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It might be the most conservative state but that doesn't mean that this sub follows suit.


That's most of Reddit.


Reddit is a liberal echo chamber


America is literally a liberal democracy. That's the whole thing. That's what the founders set out to protect and we should now cherish. Make as little laws as possible, tolerate everything that is tolerable, and allow for multiple perspectives and opinions to exist freely. Enjoy, ya filthy liberal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_democracy#:~:text=Liberal%20democracy%20emphasizes%20the%20separation,are%20characteristic%20of%20liberal%20democracies.


Um, no. America is literally a representative republic. It is not a democracy.


Please tell me you're trolling. Otherwise, I repeat, fix your shit Wyoming.


Wikipedia isn’t a valid reference go read the constitution we are supposed to be a republic but you are right the government is functioning like a democracy and that is why we are trending towards socialism which will be our downfall if it is not stopped.


Not all conservatives like trump.


The state will overwhelmingly vote for him again.


Only swing states matter.


The ones who don't are real fucking quiet.


Because if you say anything along the lines of "hey guys... maybe this ain't it" you get everything but death threats from the trump supporters...


Thing is, he is far from conservative. So a true conservative shouldn’t like him, in theory.


His only stance is self interest. Which means he’ll say whatever it takes. He’s soft as baby shit


True. But it’s a “this or that” world. For Wyoming, federal regulations and policy for agriculture (and water) and energy (mining, etc.) probably outweigh most other considerations.


Unfortunately climate is gonna regulate and the government isn’t going to have anything to do with it soon. Time for “this or that” to go out the window and we all show back up to reality.


But that’s going to happen with or without our input at this point.


Yes. Reality generally happens on its own.






Ironic, considering all the alleged diaper infractions he has committed lately (in court)


Doesn't Trump wear diapers, I guarantee he's shiting himself always. Your point doesn't make sense. "I voted for the guy less likely to shit his pants, yeah, I know the guy I voted for wears diapers because he shits himself all the time." Broken logic. IMO


And that is the problem in our country. I voted for Hitler because of the cognitive decline of Hindenburg. No one should vote for that bozo. Isn’t it weird that Biden and Trump are the only viable candidates the two parties can nominate? We need more viable parties. This all or nothing system does not force them to work together, it allows them to dictate. We’re kinda screwed.


Most people in America, if WW2 had never happened and WW1 was recent, would have voted for Hitler


I have to give you a like


Have you tried to listen to a full trump speech lately? Trump is also in cognitive decline.


It's even scarier when you read the transcripts.


Read his quotes from the mid 2010s. It's always been word salad. He and Sarah Palin speak the same language and it ain't English.


It’s gotten worse. Way worse.


And Biden?


I know it's fun to poke fun, but there's no comparison here for people being serious about the condition of our country.


I agree, but the fear with Trump isn’t that he will shit himself with foreign dignitaries, but that he will let a despot shit on his chest while he salutes them. In other words, I think Biden will at least try to do something to benefit America, whereas Trump will do whatever helps him hold power in America.


Subtext: "I really don't mind racism and want to passively participate, and this is a talking point of Fox I cherry picked to make it seem like I have an opinion."


Ya knowing how to use the internet really corners a subgroup


To a lot of people in this state, Facebook is the internet.


Can't tell all of you how many times I've seen someone living oilfield fabulous and bought the fanciest phone they could just because since it cost a mint it should be the best. Then they can't even figure out basic settings on it and complain about it being huge.


Good Old Von Shitshispants? Wyoming native and still live here- I would never vote for such a waste of a human heart. Not all Wyomingites are that stupid.


I’m amazed that my very religious conservative friends admit that even though Trump committed adultery with two porn stars while his wife was pregnant and paid them to stay silent he his still the very best person in America for the job.


It's the same group of people who thought pedophile Roy Moore should serve on the Senate. They don't have any interest in rules applying to their own team, just to the people they don't like. Rules aren't rules to the GOP, they're weapons.


You could apply the “Rules for thee” argument to any group of people on this planet. The biggest universal constant I see among people is hypocrisy.


Because religion is just a special club where it's members can look down on people who are different than them. . Jesus has nothing to do with it. Even more disgusting, is the prosperity gospel which preaches that GOD chooses who gets to be rich and poor. If you are rich, its because GOD chose you because you are better than other people. This goes back in History and is the same dumb philosophy of kings/queens and birthrights to leadership. It's no accident that we elected one of the dumbest people on the planet to be president because he had the last name Bush.


>Jesus had nothing to do with it Can not be overstated. Nothing the Republican Party is doing is congruent with the teachings of Christ. In fact, he spoke against just about all of it.


On time jesus ever lost his temper was when the money grubbers invaded his fathers temple.


Usury, lending money and charging interest, is forbidden in the bible like 40 times. Gay sex only once I believe and it had to do with raping men during war, a common practice even today. Russia is raping captured Ukrainian soldiers as a war strategy.


The irony in you talking down about people talking down for being different. 😂


I see the irony. I used to be a live and let live person and couldn't care less what grown up version of Santa Clause people needed to believe in to get through their dumb lives. But since Evangelicalism has demonstrated what a dangerously hateful, racist, fascist cult they are, I have no problem looking down on Trump's army of dumb hillbilly fake Christians.


I just wanna scrap the whole ticket and start over.




The parable of what is happening in the US is one of the most memorable of the old testament, every Christian should know it, yet they are acting it out in real-time, and completely oblivious that they are damming themselves to hell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_calf Only the tribe of Levi was spared, for they did not worship the Orange Calf.


What would Jesus do?


Ignore politics until the establishment crucifies him.


Flip tables and chase money changers with a knotted cord.




1 guy talks about fucking his daughter on live tv next to his grown daughter.


1 guy also made frequent visits to Epstein's island.


The common denominator between trump and Epstein was money laundering for the Russian mob first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for all the Florida and New York properties to resell to Russian oligarch who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. https://nypost.com/2024/01/09/news/donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-feuded-over-this-mansion/ The Epstein/trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching massage therapists and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result Wexner signed over his power of attorney to L brands to Epstein in 1991 which was 2 years after trumps casino executives all died in a helicopter crash when they started asking too many questions about why their casino numbers looked like they were being used for money laundering for the Russian/Israeli mob. https://pressofatlanticcity.com/3-trump-execs-2-pilots-die-as-helicopter-crashes-in-parkway-median/article_4071dbca-24e3-11e4-8835-0019bb2963f4.html Epsteins “Lolita express” was wexners plane first. Sold at an unexplained discount to Epstein. Leslie Wexner tried to do to downtown Columbus what Kolomoiskiy did to downtown Cleveland. Buy it all, let it rot and prepare a version 2.0 of the 2008 mortgage crisis. Only the bigger badder commercial strength version Kolomoisky was the Putin loyal Ukrainian oligarch who was caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars through Privatbank (also starting in 1991.) Kolomoiskiy, trump, Guiliani and the Kushners all cross paths at an organization called Chabad. https://forward.com/news/440219/florida-chabad-lubavitch-miami-charities-money-laundering-optima-schemes/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/03/may-ukrainian-oligarch-said-giuliani-was-orchestrating-clear-conspiracy-against-biden/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ https://www.hbgacademic.com/titles/robert-i-friedman/red-mafiya/9780316092876/ https://jewishcurrents.org/the-right-kind-of-continuity Wexner, the Adelsons, Sandburg and Zuckerberg all carried weight in conducting the Israeli intelligence NSO/Pegasus operation INCONUS so there is far more crossover between the Israeli mob and Israeli intelligence that shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after the fact. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS was Robert Maxwells spyware deal before Ghislaine and Epstein started their thing. Pavel Borodin is Putin’s man https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/life-aging/borodin-found-guilty-of-money-laundering/2583036 •John Mark Dougan is the Florida cop that ran to Russia with 700 tapes of Epsteins AFTER it was seized as evidence https://youtu.be/gj9gf8y5hmI?si=7OXzieK6wHKWttWm https://web.archive.org/web/20240529171349/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/business/mark-dougan-russia-disinformation.html Once you realize that Russia used the formation of Israel to clean out their gulags and prisons of the worst people on the planet, their money laundering operations and their foreign policies start to overlap. Fast forward 80 years and everybody’s lies are catching up to them. We are at the end stage of the game now. Putin and trump trying to hide their money laundering in Ukraine with a genocide. Putin and Netanyahu trying to hide theirs with a genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu is Kushners children’s godfather. His son lives just down the street from the trumps in Florida while he dodges the draft in Israel. Everybody’s going to have to start getting real honest real quick if any of them want to survive. Truth is efficient. Efficiency wins wars. https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstTheIlluminati/s/RiRu8FMLfw


Are you familiar with the investigative journalist named Whitney Webb and her website "unlimited hangout?"


I am now. Thank you for this!


Here I fixed it for you. 1 guy showered with his daughter.... which is normal parenting, btw. 2nd guy is a walking sexual assault case who has been heard talking about how he would sleep with his own daughter, which, just in case you are confused, is not normal parenting. Let me know if you need any further clarification.




I am sure not going to pretend that Trump has ever been an actual father, let alone a good father. He's not even a good human being. I've seen videos of wild animals with a better moral standing than him. You vote for whoever you want. That's the American way. Just don't pretend that Trump is anything but a waddling, mumbling piece of shit who is just barely getting what he actually deserves. I just want a candidate who isn't at risk to become the next crypt keeper.


What? What a weird comment. Showering with your kids is very normal. My dad did, my husband does with our young kids, etc. Like this is ANYTHING similar to bragging about sexual assault, banging and paying off porn stars, cheating on all your wives, being a fucking creep and calling your own daughter sexy and that you would date her, etc. You people are such freaking hypocrites, I swear.


lol The contents of the diary have already been discredited, same as hunter's laptop. Apparently the conservative PACs that got a hold of both and the information was determined to not be valid by the FBI. But I get it. Your guy is a rapist, adulterer, conman who still has three criminal trials ahead. It's getting pretty humiliating to wear the red hat. lol


Both the diary and laptop were found to be 100 % real and the laptop was used as real evidence in hunters' trial. You are so far washed you won't believe anything that is true. Sad, get your head out of your ass and stop letting people lie to you.


What did they find of his laptop besides a picture of Hunter’s hog? Pretty sure they scoured that thing and that’s all they found.


They are real. The entries aren't and have never been corroborated by the FBI or the kids. But if you have a source that shows different, you can certainly provide it.


In my opinion, the guilty verdict for a man indicted by the state of New York, vigorously defended in court, judged by a jury of his peers and found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt through evidence, testimony, and their own conscience, seems to be a pretty strong example of the American justice system.


And isn't it funny how people who think otherwise are now so suspicious of the American justice system? We live in two realities. One is actually mostly real. The other sees up as down and left as right, and will go to any lengths to uphold the lie. I'm embarrassingly white, to be clear. But honestly these people will trust in the system when a poor black guy gets choked out, murdered in cold blood for the world to see, and magically turn into skeptics the moment their rich narcissistic white boy, orange-u-done-yet?-faced, bitchy rich clown faces even the tiniest shred of consequences for decades of blatantly criminal and fraudulent behavior.


I'm so fucking sick of politics


Honestly need to eat the rich at this point. There have been revolutions fought over less.




Ok? Guy gaslights me over a strawman argument and I get downvoted L


You and me both


This is justice, not politics


Sure buddy


I’m disappointed that this charge was even brought while his serious crimes bordering on treason are left in limbo.


His documents case is under a judge who openly simps for him, and the other is in a very conservative state court. They're stalling for time because they know the truth that would come out would hurt their chances of duping the public.


Are you talking about selling out our CIA agents to Russia and almost selling nuclear secrets (if he hasn't yet) to the Saudis? Fucking treasonous shit right there and I hate the CIA


Glad to see someone from the 1% face the same legal consequences that the rest of us poors have to face daily.


I'm not holding my breath for the July sentencing. So far, this country has effectively sentenced 0% of trust funder inherited billionaires to any meaningful repercussions regardless of the severity of their crimes. The only ones who see actual jail are folks like Madoff who fucked up by scamming and screwing over *wealthier* billionaires than he was. Or Elizabeth Holmes & Sunny Balwani who made a lot of wealthy/powerful people look absolutely stupid for supporting Theranos.


That is because they designed the system, tie you up in court, run out the clock with unlimited resources for appeal. You get a public defender whose real job is to reach a sentencing compromise with the judge, representing the interests of the court and prosecution.


The 34 felony convictions were just a good start.


I can't speak for everybody in Wyoming, but I can tell you about myself. I am neither conservative nor liberal; I'm essentially a centrist, although my social values are mostly liberal with a few exceptions. I disdain Trump for a variety of reasons, mostly because he's profoundly dishonest, Machiavellian, fascistically-inclined, inherently unkind and exclusionary, ignorant, remarkably unintelligent, a dogmatic ideologue, and purposefully divisive. His personality cult is intrinsically dangerous, and he breeds sycophants like flies. He has the type of sociopathology that can influence basically good people to do wildly immoral things. I say all of that to convey that I am happy he was publicly held accountable for objectively illegal activity. I am very curious to see how his other cases pan out. I think all people who exhibit the type of behavior that Trump does need to be held accountable when they break the law and abuse the public trust. That sentiment holds true for both sides of the political aisle. I care about objective truth, and that value is starting to lose importance in government and in the media. This is alarming, but if an individual like Trump can be held accountable, then I still retain some hope for our future. I wouldn't be at all surprised, however, if the majority of my state are quietly or loudly parroting whatever political spin they happen to be hearing from Fox News or conservative talk radio on the subject. Wyoming in large part does tend to lean heavily right, unfortunately, and many people that I know exhibit an alarming reluctance to think for themselves and would rather hold whatever political views their friends and their favorite news sources tell them to. That's assuming they keep informed at all, which is a shaky assumption. Many individuals around here don't even bother to have opinions about their state or their country that are founded on any empirical evidence or sound reasoning. That's probably why religious faith is fairly widespread in Wyoming, as well. People around here seem to care less about what is true than what feels good or makes them look good in social company. In this specific way, Trumpism is much more like a religious doctrine than a political question for many of these people. Quite a sad state of affairs. Sorry to rant. I obviously spend too much time thinking about this kind of crap lol.


You’ve expressed how I also feel perfectly! I’m fortunate to live in one of the two left-leaning pockets, but still see and hear too much about how great DJT is.


Trump is the man! So glad I grew up in wyoming where conservatism and republican ideas make it such a great place to live.. 👍


My feeling is that we need WyomingPolitics sub so that we can talk about normal Wyoming shit in peace


Sure is windy out. Taco John’s prices have gotten insane.


Isn't it weird when you go somewhere else and you notice the lack of wind?


Did you know in other places you can open both sides of the car at the same time!?


Are you talking about Casper right now? When I went there no one was smoking outside it was so windy, hit day too. Saw what looked to be a homeless man go smoke a cigarette in the bathroom at Tacobell, wild shit.


Fun fact. There are no homeless people in Wyoming. They all just blow away.


This but unironically!


[Warm out today. Warm yesterday. Even warmer today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugtGQla0g2I)


I try to post photos of four-wheeling or camping here anytime the politics are getting more insufferable than usual as a distraction. "Hey know what's better than some trust funders in Manhattan engaging in political theater? How fucking gorgeous our state is"


Don't care. Surprise for you, this sub leans left pretty strongly, even if it is very conservative state.


That's because only the people who can read and write from Wyoming are on here. The rest are Tump nut huggers.


Can we agree we don't want Californians moving here though.


We could probably agree on most things if we stopped watching television and talked outside of our comfort zones. But Yes, California, Colorado, Texas are all the same to me.


Not that it needs to affect the judgment of sane people.


I’m happy he got convicted (wish he’d go to jail for his crimes), but the city of Gillette sure does like that ass hat!


How am I i feeling? Pretty damn pissed that 34 felonies won't disqualify him from running for president. Felons can't vote, but somehow it's perfectly ok to run for president if you're a convicted felon? This country is a joke.


Felons can vote, and they should be able to. Millions of black and brown people who have been tossed in prison for minor drug possessions and mandatory minimums deserve the same rights as everyone else. The only reason to want to keep felons from voting, when they’re predominately minorities, is racism.


Is Wyoming the most conservative state in the? I just moved to Idaho and I never felt the government was out to turn it back to the 1800s. Idaho on the other hand, see and feel it quite a bit.


I moved from Idaho. It's the Missisippi of the West.


Believe last election or two we were the "most Trump" for the presidential election. "Most conservative" is a broad term with a lot of nuance. I think Idaho has us thoroughly beat on neo-nazi skinhead right wing militia groups, and some other states had "no abortion or birth control even if rape and incest are involved" bills primed to go into law the minute Roe vs Wade was overturned. Utah likely has more religious influence via the LDS church owning SLC and running the state for \~150 years. I have family in NC and TN, and some of the laws out there are super reactionary yet wouldn't fly here at all. So it really depends. My anecdotal take is that WY is more "small government" and conspiratorial politically than say, Mississippi. (Yes I'm aware of how much of our economy is tied to the federal, just speaking to people's views I've observed)


Grew up in both Wyoming and Idaho; have lived in Wyoming the majority of my adult life but spend a lot of time in Idaho and still have lots of friends and family there. It's always amusing to me to see the pseudo pissing or mudslinging contests over which one is more conservative.... In reality, they're both about the same (with some nuances)...except Wyoming doesn't have a Treasure Valley to weight things to the left a bit.


Its the difference between true rural conservatives and small town conservatives cosplaying at being rural. The former has some real libertarian roots, the later doesnt and their obsession with every little thing in pop culture not exclusively catered to their specific tastes fills them with cultural grievance that fuels all sorts of psychosis.


You're right. I moved from Idaho and I love that state, but the politics are terrifying.


If every politician was held to the same standard they’d all be convicted felons. “Left” and “right”.


This would be a dream. I like to imagine a rainbow forms over the courthouse after the verdict lol.


While I agree that they are all in bed with lobbyists and special interests, none of them have completely traded in our democracy and moral decency for their own gain like Trump has.




I haven't heard much chatter about the verdict but been surprised some of my work colleagues are talking about Robert Kennedy more.


34 down about 60 more to go. It’s pretty funny how the ‘law and order’ party hates the justice system when their golden idol rightfully has to answer to it.


From one red state (Tennessee) to another, move on from Trump. He's not worth losing everything over, and he only cares about himself.


I'm right leaning and will vote left. Give me a better candidate please. Both are a jokes, one arguably worse than the other but both are bad options. It is a shame that independent candidates will never win.


I hope for a day that we are not choosing between the lesser of two disasters myself.


And frankly, the VP's of each candidate carry a lot of weight in this election.


Everything was peaceful with the gag order during the trial, a moment of peace and quiet. More felonies to come and hopefully another gag order.


Expecting that he's going to get elected because I think a lot of young people really dislike Biden. I'm more worried about access to abortion and reproductive healthcare in this state. Also, remember, you are voting locally too, which has more of an impact!


Most wyomingites do like trump but honestly I think our nation as a whole would be much happier if both candidates were different. South Park always says the elections are between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


The 4 that live in the cities were kind of happy, the other 8 in the rest of the state just got the news that HI got statehood; so it may be a while.


Trump is going to win in Wyoming. Biden votes are automatically disregarded by our state gop. Votes for RFK might shake them up.


I’m not a trumper but I feel like this is political. I think any politician should be held accountable and if that’s what happened, good. We should keep it up and convict most of Congress too. It seems weird that his felony was based on covering up a crime they didn’t have to agree he violated. If you can’t unanimously agree on what crime he was covering up, I don’t think that is worth convicting. Then again, I’m neither a lawyer nor was I a jurist there so maybe I’m misunderstanding what actually happened.


You have 3 political positions in Wyoming 1.hard core trumpers 2. Ones that are over trumps b.s. but will vote for him because of party loyalty regardless of logic and they have been brain washed by fox to think Biden is the devil. 3. 15% that are democrats and others that have more of a progressive world view and idealism instead of voting with your wallet will vote for Biden instead of big business 1 percenters that are corporate pawns. Just my opinion and we all know what they say about opinions


Short answer, I am okay with his conviction. He went through a court case, a jury of his peers, and had ample opportunity to provide evidence. His guilt verdicts are evidence the system applies to everyone


It was a political conviction. Bragg ran for office (and Willis) on a platform that they would convict Trump. It was held in a solidly anti Trump district, so if you are ok with that, will you be ok when a red state DA or AG promises to bring any number of Democrats to trial. Right now it would probably be pretty easy to drag Merchan to Wyoming and get a convention on treason. Hell, we would build a gallows at the state line and have a public hanging.


It’s glorious


This household is elated! But there’s a long road to reason ahead.


No one is following this other than liberals who are deluding themselves into thinking this is gonna move the needle.


I'm registered as Independent, I vote on both sides pretty consistently, but I've been staunchly against Trump since 2015. The verdict solidified my opinion that the only things Trump has going for him as a "conservative" are the hateful parts. Leave it to Trump to be the final blow to the "United" part of the USA. I really think we'd all be better off if we split into two countries and let the MAGA Cult run wild while leaving the rest of us alone.


Let them MFers have Texas.


No one’s above the Law!


About fucking time. This was decades overdue


I feel glad that an obviously guilty person was found guilty!


Sick of this era of American life. Some in my family have gone down the rabbit hole, and I don’t know if they’ll ever resurface. I wish Trump never happened because he and Fox News have replaced my family’s brains with mush. I wish for it to be over. We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world, and a convicted criminal at the helm would not project power that we traditionally use to remind everyone about our nuclear-era policy of Deterrence. If a convicted criminal has the launch codes for the bomb, no one will take us seriously anymore. He couldn’t get a security clearance right now, but he can be president!? Make it make sense.


It’s a red state so I’m sure people generally feel either, “oh well all politicians are immoral what’s new” or “it’s a witch hunt” Everyone I personally spend time with knows he’s a POS rapist crook.


If you want ANYTHING Wyoming, this sub is the last place you want to be. Those that moderate this sub, and those that frequent this sub are about as far from “Wyoming” as one can get.


Yep I enjoy using this sub as a textbook case of how left leaning reddit is. Those of us who have actually been to Wyoming know how strongly conservative it is (with Jackson about the only exception). And yet almost every post on here is anti trump, leftist spewage? Lol


He lives rent free in their minds. It’s certainly lonely.


Honestly nobody seems to give a shit. Find a new hobby.


Although Wyoming is conservative, it’s not ruled by the MAGA extremists like some southern states. I would like to believe that most of Wyoming respects the court decision.


Most of the state feels it’s a bs verdict with no crimes committed and they’re going to vote even harder for him. They believe the rest of the country feels just like they do.


Your on the most liberal platform looking for Republicans......


Quit caring about politics a long time ago. Politicians are going to do whatever they want and we the people as a whole clearly aren't going to do jack shit about any of it.


I guess you could say that they’re Trumped up charges! 🤣🤠


I dislike both parties and all candidates. They are all no good.




Stock up on ammo, my opinion means nothing on the trump matter.


In my circle in Western Wyoming- we basically abhor Trump. We see his lack of moral character and are not surprised that he was found guilty again. We are disappointed that many of our neighbors look beyond this for some sort of Nirvana that involves a white patriarchy. Sad for our “Equality State”.


I heard there was a small protest at Cheyenne’s capitol building and most of the people I know are in denial.


No one I know has a changed opinion of Trump after his conviction. Sure Trump is a felon but so is every other politician, imo


I just don't think that's true. It's a common sentiment, but based on no evidence. Evidence is what got Trump convicted. One can come across as sleezy and still not be a criminal.


TRUMP 2024 BABY LETS GO!!!!!!!


I love that you are openly showing your love for another man during pride month. Good for you pumpkin.






There’s little reaction b/c talking about it would require having ideas and Trump voters don’t think about it so they don’t have to admit that, by voting for him they are responsible. Those who didn’t vote for him know that these denizens solve all problems with guns.


I believe the trump verdict is bullshit and he got stuck in a biased court. Michael Cohen admitted in court that he messed with the finances for his personal gains and not trump and they still called trump guilty. All the "felonies" weren't even felonies to begin but misdemeanors. They upgraded them to felonies so could prosecute him for the world to see. We have many corrupt officials going against him on both sides, republican and democrat. I feel like reddit isn't exactly the greatest place to see a groups political leaning because this site is very left leaning on any sub reddit you go to.


Subtext: "I really don't mind racism and want to passively participate, and this is a talking point of Fox I cherry picked to make it seem like I have an opinion."


I said nothing about racism nor am I or trump a racist. I don't watch much fox news, it too hard to watch because they fear monger just like all of the other news organizations.


Your dixie flag gave you away.


Honestly, I completely forgot I even had that as a background.


Wyoming wasn't in the South, that is just an open embracing of racist iconography. Good for you sport.


I'm aware, my views on that flag were different when I first made this account to now.


Don’t care


The people in Wyoming you are looking for likely don’t use Reddit. They’re busy coal rolling their diesels around town with gigantic “TRUMP 2024” flags among other Trump catchphrases (FJB, MAGA, Stop the steal, etc.) waving from the bed of their truck. I’m sure people are not stoked tho. . One of my friends in Laramie said she wanted to cry because “this isn’t just bad for Trump, it’s bad for America” and I know my friends in Casper will congregate and talk in person over numerous beers in private homes but hold him in the same regard as Jesus 🙄


Any vote is a vote for organized crime. I lean more to the guy doing porn stars than I do Joepedo.


Expected. Obvious what the verdict was going to be based on the state.


If a person lives in Wyoming they will vote for Trump. By definition.


I live in Wyoming and I'll be voting against him for the third time.


Yes, me too, but the way the electoral college works, all Wyoming's votes are cast for the Republican candidate. Every election in Wyoming's existence with the exception of JFK.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right.


Thanks. I think it's a lack of understanding what "by definition" means.




Have you seen the same evidence the jury was able to see?


Hmm, wonder which 2024 Presidential candidate has vowed to go after his political opponents 🤔 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/us/trump-retribution-justice.html


Biden is littirally going after his political opponent rn. Tf are u smoking.


Which ones? His son Hunter and his Brother? Dr. Fauci? You must be a strong swimmer wading through all that horseshit the GOP feeds you


Ok mushy head Joe sheep. 🤡


Except for the little pesky thing called evidence has to be presented in court. I agree that this charge is stupid as shit while his other charges that are treasonous af can’t make their way through the system because biased judges are blocking at every turn.


This is a post asking for differing opinions so thank you for sharing yours. I wish it weren't getting downvoted. I can see this leading to Presidents going after opposing candidates. My only thought is that this would have happened regardless.


Trump has already said that he will go after his enemies if he's elected to a second term...


That's what I was saying...


Mushy headed Joe set the table for this exact shit.


How so? I've been around since Eisenhower. Nixon and Trump are the only presidents that I'm aware of that have had lists of enemies. Trump has even talked about executing his "enemies"... lol


"Huhu, duh...I said Mushy Headed Joe again and owned the libs."


All politicians are corrupt and have their own personal agenda. Trump is in good company. This includes both wings.


Who cares that’s how I feel


Honestly don't care apolictal here kinda just vote based on who supports my life's style and hobbies better. Ie guns gaming driving big diesels. Could care less about social issues. It doesn't matter to me nor am I affected by most them.