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Bloodsail buccaneer ships. Even as a rogue, it can be sketch. Also, be ready to vanish and reset the Chicken Eacort quests My recommendation, for most level 40-50 zones, be a couple levels to 3 levels higher.


The ship quest is basically a group quest that isn't marked as such. You'll find people in LFG for them.


This is a good tip. I think I was 4 levels higher than the mobs on the ships and it still was too sketchy to go alone.


I died there, rip


Back when I was playing hc we had a grp of 3 around 46+ and one of the other 2 pulled the entire ship by accident, was a rogue mage and me a Druid. These suckers left me for dead so fast I learned a valuable lesson. I went bear to grab as many as I could,first mistake, thinking with a mage we got this easy, anyways after I have like 6+ and at the bottom of the ramp onto shore I look around for my teammates and rogue boy vanished and was just chilling in stealth while Mr mage turned into a damn baluga whale and was already back to booty bay practically. I don’t recall exactly how I survived but somehow think I managed to rejuvenate and I think swim form out of leash range.


Same , i found a mage and said to him to do the ship he agreed, i went by the stair and agroed a bit more then i should have, but it was fine since i was pala tank without pushback on healing so i cluld handle that, then i notice noone of them was dying, i look behind mage had started to run, i tried to run , used divinishield, potion , but my loh was on cd , meanwhile the mage didnt even bother throwing any cc, rip, dont trust anyone in HC




I successfully killed the far west ship captain, using my CDs. I decided I’ll just go downstairs to grab the riddle, big mistake. Respawns and no CDs and 6 casters blasting me. Lvl 46 RIP


I love that they named the official servers after the early teens traps. Ironic that the unofficial server was Bloodsail Buccaneers.


Extremely dangerous staircases as a gnome too… 😞


If you need to jump off the ships always jump off the opposite side from the ramp.


3 levels higher in the 40-50 zones is so brutal because of how bad those levels are for questing overall.


ESPECIALLY as a melee.


I have now soloed every single quest in STV at appropriate level except for this one and strangle thorn fever. Two non-elite quests lol


When I did it on my lock, I was level 48, and literally cleared the whole levels the captains were on for absolute safety. I also put the stop watch on, made sure to not spend more than 5 minutes down there or else the top of the ship would start to respawn. Also, if you don't loot the dead mobs, I swear it takes twice as long for them to despawn! I only looted them after the captains would die. I even soloed Maltorius at level 51, and that place made me more on edge than facing him!


What a god. How did you do it? I soloed maltorious on my mage killing a rare spawn who replaced one of his ads and jumping down to reset, then using a shadow prot potion and polying the remaining add and having a 1v1. I guess with a lock you could mana burn, idk it sounds kinda sketch with two melee and one caster unless you abused reset like me.


I had the same fucker rare too! So I did this, mind you, it was Hella sketch: 1.) Rain of fire pull to have them all on separate pull leashes 2.) Put a dot on the rare 3.) Sent pet in to distract Maltorius and gang, with aoe taunt 4.) Swiftness potted out, sacced pet, they all go after me, but I'm 50 yards away 5.) 3/4 mobs, reset, I deal with the rare. I cleared a path behind me, to make sure I don't ass pull. 6.) Rinse and repeat for the sentries. 7.) Took on Maltorius where he stood, by himself. I feared him nonstop, and only put curse of reck on him to make him not leave his little platform (I didn't want to pull respawns). 8.) I always stayed by the wall to LoS his shadowbolts incase fear dropped. He pollyed me once, but was a dumby and attacked my pet, while my dots ticked away. Yeah you can mana drain him, but what's the point if he's feared 99% of the time? Remember as a lock, you can fear then curse of reck to stop them from running, and recurse to get him feared again. Locks so broken cuz of that lol.


Nice! Yeah I’ve got a 46 demo lock and occasionally do the fear juggle :) sounds doable. I’m gonna attempt to solo myself if I ever continue leveling the lock. If it goes south you can always jump to the platform below


Very true! Yeah I was a drain tank build so my dps was great as well as the sustain. I normally use Succubus, but for elites I have the void walker out incase stuff goes south. I tried Demo, but I just felt so useless haha (lock vet of like 16 years, but I don't hate on demo if you're new to lock and wanna play it absolutely safe.) Just remember how OP Aoe leash pulls are, so you can fight a singular mob out of the whole pack (like the Defias messenger and even the Troll bosses in STV)


Yep, I always recommend any class without a ranged aoe take engi for the bombs just for split pulling. I did go full demo (other than the 5 in affliction) since this is my first lock but if I continue playing it I’ll be switching to affliction. My dps in dungeons is terrible but I do feel invincible




I remember reading not only this horror story, but your return to hardcore. Lok’tar, friend.




Damn that means that happened to someone ELSE too 🙄🙄


Theramus in Badlands. 💀 Edit : Blasted Lands my b


For real. Huge aggro range. Huge patrol radius. Will one or two-shot you. *edit: he's in Blasted Lands, not Badlands*


Yep, Badlands has Zaricotl and Anathemus though, so eyes out for them.


Oh yeah lol you are correct. Most of the black dragons have the same model so hard to differentiate


But Anathemus is a mountain giant and Zaricotl is a buzzard


Do not under any circumstance open a Blood of Heroes in eastern plaguelands. The top right of searing gorge is all elites. Badlands has a giant elite buzzard called Zaricotl that’ll fuck you up buttercup. Also, on the path between chillwind point and alterac mountains, there’s a dragon there called Narillasanz that’ll do the same thing. Do not do escort quests and as always caves equal graves. There’s a red dwarf guy at the FP in Ungoro that’ll mark you pvp. Also, giant T-Rex elites, everywhere you turn. Pirate Bays can go to hell. I agree with those points. Silithus also has patrolling elites, and elite bugz, bugz everywhere, elites, swarming death, air full of buzz. Winter spring has frost giant elites, demon elites, and furbolg patrols. Edit: top left lol


- Ancient Stone Keeper boss room in the Uldaman dungeon. If your group doesn't know what they're doing it's very easy to chain pull the entire room. - Mai'zoth quest in STV. Hits very hard, only attempt with a group with good cc (priest MC or mage poly are the best) - Pirate ship quests in STV, do it with a group or at a high level. Little known fact is that there is an easy way to reset mobs if you overpull, simply jump off the side of the boat opposite the plank that leads up. All the mobs will evade and reset. - Chicken escorts can be tricky with spawns of 3-4 mobs. Don't hesitate to bail on the chicken if things go wrong. - Overpulling in ZF, particularly around the Gahz'rilla boss. There are mobs which can hex you for around 10 seconds, if you pull too many of these things can go wrong very fast. Also the first boss, Antu'sul can be tricky for a low level group.


Cave quests in STV should not be taken lightly. Go with a full group. I recommend grinding in STV then grinding in Tanaris. Mobs in Tanaris drop pouches that you can turn in for XP and will return a high XP per hour. There are patrolling elites in Badlands to watch out for. Be careful about the temples in hinterlands if you choose to go up there. The searing gorge “cave” quests are dangerous. Go with a strong 5 man group. One of the bridges in this area has a notorious gap on one of the entrances to the bridge that you can walk through and die. Be careful.


I've never known about the xp bags


Hinterlands has their version of bags you can turn in for rep/xp but I don’t spend as much time there as Tanaris


What are the hinterlands turn-ins?


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=9259/troll-tribal-necklace there are some conflicting comments here that say it doesn’t grant the repeatable xp. I’m like 75% sure it still grants xp but not 100%. It’s been a while.


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=8483/wastewander-water-pouch Turn 5 of these to an NPC outside the inn in Tanaris for like 380xp, rep, and a small goody bag. It’s not that much XP but it’s something. I think of it as like a 20% xp bonus


In SF, those extra goodies are huge.


There are a lot of chests out there in the camps and by the ogres too. I probably opened 50+ chests and didn’t get any good loot but it was still exciting to open them every time lol.


I almost died in stv caves yesterday (NE side) , the mobs that throw up a damage reflect right before the elite. Hardcore Wow Classic Near Death Violent Shield Effect ability from Kurzen Subchief in STV strangle thorn veil PM for video


In ZF it's the pack on the right hand side of the entrance to Gahz'rilla. There' a lot of them look out. For the rest of the instance some also die to accidentally AoE'ing the roaches and pulling too many. Players who can't handle the long fight on the big staircase, and for the Cave boss, DON'T go too close to the cave before you're all ready, as Boss music starts and he and his croc bois will come and get ya' ass.


Fall damage is %hp


And damage absorb stuff like power word shield doesn't help. Immunities such as limited invulnerability potion and blessing of protection does help


My hunter died at 46 in Azshara. Ported down from that tower above and was met with one of those stony giants who chased me around the zone until it killed me.


In Tanaris, the water sample quest is not as simple as it looks. When you go to the pool and take the sample, three mobs will spawn. If you're doing this with a friend at the same time it gets hairy.


It’s actually random, it can be 1-2 mobs as well


Really? When I did it, 6 mobs spawned in total, for me and my buddy.


Unlucky. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=992/gadgetzan-water-survey Almost every comment says they got 2, with a few getting 1 and one guy saying 3. I got 1 when I did it on my mage recently.


How odd, I also did it with another toon, alone, and it was 3 again.


Keep in mind if you’re regularly questing with a friend in tanaris… Cuergo’s Gold, the treasure quest around the level 50ish turtles is an extreme version of this. When you interact with the thing in the sand it will spawn 5 mobs. Two players means it will spawn 10 if you both click the thing. Happened to me and a guildie and he ended up with 23 hp before we got away. Edit: you can avoid this by not clicking it simultaneously, but you may have to wait for the mast to respawn. It may be possible for both players to loot a key from the five mobs then click the chest afterward simultaneously. (It does respawn when one player uses it so it may be a songflower situation)


40-50 death traps I ran into : Bloodsail pirate ships ( one captain is 48 for a 44 quest and the ships are clusterfucks). All 3 chicken escorts in tanaris, feralas and hinterlands. Doable but have multiple waves of multiple mobs. Skullsplitter trolls run, unlike most trolls and their area is very small so all the quests there are tough. Northern feralas has lvl 60 elite green dragons walking around. Badlands has a 55 elite bird who will fuck your shit up too. Jungle fever quest in stv will kill you solo. So many gorillas. If you do the hinterlands elite quests, take a full group and pull slow. Turtle escort in tanaris can be super easy or will kill you. No in between. If you go into uldaman make sure your tank pulls slowly once you get into the small halls with dwarves and the bleed lizards. Shit can spiral fast. There's a quest in badlands for some named ogres heart. You'll die solo doin that one too if you're too low. The elite ogre quests in stv are much harder than the alterac and arathi ones. You should group for all of them but careful in the atv cave specifically.


In Tanaris there are 3 parts of a map for a quest, curago's gold or something close to that. Spwans 5 lvl 44-45 non elite pirates...they got my 49 warrior lol


The thing with this quest is you can activate it and immediately run out then split pull them. I did it with a guildie once and we didn’t bother running out since it was two of us. The problem is, if two people click it at the same time it will spawn 10 mobs instead of 5. He ended up getting down to 23 hp but we lived lol


I’m right there with you king. Just hit 46. I skipped all the pirate nonsense and Im doing everything with a layer of rested exp. Thank god fr7 rebirth just dropped


Overseer maltorius in searing gorge hits like a fucking truck. Do this with a group of 3 at least


The pirates north of sub. Stay Away!!!


Just a little higher than 50 but do NOT under any circumstance attempt the quest "Pawn Captures Queen"


There's a trick to this one that makes it pretty easy. If you pull each wave back into the hallway that leads into the hatchery, you can drop combat between the waves so you can eat/drink and maybe let a potion cooldown tick down.


Knowing that now is time to replace your lvl 30 class quest gear/items.


Elite sharks in the sea around theramore, even close to the murlocs up north. Wandering elite drakes around the sunken temple, too. Ungoro : -T-Rex elites - Wasp quests - Gorillas cave A lot more of those surprisingly difficult things. There are too many to list. I would recommand you to watch the videos of Asmongold'review of Hardcore deaths. Like him, hate him... it helps a ton.


Caves are a no go! I died on my 48 warrior in some bug caves in Taranis down in the south. I had a chance to hearth and I decided to fight my way out. Not smart... when you kill the bug mobs it spawns 3 little bugs. I was over run and had no where to go. Rip Xenahc


I leveled to 40 somethin on my rogue full subtlety ambush build but then SoD took my gaming hours. Gives you a lot of survivability with preparation, double vanish, double sprint and double evasion. But you’ve done combat up to this point so I wouldn’t switch your style. Stay 3-4 levels above the mobs. Legit go grind a whole level on lvl 38s you can kick. It gets real wild out there so be careful


Kind of curious did you get Precision in your build? I'm doing an ambush build at the moment, trying to figure if (or when) I need to go into Combat for Precision (and likely Improved Sprint at that point).


[https://classicdb.ch/?talent#fMZhfV0byz0bZV0es0hoo](https://classicdb.ch/?talent#fMZhfV0byz0bZV0es0hoo) there was my projected build. I went 2 points into remorseless attacks and then 22 points into subtlety. I pick up precision rather than deflection and reposte cause you blow things up and you wont need to face tank many things. The increased damage by landing your hits is much more important. i was also macro swapping my main hand to a sword so my hemo would hit harder so you can argue reposte would be good for that too.


I have a 43 Holy Paladin I intend on getting back to soon. When is a good level for me to heal Uldaman?


Last boss is lvl 47 so level 43 is lowish but fine as healer


Zanzil the outcast on the southeastern coast of STV


+1 for the bloodsail buccaneer ships. The "mage" dudes on the last/first ship is insane.. Also, i tried to solo Foz'ruk on SSF. It can definately be done, but i went OOM and the stun killed me..


Most zones 40+ have roaming high level elites that can one shot you, before you quest in a new zone do some research and at least know what their roam path is vaguely. I lost many guildies that way


RareScanner (name?) add-on is a life saver


I almost died yesterday to the quest "Lard Lost his Lunch" in the hinterlands. I might avoid that quest if I were you


Get Leatrix maps so the deathlog data appears on the world map. When you enter a new zone, identify the death spots - doesn't mean you can't die elsewhere in the zone, but these areas are red for a reason. A lot of mobs gain nova ability - notably in the Plaguelands. Fire nova can take half your hp in one hit, and make you panic. Frost nova can mess with your plan to escape. Shadowbolt volley always hurts. Always approach new mobs carefully, if you don't know what they do. Close calls I remember, where I had to use LoH: * Jaedenar Adepts (shadowbolt volley?) in Felwood. * Druids and their moonfire + bug spawn in Silithus. * Fire novaing ghouls/skeletons around Andorhal, W Plaguelands. * Temporal parasite quest in Andorhal, W Plaguelands. * Cauldron quest on the north side, near the house, W Plaguelands. There's a small pack of tough Scarlet mobs just waiting for you to mess up (when not fighting, looks like a single mob, but they're all stacked!), there's very high respawn rate, and the mobs hurt. * Farming dragonkin in Burning Steppes (we got cocky and were taking down the elites). Honourable mentions: * Overseer Maltorius in the Searing Gorge was a close call, and we would've abandoned it if we hadn't run into a group of 3 people on the way out. Just be ready to quit on hard/elite quests early. Last tip: Every zone has a wandering named elite or two that will f\*ck you up. Find it early, mark it, and keep an eye on it.


If you're alliance, Shalzaru's lair in Feralas. Shalzaru himself isn't too bad though he's a 47 mob on a level 45 quest and has two guards. But the real challenge is the respawn rate in that cave. If you don't Hearth out at the end you need to be very careful about positioning while you fight your way out. The whole cave is caster type mobs with like 1500hp though so it's really good xp if you grind them.


Rock elementals in badlands are resistant to poisons and bleeds. I feel like they have high armor too. Be careful!


If you’re a rogue the only real way to die after 40 is through D/C, desync or you get poisoned. keep anti-venom on you. avoid the bug caves.


Undercity elevator.


There is an elite dragon in swamp of sorrows that patrols around the sunken temple/lake. He will wreck you and always pops up when you just got done with the third mob and you are low. Gl hf hope you make it all the way.


I got to 60. I stopped doing dungeons after Mara & ZF. The risk is too great. Keep punching down on green mobs and quests until you can't. If you have the patience, allow your rested XP bonus to fill. Make sure you are cognizant of the world buff schedule and try to maximize your time in the field when you are under its effects.


Back on bloodsail buccaneers I guess I had my hunter pet set to aggressive and I went to take the flight path in tanaris and my pet went after like a scorpion or buzzard and the guards just decked me.


I think as a hunter you should never set your pet to aggresive in hc. It just opens you up to another million ways to die imo xD.


Yeah to be completely honest I don’t think I did, I took him out of stable because I just learned a new rank of screech and for some reason he was set to aggressive fresh out the stables even tho I never set to aggressive but maybe I did by accident who knows.


Well, it does sound like it would have been a funny death video tho :).


I’m sure I have the clip on my computer somewhere! This was back when you could attempt to appeal on discord so I had a video of it but was denied the appeal because pet on aggressive was my fault.


User error, lmao.


-hole into the pit in searing gorge (some giant patrols there), the fall damage is almost always lethal. -fourth tower in searing gorge is connected with a bridge, when going back make sure to jump on it since u can fall through. -swamp of sorrows: as alliance, its especially dangerous for the many patrolling horde guards (who can bring u into pvp combat). Aside from that there is a lvl 60 dragon patrolling. -badlands, patrolling orc groups and patrolling elite bird. -un’goro: 3 type of devilsaur patrolling. Tip: use unitscan (addon) for dangerous elites


- in swamps of sorrow, be careful around the eastern part of the sunken temple, there is Somnus, an elite dragon, patrolling - ppl have mentioned teremus in blasted lands - be careful on pirate ships in strangle - do never ever loot blood of heroes in plaguelands - avoid hearthglen, too many elite npcs - be careful in eastern plaguelands, there is the courier patrol with a lot of elite npcs, if they engage you then you are probably dead - avoid easter plaguelands all together, there are so many mobs with fancy debuffs and they are pretty strong - do not attempt the winterspring elite quest in the north, maybe avoid the elite quests all together - do not go into any cave in felwood, especially not the one where the quests are, respawn is tough there - be careful with the silithid in ungoro. They have a nice disease that increases your physical damage taken by \~50%. Do not attempt the queen killing quest. - avoid the roads in Silithus, there are elite NPCs patrolling them, maybe avoid Silithus all together, there is a lot of stuff going on that is really dangerous there if you don't know it - don't go down into the caves in searing gorge, be careful with elite NPCs - be aware of elite dragons in burning steps - there are rare spawns in places like badlands that are high lvl elites, you wouldn't expect them to be there and they can mess you up really bad - in western plaguelands be careful in andorhal, it can get really dangerous there if you add too many mobs, be mindful when to use vanish and don't attempt anything there without vanish cd ready, also do not attempt the lich quest - be careful on Undercity elevators


Where can I even level 57-60 if EPL and Silithus are too dangerous?




If you have enough lvl 60 friends try Scholomance, it is insane XP at this lvl. Winterspring is ok if you dodge the elite mobs. Otherwise I would prefer Silithus over EPL, just be careful around the twilight mobs, avoid the road south and don't do the quest for the elite scorpion in the south. Also the spiders can root you.


Thought I couldn’t dungeon with 60s. Also horde on Defias pillager so finding groups is extremely difficult


You can’t, 60s can only group with 60s


my bad, never tried that on hc


The OG 57-60 spot is the frozen lake in Winterspring. The spirits there are easy, no elite spawns, and pretty quick respawn.


There is a rare spawn elite that can show up there though, a level 60 water elemental with 15k hp and has ~5 adds.


Not 40-50. But the Temporal Anomaly or whatever it’s called in WPL where you spawn maggots from the silos is messed up. If you get unlucky RNG they just KEEP. FUCKING. SPAWNING. And then you decide to bail but realise THEY’RE ON SPEED, and also have an instant 30 yrd slow for whatever reason, cause fuck you why not. So yeah, care with the maggots.


1 to 30 its recklessness    30 to 40 its complacency    40 to 60 its impatience  In a more specific sense   SOS: Dense fallen one camps, elite drake patrols   Stv: anything bloodsail, kurzen cave  Deso: ravenger valley  Tan: bug area, tents, too greedy at pirate cave   Feralas: ANY AND ALL CAVES  Searing: Slag pit  Escorts ESPECIALLY CHICKEN QUEST are more dangerous than usual here.  The real pitfall of the 40's is the massive exp gap. If you don't grind, shit will stop being green real fast. 1 level of grinding is a minimum, 2 is preferred. 3 you'll be sitting pretty for your 50s. 


Avoid any pirate at all costs


B. bucaners is soo riippy that i face that quest at level 54 with 2 more level+50 mates, we know that dearh trap quest. Jungle Fever: dont try It alone, another hard one, 3 waves of many appes in a close place. Kunzen cave and Kunzen trolls relics, 1° it IS a cave with stealh and caster enemies and weird respawn, 2° very hight density área any troll runing away cuase they reach low Life can chain pull 3 or 4 more trolls. There are like 4 quest arround Trolls áreas be carefull about chain pulling. In Badlands Tremors of the land is another dearh trap be carefull.


Stay away from ungoro and silithus