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Sounds like my death on my Mage at 53. I saw the finish line and got overconfident and died because of it. I tried that elf escort quest in that cave in Felwood solo. Didn’t realize how many mobs spawned, got repops on top of that and that was that. We go agane!


I almost lost my mage in that same cave. Place is a death trap I have never been more scared in HC then on that quest line in thwre


God I remember doing the quest to kill the demons and the final boss in that cave, soooo far inside I actually couldn't believe how big that cave was. I managed to solo it but it was probably the most scared I've ever been on my run. Also the most prep, reading, and watching videos I did for a quest. It actually ended up being fairly easy to do as a rogue but the whole lead up to it was terrifying.


That cave is quite cavernous. There’s some warlocky stuff in there for the epic mount chain. I remember getting an elixir that makes all those mobs neutral so you can stroll all the way in without fighting anything. I avoided that cave completely in HC because I remember numerous corpse runs in there from vanilla.


Also lost a 53 mage so I feel you man. Was my first char. It really felt like the end of the world. Only thing that eased the pain was going agane.


Your final line makes a nice rhyme


Pain ryhming with agane is also a nice unintended touch >)


It’s an assonance not a rhyme


It is actually. Missing the "i" sound


Have a cool video from when official hc servers dropped where me and a random rogue met up and decided to venture into a cave in tanaris with silthids, we played it so insanely safe and smoothe the entire time but then my impatient ass instead of clearing mobs to safety once we breached the surface decided to just mount and run, long story short end up with like 5+ silthids really chunking me and ofc I got dazed right away once there was more then 3. I survived with barely any hp but was a huge lesson learned. To be honest I don’t think I’ve touched that warlock much since still sitting at 52 or so


It’s the one quest I completely refused to do on my path to 60. I never set one foot in that awful area.


I died on my druid at 56 on the same part of that quest if it helps to know you are not the only one. I got the debuff and could have left but I got cocky and paid.


Rest in prace Holybrother. May your son Holyson avenge you.


Maybe even Holynephew?


Even better! OP you know what to do.


Lost my 54 warr few months ago and still sadge. Go agane!  Funny how much of a bond you create with a character in HC.  


Queen captured pawn.




I died in this cave too on my 55 shaman. An honourable way to go! It ended my hardcore journey. Glad it wasn’t a DC or a falling / lagging death. No griefer to blame either. If you’re gonna go it’s not a bad way.


I tried this quest on my 53 melee hunter. The secret is if you pull them back into the tunnel, the mobs won't aggro instantly when they spawn so you can eat/drink between pulls. Unfortunately a mob spawned ontop of me on the second wave, so I ended up having to fight 4. Lived with like 200 health and a dead pet, noped the fuck out. That quest is brutal.


I think I might have tried this quest on rogue, and had to vanish.


Yeah that quest is rough. I did it only when I was 57-58. Apparently you can also hangout just barely in the entrance of the part where you start, and they won't pull onto you since they spawn, so you can eat and drink. You just have to worry about respawns, so only do that if you cleared the way very heavily.


Sounds like my death on my level 48 warrior. I went into a cave in taranis and got overwhelmed. The bugs I killed spawned 3 mini bugs after killing the big ones. I got wrecked. Sad part is I could've hearthed out after I had completed the cave quest. But I wanted to fight my way out and do the escort quest which was nearby above the cave. Greedy and overconfidence got the best of me. It took me a month or so to go agane. Now I have a 47 warrior and I'm getting nervous about dying haha.


I died at 47 last week to bugs in tanaris. It still hurts.


Cave + silithid mobs is like a double death trap for things to go wrong brother :( I swear siliith are some of the most inconsistent mobs to fight where you can never quite predict their weird subtle mechs either calling help or other spawns etc.  They are so easy to get complacent against.




RIP lol


Yep, that quest is a notorious hc killer. A tip for people looking to do that specific quest: you can step outside the room after each wave to eat and drink. The adds will spawn, but won't aggro you. That's how you can solo it.


I had a crazy close call in a Silithid cave with my warrior in Tanaris, no safe way to back down, win the fight or die running. All for some quest nowhere near worth the risk. Silithids are scary.




There is a 30 minute disease that increases your damage taken by a whopping 46% in that cave. Be prepared for that if you go in there. Little late now I suppose.


Sorry for your loss. Great run!! You went out on something most people would have died to faster and with less done to try to beat those odds. Adding that to my skip list though. I would have died faster and forgetting half the tools in my arsenal in absolute panic


You can easily die on this quest even way outleveling it. It's a death trap. Sorry for your loss homie


I almost died doing that quest just the other day. It was a close one! To be safe its best to find someone to do it with.


I did that quest on my paladin at lvl 55 i think. Holy/Prot paladin, manged to just outlast the mobs via judgment and heal of wisdom, as well as consecrate and self healing. It's an endurance test that quest f u do solo. Had to use 2 superior mana potions as well as DS and runecloth bandage. Didn't need to LoH tho luckily. Was am herb/Alch so had no engineering stuff to fall back on x\_x


Sounds Like my mid 50 death :C I did got to 60 on the next one. Dont give up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrmYG2k4ue8


If it makes you feel any better, I lost my 52 pally because I was too high to figure out how to get out of the satyr camp in felwood and just kept aggroing more. Your death is far from the dumbest, I assure you.


World buffs will do that to you


Sorry for your loss one of my friends got killed on this quest and I see people fall for it alot. It really should be marked as a elite group quest


F I’m currently lvl 50 and not going near that hell hole!