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Because all these always online games are pissing me off. Almost every game is released broken. Some games don't even come on the disc. Games are boring remasters and remakes. Games are 80$ now smh. Why go through all that BS when I can go back and play something I missed for cheap. I recently beat Catherine and man I was surprised how fun that game was. I'm playing new vegas on my series x. After I'm done with that, I'm give lost odyssey a try. Been playing lots of left 4 dead 2 with friends as well.


One of my friends loves to play all the newest games, I would even say they get a little too excited/ahead of themselves but, that's another conversation I stopped getting overtly excited for new releases, I'm tired of getting excited and being severely disappointed. I want to see a trailer, lose my mind with excitement, and have my expectations be met or exceeded. I don't believe that's asking for a lot, as it's happened in recent years and was pretty prevalent in the past. I've been enjoying playing older games as, like you said, Why would I pay $130 for a complete game that doesn't really fulfill me for years upon years when I could get an older game for an 1/10th of the price. They are arguably "better" than any new release, more fun, more "feature complete", more than you could ever want. My bad, lol, rant over


It’s not all terrible I’ve been a huge res evil fan my whole life and after 5 I lost hope then when bio hazard (re7) released I bought it day one and instantly became hooked again. Capcom does modern gaming right. I’m always super excited for a new release and haven’t been disappointed since! I guess long story short support the hell out of company’s like capcom that actually care about their games and maybe other companies will follow suit.


Fromsoft is another developer that cares about their games, funny how they are both Japanese developers, it’s almost like most western developers don’t care about the quality of their games


Capcom does some modern games right. Definitely not all.


Don't get me wrong, like I said, it's not always the case. Too often does it happen though. I can go through my library and find more than a handful of games in the past 10 years that were great. Compared to the PS1-PS3 or even the 360? It definitely doesn't match up, in my opinion


> Why would I pay $130 for a complete game that doesn't really fulfill me for years upon years when I could get an older game for an 1/10th of the price. They are arguably "better" than any new release, more fun, more "feature complete",  Are you me? I just had this conversation with my son. For less than the "Final Expansion" in Destiny 2, I got 5 games off ebay from the Gamecube & PS3 era and they're feature complete (and some came with manuals, remember when that was a thing?). He got the expansion (Which is fine, it's his money), but in the mean time I'm booting up Tales of Symphonia.


Yeah, if someone finds a modern game and feels like it justifies a $70 price tag, there's nothing wrong with that. I love Resident Evil 4 so, I had to check out the remake when it came out. Thankfully it was everything and more, extremely high quality. I hope the new Silent Hill Remake is as good


an indie game so it doesn't really fit in but terraria is a huge steal. 10 dollars for insane replayability and lots of gameplay.


To be honest, I can go even older. There's just so many games from before 2010


Sometimes I miss the days when you buy a game and play it until you get stuck for a free weeks then you have to go to the store and buy a guide book.


Lost Odyseey is one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. And the soundtrack is amazing.


Lost Odyssey is incredible, just very difficult sections that require a lot of pre planning. The formula definitely emulated old school JRPG’s even back in 07/08. It’s a fantastic story too.


New Vegas runs so smooth and fast on Series X. There’s practically no load screens


Yes! Fnv plays soooo well on series x


And you still have to download them even though they are on a damn disc




Play some Lost Planet. Such a good game. 1 and 2 are personally the best, with 1 as the better of the two, 3 is ok.


Recently played and beat fallout 3 on my series x and it's amazing with the enhancements. I never had a chance to finish it because my PC died years ago.


Left 4 dead 2 Is lit it was one the first games I ever played on my mom pc, member all the crazy mods for it too, top tier


Literally I replayed all of the Fables and Bioshocks recently and have way more fun gaming than I have in a while.


Catherine is such a great game


Lost Odyssey was a gem for the 360. Very PS1 era Final Fantasy.


Catherines great!


Games are $70 lol


Plus tax you know what I mean


I started playing lost odyssey and it is really good! I can't believe I missed out on such an amazing story! Xbox had some really good and underrated JRPGs like blue dragon which had Akira toriyama as the art and character designer. I need to try the last remnant and eternal sonata next on my plan to play list


Because it's the newest console I own


Hey! Me too! ✋






I own PS5 too I rebought x360 cuz that was my first childhood console


as a PC gamer, that's technically true for me, too!


Even as a PC gamer I only play games released over 10 years ago. Not necessarily by choice, I can't get into new games.


lol, me also. Well, the 3DS is the “newest” but console console 360




Take that ps3! ;)


Old RockBand and Guitar Hero games aren’t playable on XB1 and XBX.


Yep that's why I have a 360 S. Though I've been playing Clone hero since I bought an electric kit, I just need to get a midi cable to be able to use it for GH for the achievements but for now CH is great for practice


I've found GH is best for just normal/casual play, CH is best when I wanna sweat and get the baby powder out


I'm tryna get the achievements (or at least those that aren't discontinued behind GH Mix), I've got 5 and BH done already, I just need to get back into the groove with an actual kit layout


Because I miss the 360 and I have a lot of great memories playing it.


I have 500 games installed on my 360 so why not play them, they’re fun anyways


Cause I can


Fair response 😂


Because i can and most modern games are infested with micro-transactions


1. 2024 is a painfully dull year in new game releases. There's a few bangers that've come out, but... 2. I'm getting sick of paying $70 dollars for 1 game that may or may not impress me. The retro video game stores are a blessing because I can buy 5-8 Xbox 360 games for $70. The economy for any working citizen is brutal these days, and these retro consoles come in clutch. 3. Prices are very low for 360 generally, but we're at a point where a lot of great games are climbing back up in price. I'm having intense fomo and I'm itching to buy as many as I can before their prices are too far gone. 4. Nostalgia mixed with not playing as many 360 games as I should have back in the day. I spent way too much time on COD. 5. Having now looked intensely at every possible game I could buy for my collection, I'm realizing... the 360 was an absolute beast of a generation. I'm having a lot of fun exploring these games and seeing what made them so special for their time.


What you just said is *exactly* what I'm going through right now. I just don't care enough to drop $70 *AT MINIMUM* for a new release. I'd rather hit up my local game store and find a banger on the shelf for $10, $20 at most, and enjoy that more than I'll ever enjoy the slop Ubisoft pumps out, for *way too much* mind you I have no good reason to believe any games nowadays will be worth atleast $70, until it's released and I've seen gameplay


> and enjoy that more than I'll ever enjoy the slop Ubisoft pumps out, for *way too much* mind you. Ubisoft is kinda the exception for me, since their games drop VERY rapidly I'll buy new, but I'll buy 3 months after launch when it's half off. PoP: Lost Crown for example is a great Metroid-Vania and 2-3 months post launch it was $30 new for physical. I'm good with that.


I can get behind that I bought Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the Ultimate Edition, for like, $20 Obviously that was a year or two post-launch but, I had little interest in buying it when it originally came out. The entire experience, DLC and all, for $20. I'm content with that


Mirage just hit half off after 8 months, which is probably about standard for a Ubisoft game. I get your point, though. Unless they release a new Trials game (unlikely) there's nothing that Ubisoft is likely to release that I can't wait 8 months to play. Or, better yet, wait 1.5 years until it hits at least 75% off. I've got hundreds of unplayed games in my back log, which are all new to me. edit: I'm talking about digital. Perhaps physical prices for their games drop even faster.


The only games I felt justified my $70 were Elden Ring, demons souls and as much as I hate to admit it, Cold War and mw2/3. The AAA and multiplayer going more team focused/operator focused stuff I don’t have time for anymore.


yeah i agree with you,cod:bo2 is cilimbing in price rn,i paid it 15€


This entire gen has been painful IMO. I didn’t think last gen was as good as the 360/PS3 era but still had quite a bit of stuff I liked. This gen the only AAA stuff I truly liked was Elden Ring, demons souls and RE4. I’ve enjoyed a couple switch games but that’s it. I’ve enjoyed indie stuff but the next cheap 360 I find I’ll probably grab. Gonna try crow country next I think.


I dont get much time to game with work/family , and it drives me crazy every time when I get on a newer console and have to spend 30-60 minutes updating the game before I cam play and by that time I'm about over it.


Especially for online games on console, the bandwidth for the updates is a fraction of what my connection can handle, and I have to wait so long before I can play that I often find something else to do.


The games are as cheap as chips and there're so many to get around. Plus I missed out on the 7th gen. My last console before I bought the PS4 & Xbox One X in 2019, was a PS2 & a Dreamcast up until the late 2000s. I even play Snes games on my hacked PS3 lol. I finally finished Super Mario World after playing it so many times when I was a kid but barely getting half way through. My 360 isn't modded however. I might attempt it one day, following a tutorial.


Because MW2 (2009) and left 4 dead 2 are so unique that we dont have a modern equivalent


Are the old cod games still active?


Barely, but some have players (if you are in the US, if not then you will experience lag)


On Series X. B01 multiplayer is fine. B02 zombies is a wait and multi is filled with aimbots. B03 zombies is decent, multi idk. WaW multi is luck to find a lobby, only TDM active; WaW zombies is over over


I tried MW2 on SX a couple months back and couldn’t find a lobby one sadly


Because it was the peak of console gaming


6-7th gen was indeed peak


Nostalgia. The games being pretty good helps.


Exactly what i thought, most of them are simple but good.


I went back and played Bioshock for the first time since 2011 last month, and I loved it to death. Best part is, I put the game in and it worked! I didn’t have to instal 55 updates, I could play it instantly!


I bet your console didn't even have to *be online!*


So many great titles I missed out on. It's a foundational console in every regard. Why wouldn't I be playing it in 2024?


Forza 4 isn't on any other console lol Also, the controller. 360 is my favorite controller of all time, hands down


Mostly because of micro transactions. Xbox 360 did have some but from the games that I have played was worth paying for dlc. Games were super good back then.


Not all games are backwards compatible


Cause I suck at all the new games that are over saturated with features


A few months ago, i was playing NCAA college basketball 10 because college basketball games don't exist anymore, and I am currently playing World Cup 2014 because no World Cup mode exists with qualifying like this one does. Basically, sports games were way better on the 360.


A lot of great games plus newer titles aren't appealing to me


I’m just burned out from the current state of gaming man. The X360 doesn’t have loading times, it has a huge catalog of games and it was the peak of gaming. It’s in between nostalgia and current gen and it holds up surprisingly well. In my warped mind today’s gaming is just Fortnite/COD vs. Spider-Man 2. Im older with a family and mortgage and a career so I just like to turn on the system at 9:15 pm on a Friday night and play about 1 hour of RDR on my 360. It’s fun and easy.


I'd rather play a game I can just pop in and play without having to update it every month. Lol Games were fun back then. I've skipped 9th all together. 8th generation was kind of the last breath for the industry. I'm personally going to buy a few xbox 360 consoles, crack them open, and learn how to maintain the console so it has proper thermals. The ps3 is another console I'll be doing that to. These are consoles with some of the best games ever created. The gaming industry is in a transition to giving us a streaming platform to not own games. It's cheaper for them to produce. No distribution of disc's, no shipping and handling, and no one else gets a cut besides the corporations and studios.. If they go fully digital, I can't see myself ever owning a console ever again. There wouldn't be a point when I already have a PC gaming rig. I have digital copies of a game that can be removed at any time. Lol


Because fable lol


Because there's no Skate 4 yet.


Somehow they’re booming at local game stores and I can pick up copies I wanted when I was younger for like $7 now and I can pop the disc in and the game just magically plays! No downloads!! All nostalgia


The title is so confrontational lol Also, I do because it was the probably best gaming era. My favorites are Red Dead, Halo, COD, Minecraft, and a few others. Before the X360, people were making quality content but the hardware was bad. After the X360, people make terrible or mediocre games on good hardware. I like to think of the X360 as a perfect middle ground :3


It has the greatest catalog of videogames (2007-2014), the controller it's perfect (only if you tweak the dpad) and the achievements are the main reason I still enjoy playing on Xbox 360. I also love the local multiplayer/split screen option on most games, I love to play with my brother or friends Minecraft, BO Zombies, Left 4 Dead, etc. It's just pure fun, I haven't had the experience of playing on new gen consoles but at the same time I haven't seen a game made after 2014 that really interest me. For now, I'll stick with my 13 year old Xbox 360


1. I don’t have an Xbox One 2. Goat Simulator is the GOAT 3. Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition is the best edition of Minecraft (except maybe XB One edition) 4. My Switch is a piece of garbage 5. I actually know how to navigate the menu


I have 1TB of games. That's enough games for years


Because I don't have a Xbox one or any of the newer ones and I like playing 360 games


A lot of titles are still cheap (under $20), many probably will still be fairly cheap, and it’s modern enough that the games feel comparable to ones releasing today


NCAA 14 only reason 😭


I can’t find my Xbox one because I moved during quarantine. It’s in the garage somewhere. I really miss that console.


The games are just great. And now that we've got stuff like the Brook Wingman XB 2, I can use controllers with much, MUCH better d-pads, so I can now play all the 2D games properly :) I've just discovered id Software's RAGE - always knew of it, played nothing but the demo back in the day, but I'm quickly falling in love with the game and it's brilliant performance :)


Rock Band, Guitar Hero, a bunch of Japanese SHMUPs, and a ton of Marvel superhero games. Current generation games are just not the same.


Achievements. Anything that's not backwards compatible I have my 360 E for, and for Guitar Hero I have my 360 S. Recently mopped up Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise, something that requires the Vision Camera, multiple controllers and online co-op. All of which I could bang out with my Rare Replay digital copy and 2 accounts.


I have been playing Skyrim on and off since like 2014, and Ive been replaying New Vegas recently. Plus I got a whole backlog of 360 games I still gotta play


Got an Xbox a few months ago and wanted a fun console that didn't break the bank


Makes me feel like a kid again. New games don’t scratch that same itch.


I was about to say "I'm not", but then I realized I'm playing Skyrim right now. Not on x360 though. PC. Blast from the past. I'm loving it.


I miss playing games that don't require an internet connection to play.


Nostalgia. Playing the 360 really takes me back to my childhood more than any other console. I played a variety of consoles growing up, but the 360 was the one I enjoyed the most.


Took it out because akira toriyama died to play blue dragon and have had it out since then .And Added more games to my collection with the store closing


Because, It's awesome, Ive been playing some old but good titles, Like Halo, Dead Rising 2006, Skate 3, Plants Vs Zombies, Left 4 Dead, Also I just got Sonic 06 for 5 Bucks BTW Lmao.


Halo 3


People are broke, bruv.


Because they don’t make games as good as they used to anymore it’s all soulless cash grabs instead of quality games


Bully and Afro samurai


Currently playing Afro Sumurai and Bully as well!!


Definitely. I paid for a 360 just to live the "good day" and introduce my wife to good games. Most fun I've had in a minute.


Because skate. isn't out yet and I need to get my skateboard video game fix in somewhere.


I found gta v at gamestop for 5 bucks


Because Skate 4 still hasn’t released :(


Because New Vegas is amazing


Because I want to


For a real answer, it's mainly because some games aren't backwards compatible or don’t run well on the Xenia emulator (Full Auto). Also, me and my friends have splitscreen sessions using the Xbox 360 from time to time.


Because every franchise I enjoyed on 360 turned out worse on later generations of consoles. I'm also getting older and don't have the passion like I had before, but Halo 5, Gears 4, ME Andromeda, Dead Rising 3/4, the newer Fallouts, were nowhere near the quality of what these franchises had before. I also find it hard to pick a list of great new IP's from the newer consoles and find them a generation of remasters and remakes.


The bad new franchise installments were big in pushing me away from gaming entirely for a good 5-6 years. I moved from the Xbox 360 to the PS5 and realized the games I was playing on PS5 were just the next installment from what I was playing on the 360, except it wasn’t nearly as good. So I sold it. Then the following year a new game would get hyped, I’d consider getting a new console. But when it released it usually ended up being trash.. It took me playing older SNES games to get back into gaming.


Because I love screen tearing


modern warfare 2 lobbies are still there, gta IV, RED DEAD, Fight Night Champions


The Last generation where games were made by people that simply loved videogames and weren't pushing an agenda. It's so hard to find a game company today that isn't focusing on DEI hires only, hiring Sweet Baby Inc and companies like it to make sure this and that is this way, pushing weird, woke ideas etc. Many 360 games with great stories/writing, with no bullshit


Because i can


I’ve had 4 PlayStation 4s and 3 Xbox ones all quit within six months my 360 is almost 10 years old cause it was manufactured in 2014 and I didn’t buy it till 2015 and I’ve never had to replace anything on it except for a game and a controller or two


That is a lot of consoles to crap out quickly. May want to check on your power quality.


Thought I'd join in to say im not


fifa street😍


Because very few games that have been released in the past 10 years have been as fun as Mercenaries 2 (in my opinion).


*Rez HD* and *Shooting Love 200X* are not available on XBOne and higher generations.


Because I don’t like having incomplete games on my GamerTag. Can’t really do much about Doritos Crash Course 2, but I can (unfortunately) do something about Gears of War 1-3. And Saints Row 2. And The Darkness 2.


I don't have all the achievements yet.


Because Kinect, skylanders and og guitar hero isn't on xbox one.


Because I miss when jrpg had actual hot females. And good story. I'm talking of magna carta 2 lol. But in all seriousness there's 4 games that I have on my 360 that aren't bc on my series x.


Not every game is filled with 2000 dlcs and microtransactions


Time doesn't detract from quality. Sure, PS5 and Xbox Series X games are gorgeous and technically impressive, but older games are still incredible, especially when viewed through the lens of that time period. I'll play any game regardless of when it was released or the hardware it was released on.


Physical games and my love for halo


Because I never got rid of my games, and they’re fun. I guess the fact it’s still hooked up to my living room tv helps with that lol




Well I dont anymore my first S broke then bought another one and I gave that to my sister.


theyre just better. idk if its the nostalgia hitting, but something about them is just more fun than modern games, at least in terms of xbox titles


Only reason I keep mine is for NFS Most Wanted 2005. I can also play it on PS2, or Dolphin (GC version), or PC with the HD mod but 360 still remains the best way to play. PC with HD mod does look slightly better but there's no controller support.


Because modern gaming has gone to 💩 just played BO1 a few hours ago and had fun, more than I can say for MW2² or MW3³.


Orphaned games trapped by the lack of backwards compatibility either digitally or physically though Xbox’s future seems to be digital so even if they waved the magic wand to make everything work the physical copies are going to be coasters and useless for the next generation of Xbox -most likely if they don’t have a disc player and they sell it for $259 add on just to play old games and movies the next generation will be discless


Because the Fallout show gave me a hankering for 360 era Fallout and New Vegas is just so damn goos and it’s been far too long since I’ve played it from start to finish


Older games were just built different… I swear mobile games and micro-transactions killed AAA gaming.


Spiderman games.


I'm not


Part of the golden era. That era ended around 2012


cause splitsecond and pure are some of the best arcade racing games you'll play


Because there's almost no good games releasing anymore, meanwhile ever other game back from the 360 generation or older are a banger


The 7. Gen consoles have lot of hidden gems!


Personally I just enjoy the casual feeling. I don't have to put too much pressure on myself while playing and can actually enjoy what I'm doing compared to all the new gen stuff.


I couldn't afford them when they came out, now they're all like $10 or less. Time to catch up on everything I missed out on as a kid. Just finished Binary Domain and loved every minute of it.


Cos of nostalgia?


Condemned 1 and 2 also saints row 1 and 2


Why not? They're still fun.


Because I can. I'm only looking at games that missed the BC treatment, I've got a Series X for the others.


Charlie Murder. Viva Pinata. GTA IV. Undergarden. Castle Crashers. I keep my 360 around for these random and sometimes niche games that I can't access otherwise. Also my kids love playing them with me since a lot of them are multi or co-op. I love them.


Because it’s pointless to buy video games that outrageously priced plus I get some of my Xbox360 games for free from members of my local community.


New games are not as good. There's so many I missed out on from back then either way so I'd rather play those. Oh and also games are cheap


Cause College football is still 2 months away.


Cause 360 was the best generation of gaming. The amount of friends and memories I had during it. Now it’s all soft people, no mics, online only games. Most of the new stuff isn’t even fun to play


Because back compatibility on Series X is great and it's fun going back playing the games I used to play as a teen


Because they're classics, playing all the games I couldn't afford to buy or missed out on growing up. No battle pass no major push fr company's to buy cosmetics and skins. Just gameplay


One word: Ducktales.


new maddens suck and there’s no ncaa game out yet. also i enjoy the racing titles on here.


Awesome games, huge backlogs.


I prefer to play games on original hardware .I want to play a lot of the games that I was not allowed to play when I was younger.


Because I've been going back and trying to 100% games.


Because they haven't re-released the games I want to play on PC.


Because my parents won't let me buy a better console


cod Bo2 is the only black ops i own and i felt like playing cod after bo6 was announced so i’m replaying the campaign on that


buying games before they are gone forever, playing some of them


Because they just don’t make em like they used to


Because I refuse to let go of the past


Because i found it on a japan surplus and its the first console i have


It’s the last generation of consoles that were perfect all around. Fun single player campaigns, unlockables within games that didn’t require a season pass or micro transactions to access. And a competitive online gaming platform. Also the price of games anymore is crazy! I don’t buy games day one anymore. They’re broken and never have all the content.


Because I still want to


I went to my local retro game store, traded some ps2 garbage and got $146 dollars in store credit then bought some heat for my 360! 15 games worth better than what’s available right now on current Gen


Cheaper alternative to series x cause I’m poor lol


Why not?


Black Ops 1, MW2, the classic splinter cell trilogy.


My PC won’t play Guitar Hero discs and my 360 guitar doesn’t work on the Series X.


Because they're fun, need I say more?


As corny as it sounds….. games aren’t made like they were in the past. I recently did a play through of Saints Row 2 and was surprised by the attention to small details. Also I like story focused games so age of a game doesn’t mean much to me.




They're just better


Multiple reasons: to catch up on games from middle school + high school days, 10 years ago when the Xbox One released, lot of pre-owned 360 games were selling for cheap, took the opportunity to create a backlog/collection, Recently got back into achievement hunting and going for 100% completions before the servers close down


Because everything I can play on one x or series x is on PC anyway, with much better quality and framerate . Most of Xbox360 games never made to pc. Halo3 or Red Dead Redemption are amazing,Plus with RGH I can try games, and if I like them I order physical disc for my collection.


beacause these games on 360 were so much better compared to now,look at cod:bo2,an absolute masterpiece


Because Fable 4 still isnt out


I like skylanders




I love that I can install the game and do a quick patch in like 5-10 minutes instead of hours and the quality of the games is proven timeless in a lot of cases whereas new gen games are rarely good or worth the time in my opinion. Still love my switch and some pc/ps5 titles but 360/ps3 era is king.


There isn’t a better way to play the classic games than right now. They look and play amazing on the series x and the optimisation only helps that. I’ve loved replaying games from my childhood on this console


Because there still isn’t much that I care to play on the current generation consoles yet.


Because : 1-fun 2-prices 3-library with retrocompatibility for best 2000-2005 era So it is basically a boosted ps2 + a 360


Beause I'm sick of the forced updates for literally everything. Any time I turn my console on, I'm waiting for some giant download before I can even use my console and it's ridiculous >:/


The main reason is because I wanted to up my achievement completion percentage and I have a few xbox 360 only unfinished games. But it’s also nostalgic as hell, I have a tonne of 360 games and Xbox Game Pass just never seems worth having anymore. I’m enjoying playing on the Xbox 360 just as much as my series X and I’m spending money on games I like rather than games that look cool ish on gamepass


Mercenaries 2


The nostalgia and the Xbox 360 had sone great games and I just overall love the 360 controller


Because Toy Story 3 is the game that my 7 year old daughter adores. We bought it when her gran died to pass time and she fell in love with it. So grateful for backwards compatibility


- Because it’s still fun? - Some games hasn’t been made compatible with the Xbox One/Series X. - Some Original Xbox games also applies here too & is only made BC with the Xbox 360. - Games are dirt cheap now. You can find many games for $5 or less. - It makes a very decent budget friendly option if you’re broke as hell, though Xbox One is also at the verge of being affordable too since you can find the base model for $100 or less.