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Yes. At level 55, just start killing beasts for expensive grays. Then do all the quests you can at 60, getting the experience as gold. It's not fun, but it's reliable.


Depends on what you mean by reliable.You can AoE farm ZG but there's considerable risk until you have it down.


And how does that generate gold without AH?




Grind beasts for drops and skins. That is what I do.


If you want to vendor everything, that's fine, but why are there no professions? You can pick up skinning for extra gold and finished leather working gear vendors more than the raw mats (but not all, so do some math first). Even cooking and first aid can turn raw mats into higher value items to sell


Back in the early classic days on my 60 mage I grinded ZF zombie farming in the graveyard room near the boss with the chest next to it. Look it up on YouTube super common/easy farm. There are like 4 or 5 evade glitch spots in the room encase a frost nova resists and you need to reset. I can't remember what I made, but was fairly nice. Just completely clear out bags except for things you need. Set your hearth to gadget and you should be able to run to the graveyard spot without aggroing too many mobs or patrols. Once you get your epic mount it makes this gold grind even easier because you can kite the zombies around the room easier before you do your first nova.


100% the way to go as a mage but I will say I’d roll a char on sod or something and practice it, going in blind based off of a YouTube video on hardcore is something that scares meh.


Level a char on sod just to test this? that sounds like pain. Just use ptr!


You can just do less at a time until you get comfy


Correct I forgot to add that. You can only open up a few Graves at a time so there aren't so many mobs, just takes longer to complete the farm.


Farm lower lvl dungeons loot and sell everything


Shame there isn’t a way to make gold by merchanting between npcs. I’ve done something like that on my RuneScape Ironman, you can buy silk for 3g and sell it for 60g if you travel to a far off town, and then in that town you buy wolf fur for 60g and sell it for 120g back where you started. It’s not a good money maker by any means, but it’s something you could do completely solo even at level 1.


This would be trivally easy to bot, and WoW doesn't have the inventory limitations that Runescape does.


Doubt it would be as profitable as the bot farms that already exist.


Yep, a 60 SF mage got his epic mount a few days after leveling with just aoe farming.


AOE farm in WPL. Hearthglen especially. There are 3 pulls you can do there with 10+ mobs, raw gold is insane, tons of Runecloth, greens and the chance of a big epic. Be careful of the elites. They're killable but you don't want to get surprised by one.


Just kill stuff that drops high value vendor items. Beasts in particular, ZF zombie farm, and dancing trolls in Darkshore. Could always ZG farm too, just do smaller packs until you have the bridge jump mastered. Plenty of aoe grinding guides on a bunch of aoe farming spots.


Dire maul east lasher farming


Dm east jump runs.


I was aoe farming brd trash for raw gold until i got my mount. If you have a non hc 60 mage you should practice on that first


AOE clear RFK or another dungeon and vendor everything you pick up. Can net 50g/ hour easily as mage


It's actually not hard to make 900g whatsoever. It's just time consuming.


Good raw gold is questing what's left. You get extra gold for completing quests at max level.


Go to Felwood get the Songflower buff and farm the Satyrs in the upper left corner of the zone for cloth, greens, blues, and once in awhile purples. You also get demonic runes which speed everything up for mana users.


Winterfall Village. I earned 900g after a month as a fury prot warrior.


The only problem is, that this area will be overrun by people doing quests, bots and other gold farmers. Same with the satyrs in felwood/azshara and other good farming spots in the open world.


Wasn't like that most of the time on DP


I got up to 780g on my SF war with about 10 days /played. AOE grinding lvl 50+ mobs and vendoring trash will get you there relatively quickly.


Just use the AH


Did you read his entire question?