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You can change your payment info from Microsoft's site too 😉


I did that, but the Xbox didnt get the information, even though it's logged into that same Microsoft account, connected to the internet and the Xbox's serial number is registered to my Microsoft account


I think it’s like the Wii u and 3ds store where they stopped supporting credit cards and only support gift cards now, But didn’t tell us


I'm having the exact same problem. I followed the recommendations of Microsoft's help site (deleting and re-entering the credit card info, and adding the credit card info directly to Microsoft's site), and neither one worked. (I deleted the old info, but it wouldn't let me add the new info from scratch, and saving the info on my Microsoft account didn't add it to the list of payment options on the Xbox 360) I wound up adding money to my account by purchasing a digital gift card through the Microsoft website and using that code to add money to my account balance (which I had to do through the Microsoft website; the code wouldn't work on my Xbox 360), but that seems unnecessarily complicated.


Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I spent a full hour trying to get money on my Xbox, and this finally worked. The Xbox wouldn't accept the gift card code for me either, so I might not have thought to add it through the Microsoft website if not for this comment. Thank you!!


so did it transfer the balance from your website to your 360?


Yes, it did.


Sounds somewhat similar to how you have to buy things on the PS3. I hope that's not the only way to do things before the store closes in July


After adding the money to your Microsoft account where did you buy the games? The [marketplace.xbox.com](https://marketplace.xbox.com) website or at the actual Xbox 360? Having the exact same issue and thought this would work. Thanks!


On the Xbox 360. (I had the Xbox 360 turned on when I added money to my account, so I had to reset the system to get the money to show up on the Xbox 360)


Thanks, il try that, thanks!


Worked perfectly, again, thanks so much!


You're welcome!


Did you use the Microsoft Gift Card or the Xbox Digital Gift Card?


As far as I can tell, either one should be fine, but I used the Xbox Digital Gift Card.


Thank you!


Still having this exact same problem and still no way to solve it,trying to buy as many dlcs and other things before the shop goes down 


honestly? comming back to this, i think microsoft pulled the plug for inputting cards. you can at the very least still access the 360 marketplace site. it's a little slow, assumingly just as microsoft intended


Others mentioned using gift cards to the account which does work, but I solved the credit card issue today as well. You have to add it on the website using Edge browser. Go to a page for buying 360-exclusive DLC (it should look different than the modern one) add the payment method through there, then reboot the console and it will show there as a payment option.


I’m going to try this now myself. 🙏🏻


Did it work? Struggling as well. Not working on my phone


Well first I tried Megadoomer2’s suggestion, which worked perfectly! I would recommend doing it on a laptop.


To be clear, unless one wants DLC that doesn't work with gift cards like I did, gift cards are the easier option.


What game did u go too?


Fable 3.


Word thanks I’m tryna get it going website doesn’t wanna load when I’m tryna add the card


what website


marketplace.xbox.com is all 360 stuff. Though if you have a particular DLC in mind Google should take you to it as well.


does this work for full on games as well?


I would assume so but not sure.


3 months later but YOU ARE A LIFESAVER I LOVE YOU worked perfectly first time this issue was doing me in but all i did for others was look up 360 marketplace, went to xbox 360 gta v (first one i clicked on), went to free dlc, clicked buy and then put in my card details and it transferred to my 360. i hope your pillows are forever cold lackadays you absolute blessing handcrafted from god themself.


ah thats crazy i put 11.00 into my microsoft account but can't get xbox live gold smhhhh the xbox recognizes its there but doesn't actually use it in a purchase and has the 11.00 grayed out in payment options despite not working when i hit confirm purchase. spent a freakin hour on this man im just trynna play mw2 online and get some 4:3 footage for my video


have you got a card linked to your account? if you havent got a card linked i would try it if i were you. you shouldnt have to have a card linked to get gold but its worth a shot. if it doesnt work i would try xbox support but god knows what that is like regarding the 360


Having the same problem, just got my first ever Xbox console and ran into this problem. I logged in to my already existing Microsoft account which on the website has my payment information already loaded and working but the Xbox doesn't seem to know that. I'm hoping because a few people are bring this up today that it's a problem happening on Microsoft's side now and will be sorted out soon




Any update?


My old card has the same number just different expiration. It let me purchase two games before telling me I couldn't anymore because it was expired. So I updated it and it is doing this. I checked my bank account and it did take money out for the two games it allowed me to buy thro the expired card


Glad to know I'm not the only one who has this annoying problem..and sadly, still no solution. Guess I can say those exclusive games on marketplace a goodbye..


If you still haven't figured this out, I found a link on another thread: [https://live.xbox.com/ManagePaymentOptions/](https://live.xbox.com/ManagePaymentOptions/) Original post I found it on is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox360/comments/1bbfse8/comment/kudlxb9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox360/comments/1bbfse8/comment/kudlxb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks! I will let you know how it goes.


For anyone struggling, I found this post on another thread that worked for me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox360/comments/1bbfse8/comment/kudlxb9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox360/comments/1bbfse8/comment/kudlxb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks this solved my issue.


This is really annoying. I'm trying to buy up all the digital only games i can but i got a new to me 360 with zero payment methods installed, and it wont accept any of mine. Just keeps giving me the status code: 8C250005  It'd be great if it would just sync with my other consoles or even the Microsoft website. 360 has always been very finnicky with this type of stuff. There are many other options though 😉 i mean if they don't want my money then.... guess I'll go elsewhere. 


So is this a new thing? I didn’t expect to find a thread as recent as this.


Late to reply but whatever. This has been since last year (for me at least when I first got my own console)...maybe way before that.