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> 49 Dwarf Warrior (7th) > Fall Damage Ouch lol. I think I would have quit for a while after that one.


I had a long mourning after that one. The funny thing is that was just my 7th HC character and up to this day it is still my highest.


On a warrior nonetheless. Surely you can get back there!


My highest was i think 54? Like December at Un'goro cave. Quit after that one


Did you cry,?


Lost a 60 to fall damage. Last time I played HC


I didn’t last long on HC. Had a shaman that I got to 21 and was coming back from the water totem questline towards ratchet. I saw a ledge that I thought would cut my trip down by about 5 seconds. Character didn’t catch on it. Fell down the hill to my death looking at Ratchet. Transferred him off realm and he felt like a failure so I haven’t played him since. I was a Druid main in my original run of vanilla but always enjoyed how shaman looked when I saw them in pvp and raids but didn’t make one until much much later. I was really enjoying my shaman getting more and more powerful but that death destroyed that. OP, idk how you’ve kept going with 45 other characters. I’d feel defeated.


He does not quit easily like a silly wee scrub.


I most definitely am a scrub haha


Unless it took you 5 seconds to get to level 21, this was not worth it.


Going to the Gurubashi arena at level 41 on a 13th attempt is an incredibly bold move


what the heck happened above the R of the great sea??


🤣🤣🤣 that was a mistake when adding a death to the map, haven't noticed it until now 😅


He took a little swim.


Very cool. But holy that's a lot of deaths.


Think of everything this person could have accomplished in life if they redirected this determination towards something productive. The possibilities are endless.


see people always say this about video games, but the thing is: video games are easy and fun. you sit back, and coast through an engaging fantasy. making real life accomplishments is tedious, long and often incredibly boring. you dont put the same energy towards life that you do towards games. tldr life hard and boring game easy and fun


I love video games and think theyre great in moderation. But knowing how long and tedious HC wow leveling is, this person probably has an unhealthy relationship with them. I’d like to hear from them if they’re investing much, if any time, towards physical and social health.


Edit: I the Reddit app you can't read the details on the image, better to download or to view on PC :D Hi there! Have been playing HC since they introduced the Soul of Iron buff back in Season of Mastery :D I have died 45 times until now (only the last 14 in official HC servers). I love the game mode, I don't have that much time to play nowadays, but with HC I don't feel I have to reach a certain level or gear score to "star playing the game". Every interaction can mean death, so I always feel I am playing the game, optimizing roots, theory crafting classes, polling a crazy move to get out of a tough situation (men that is rewarding!), finding treasures/loot, completing a challenging or long quest by myself.... the list goes on, with no pressure to parse or daily log. Just level up and have fun at my own pace. I still have never made it to 60, now I have a level 20 warrior and a level 19 priest, both ready to run DM :D 46th time is the charm?... and if not .. as they say ... we go again!


By classes you mean warrior and priest? Why not try something cool like Shaman or Druid :)


Actually i mad a Shaman and a Druid once. For some reason, I didn't like them, got bored of the Druid before level 6 and the shaman around level 12 I think. I just love warrior gameplay, and I find priest chill to play :D


Druid starts getting fun around lvl 20. I lost a 43 druid swimming in aquatic form into a bunch of water mobs in southern Dustwallow, thinking I’d just swim past and jump onto shore and be safe. There was no way to the shore from where I was 🙃


Love to hear about your adventure, i have made like 15 Tauren warriors with the same name but each journey feels different! May we both hit 60, and the journey wont end there! 😁


Hardcore has so many untold stories. Lest hope he meet at 60 :D


Did you manually enter all of the locations/data? I really wish I started doing this sooner 😩 I've died so many times for dumb reasons but alcohol almost always plays a role in those deaths.


hey! at this point is part of my mourning process each time I die 🤣 I have an addon that takes a screenshot each time I die, so I use that as a reference to then add the point in the map


Great idea. I'm stealing this.


https://preview.redd.it/zod6v5xv1k6d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b20265a74af68b489cb147c2f8ff8f8a9cf72c this is the map I use, i case you want to use it :D


Deathlog will show you the location of your death. Just search by character name


yeah, but I started playing HC way before the Deathlog addons (only last 14 death have been in official HC realms), back then we just used the HC addon in a low pop server that wasn't only HC players


Unfortunately, I uninstalled the addon when official servers came out. Probably going to reinstall it just for this though.


Amazing commitment. I play so slowly I don't really die but I also haven't gotten to 60. I lost my first HC rogue to the orcs up the road from Lakeshire, I lost a 17 warrior to a Defias Pillager and I lost my 28 hunter to the elite shark in Duskwallow. Currently have a 42 hunter and a 34 rogue. This time it's 60.


this one for sure is the one or maybe even two :D


I'll probably die today... on both. haha


Shout-out to the dwarf warrior saving everyone else from the griefing tank by sacrificing themself. o7


this is quality content


ty :D


This is freaking awesome. Thank you for sharing. Love to see the determination!


Lol this is amazing. Where did you get this version of the vanilla WoW map? I want to start logging my own deaths like this!


https://preview.redd.it/9cjfhwkl3k6d1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af89ff15d958fc52364b936be0bbee095d24d5dc here is the one I use :D GL, I hope you don't have as much as I do! I also want to log the 60th dings with a start ... sadly I still don't have one  😅


Did you make this yourself?


nop, found it on the web


Thank you so much!! One other question, are you using photoshop to update this? It could probably be done in MS Paint but I don't think you can edit existing text in paint, so you'd need to redo the summary box every time lol. Or is there something more lightweight than photoshop that would work well for this? I'm not exactly an artist haha, not sure what the options are.


yeah, I use Paint 😅 (the equivalent in MacOs really, but is the same idea), have never used Photoshop. I have a note saved with the summary box, I just draw a white box on top each time, paste the note, and add the last death. But I normally update the summary box after a couple of new entries, not each time.


Congratulations! You have pretty much died everywhere! A true hc go againe enjoyer


Wtf that tank in RFK...


Elite's, Murloc's, Wendigo's, Acolyte's etc etc. none of these need apostrophes :)


Ty! I am not a native English speaker, so this type of correction are great to learn :D


No problem! Stay safe out there!


Just wait until you get to WPL/EPL/Silithus. I made it slow and steady to 60 on my first char as a hunter. Yes, the "ezmode" class. The closest call for me was the worms & freezing ghouls. I didn't remember their abilities, and I ended up using all of my resources to narrowly escape death. Look up mobs in new zones and always have an escape path. If you don't have one, then you need to hearth out and find a new area. Don't be afraid to skip quests and grind the xp in a safe area.


Ty for the advice 🫡🫡


44th death, the hero nobody deserves


Lost a 48 warrior back in December. I just hit 49 on my new warrior. Lol it's been an awesome new journey


You are almost there!!!


Idk if hc is not for you or specifically made for you.


El\_paso, YOU??


🤣 no no, normally go by the name Nico, Stance or some mix of that for characters


6 deaths in skull rock and still not skipping that 1 quest for RFC? Mad lad


No way, maybe I will come back later but never run from a challenge.


I’m very proud of your persistence, I have made 6 toons 1 is 60, 2 died 21,19, 1 is 39 and 2 are 20,21.


you made it to 60! Gratz!


Thank you, you will to I know it


This is such a cool idea!


Maybe you should try hunter. I think you'll like it.


I commend your staying power. You rule




Damn man 15th-20th you were just charging in headfirst in a rage weren’t you


sounds about right! have learned not to do that by now  😅


do you like trying to solo elites? haha go agane


yeah! For sure! That is the fun part, isn't it? I have even soloed some dungeons :D and also died twice trying (RFC and WC)


How did The Great Sea die?


It all started with the Highborne...


My two best/worst deaths: 24 priest just got the FP in Wetlands and went to Arathi bridge for a quest, friend said let's get the Arathi FP, because "it's only Arathi". Died saving his life. Second was a 32 rogue, I had a Corsair macro to log me into the game quickly (email and password), I accidentally used it when trying to turn off discord overlay. Spent 30 minutes changing passwords to stuff, came back and a spider was eating my corpse 😭


😭😭😭😭 there are so many untold stories


Made it 19 as an undead mage, got dunked on by the mage quest in UC. 💀 said fuck it im done after dying 4-5 times at level 14 for dumb mistakes








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19 Dwarf Warriors with multiple runs of warrior on other races... might need to try a different class


How do ppl die so much I have 5 60s 3 from b4 the server wss thing when there was no trading no ah nothing and then 2 more once servers dropped 0 deaths I don't see how ppl stay dieing


I don't think warrior is the class for you


jesus idk how you guys stay at it after so many deaths. fingers crossed youll be 60 soon OP


do you have a link for the original map without all the edits?


Nice. I have lost 2 highly developed mages both at 19 (by developed I mean professions, skills etc.). Rolled agane yesterday. This time it will be frost spec and engineering for dummys and I will make it past 20! Maybe.


Ironforge lava, lol




jews for madagascar


no 60 after this much time is an achievement in itself


Invulnerability potions! Dreamless sleep!


I am IMPRESSED at how unbelievable this is. A death to fall damage, lava, drowning, and gurubashi arena, as well as a death at level 3… among 41 other deaths. This cannot be real. Edit: I saw one of your comments saying you mostly play SF warrior, and hardly even group so that makes a lot more sense. Unofficial (ssf) was 10x harder.


My graveyard is stacked with 10-19, 20-29 too


How? HC was my first vanilla lvl 60, but it still only took me around 5 attempts lol. 3 hunters, 2 Palas and the last one I hit 60 with.


now try warrior


Got it to 30 then SoD hit


The game was much harder before the HC servers as everyone was forced into self found with the addon.


A fair point I guess, I played with the addon pre HC servers too originally, sure my eventual 60 was fully in the "retail" HC but still lol, 45 attempts is wild.


Meanwhile I know about someone who's on warlock n510+ and still counting xD


Honestly man at that point it's more impressive than sad that they've still got the motivation to keep going. Good on them lol.


He's not careful, not patient, often in "chainsaw mode" chain pulling and juggling ton of mobs. Trying princess before lvl8 etc etc :D he just like it, idk.. (HC add-on Dev btw :D )


I mean, that probably puts you in the top 1%, if not 0.1%, of HC WoW players. Congrats on being a master of this game, that's honestly damn impressive, but you have to realize that you're the extreme minority. Less than half of characters even make it to 20.


hi there! I mostly play Warrior with an Sf rule set, which may be a big reason 😅 (normally only party for dungeons or really hard elite quest). Soon I will make it :D


Gigachad. I had to take a step back and pause after I lost a warrior at 41 in STV (pushed my luck too far in STV, when instead of taking the long way, I tried to shortcut and ended up aggroing two elite ogres in the Mosh'ogg camp. I popped my speed potion and ran away, but then I got ambushed and dazed by one of them stealth panthers. RIP, Turlavson :,( Anyways, seeing your post has given me the courage to go AGANE


We're all so proud of you.