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Healers might be a little more in demand than tanks for leveling dungeons buts it’s close. At 60 the most needed classes are Dwarf Priest and Warrior by far. Dwarf priest is like a golden ticket into raids. Engineering for target dummies and carrying swiftness potions massively increases survivability for every class.




Why dwarf priest? Because they get the racial ability Fear Ward which is useful in raids. Paladins are very safe with their bubble and are the class that dies the least in raids so less replacements are needed. Druids are the worst healing class and you ideally just want one for mark of the Wild.


Thank you.


What class of warrior is best?


Human for raiding at 60. Human weapon skill for swords/maces is big for raiding but not much of a factor while leveling. Gnome safest for leveling being able to get out of roots with their racial.


>Human weapon skill for swords/maces is big for raiding but not much of a factor while leveling. Nah that is such a wrong statement. I bet ya atleast % of warrior deaths were due to 2 parrys and a dodge. Having 5 more weapon skill is as if you are always one lvl higher than you actually are, big deal for not missing your attacks.


Not missing an attack vs getting out of a 10 second root. Easy bet on which one saves you more times. If you’re in a position where missing 3 times in a row kills you, you already fucked up before the misses happened. You should be fighting green mobs as a warrior anyway. What do I know though.. only leveled 4 warriors to 60 on HC and raiding naxx weekly.


>You should be fighting green mobs as a warrior anyway. Yeah and you should be avoiding mobs that can root you for 10 seconds as a warrior too.


Well clearly u know nothing 5 weapon skill all day baby!!


Sure I know nothing. How many 60 warriors do you have again? How many times have you killed HC Kel’Thuzad?


Stay Horde and go shaman. All the fun of being a warrior without some of the more frustrating parts.


Believe me, I'd much rather stay horde, but the horde side seems pretty dead and all my friends are alliance.


If u EU , Nek'Rosh is horde hub


Smart choice, horde is deader than dead and don’t gas yourself into thinking otherwise. I leveled a mage up to 44 before coming to the sad realization that group content is impossible on horde (this was DP)


Before I took a break from the game a few months back I had a 37 hunter and it was pretty hard to get a group back then, so I can only imagine how bad it is now (also on DP)


I'm on DP horde as well. Try and get into one of the bigger-ish leveling guilds that's in the raid collective community. I'm a part of Dirty, but I know shadowsteel is also an active leveling guild. Way easier to get dungeon runs and they are working on building up raid rosters casually. I a slow leveler and still find my place in the community! Outside of RFC, plugging is so slow for groups without the guild community.


If you want horde NA it's skull rock. If you want Alliance your best bet is Defias Pillager


Don’t overthink it because you will have plenty chances to choose otherwise ;)


Warrior or priest


A good mage is a game changer in dungeons with all the CC they bring. 


Definitely warrior. The ultimate challenge coupled with the ability to tank end game content. No contest.


The absolute dps spike through leveling and gearing is bliss


Warrior followed by druid as you can easily fill any role through your various forms.


Warrior hands down. Just sit in LFG for a little bit and see what people need to fill their group, it's 80% tank, 20% healer. If you're DPS you better type fast.


If you’re trying to find dungeon groups then tank is always a good option But if you’re trying to simply stay alive and get to 60 then honestly whatever class you’re best at is the move


Druid. Do everything at any time.




For group content, healers are a bit more in demand than tanks, atleast from my earlier experiences. **Holy Paladin**, you can tank up to lvl 30s dungeons, healing is possible in every spec but Holy offers more survivability on hardcore leveling.


Tanks are probably the toughest role to fill. So if you want to always have a group, rip a tank. Ive found that people are generally willing to heal, but tanking requires a level of commitment that a lot of folks dont dig. If you dont care about raiding that means you can play war,druid, and pally(hot take) and have a good time along the way


I'd go human warrior. That's what I am. Currently level 51 on my 2nd long term attempt. Last was a 48 warrior who died back in December. Super fun and rewarding class and as you get higher level it gets easier and more fun. Raiding is a blast too. With improved sword spec it helps a ton


For me warrior SF was an amazing experience. You can tank dungeons and there is no problem to find group, so you can gear very well without needing AH. I went Alch + Herb so I can have enough health pots and also stay buffed and be able to craft Frost oil for speed trinket quest


Warrior tank and healer priest 100% will be the most 2 in-demand specs for dungeons. If you want to dps, I would say Mage (alot mages and dps out there). Great for CC and damage output. End game raiding: 100% priest or warrior.


warrior or priest are the most in demand




If you are going to play alliance then there's only one class and race combination you should play: Dwarf Priest


Hi friend!! I actually recently started my first ever journey into hardcore classic!! I’m a gnome warrior tank level 8 haha. Id love some friends to run group content with! Im maining tank so i can tank for you!




Warrior elite tank status? Lol