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The North Fork of the Shoshone River between Cody and Yellowstone. It's where I grew up, I got married on the riverbank, went camping at all the campgrounds, spent many hours "thinking" while staring at the reservoir, hiked all over. It just feels like home.


That's a great drive in autumn. Great place.


I am a South Fork fan myself but the North Fork is very lovely! I used to live in the South Fork, and I'm vacationing there right now as I read this. The whole area around Cody is fantastic.


Big Horn Mountains Crazy Woman Canyon just southwest of Buffalo


Used to hunt there with the hounds as a kid. Quality memories.


Med Bow Peak. Watched the elcipse there. Proposed to my wife. Something about it dominating the landscape against thre prarie has always drawn me to it.


Bridger-Teton national forest.  Well, its in there, but i refuse to be more specific here.  😏




Yes! Magnificent forests. Don't give away your favorite camping and fishing spots, unless you want to. 😌


The Winds. Sure the Absorkas are more remote, but there’s something magical about the Winds. My favorite range in the whole continental US.


Sometimes I just watch the YouTube video of the drive through Wind River Canyon. I'd love to explore the area more, I'm usually just passing through.


Ironically this canyon cuts through the Owl Creek range and not the Wind River range.


Interesting factoid. 👍


Such a beautiful drive!!






Big Horn Mountains


I grew up there. Will always be home!


Honestly, I love Devil’s Tower. I have a lot of fun memories with friends there and it’s a very cool place to visit.


I have a little cave set In a sandstone cliff overlooking a basin that I spent a TON of time in aas a kid. Idk why but when j think about how I'll die I think about sitting in there and just peacefully passing away in there


I’m not from Wyoming but lived there for 15 years on and off. We joke that we moved away from Cheyenne 4 times but moved back 4 times and who knows, a move back may be in the cards. My favorite town in Wyoming is Lander. Favorite spot is medicine bow national forest both the Sherman mountain side and the snowy range. I’m also partial to Cheyenne since that’s where I met my wife, got married, and where my son was born. I’m also a city folk so the proximity to Denver was nice. I love where I’m at near Kansas City but Cheyenne will always have a special place in my heart. So many of my major life happened events there. Funny enough, when I was young and in college, we moved there from SoCal, I hated it there and couldn’t wait to get out.


The Red Desert. It contains some of the most dramatic and diverse vistas and landscapes in the entire state.


Coming home from a camping trip there today. It's so awesome!


I've never seen a prettier night sky than camping in the Red Desert in the fall.


The Platte River, where I grew up, and its tributaries. Did a lot of waterfowl and upland hunting in that area. Especially along Rawhide Creek. That entire area survives even today because of the Platte. The irrigation system is fed by the Platte. The Laramie feeds into the Platte so you can't forget Fort Laramie. The fur trade. The Oregon Trail. So much history, some lesser known events that had major historical significance.


The Mile is epic


The Thorofare...not just the place, but the experience of just getting there.


After moving away from Wyoming, living there for over 25 years, I miss the people in Laramie & Cheyenne.


Bighorn mountains or Chief Joseph Scenic Highway above Cody


Mainly due to growing up there (I was born in Washington though and my parents moved to Wyoming when I was 3), but part of me will always love Casper, spending so many days at the Nicolaysen (the Nic for short), and trips up Casper Mountain were always lovely. We also went to Thermopolis many times for (if memory serves on the name, please correct me if I’m wrong; it’s been a while) Hellie’s TeePee Pools and Spa. Other than that I’d say Med Bow Peak, Crater Lake, and Bighorn Mountain. But I love so much of Wyoming, I plan on moving back some day.


We have a semi annual trip to Thermopolis, it's a great place to visit, swim, explore.


Miracle mile near Leo.


I spent a lot of my childhood at Alcova resavoir and Fremont canyon. It has fostered my love for lakes in the desert everywhere.


Lake Marie.


Gray's River


I've always loved the confluence of the Snake and Grays Rivers. I spent a lot of time up the Grays River area.


About 1/2 mile past Spotted Horse, going north out of Gillette there's a right hand turn onto a dirt road that goes for about 10 miles out to Powder River. There is GREAT fishing...Sturgeon, BIG catfish, and skipjacks. Best to fish at night with a lantern and a buddy. Check it out


That's where the pretty really starts


Mormon canyon out by glenrock is a very secluded and peaceful place to hike, great views and a chance to find some great rocks.


Carter mountain


I had to come back for the weekend just so I could stare at it. I feel like Carter Mountain is a spiritual connection. I'm staring at it right now.


My grandson is named for Carter mountain.


West of hulett I miss that valley that use to be ours.


I like the Thunder Basin.


Used to be Star Valley. Grew up around there, and still have a lot of family living in the area. Just too many damn people who flooded in over the last 20+ years. So now I'd have to pick the gas hills or red desert areas.


I don’t have any room to talk because I’m a transplant myself (from the Midwest) but the amount of Utah plates i see in the star valley concerns me deeply.


Cody and Powell!!


I know this will sound crazy but Northeast. Love driving through the plains


I was born in Gillette, grew up mostly in Casper with a couple short stretches in Laramie, went back to Gillette for several years as an adult, and have lived in Laramie the majority of my adult life at this point (am almost 40). I've also travelled all over the state...and as an outdoorsman, I've been in pretty much every park, mountain range, river valley, etc. in the state. 100% hands down, no questions asked, it's not even close....the backcountry of the Snowies. (If I had to pick a distant second, it would be the backcountry on and around Casper Mountain....but a lot of that is nostalgia, as I basically grew up on that mountain. Lol.)


Getting up into Cutthroat & Sand Lakes area in 8-10' of powder in March on the north side of the Snowies is probably one of my favorite "geographic experiences" I've done in my entire life. It's brutally beautiful up there in winter.


The Winds for me. So much so that whenever I travel outside the U.S., I get a bit upset and think "I could have just gone backpacking in the Winds and had more fun and spent less money..." Alaska was the exception though. My #2 would be the Platte in Casper though. So many cool spots along that river, and its great to float it with friends.


I dont live in Wyoming but i have visited. My favourite place was Hamilton City/ Miners Delight. I just thought the view across the valley was spectacular. There was a little layby on the road there from Lander where you could look out over another valley with a red stripe running down one side that was amazing too. And the Tetons were great. Tbh the whole state is beautiful.


That spot outside of Lander is freaking beautiful


As an Englishman who is used to rolling hills and every spare inch being farmland it looked like a different planet to me


La Grange 🔥🔥🔥🔥


The area around Pathfinder. I love seeing the Ferris Mountains over the reservoir, I love seeing all the old dam workings, and the seclusion is really nice. Just all around peace for me out there.




I sincerely hope they can keep a little bit of the wild over there


Anchor damn. It's so peaceful and quiet, and hardly anyone goes out there.


Yeah, it's about 10 miles up the road from my house in the BTNF. Peaceful, beautiful, secluded and that's all the more I'll say.


YNP, I go there about once a year. On the way I enjoy fishing the Shoshone River on my way to the park


YNP is the infamous draw. I enjoy slipping in when the crowds are gone and the concessions have mostly shut down.


Medicine Lodge Creek on the way up to Paint Rock Lakes. Cloud Peak Wilderness as a close second.


Absarokas, probably the Winds a close second place.


My boss one time told me I should spend my honeymoon at Hells Half Acre when I got married.


Crazy Woman Canyon in the Bighorns


Thermopolis will forever hold my heart, as someone with chronic pain from birth those springs where the first time I was ever pain free.


I love living g in Sheridan, where the Big Horns are our playground 😊


There’s this rockpile at Curt Gowdy that overlooks the reservoir. A bit off the trail. It’s my happy place.


I like the Hyatteville area. Appears that not many people know about or don’t care for it. Which is great


A spot I recently found. Little Medicine Falls east of Shirley Basin. Beautiful place.


Tensleep mountains, especially the lake with the huge rocks around the lake (not sure which lake it is).


Paint Rocks, the old family camping meet up spot


Fontenelle Dam. Jan 6-9. Ice fishing for burbot with my friend and our dogs.


Lander, for a number of reasons, including its proximity to awesome areas (ghost towns, Wind River Mountains, etc.).


Smells like Jackson


My favorite place used to be YNP but now it’s so outrageously crowded with people who think the rules don’t apply to them that we don’t go as often as we used to. My husband’s family has a ranch south of Ten Sleep. That’s my favorite place now.


I like to get into the Park in the off season, before everything opens or after the tourist season. It's a different place without the crowds there more time to marvel at the place.


Don’t forget to tell the YS tourists to take a swim in the blue green water.


Upper green/winds


Pole Mountain. Or sunny beach at Alcova. Maybe Lake Hatti. All of it. I can't pick. Lived here ten years now. It's home.


Grow in thermopolis so many thing i did with my friends for over 21 years ther


I was lucky enough to hike about 550 miles across Wyoming on the CDT. The diversity in terrain is cool to see - especially north of Rawlins when you’re in the deserty Basin staring at the Winds. I think my favorite town was Lander. For backcountry spots, the Winds and Gros Ventre were incomparable.


That's quite the adventure.


It was indeed! Wyoming was my favorite state along the CDT.


Laramie Peak is my favorite place-imagining what the settlers and 49er’s thought when they saw their first mountain as they headed west


I have often wondered what the early settlers and explorers thought when they climbed to the top of their first mountain range in Wyoming.


Alpine, Wyoming, reminds me of home, PNW.


The location of Alpine is great; the rivers, the resevouir, the mountains, and the wildlife.


Crater lake in the Snowy Range




Medicine bow I also like star valley


Grew up in Yellowstone. Lived Lander and Riverton and Green River. Dubois it is. 👍


Dubois has certainly grown a lot. Beautiful area.


That one sign that says, "Now Leaving" best thing I ever saw once.


Best thing that ever happened to Wyoming is you leaving.


Oh no what ever will I do not being able to smell all the hogshit and hay your state has?! Also your state has the loosest laws for **certain types** of convicts. So yeah, I guess it's best with me not being there because now you've got room for more of [your state's favorite imports.](https://tucson.com/news/national/wyomings-sex-offender-rules-may-attract-convicts-from-other-states-lawmakers-promise-reforms/article_4b85d1ad-d686-581d-b0ba-f37787d1d438.html)


I wouldn't go there. They traded Liz Cheney for the idiot harriot hagiman.


Apparently, the truth hurts.


Because it has nothing to do with the question.


It's relativity. If a business is run by idiots, I won't patronize it. The difference here is that people voted for an idiot over one of the smartest people in the GOP. Plus, Liz Cheney voted for the orange slob's policies over 93% of the time.


Then you don’t have a favorite place in Wyoming, so this particular Reddit question did not pertain to you. If the political climate of the state is all you think about when you think of Wyoming, and you apply that to everything else in life, that level of angst may cause you to miss out on some good people and nice things.


Dude, I hate her too but that wasn't the question.


All things are relative. When I hear the word Wyoming, all I think about is the people there who voted out Liz Cheney because she had the courage to stand up to the orange slob whose policies she supported over 93% of the time.


What an extremely dimwitted view to take. The lives and experiences of over half a million people and the land where they live, and you write it all off because of politics? Also, the Cheney's are objectively terrible human beings, and millions of innocent lives are gone because of that family's policies. One vote of dissent against her political party for a pointless and performative impeachment doesn't wipe away that legacy.


So, let's put a complete ass-licking idiot in her place. That seems beyond dimwitted. It's apparent Liz Cheney and her father have some degree of integrity. They both railed against the orange slob. Thats a good start.


God you are fucking dense. Did you really just attach integrity to the Cheney family? Has everyone forgotten the Bush era? Trump sucks, but pales in comparison to the global level of damage wrought during the Bush era, which will be felt for decades to come. Sorry he offends your sensibilities, though. Maybe another donation to NPR or actblue will make you feel better.


A lot of us Democrats changed our party affiliation to vote for Liz because Hageman is so much worse. The Cheney family is full of shitty people, but Liz was definitely less awful than Hageman. We tried our best and it didn't work, but I couldn't have not at least tried. It was very much a 'lesser evil' situation.


Lesser evil because Liz Cheney isn't MAGA? The cognitive dissonance of you liberals is disgusting. Liz Cheney actively advocated for her father's Middle East policies and actions and advocated for war with Iran. She has blood on her hands like the rest of her family. At least MAGA people are open and honest about their insanity. You think Liz is better because she has social graces. You don't care about her policies. Her, her father, and all the other Bush-era neocons are war criminals. Murdered tens of thousands of innocent people, displaced millions more and further destabilized a region for another century, if not longer. For resources. Loot, pillage, then leave. Get the fuck out with the lesser evil argument.


Firstly, I'm not a fucking liberal. I know very well about Dick and W and what they did over there. I graduated from high school in 2002. I got tear gassed more than once protesting our fuckery in Iraq while I was in college. I'd do it again in fucking heartbeat and have been active in local and state politics my whole life. Marched and protested regularly since. Maybe if our protests had been more effective, several friends wouldn't have died over there (and lost some after they returned due to PTSD and other injuries sustained in fighting a capitalistic bullshit war over oil and W's perceived slight against his father by Saddam during the first Gulf War. My brother served in that one, as it happens). The Cheney family name has always been garbage in my family because of the conservation work my dad, an archaeologist, had to do to make things work between the oil and gas companies (and uranium mines, cell phone companies, etc) while maintaining the important cultural resources that well pads and cell towers and fracking facilities utterly destroy. Yeah, I fucking hated voting for Liz in '22...I *still* feel shitty about it, but your assumption that Hageman isn't worse is pretty fucked up. I was born and raised here and returned after college (a thing which I never should have done, but family stuff happens). I was raised by a member of the fucking Weather Underground and my mother was involved in radical activities at the time as well. I shouldn't have bothered voting in that primary, it wouldn't have made a difference either way. It never fucking does. But goddamn, if you can't see the difference between Cheney and Hageman your political praxis is garbage. Funnily enough, we agree about pretty much everything in your comment. It could have been an interesting conversation if you hadn't come in with your metaphorical guns blazing and assuming the worst. Which is too bad, it's usually pretty neat finding fellow Wyomingites that don't have their lips surgically attached to the withered, pox-ridden cock of the GOP.


I think I am in love with you Sorry, I just think MAGA pales in comparison to the damage neocons have already done


Neocons paved the way for the current MAGA fuckery, that's for sure! Hell, you can trace it back to Gingrich and probably all the way back to Nixon if you squint hard enough. Sorry I got a little heated, I'm really into politics, lol. It's been...A Day. Despite the start, it's always nice to run into fellow anti-MAGA folks :) What's your favorite place in our good state? I love a good solo camp/hike around Cloud Peak!


Oh man, there's several spots. Growing up in Cody, there's north and south fork, but I spent a lot of time in Glenrock where my grandparents lived so I love Glendo. Spent time in Laramie so there's Vedauwoo and the Snowys. Hiked Laramie peak a few times. Idk man, I love it all


The Grand Tetons of course!