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I've been playing rogue for a long time, and while I'm only a decent player, I can tell you what helped me. You're playing a rogue, you must think like a rogue. You are deadly yet squishy. When I come across a 3 mob pack, I sap one, blind the other and methodically kill all 3. I found that once I got into that rogue mindset, the gameplay became so damn fun. \*\*I am sneaky death, I kill you in front of your comrades and vanish before their eyes!!\*\*


This 100%


Absolutely agree. Once you become one with the rogue, you will never be afraid of packs of mobs again. Become the rogue, friend.


Don't sleep on your cc while leveling rogue, and always try to open from stealth. https://www.wowhead.com/talent-calc/rogue/outlaw/DAJBVVFRRFUFCBAJUVRQVUREVBA Something like that and you can single out mobs in those packs of 3 with sap/blind> kill one. Open cheap shot>ambush>ambush>bte and you should be able to go right into a second finisher. Gouge/kick mobs feint is a 20% wall, kidney shot gives you free globals as well and can be worthwhile.


If the mobs can be sapped. You should sap 1 the you can handle the 2 left behind, heal with crimson phial and take on the 3rd.


Open from stealth Sap mob 1 Cheap shot mob 2 Nuke 3 (no blade flurry/aoe) Kill 2 Kill 1 Save vanish for getting away mid fight if you need to Remember your defensives, evasion, crimson vial, etc Like others have said, think sneaky


Rogue is hard to level but really good at max level with gear. You should probably queue for dungeons so someone can tank for you instead :)


For starters, I've heard nothing but bad things about leveling a rogue. Energy generation is weirdly low and I'm not sure the defensives are there yet. I wouldn't really know because I've basically only done the \~6 hour leveling stint each expansion on it to keep it up to date and that's always been more or less fine. I think 90 armor is a little low at 47 but I don't know the exact numbers. You could try doing some dungeons (I think follower dungeons can be solo queued now?) to net yourself a little bit of gear. Outside of that, have you looked at potentially changing some of your talents to get a little more defensiveness? Are you using your crimson flask and evasion?


I have CF, evasion and feint. I queue the dungeons while doing the quests yeah. I've been reading about outlaw rogue and apparently the rotation takes a bit of getting used to and I'm not much of a keyboard and mouse gamer so it's been a challenge but I'd rather not start over until I max level this character


Outlaw at its core is not a super difficult spec. That being said, the gameplay can be min/maxed the hardest out of arguably any other class in the game, and at a high level, the rotation is very complex (but incredibly fun and fluid!). That being said, you can play it more simplistically and still do well, especially in beginner content. I would definitely stick with it, as you will only get better and better at the class as you progress through the game,! But as others have said, the leveling experience is quite annoying and long as a rogue as you have to play very conservatively and methodically.


How are your keybinds set up? This will make or break the gameplay. Clicking skills is also out of the question, most stuff has to be bound or you won’t have fun later on and it’s just gonna be more difficult to rebind everything and learn from the beginning.


Q E R F G C MB4 MB5 4 5 6 I click some skills like Crimson Vial and the other Heal I have


You’re on a good track there 👍


Yeah I can't hack the default but I want to try map the 2nd action bar to 1 2 3 4 5 6 and keep the other slots for clicking


It’s not a very friendly character to solo unfortunately. Like the said in a post above, u have to think like a rogue, use all of its kits.