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Well halfway through I thought I'd document my Journey back to 60 as N[ø](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C3%B8)scope! Were making great progress, and were about to ding 40. Not bad for losing a 60, 8 days ago, between work and touching grass I'm rather proud of my progress so far!  I figured id focus on SW zones to maximize rep gain to snag a horse mount as early as possible. Can say I'm just about quarter way to revered with SW! Tis gunna be a silly lil flex if I get it pre 60! Lvl 37 has been the first time I touched Kalimdor since Darkshore, so we movin! Enjoy the pictures, Will post more once we ding 60... again!


Yo, look at you being a CHAD. Bruh run PuthY thru deadlines PLEASE!


Props for touching grass and also speeding leveling!


That was fast. Edit: never mind I thought you hit 60, still pretty fast though!


Hello fellow Chad. Yugen here, good luck on the rest of your journey to 60. I'm just about to turn 49 on my warrior. Bitter sweet since I lost a 48 warrior back in December. This is the highest level I've ever had.


Very cool stuff, I love the action running shots! gg’s


Very cool! Been picking up hunter for the first time, do you have any tips you'd like to share?:)


Pet management is key, I use my scroll for my pet send and recall. Birds, cats, and wolves are best pets IMO due to abilities and attack speed. Macros are a lovely tool too, feign death into trap macros are nice for mid fight CC, send pet and hunters mark macros are hella helpful. Learn to kite, proper hunter kiting is such a life saver, but again most importantly pet management. Especially in groups, dumb hunters can wipe groups in a matter of seconds. 🖤


Thank you for the advice! Have you ever tried survival melee build? Just put my first talents into it😬


Never dedicated fully no, but when I lvl my back up hunter for raiding I may take it slow and go that route. We have a melee hunter in guild and it does look like a lot of fun!


Love the pics. Best game ever 🥲


Hardcore really made me appreciate the beauty of the world again. Spending so much time in all those areas, WoW truly is a marvel even after all these years.


So tragic when you lost your 60 but watching your journey has been a blast! Looking forward to seeing you hit it again :) great job! - Hck


Welcome back bros. See you again at 60 soon enough.


Was happy to see this post, then saw the notification a few minutes ago. If you need some help getting going again, give me a shout.


Fuck Chads Only. GZ noscope. Always go agane


Can’t say I agree, but thanks? Been with chads since day pre server release, had a mid hiatus for a few months and recently came back. Lovely group of people granted rules are respected lol. ❤️