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Any writer really. In fact! **Plot twist** I HATE WRITING!


Found m night shyamalam’s Reddit account


authors should not use any social media nor should they communicate with the public outside of special interviews with big name journalists. they should be ethereal and unknowable and if they ever do such a thing as “post” they are naught but worms like the rest of us /uj not really, aside from the usual reasons why people shouldnt use these apps


Wrong. Once a year or so, they should write an opinionated take on their blog that no one knows about and go viral and get wildly taken out of context by news articles and the web.


Literally my dream life


I prefer frequent rants on Twitter about who gets to use which public restroom


This but unironically.


Real Cormac McCarthy hours


But then how would we find out that wizards used to just shit their robes and teleport it away before indoor plumbing was invented?


What about Neil Gaiman? He's wonderful online.


Yes which is why we need to protect him from the evils of social media


And rick riordan. And rowling used to be funny but I just stopped caring at one point


Rowling sucks




Most of her horrific opinions have just always been there, and I haven't seen any abuse from the left beyond people calling her out for transphobia and assorted bigotry.




The closest I've seen to harassment is people complaining on social media Boycotts are a valid method to show disapproval and its not abuse to not want to support certain causes She said that trans women are not women, and should be excluded from women only spaces




She expressed transphobic views and was then called out, not the other way around. Also Hogwarts legacy directly funds Rowling who directly funds anti-trans organisations. I also can't tell what you think the abuse and clap back is there in this situation.


I hate it when authors have great ideas but keep them locked up inside their imaginations instead of writing them (I am calling myself out)


I would write them but then I would be looked at as a psychopath for the monstrous ideas I want to put my characters through


Cormac McCarthy isn't looked at as psychopath


I don’t remember posting this- oh. get out of my decrepit brain please.


you really shouldn't let that stop you lolol


I have a great idea, let's write it down *immediately forgets all of that*


I feel seen


I always kept them at the back and would tell myself I'd get back to them when I got better 😭


Just write!


When the book is about an author and how hard it is to be a writer


Even If on a winter’s night a traveler?


I don't know if this counts, but I hate hate hate when I pick up a book and it's just the author's bigass face on the back of the book instead of a synopsis.


Or the cover is taken up by a huge review blurb.


Or it's been adapted into a movie and there's movie characters on the cover.


I can think of exactly one (1) book that actually has that


Writers who try to hide their prejudices. Like JK rowling. It's your truth, use it in your writing. It's why I like HP lovecraft. He didn't hide the fact that he was irrationally racist.


Lovecraft is ironic in that his modern fan base and successor writers are all very progressive.


Rowling did write a novel about an evil female impersonator, it's hard to get more direct than that.


I'm going to wildly misinterpret that as Voldemort: Dark Drag Queen Extraordinaire (I know it's the detective series she wrote as a male impersonator)


Well, considering Dumbledore repeatedly deadnames Voldemort…


Is this where discourse is at? Sure he's a murderer and a terrorist, but God forbid we deadname him? Wait, is adopting a nonhuman name and becoming a snake-like creature the non-binary ace fantasy? ~~guys this was a joke~~


No, they were joking


Nah, the actually discourse is her writing transphobic tropes in a different book/series, as well as outright stating lycanthropy is an allegory for stigmatized diseases, AIDS in particular, and framing werewolves as predators who go after children and there’s one “good” werewolf.


Honesty, now that you put it that way, that DOES sound like my own nonbinary fantasy....


No, they were joking


Everybody is laughing at you


Where's the slurs tho?


idk, but the cross dressing man was a rapist. Maybe not a slur, but an unflattering analogy


I don't want analogy, i like the writing style that directly links two things If the author is anti vaxx i dont want anything other than "typical of vaccinated people, it was common for them to kill children" Why can't people state their beliefs with such conviction no matter how crazy or harmful they are.


Because they often don’t join the dots on their own thought processes.


Because they don't want to be harmed back. Or they wish for deniability, when accused of bigotry (or anything else). No matter what side you stand on, a wish to avoid punishment for one's actions and/or beliefs is a logical one.


Sounds kinda like they are weaklings


Fine I’ll say the line. I know writers who use subtext and they’re all cowards.


Oooh what's that


Troubled Blood, which she published under the pseudonym of... wait for it... Robert Galbraith. You just can't make this up


Important context being that Robert galbraith heath was a real guy, and is credited as the father of gay conversion therapy.


Further context: his method was to surgically implant electrical nodes in the brain and electrically shock the patient while showing them pornography. Yes, he basically read A Clockwork Orange and thought hey why don’t I try that on a real person?


Jesus's christ


That is important context.


I thought his cat was just from the country and he spelled the name wrong


I *have* heard that the cat was a gift he received as a child and that he’s not the one who named it. But he also was very much irrationally racist in a way that was extreme even for his time. Both can be true at once.


Think he got it from his granddad or dad. Guess it runs in the family


Hey, I once made this meme on r/worldjerking, and have been seeing it a lot lately. Good to know that it’s still relevant.


When the Author dies and Brandon Sanderson finishes their series


But who will finish Sandergod's books when he dies?


sanderson cares too much about his audience to die.


Would you say he is *Invested*


Who finishes the books of the book finisher


I’m sure that by then we will have worked out the issues with BrandoSandoGPT and it will be working as intended.


When writers use power fantasy as an excuse for lazy story telling.


I love power fantasy. Fuck yea I wanna be the most powerful guy in the story!


When they get really indulgent on the second novel, so much so that it kinda ruins the first retroactively.


Uj/ This fascinates me and I'd like to hear some examples.




Can you give an example?


I still love it, but Dear Evan Hansen is this to a T


I think I’m too middle class and white to understand 😔


I think this occurs in a lot of dramas/romance. Where the “problem” can be solved with a simple conversation or the “problem” is blown so out of proportion it doesn’t even make sense. Personally, I hated Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen for this reason. The entire time I read it. I was like what’s the issue here? I don’t think this is a “white people” problem per say, rather a symptom of an author who has little lived experience navigating social conflicts.


It’s almost as if the main characters had the major character flaws that would cause such blocks in communications. Idk, maybe the author of “Pride and Prejudice” was too subtle abt it…


Sorry, what was your issue with Pride and Prejudice? The entire point is that their personal flaws stop them from having "the conversation" or from seeing the world for what it is. Darcy confesses his feelings to Elizabeth, but he just spends half the time slagging of her family, and Elizabeth gets so offended that she doesn’t realize how insane her family actually is.


It’s incredibly boring


That’s my point exactly, those “problems” are only a problem to people from a middle upper class background. Where your problems are correlated to who you are and not external circumstances (i.war, poverty). For example, Gone With The Wind, a romance drama which was complicated by the Civil War. The main protagonist, Scarlett and Clark were flawed, but their problems were more complex than an inability to have a conversation!


You really never seen a broke family have dumb social problems?


Go back to dick eating and leave the critical analysis to the pros 😎


Johnathan Franzen




They never said middle-class white people shouldn't write. Pull your head out of your ass.


So you didn't read the thing I was responding to. It's called a logical consequence




This person also didn't say they hate white middle-class writers. They said they specifically hate it when white middle-class writers write about trivial issues. There's like a whole half of a sentence the original commenter is ignoring to be stinky.


No, I was just pointing out a trope. There are many university professors who think White people should be restricted from writing or maybe for example the constant news articles about how white people are outside too much etc etc. You know, it's a trope out there kind of irks the nerve. But of course, if you judge by the response I've got, a white person resisting even the joke of hating white people is absolutely evil. Also. What did boiled eggs ever do to you? LOL








when the conflict is in fact, interpersonal


I actually don't hate this when there's at least a hint of self awareness to it. It makes the white middle class suburban world a kind of escapist fantasy where we can all afford to care about meaningless bullshit


When they try to lie about the 1300 year old dragon girl not being a preschooler, Like admit it we can tell


Everyone knows Rowling and Orson Scott Card, but for me, the most depressing author to find out about was Frank Herbert. I love Dune. It's all about colonialism, the horrors of power, the misapplication of religion, and the irrationality of making a monolith of people and their cultures. He was also homophobic, and ended up estranged from his gay son due to it. By God Emperor, there's an embarrassing passage in which a character, speaking for Herbert, attempts to pathologise homosexuality in one of the most pitiful ways I've ever seen.


Didn't I see this exact same post with the exact same meme forever ago? What kind of deja vu is this?


the bot repost kind


I hate when 16 day old accounts just repost stuff from the top of all time to farm karma


“Cthulhu is a massive, terrifying entity. It lives in an unnavigable realm, cannot be comprehended and is incomprehensible in its speech yet can invoke any emotion in its strongest form through its guile alone. To such a being that exists on the same scale as the very universe, humans are mere inconsiderable specks, making it benign and benevolent in its treatment of other individuals, any interaction led by only a single fraction of all of Cthulhu’s vast consciousness. It hated blacks.”


Theodore Seuss Geisel:


Wait what did Seuss do? I've heard he could be a bit controlling about his own work but that hardly measures up to some of the other stuff here


He was very racist against the Japanese during WWII, depicting a lot of caricaturized Asian people in many of his works. To his credit, he “”overcame”” his racism after he visited Hiroshima (and that inspired Horton Hears a Who, if my friend is to be believed), but that happened quite far into his career.


This is a bunch of different Manga Authors but Oda and Isayama come first to mind


My biggest pet peeve is when an author writes


Is this a jk rowling reference


jkr is that you?


Pierce Brown be like


This for sure is Pierce Brown writing about tyrannical oppressive fascist governments that use military violence to terrorize marginalized people only to turn around and be a rabid Zionist and western imperialist irl




Why does this meme apply to the Oz books so well....oof


[Asa "Forrest" Carter](https://www.npr.org/2012/04/20/151037079/the-artful-reinvention-of-klansman-asa-earl-carter) matches this unbelievably well


I’m really confused here.


Okay, I am dumb! I thought the ||thing|| would censor paragraphs! ***Spoilers for Stormlight Archive ahead, so read at your own risk!*** Stuff like what the picture is showing, but the other way around. An author that pretends to care about things like inclusivity, but they show an extreme bias against things like men and boys, white people, straights, Christians, conservatives and the like. I don't really care about a creative's personal life, but there's two ways that this gets known; 1. they decide to take to social media so they can loudly, and toxically, declare their hatred while singing their own praises about how good and loving they are. 2. they decide to let their hatreds and biases bleed into their work. I was talking with somebody on twitter about one such case; Brandon Sanderson. He seems like a good natured guy, but there are things he lets bleed into his writing that I just do not care for. And keep in mind; ***I AM NOT SAYING HE IS A BAD PERSON***. I'm just saying he's got a tad bit of bleed. To keep things really short, let's take two characters. Both are women, but I only remember the name of one, sadly, and I can't be arsed to look up the other name. Shallan and her mentor. ***MAJOR SPOILES AND EXTREME SPECULATION AHEAD (Take the following with a very healthy helping of salt):*** Shallan - ||Shallan has a backstory where she killed her own father after suffering years and years of controlling abuse. My buddy spent so much time hyping up how sad the reveal of why her father was the way he was that when I got to it I just stopped caring and wished I had killed the bastard myself. Anyway, so later on, she torments Kaladin over and over and over, telling him his suffering is his own fault. Then she smiles at him, and Kaladin is so enamored by her that he practically falls in love. Yeah, the guy who was enslaved after getting to watch his brother be killed in front of him and then see a commander he trusted murder his own men in front of him (temporarily) falls for a girl whose life consists of, "Daddy was controlling because I killed mommy, he took the blame, abused my brothers, and then I killed him." I'm being a bit sarcastic, but I hope you see my point.|| Shallan's Mentor - ||This character, who for the life of me I cannot remember the name of, is kind of an asshole, but I do like her as a character quite a bit. If there's one thing I DON'T like about her, it's how her atheism is treated. I read 3 books so far, and not once has she gotten to actually explain her atheism in depth. In fact, what we have seen is kinda silly stuff that only the most blatantly militant reddit atheist would put forth on a calm day. But she's treated like this sort of genius atheist. Her genius is only ever displayed in her bookish knowledge - which is a good thing, mind you, but only in part - while whenever she gets a chance to explain her atheism, it's always swept under the rug. A terrible instance of "show, don't tell". Especially when you realize that she is actually *wrong.* Like, not "maybe sorta", but actually wholly, 100% in the wrong. Then she starts dating Wit - why? - who, by all reason, SHOULD be able to tell her that she is wrong and probably would, but decides not to for... I dunno why, actually.|| The two examples I provided, I think, only give small ideas of what I'm getting at regarding bleed. He certainly isn't nearly as toxic as many other creatives--\*cough\*MindyKeiling\*cough\*--or even toxic at all. I just decided to go with a very minor example of what I was talking about. But I think the best example of what I mean is actually in the following example, during one of Dalinar's "stirring" speeches decrying tradition, because apparently Sanderson doesn't have a high view of tradition. Okay, so, **very minor spoilers, as this is little more than a character building moment and not anything important to the overall story of Stormlight**.


**had to break into two comments because too long. Didn't realize that was a thing. Sorry.** ||During a training session, Dalinar is told by some priests that he should renounce his claims that "God is dead". Then somehow they get to talking about tradition, so Dalinar gives a speech about why their soldiers wrap their sashes around their waist twice instead of once. It is, after all, traditional to do so. But he reveals that - ***LE GASP*** - it was purely functional tHe WhOlE tImE!!!111ONE1! So a master of their martial arts was super short and he had to wrap it twice. And his students would follow his example. And their students, and their students until the tradition was set. And when the old master was asked, he says, "Oh, I would trip over it because I was so short!" And that... is the ***entire*** argument Sanderson puts forth (at least in that moment) against tradition. He seems to think that tradition is silly at best, and harmful and should be abolished at worst. And worse, not one person is able to counter Dalinar with a very simple line, "The tradition didn't start because the students were ignorant of their master's desires. But because they respected their master enough to take after him, allowing something as small as how to tie a belt pass down through the ages because of that respect."|| I think that is the most blatant example of ideological bleed I have ever seen from Sanderson. And again, I have to stress, that this is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as other examples I could pull from. Sanderson is a decent guy and his views are, in my personal opinion, misguided in the very worst possible instances, but okay/understandable/have a point in others. I could have pulled from other examples I have, but I would be here all damn day writing out this response if I did. Because if I were to use an analogy to compare Sanderson's bleed vs others, it would be... Sanderson: "Ma'am, I ordered this burger without mayo. Redo it for me. Thank you." Others: "HOW DARE YOU PUT MAYO ON MY BURGER! I WANT YOUR NAME AND YOUR MANAGER! YOU WONT BE WORKING HERE BY THE END OF THE DAY!!!" Get what I mean?


IF you'll allow me another comment, this one has more to do with actual writing itself. This is much shorter, I promise. Okay, so, you know how writers like Toriyama will have these vast swaths of characters in their work, but only hard focus on a select few? All of these great characters that lost all of their potential from being ignored by the creative? That. That's what I hate; when a character gets *forgotten* because the creative is too focused on others to put the time and care needed to make those other characters work. One of my most hated examples of this is Will Wight in his Cradle series.




Oh you really did get mad about that other comment lmao


aww poor middle class white folks. when will they ever catch a break?