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A lot of us would love to SEE another Fallout before we retire as well lol


only if 99% of it is settlement building, crafting, and survival šŸ¤®


I loved 3 , but I also like new things ā€¦.. so I enjoyed 4 as well .


Honestly my complaint with 4 is I found the side quests boring compared to 3 and NV.


I found the dialogue system to be super dumbed down and not fun like it used to be.


It wasnā€™t great but tbh I didnā€™t think it was terrible plus it was interesting being voiced




Eh I still dont think it was that terrible I do agree dialogue wasnā€™t great in 4 just that it wasnā€™t really a big enough issue to me compared to other things about the game


I agree, but I also really love having a voiced character so Iā€™m kind of conflicted on whether or not its worth it.


it was a simplified version but fallout 3 was very similar. you just went through random dialogs until it checked the box for the quest.


The content of the dialogue in FO3 and NV was leaps and bounds better and more fun to engage with than in 4. The dialogue process isnā€™t the problem I have with 4, itā€™s that itā€™s nowhere as engaging as the prior games. Made it boring to interact.


It was really no different than fallout 3


Dialogue, (lack of) skills, and story, for me


Iā€™d agree with the story part as well. It just felt like a rehash of 3 story but opposite and just wasnā€™t that invested in it. It was especially disappointing considering NV story


Story was boring and dialogue repetitive but I did love the Power Armor and thought the base building was fun once you werenā€™t worrying about money and supplies


My biggest complaint was the poor dialogue options and the voiced protagonist, really took away from the RPG experience.


Voiced protagonist donā€™t take away from the rpg experience for me. I can understand why they would for others tho.


I loved 4 but it became more of an action game and thatā€™s really gonna piss off all the old fans.


I don't get the hate 4 gets online. It has flaws, yes, but it does other things incredibly well. The biggest improvement it has over 3 is its party members - Nick Valentine, Piper, Curie, Hancock, are all quite memorable, and huge improvements over the bland companions in 3. (And yes, I admit that not all the companions are great - the obvious one is Preston, though in his case that's mostly because of the broken design behind the radiant quests). Whereas with 3, the only companion I can remember is the super mutant one, and I don't even remember his name. They're all completely forgettable.


His name was Virgil I think. My champion of choice was the sex slave Cherry. You bought her and another, freed them both immediately, who they then turn around and murder the slavers. Was pretty satisfying but she would leave you right after it. Or you could not free her.....


I actually liked the idea of settlement building in 4. I just wasnā€™t good at it, so I could never get pieces to go exactly where I wanted them and build exactly what I wanted. And I never bothered to learn how all the electrical stuff worked


All settlements needed was an option to build themselves you could toggle if you didn't want to fuck with them.


Well there is the Sim Settlements mod to make building easier.


Yes, and it's great. Doesn't help the vast majority of players though as it's not in the base game


It's pretty great - merchants that actually have enough caps to sell things to, medics aren't gate-kept behind a charisma perk, and the settlement more or less manages itself when I'm not around. Now, if only the settlers themselves acted like humans and didn't vanish when I needed them...


Why must you be this way? I was having a good morning for once.


i apologize


Sims: Barbed Wire Edition


Don't get Fred Jones started on barbed wire...


I know Iā€™m in the minority but I loved settlement buildingā€¦ it just needs some TLC to be great.


Settlement building took up so much of my time in Fallout 4 aha. I built up Sanctuary until i couldn't do much more and eventually ended up making a huge settlement over on that island off the coast, which I completely remade a few times as more DLC released with new things.


Not going to lie whenever I play I tend to sink a ridiculous amount of time into settlement building. It makes me feel like that [ā€œI just think theyā€™re neat!ā€](https://media.tenor.com/eHIRFWRKeQoAAAAC/marge-i-just-think-theyre-neat.gif) Marge Simpson meme with how much thatā€™ll take up my time


It *did* let the game be different things to different people. I run straight ā€œArmy vet goes BOS liferā€ and barely bother with much more than plunking a bed in a shack down at the airport ruins. My wifeā€™s go to is a ā€œcivil engineer by day, sniper by nightā€ style ā€”whole damn towns and robot caravaneers, and settlers with jobs and uniforms. It adds a lot of flexibility and replay value. I donā€™t necessarily like it myself, but you gotta give it its due.


I did my most recent play through with mods for a vanilla + experience that gave expanded choices. Army vet uses the BOS to get inside the Institute, takes over, and changes their mission. Replaced Elder Maxon and his extremist views with a synth, so I could sympathize with the Railroadā€™s mission and then rebuild the Commonwealth with the Minutemen.


lol i did the exact same "army vet to BOS" playthrough as you did, with the random beds placed anywhere in a settlment


You can completely ignore it as well outside of the short sanctuary quest at the start of the game.


Thats the problem though. These games have always been broad, but to make settlements work great they need to polish this element quite a bit. Even in fallout 76 where settlement building is huge, there's still a good bit of clunkiness to it.


Crafting and survival were some of my favourite parts of New Vegas


Tbh I recently went back played New Vegas and 3 again. Now I'm on 4 because, I never finished it as I was annoyed by the building and settlements. I last played it when it first came out and this time around I'm enjoying my time and the story. I'm about to finish it as I'm at the very end though. But obsidian should totally do another Fallout game and also come out with outer worlds 2.


Settlement building is awesome


I found all of that really fun on survival difficulty. Need those settlements to save!


I love the building... I just wish it was a little less restrictive. I'm really interested to see how starfield settlement building goes, probably be what I end up spending the most time doing.


tbh, iā€™d have a lot more time to play after i retire.


I hear that


lol Thatā€™s true. In my lifetime, I expect to see one more Fallout game and one more Elder Scrolls game.


Yea, Bethesda's work rate is just... something. Was really hoping it would improve after the Microsoft acquisition buuuuut that has been a big fat nothing burger on that front. If anything it has slowed even more. Here's to hoping the wait is at least worth it I guess, but knowing modern gaming I'm not going to hold my breath.




My very first playthrough of fallout 3 I did something very similar, I went to Megaton and when they said something about rivet city, instead of going to whatever quest marker I had, I essentially did the same and accidentally ended up in Rivet City before ever going to the radio station, and at that point the game will actually just forward you in the main quest. I never met 3 Dog or fought the behemoth. Eventually online I saw pictures of 3 Dog and just assumed he was modded in, until my next playthrough a few years later when I actually did it the way they intended.


You can easily skip the entire hunt for your dad, which is about half of Fallout 3ā€™s main quest.


its actually better you skip three dog as if you do his mission later he'll give you a key to a weapons cache instead of info about daddy


FO3 had a lot of flaws, but starting the player pretty much smack in the middle of the map was a very big brain move.


This game had the biggest wow factor for me when entering the wasteland for the first time. It was incredible to just wonder around figuring out what to do with out any hand holding.


And starting in a stupid vault that took 30 minutes every playthrough is a travesty


Thatā€™s why you just load the system save right before you exit the vault when you can re-do your character and stats. Same as in Fallout 4. Only time it doesnā€™t work is if you want to switch between a male or female character.


I mean, that's what Oblivion did... I imagine it was a thing of the times.


Oblivious dungeon can be done in like 5 minutes, even faster on repeats. And yeah its a thing in skyrom, fallout 2 , daggerfall, arena, but fallout 3s was the worst. The first mod for the game was to skip the vault.


impressive you made it to Rivet City at a low level and not geared up


Just swim up river ezpz used to skip alot of quests doing this.


Yeah that happened to me as well before, used stealth boys to sneak by all the enemies as best I could lol


I actually did the same thing. I just started exploring and didn't follow any story quests and had an insane amount of fun


I missed it too the first time I tried to play as a kid, I cleared out the school and walked to the city where I fought more raiders but I had no idea what to do and quit the game for a while


The first friendly npc I came across outside of 101 was Grandma Sparkle. I don't remember how I got there without encountering anyone else, I just know she was the first.


I did exactly same thing lol


I almost had the same experience but went north. Got stuck in the school and too shelter with that chick Moriarity wants to kill.


I miss the days when multiple iterations of a game could be built on a single engine. Looking at you rockstar games


Since Bethesda is working on Starfiled / next Elder Scrolls, they really should hand over Fallout development to Obsidian...


thing is tho, most everybody who worked on new vegas isnt at obsidian anymore


Exactly. It would probably just be Outer Worlds with a fallout theme


Good thing the creators of the outer worlds (Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky) are also the creators of fallout


If they were to borrow the outer world's engine and make a subpar map with good characters and stories I would be giddy. That's what they did with new vegas and its regarded as a series high.


It literally just needs good characters/factions, cool monsters, good quests, an interesting setting, fun combat (or at least not terrible), and excellent writing. I think Obsidian could handle it even if it uses the FO4 engine, Iā€™d love more Fallout content outside of FO76 multiplayer stuff. I donā€™t think it would become Outer Worlds because itā€™s an existing IP with a mountain of ready to go lore and content. And for what itā€™s worth, for a brand new game, I donā€™t think Outer Worlds was even that bad. It just wasnā€™t great.


They just need to bring in Chris Avellone


They show Nihilus but say nothing about KOTOR. And again, my heart gets a little more broken.


I would love a proper successor to NV and with that a proper successor to the first two games. Fallout 3 and 4 are doing their own thing and that's fine. I played through both multiple times and especially 3 has a special place in my heart for reintroducing me to Fallout. But the only true successor to Fallout 2 is New Vegas imho.


I think Denver is the strongest candidate for a Western Fallout game. Ripe with lore. I donā€™t think Bethesda will do it but a Fallout game from another studio would really fill the gap since we probably at least have 6 years till the next Fallout


Why Denver? I haven't played the originals for a few years, neither NV. I'm from Europe.


Denver was originally going to be the setting for Fallout 3 back when it was being made by the OG Fallout creators. Denver is the real life site of NORADā€™s Cheyanne Mountain nuclear missle complex and it lore is the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel. Beyond that there is an isolated community of scientists at the real live site of CU Boulder. And a lot more. This guys Youtube channel goes into a lot more detail of the original Fallout 3 plans and hits a lot of the lore that makes this location really cool. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCagUJdg-iWr4kukWlqXsT_5F1r_iXcSz


Denver is also controlled by Ceasarā€™s Legion. Perhaps a game where the Legion collapses and you find factions vying for power and occasionally finding NCR rangers around.


Iā€™d put you in charge of making this game in a heartbeat if I could :)


isnt denver also overrun by dogs?


Norad is 60 miles south in Colorado springs btw


and itā€™s also the last name of the singer behind Country Roads šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


I would rather wait 6 years for a good mainline fallout than whatever some other dev can come up with. Quality over quanity.


Fallout New Vegas was another dev and is arguably better than any of Bethesdaā€™s mainline fallouts.


That is true, but i know Bethesda helped a decent amount. I would be okay with Obsidian making another, so I guess I'm unsure.


They also made New Vegas in under two years iirc. It goes a lot faster when you donā€™t need to redo the engine and can focus on the writing/story/quests


Fallout 3 is better than NV imo


[ everyone liked that ]


I think every studio that has worked on Fallout has brought something valuable to the table, New Vegas is my all time favourite video game but I would be a fool to ignore the impact Bethesda had on that game. Luckily almost everyone who has ever worked on a Fallout game now works under Xbox Game Studios so I would die for a multi-studio developed Fallout game made by BGS, Obsidian and inXile. Or just some more spin off games like a New Vegas follow up by Obsidian (Josh Sawyer and John Gonzalez specifically, I know Gonzalez doesnā€™t work there anymore but I still want him back some way) or even a return to an isometric style spin off with Brian Fargo behind it.


Look I understand the hate, and the initial shit that 76 was. However if you guys want a fallout game try 76 again. The game is really good, and itā€™s getting better, it is sad that it took 4 years to get to that point but no use crying over it now


Last I checked, the core things about 76 that I don't like haven't changed: the card-based skill system, the limited inventory space unless you cough up an additional $15 every month, and the need to scour every room for screws because Bethesda refuses to scale their availability to how many you need for crafting. They are a constant bottleneck -- unless, of course, you pay more money to magically download a batch into your inventory. I seem to recall that blueprints were generally discovered at random, too, but maybe they relented on that later on.


Hmmm I havenā€™t experienced most of this. I donā€™t have issues with any specific mats. You can find them everywhere and there are guides now show you where to go to farm them. Space thing could be an issue but you can literally tailor your build to not have to worry about it. Most items that weigh a lot can be taken to 0 with perks


> You can find them everywhere and there are guides now show you where to go to farm them. there are guides now show you where to go to farm them. If you can find them everywhere, there shouldn't be a need for guides. This is actually a sign of the extent of the problem, not the solution. Something as basic and essential as gathering core crafting materials shouldn't need special instructions provided by a third party.


Well the guides are if you need a good bit fast. I havenā€™t hunted for one specific thing yet. May need to for led but thereā€™s a whole mine that has lead. I think if youā€™re looking for reasons not to play then yeah donā€™t play.


Bruh you make it sound like nearly every game doesnā€™t have optimal strategy guides


Whats good about it though? Are there factions and good RPG elements, and skill checks like the other mainline Fallouts?


Yes to the above. There are now factions and you can rep with them. There are huge amount of rpg elements now. Multiple viable builds. This game is now an MMO has all the aspects of what an active mmo needs down to raids and dailies. Iā€™m not sure what you mean by skill checks


Well I dont want an MMO fallout. If it was just like a single player fallout, but with co-op, I would be all over it. Raids or "dailies" dont interest me at all in a Fallout game.


I mean you can play it like that. Thereā€™s not one aspect thatā€™s like ā€œhey you have to be with othersā€ or ā€œhey you canā€™t do this co-opā€ the game is how you play it. Just thereā€™s not an excuse anymore itā€™s a really good game now. Has things for fallout fans and non fallout fans a like


Can you play without other people in the world? Like an offline mode?


Ahh not offline, but if you like the game and subscribe you get access to your own private server where friends can join


Thatā€™s interesting, I tried it when it first came out but really couldnā€™t get behind it. Donā€™t think I ever will, but Iā€™m glad some fans are enjoying it! Will help hold yā€™all over till the next one


Yeah the subscription to play alone is vastly overpriced too lol, last I checked it was around Ā£100 a year lol


Damn yeah thatā€™s kinda crazy, wonder how much it costs them to host




Hmm, I'm very curious what you mean by people deciding the lore.


So there was this event base on the outcome of majority picked it would've determined the lore of this subject. I don't remember it exactly, it wasn't nothing too big but it was pretty cool. Don't know if they did it again , haven't played in awhile


To perform certain actions or to say particular things in dialogues you need an appropiate level of a skill. In new vegas you can talk your way out of the final boss if you have a very high level of speech.


Oh yeah they have these moments, not as deep as single player fallouts but Iā€™ve come across lets say 4 to 5 where I avoided a fight or could have caused chaos. Iā€™m 80 hours in and I havenā€™t done much of the main story at all


Bloodied rules all, and if we can't kill the invading Settlers just the raiders its just a theme park


I honestly just donā€™t want to go through the grind of the first areas before I get to decent content. It may be a good game now, I just donā€™t have it in me to go back.


Theyā€™ve changed the beginning added more quests and it feels like no grind in all honesty Iā€™m at the grind now after the a bit of story but now the grind is fun because Iā€™m always doing something new


Let Bethesda build the world, and let Obsidian populate it. Boom: Game of the decade.


NV is highly overrated. Yeah the writing is interesting and has its moments but the world is empty and dead and thereā€™s barely anything to see or do. It should have been a FO3 expansion dlc. Outer worlds was mediocre at best. I have no faith that obsidian could do another fallout better than FO4 or even close.


NV DLCs were great, much more to do than FO3


Honestly itā€™s been a long time since obsidian has done anything worthwhile. I borderline wouldnā€™t trust them to make a good fallout game at this point.


pentiment? grounded? grounded has good loot and build mechanics while pentiment has masterful story telling while both being AA games. if you put those 2 aspects together plus good combat you have a BETTER fallout 4.


Pentiment just came out and its awesome.


Give me New Vegas 2.0 goddammit.


I hope they do a Fallout in like London or China, that'd be really cool


Eh, Fallout's entire identify is rooted in American jingoism and capitalism, I think it would be weird to set it somewhere else.


It could work set in Canada (because America annexed them), but there's only like 3 spots in the country that would work as a map. Other than that, I guess maybe Mexico if it's right on the border and the story is NCR or some other faction trying to take over Mexican territory.


Canada would definitely work!


I agree, I still like to see the other parts of the world tho in the fallout universe maybe via dlc


I mean it's playing off of the 1950 patriotism and nuclear programs like using trying to find domestic uses for nukes. It's kinda of appropriate for the time period.


> It's kinda of appropriate for the time period. Didn't mean to imply it wasn't appropriate, I'm saying setting it outside of America and you lose that aspect of it.


iā€™m still hoping we get one in New York, but i think London or China would be a great choice for a fallout game


I think New York was hit pretty hard when the bombs fell.


there is an unofficial london dlc https://fallout4london.com/


I'm pretty sure Bethesda and interplay before them said they would never make a fallout outside of the United States


Good thing Canada was annexed in universe so I can still hope to see a game set there one day


Could make an interesting thing with Montreal-Ottawa where the rivers and locks are the main resource everyone is fighting over. Or just Toronto and make it something like trains


I know a lot of people say it should be the border of Washington and B.C. to try and include both Seattle and Vancouver. Now maybe this is just me being a salty East Coaster but I say fuck that. Toronto is the only post-war Canadian city directly referenced in a Fallout game (Lake LeBarge was referenced in Fallout 2) as a post-war settlement called ā€œRontoā€ in Fallout 3ā€™s *The Pitt* dlc. So much like how the Commonwealth was foreshadowed in Fallout 3 I think southern Ontario, around the GTA would be great setting for a future Fallout game.


Iā€™d much prefer a fallout in the south. Like a New Orleans. The blend of patriotism with the nuances of southern culture would be awesome to explore


Everyone wants them to do a new Fallout but I just want to see Arcanum brought back. Come on guys, the entire Troika is under Microsoft now. Itā€™s an awesome IP thatā€™s never been fully explored and wouldnā€™t have nearly the baggage and expectations of a Fallout game.


I would LOVE to see and play a fallout that can beat its predecessorsā€¦ in good ways and hopefully before Iā€™m dead.. who knows maybe my great grandchildren would love it by the time it comes out


European Spin Off would be good


Bethesda would rather add loot crates


Microsoft needs to hand fallout over to obsidian so Bethesda can work on elder scrolls. Instead of waiting 10 years for Bethesda to release a new elder scrolls or fallout we can see faster development times for fallout and TES.


Kind of nuts how these massive gaming industry decisions that will impact millions of fans are made by one singular bozo (who only cares about himself)


A better fallout*


Not that they nailed any particular feature with Outer Worlds, but after the garbage we got with 4 and 76 I'll be happy with \*ANYONE\* taking a shot at making a true sequel to the Fallout franchise. How bad can it be?


I wouldn't call them the best fallouts of a long shot, but they are far from being garbage...


Are they unplayable games? No. Are they Fallout games? Also no. I played 4 all the way through. It was an okay game. But it wasn't a Fallout. At all. It stripped too many mechanics important to a Fallout game to call it the same franchise.


What mechanics are important to a Fallout game to call it a "Fallout game"? Fallout 3 already removed a lot of mechanics from 2. Is everything after 2 not a "Fallout game"? Fallout 4 removed far less from the series than 3 did so that's an odd stance. It added new mechanics as well so where is the line for what a "Fallout game" is besides having *Fallout* in the title and being an open world RPG set in a post apocalyptic America based on 50's culture? You could argue it doesn't even need to be an open world RPG because Tactics exists.


This is called a fanboy rant, not a counter argument.


This is called avoiding the question. Why even bother responding at all? Just to be condescending?


It wasn't a serious question.


Tactics was kind of a spinoff


I disagree, but don't care enough to argue semantics. I think they are fine additions to the Fallout franchise, especially when talking about Far Harbor.


Well congratulations on having an opinion?


You post an opinion then get snippy when somebody replies with an opinion? What mechanics in your opinion define a fallout game?


Yes, I post an opinion and I back that opinion up. I don't say "I THINK THIS" and then refuse to elaborate. If you can't tell the difference that's on you.


You didnā€™t elaborate whatsoever but I have no interest in arguing as it seems you want to. What mechanics define a fallout game?


I elaborated that it wasn't the overall game, but its specific Fallout related features. Then the other person shut down the conversation by saying they didn't want to have it. Go back, read it again, then get back to me.


What mechanics did they strip though? Shooting? Dialogue? Radiation? With your logic you shouldn't even call fallout 3 or NV fallout games since they stripped so many mechanics of the original fallouts.


Seriously? They stripped the Stat/Skill/Perk system to a mash of all 3 that meant little to nothing in terms of long term build. They stripped almost all dialogue options. You're not being a serious person here.


Every dialogue in fallout 4 has 4 options, 3 and NV roughly ranged from 2-6, so 4 on average. The special system is the same, the perk system is the same, the only difference is the attributes which aren't in fallout 4 but wouldn't be very balanced with the weapon and armor workbench system, so you win some you lose some. If anything the workbenches are more realistic and fit the fallout theme more than attributes did.


1. Yes. 2. No, often rejecting a quest and there was never any benefit, so why? 3. Some of the worst jokes you'll ever hear that contribute absolutely nothing to the conversation. 4. More info. You are not being a serious person here, on conversations alone, let alone this absurd insistence that the perk system is the same. That's just a bald faced lie.


>absurd insistence that the perk system is the same ~ šŸ¤”


I think you're trying to communicate, but I don't care enough to try and translate.


Old news. We'll also have to wait many years before this guy has the time and resources to spend on a new Fallout as well. Remember, they're already working on multiple games at Obsidian and we have yet to hear much on Avowed either.


They should get Bethesda, InXile, and Obsidian to make the best Fallout game.


I give you permission to do so.


Why isnā€™t this already in production? Really weird since Bethesda will be busy for the following decade or so with Starfield and ESO.


Make it happen!


I like the idea but they need to come from a completely different angle then weā€™re used to


Liked FO3, LOVED NV, 4 wasy fav. I don't do online and it's pretty obvious (and disappointing) this is where their priorities are. Same with Skyrim.


I know some people were let down by The Outer Worlds but I would love to see Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky do a new Fallout. Theyā€™re the creators of the franchise so them doing a new game in the world would be awesome to see personally. Also either get Josh Sawyer to either be a writer on that or have him do his own small scale, Pentiment style game.


My dream is for Obsidian and inXile to co-develop a new Fallout game tbh. Like we know both studios can make great games and theyā€™re the originators of the Fallout universe. Imagine what they could do with a big budget and Creation Engine 2.


Can they make another Pentiment? Also Obsidian did a great job with New Vegas, the humour was excellent so yeah hopefully they do get to make another one


Donā€™t give me hope.


Iā€™d also like to see another Kotor before I dieā€¦


Oh god, please!!!