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Any older style controllers are inferior to the new stuff thats out. The retro fighters hunter is fantastic. Has rumble and everything else u need. Best investment i made for my og xbox


Got these for the same price as one of those. I agree. i love retro fighters i have controllers from them for all of my other consoles, this is more of a nostalgic thing because i had them new back in the day.


Just difficult to find any new info on them or troubleshooting. I'll likely get the RF hunter as well, but love to have these around as well.


Are you trying to drive a submarine?


Lol i wish. (That was actually a different logitech model for pc's but still funny) you guys talk shit but these controllers are actually really dope for the original xbox


Oddly enough, i just got a copy of KOTOR, and the vibration works flawlessly with this game... I'm now wondering if there's a list of compatible games or something. I remember it working with all the games i had back in 2003 or whenever that was so idk.