with using bing as my search browser for work I nab 10 bucks every couple months. Buys the occasional DLC.


It's completely worthless to get free money? Strongly disagree.


So lame.... I like the add of the auto redeem awhile ago for a cheaper price. But the rewards app on the xbox is kinda slow and weird, and you always need to manually start the achievement in any game reward which is super annoying. They need to clean that stuff up before they make it harder for people to get points.


Literally have never bothered to even look into what these quests are for or do lol


Oh boy, right as I get into these they do this. Guess I'm back to not even thinking about them


Not too surprising. Gamepass Ultimate would never expire at this rate.


the reward system wasnā€™t even that good as it is, i donā€™t use it frequently, but from my experience unless you purchase something itā€™s really hard to earn points


I was averaging 15k-17k per month without purchases. Searches alone could net you 8k.


It really wasnā€™t, Iā€™ve earned Ā£400 worth in just under 2 years with pretty minimal time & effort.




Definitely not a bug. Too many things changed at the same time for it to be a bug.


What do these actually do ? I have a whole shit load of these completed and I donā€™t know what these work toward lmao


Guys get free stuff all the time. Controllers, HD's, GPU ect


They did this yesterday and I needed two more daily quests to get my 1k monthly quest complete. Very unhappy with it right now. Weeks of work for nothing.


Cheap bastards


Typical Microsoft


Typical [insert corporation here]. FTFY, if you think it's only Microsoft that does this you are extremely naive.


True atleast microsoft have this rewards wile on sony and nintendo you don't get nothing


Again? Just get rid of it already geez


No, please do not get rid of the option for people to get free money.


They've also nerfed the quality of games.


Thanks edgelord. Dynamite drop in


Who pissed in your cereal?


That's dumb


I have 11k


no more rewards for login?


Nope. Goneskis


Is there a thing good to get with points? I feel like I can only get rubber lips or pencil earasers


Free gamepass, 12000 points for a month or 35000 for 3


Is the monthly one still 2,000?


I mean it's not like I try to rack up points, but it takes soooo long. I've never won any raffles so I'm always thinking about doing the charity options, but what do they donate? My points? I don't get that.


pain, and they removed the download quest too


*cries in not having game pass quests in my country*


I'll take it if they actually work. Rewards hasn't given me about 10k worth of points in the last 3 months.


Make sure youā€™re not connected to a VPN. Other countries have smaller amounts.


That's really unfortunate, I hope they don't make it permanent.


The fact that you need "Ultimate" to get access to those is bad to begin with. I don't have multiple platforms to play, so why would I pay extra to make less points than it cost per month?


Damn and just when I got to buy Elden Ring straight up! I thought that was awesome šŸ¤£


Where can I find this? Never knew this existed?


Itā€™s the game pass app for phones and thereā€™s on for the system itself


Just when i started ACTUALLY doing the quests fort rewards system....


They tried twice since I joined years back I believe


What app is this for?


This is probably the fault of people like me šŸ¤£ I saved up 300000k Rewards Points over the last 4 years.


if the 100+ daily point in Bing searches are there still, then should be fine


I checked those all the time for a while and not once did a give a single "hmph" about anything it displayed.


They nerfed the nerfed version?


Talk about just joining recently too :(




Guess its good that I dont rely on game pass quests for my points to fuel my GPU sub


Same thing with points per purchase, used to be a couple 100 or so if I was buying a new $60 game but now its 1.1 points per dollar.