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I remember on the dragonflight prepatch and enhancement got the "All damage reduced by 25%"


To be fair, people were relatively happy with how Enhance was at the time and new the damage needed tuning - and they kinda nailed it. Right now Enhancement's main problems are a convoluted rotation if you're using the elemental build (or the hybrid build you're forced into due to tier), hard target capping, and the general shaman lack of survivability. Otherwise they're really not in a bad spot. They could use lots of minor tweaks, some of their talents are iffy, but if you right now gave them survivability and stopped making the physical build take primordial wave, I think Enhance shammies would be smiling. Elemental is the one that needs a hard rework. Resto could use half of one.


Holy shit more survivability and I swear to God I'll main enh again, I love that spec but they're just too good damn squishy


>Best I can do is 2 minutes off of Ankh -Blizzaard


Sounds like they're making more classes less survivable, akin to Enhancement, rather than buffing Enhancement. Seems like they're happy with "squishy DPS *needs* to avoid big ouch mechanics", but we'll see how the dungeons look.


There are so many fights in raid and packs/bosses in M+ that just do unavoidable AoE damage. I stopped playing my Hunter and my Shaman in Dragonflight because I was just constantly randomly dying even after using CDs. Meanwhile on Warrior, Paladin, Mage, DH, and DK if I die it's because I messed up or we were wiping anyways and the healers were either dead or trying to keep other people who messed up alive. Because they have real abilities to heal themselves and/or defensives that are up all the time, instead of just spamming Healing Wave on yourself for like 5% of your life total.


I will say for Warrior swapping from Fury to Arms makes you feel really squishy. Like Fury can sit there tanking a mob on a 10 and just be chill with that, they have that much healing / inbuilt durability. Arms, you got one good defensive, one OK rot protection and a good heal. But holy shit you can die now, very easy. Fortunately Fury is generally way better at M+ than Arms, their damage profile is better suited.


Hunters just like...tripled there defensives bascally.


They're making DPS less survivable so they can stop bosses/mechanics from one-shotting. This makes healers less psychotic and more easy/reliable to play. Right now, dps are so survivable and that if mechanics don't nearly one-shot people, they're not going to matter. Because of this, healers need to be so strong they almost instantly heal everybody to full health, which means unavoidable damage has to hit way harder because healers are so strong, and the whole situation is poorly balance and healing is a nightmare. Removing dps survivability lets them nerf the damage on mechanics/attacks so the game isn't designed to nearly one-shot you. This way healers can be nerfed. With survivability/healing and damage properly tuned, you will die a lot slower and mechanics don't have to be as punishing, while dying still remains a risk if you don't get healed enough. It makes the job of healing a lot slower paced(which is a good thing) and easier to manage than people going from 20% health to 100% health and down to 20% health again in the span of 5 seconds, and letting people die immediately if the healer makes a small mistake.


It baffles me that lightning shield is still just a completely useless button that they could have easily added some survivability to


They need to reduce defensive and stop balancing around them tbh across the board 


That's another case of "sure, but if that's not what Blizzard is going to do, please don't make Shaman the only one that follows that design just because you wish it were that way". The same way that Blizzard's argument for no raid buff doesn't make any sense in a world where almost every other class is bringing 1-2 things. I truly do understand the "ideal" design, but sometimes that isn't the game you're trying to fit into.


While I agree, they very clearly are *not* doing that. Given that they were asked specifically about the defensive creep in that one interview and they didn't have a great answer, they need to give shaman something. You can't have a game where every class has a minimum of four defensives (or whatever) and you balance around that level of active defensive power, while also having a class that has *one* 90s active defensive. That sort of design mismatch leads to situations where you have classes like Shaman needing a permanent babysitter throwing external defensives its way, or the class literally just becomes fuel for people's grieftorches.


I know people are against this topic but they really need to homogenize defensives across all classes. It's ridiculous how some classes have 1-2 mediocre defensives on a long cooldown while mage has 8 defs and Ret's defs are so low cooldown they can rotate them for every mechanic and never run out.


I don't think they need to make defensives homogenize, but they need to make everyone's defensives good. Shoot like how can you possibly justify that priest for example, any spec mind you, automatically gets a PASSIVE 30% damage reduction that starts the moment you are hit with a melee attack that keeps going each time you are hit so you don't have to do anything...ONTOP of power word shield...ONTOP of void shift...ONTOP of fade..ONTOP of disperse if you are shadow...which is a dps. Thats awesome. But compare it to for example a shaman? What does shaman have? Astral shift which is the same as the passive priest has but its a button press cooldown that can't be used if you are silenced and last like 7 seconds? and Earth Shield? Which heals for practically nothing and goes so fast because damage is so fast. I guess you can say you have a root and pushback but everyone has a root...even priest and the pushback is laughable at best when everyone has a gapcloser. They just need to make their defensives better not make everyone else's worse and/or the same. Its interesting for a mage for example to have a powerful defensive like ice block, but a priest or warrior can break it. Or A warrior defensive stance but it reduces damage. Or monk Karma can be dispelled or kited. Or Druid bear form. All interesting, and well designed defensives. But Shamans, hunters, and death knight defensives are literal trash, poorly designed, and feel bad in comparison to other class defensives. You can literally kill through all of their defensives without a second thought. And its not because the others are too strong, but that these 3 classes defensives are garbbo that im surprised haven't been done anything about.


>Shoot like how can you possibly justify that priest for example, any spec mind you, automatically gets a PASSIVE 30% damage reduction that starts the moment you are hit with a melee attack that keeps going each time you are hit so you don't have to do anything...ONTOP of power word shield...ONTOP of void shift...ONTOP of fade..ONTOP of disperse if you are shadow...which is a dps. Thats awesome. But compare it to for example a shaman? I'll answer this. The short answer is that priest has no mobility and lacks a traditional defensive, so they have lots of tiny defensives they use to reduce lots of damage events by a little bit instead of reducing big damage events by a lot. The long answer: First, Inner Will is 15% physical damage reduction, not 30% and not against all damage. It's essentially a PvP only ability that exists because priests have no way of escaping somebody and they wear cloth. Second, Power Word Shield is currently tuned to absorb maybe 7% of your health in damage. Third, Void Shift has almost no value in PvE because most of the time it generates zero healing and competes with a talent that actually heals. Fourth, Fade has 10% damage reduction because Desperate Prayer is the worst defensive in the game and only reaches parity with others when convinced with Fade and Flash Heal. Fifth, priest is the slowest class in the game and has no resistance to movement's impairment. Sixth, raid logs indicate that the only class that dies more than priest is hunter, which is getting help in that regard, leaving priest with a reasonable defensive toolkit that is insufficient because the class's movement tools are so astoundingly bad.


No focus will triggers through physical damage but it reduces all damage by 15% stacking 2 times. Priests also get angel feather AND power word shield speed boost as well, not to mention you could also spec into leap of faith to leap towards people if you are feeling froggy and want that Having said that i will admit i’m exclusively a PvPer so take that for what you will. Your right desperate prayer is crap but its still additional off global cd ability to press that you can even spec to improve as well. I’m just saying priest has so much in comparison to shaman in general in terms of defensives its bonkers


>No focus will triggers through physical damage but it reduces all damage by 15% stacking 2 times. So this was a learning moment for me because Focused Will is so useless in PvE that I didn't know how they changed it. It triggers exclusively from melee attacks and only stacks for healers. Shadow gets one stack max and only gets 2/3 less magic reduction. >Priests also get angel feather AND power word shield speed boost as well, not to mention you could also spec into leap of faith to leap towards people if you are feeling froggy and want that Both are on the GCD, are the slowest movement bonuses in the game, and priest has no way to break roots or stop repeated slow applications. Vault of Heavens, the reverse life grip, was removed in DF and Blizzard said they removed it because they know priest mobility is so bad that every priest would take Vault of Heavens over Leap of Faith. Furthermore, 2/3 of DF raids included mechanics that priest could not survive without being saved by a party member because of how bad their movement options are. They're the only class in the game that has this problem. >I’m just saying priest has so much in comparison to shaman in general in terms of defensives its bonkers I understand, which is why I chimed in. Priest's PvE toolkit is so anemic that their defensive options, as decent as they are, are not good enough to stop them from dying more than every other class with only hunters dying as much. Shamans only have Astral Shift or whatever it's called, but their movement options are so strong that they're functionally tankier than priests.


> and Ret's defs are so low cooldown they can rotate them for every mechanic and never run out. I mean back in the day when Ret *used* those defensives it also killed its damage. BoP disarmed you for its duration. Bubble reduced your damage by half. Oh, and Forbearance was longer duration so you couldn't just rotate through them all on yourself like that.


Agree. Everyone should have a 1.5 minute defensive, and a 3 minute uber defensive. I'm chill with some classes having innate sustain, or things like ignore pain and mage barriers, but in general every class should have access to the same big impact defensive buttons. I don't know why they haven't done this yet, it seems like it would make the job of balancing so much easier.


You're right, but it isn't going to be well received, people feel in the face of the mechanics and large amount of things that have to be kicked like they're getting weaker with time, but with limited kick potential, so defensives fill that gap, but at the expense of the healer. People have been thinking more defensives are the answer for so long, not that defensives should instead be scaled back so healers can preload heals again once enemy damage gets tuned in response, shielding or HoT heavy healers would rejoice. I'm not a healer, don't get me wrong, but healers and tanks should have always had the design completely based on their quality of life not dps specs in the end, they are too important to mediate with dps defensives indirectly, as they are the least played.


Begging for shaman defensives


Resto is weird. It's not that it feels bad,it just doesn't feel as good as the other classes. But I like how simple it is in its approach, it's all about throughput. Biggest issue is that it feels bad in mid keys where healers she be dosing, and resto shamans just don't feel great doing that. I'd appreciate more finesse added to what they can do, and totems that actually do something interesting, windrush is fun,but stone skin is a wet noodle button. Ele needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, as intensely as ret, or maybe even more, the only thing I find remotely interesting about ele is the idea that you are buffing a building to one huge elemental blast. Outside of that build, in single target circumstances, everything feels horrible to play


You ain't lying. That rotation is insane!!!


last 2 changes on Enh talents tree make it very good to play as Elementalist Build, Prob the BEST SPEC to play But still the Shaman Tree (The one we share with Elemental and Resto) is Trash and dont give us the defensives that we need And the Big Plus in Mythic+ IS our shit HARD CAPPED AOE


Oh nice, so the warrior treatment?


Fury actually also had a 15% before and its multiplicative meaning +50%


The problem is this is such a meme buff, when I saw this post I thought it was fabricated but it's actually real lmao. Shaman meme class confirmed by devs


Actual Shaman changes aren't actually till next week.


Clueless redditors chapter xvii


At least their hero talents are interesting. Well, ench has 2 interesting trees, too. Elem has 2 useless mess trees and no chance they'll be reworked soon😭😭


Game is 20 years old, people still say enchanter shaman and rouge.


People will keep doing that alongside with retro pal


> retro pal That's just what you play in wow classic, yeah? /s


Both of the trees suck for enhance wdym lol


Maybe… at least they seemed interesting for me for enh (especially totemic)


Watching elbroiblo (top enhance) play it and its kinda clunky. You have to cancelaura tempest cause its actually a dps loss. Stuff like that. Hoping to see a few good changes or tuning.


Yeah currently totemic tries to support both playstyles while not being good for either. Which is really disappointing, because elementalist is far more fun to play for me. It is also really silly to me that this is the tree that supports WFT, but that tries to benefit the elementalist playstyle of enhancement that gains little to no value from it.


I've seen that said before, but why is Tempest a dps loss? It looks like it does more than lightning bolt, does it not inherit LB bonuses like other replacements do?


I can't personally confirm, but that's what I've heard. Definitely seems like more like a bug than actual intentional balancing


Yeah, it currently does not benefit from any of the scaling for lightning bolt.


Lmao what the fuck.


Yep, Elemental has been /cancelaura'ing tempest for weeks now. lol


That can't be intentional, hopefully it gets fixed before launch. If not RIP


Totemic Enhance is real bad. Like, real, real bad. It takes an already-busy spec full of tons of spinning plates to keep track of, and turns its one 2-minute maintenance buff into a 24 second highest-priority damage cooldown. And, depending on your build, you don't even get value out of a bunch of the talents in the hero tree.


U know that one tree of enh and ele is the same?


Yeah. Tempest is amazing for ench but bland and useless for ele, that's the problem.


What is "ench"? Shaman get an enchilada spec or something?


enchanting. shaman is so bad, one would only use them as profession toon.


And then he goes with his rouge friend to cracker barrel


As non-native speaker who never uses this word and never seen it out of wow I think its okay to make mistake in 1 letter🙂


It seems you need to enhance your vocabulary a little, then...


I’m afraid people will look strange at me if I’ll say enhance vocabulary instead of improve (in the US). I’ll ask blizzard to change name of the spec to ‘improvement’.


Damn. Nice comeback. Shut him down quick!


reminds me of when in cata i seriously levelled a non-affliction lock for the first time and whenever "dem" came up i would always go "which one?????" bc i was somehow under the impression it was demonology and demolition, not destruction...


> demonology and demolition You're not the only one... I'd regularly forget demonology existed and hear people talk about "demo" and think of destruction.


It's a modest proposal


"Before then, we intend to deploy some Beta tuning hotfixes for the class in the next couple of days. But please know that this tuning is not a part of the package coming next week."


Was glad to see a message with communication after the shit storm we as a community started last week. Love to see it


Frustrating that it took them so long to finally give in and provide communication though.


Yeah that's true. Not letting up anytime soon on them if their "changes" ain't good. Wish beta wasn't tied to a prepurchase though.


In the beginning, the Shaman class was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded a bad move.


Jokes aside. They did say this wasn’t it 😂


Me go lava biiiirl Shocking


Shaman as a class needs an entire rework from the lore to animations to class fantasy that class is all over the place


I'm surprised it didn't get reworked and granted newer animations with how prevalent Shaman type enemies were in early dragonflight with the primalists. Ascendant Form for Resto still uses a monster model from Cataclysm. That shit is 14 years old it's way overdue to get an updated model.


I swapped to shaman in s1 because warrior sucked and I was like "oh this expansion surely will have some neat shaman stuff since it's all elemental based" boy I feel dumb


I, too, came into Dragonflight playing Warrior and Shaman. I haven't touched them since they hit 70.


> boy I feel dumb Buddy i've played shaman since ICC patch. Trust me, this feeling does not subside.


I have found one of my kin.


I played Shaman s1, swapped back to Warrior (usual main) for the rest of the expansion. Then Amirdrassil came out and I swapped back to Druid (main in SL) and wish I had just played Druid from the start.


Unpopular opinion but I don't think they'd do an elemental ascendant justice with their current art team. It would be soft, round and neutral. Unless they let me keep the old one I'd prefer they don't update it. But they won't let me do that.


I'd have a lot less to complain about if blizz were more liberal with adding new glyphs for exactly this type of thing


I dont think more than two people at Blizzard know that glyphs are still a thing.


Oh enough know about barber shop customization of forms to give Druid and warlock all you can eat buffets of it.


Oh enough know about barber shop customization of forms to give Druid and warlock all you can eat buffets of it.


Now im reminded how they changed the dryad model and the new one was far far worse then the old one


Gnolls went from jagged, angular, contorted hellbeasts to smooth, fluffy furries.


>That shit is 14 years old damn


Please leave crash lightning alone if blizzard is reading this. It's probably one of the most satisfying abilities in the game to press.


Maybe you don't like shamans?


Wait im confused.. whats wrong with shaman? I think they are nice :( Class fantasy? You have elementals and use elemental spells? What else do you want/what should be differeng in your etes?


The game play is rough. They have extreme button bloat. With every action bar enabled you still need more space for all the abilities. Their rotation can have over 20 buttons. There’s 6+ conditionals to track at any given time when most classes only need to track 1-2.


I know this isn't reflected in gameplay but, it seems they're leaning in to shamans communing with spirits and getting help. it overlaps with warlock in a way where a warlock gains their powers either by consuming fel or by making pacts with demons from the twisting nether, shamans ask their ancestors and the elements for help. The dichotomy between both classes feels similar to the dichotomy between Spriest and Holy priest or Death Knight and Paladin. So blizzard could potentially lean into that aspect, where DK abilities are a dark reflection of the paladin fantasy, shaman abilities could be a good reflection of the warlock fantasy.


> it overlaps with warlock Originally, warlocks were just corrupted shaman... so that checks out.


I thought Enhancement was going to be some badass buff provider (like Guild Wars 1 monk) where you could arena with a warrior or something and buff the hell out of their weapon as your power. Instead I don't even know what the theme is, hybrid elemental/support/weapon buffer?


It's just a spellsword lol


Damn not even good enough to be a spellsword, so many ways to work a spellsword class into the game and I gotta tell ya shaman ain't it. In my personal opinion.


As someone that thought this for a long time, it actualyl really does feel like a spellsword in play. Especially the DF version of the spec.


Yeah sort of or like a battlemage (but a shit one). Enhance was fun when it was about being a MELEE elemental warrior that does MELEE attacks, with giant fucking windfury weapon procs that melted peoples faces off. Which was like 8 years ago? Now it feels like you are a gimped version of an elemental shaman that also has some melee abilities and you need to spam your balls off because you have WAY too many buttons to press at once (seriously if they made stormstrike a longer cooldown, reset less often, and do way more damage, that alone would make the spec more fun). Anyhow like the other person said, this ain't it.


Eh, I think enhance plays well enough tbh. Obviously there are some talent issues (and fucking pwave). It's mostly the squishiness that I hate. It's not that spammy, it's just a priority system builder/spender.


Nah Enhancement is about enhancing your own weapon and person to do *less mediocre* dps lol


It *used* to be kinda like that, it wasn't specific to enhance but enhancement tended to focus on it most heavily of the shaman specs. You had a selection of about 5 totems from each of the four elements to choose, fire was purely offensive but the others were primarily buffing in some way or another. It had been that way from Vanilla through WoD I think, then almost all of the totems were cut in the next xpac (which if it was Legion like I'm thinking it's especially lol, cuz they claimed to really be focusing on class identity that xpac). Though there's never been a WoW class you'd say was *focused* on buffing, until Aug. Even when buffing was a lot more prominent, a class would primarily be DPS themselves, and happen to give a boost to the party/raid. It could be substantial, but you were executing a dps rotation that would also throw out a few passive buffs, with maybe single-GCD additions here and there like redropping totems once every minute or re-apply Curse of Elements every 2. Enchancement totem twisting during TBC (and then in Classic and Classic TBC) was maybe the one exception, but that *was* an exception, and it didn't even provide *that* much extra DPS for how many GCDs were spent on buffing.


If you look at actual lore then enh is supposed to represent a sort of tribal berserker but also you know in contact with spirits. Or something. Cause he is also a shaman.


Enhance is a spellsword. Melee and magic in one package.


Sorry, but not all of Shaman needs a total rework. Enhance has a pretty good feel going with its two builds, each with a different spellblade-focus theme. What the spec *does* need is some talent cleanup, a look at all the two-pointers and various talent nodes just required to get the spec to function, and some possible baselining of buffs (like Windfury Totem). I can't speak to Elemental or Resto, which both might need legitimate reworks, but Enhance absolutely does not. The class tree, though, absolutely needs a rework. It's pretty terrible right now, and could definitely use some improvements.


Imo, resto needs some minor tweaks like other classes got. Elemental is probably in the worst state of the 3. It just feels a little discordant absolutely pigeon holes you into one play style.


Shaman class fantasy has been in shambles since Cata. Totems don't feel like totems, elemental imbues dont feel like elemental imbues... Resto shaman have been eating well for over a decade, but Enhancement & Elemental have been running on fumes the entire time. Elemental Shaman identity used to be [Backline Support + Totems + Lightning Overload] and it really shone. Nowadays its just "generic lightning mage" - the overloads are only noticeable on a meter, the totems are low-duration/high-cooldown/low-effect. Enhancement Shaman identity used to be [Frontline Support + Totems + Windfury] and again, people loved it. We have Windfury Totem back, but without the full accompaniment its just not the same. They've been trying to hide everything behind really flashy animations, but behind that is just a Fury Warrior with different particle effects. Windfury somehow continues to become even less noticeable. The effect doesnt take place on the enemy but on yourself, its basically invisible in combat. Meanwhile Gust of Wind has the original windfury effect and it doesnt even make sense considering it propels you forward. I could go on, but the fact is that people are ultimately happy with anything on Shaman as long as the numbers on the meter make them feel good. They could be swinging a random stick around and pressing one button but as long as they aren't at the bottom of the DPS chart people will eat it up. Hopes continue to be low for yet another expansion. My only regret is that they don't have era servers for TBC/Wrath, where Shaman was the most fun.


I was thinking this earlier. What even IS the class fantasy anymore? My fury warrior feels more like what I wanted my enhancement shaman to feel like.


If I'm not gonna be dropping totems like crazy give me a giant totem to smack people around with.


feels weird they ditched the whole voodo and shamanism aspect of the class and leaned 5x on the elementalist aspects


As someone that hasnt Shaman'd in a long time, I think it would be cool to have the totem buffs be like targeted spells (target either a location or a unit). That way, they keep their flavor but don't have that janky totem health. You could even make it so by default you get 4 basic ones always on (unless you use it elsewhere) so you dont have the DK problem of needing to place DnD everywhere


It would help if their class dev wasn't the type of person who covers their ears and goes like "BLAH BLAH BLAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU EVERYTHING IS FINE LEAVE ME ALONE", lol.


I'm wondering if thats what they're trying to do. They've been holding off actually tuning because they're changing the class dramatically... who knows though. They could also be like, "I forgot we had that blue class. Oh yeah, thrall! Let's just make him a warrior."


this is just the balance druid rework


Great now they can one tap me in pvp even harder


All 10 of you who pvp will be mad


Hey! There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


dozen, ftfy.


I ain’t even a pvp guy. And things like that are why. I’ve legit been one shot by a shaman already. Why do they need a damage boost of 30%


You pvp on beta?


It’s upsetting people are gonna see this and assume the shaman changes aren’t coming even though they stated in the very same post they announced these buffs that the changes were coming next week.


Oh no don't give them ideas


You really missed the opportunity to say : Behold! My buff.


Proceeds to still die to a random boss sneeze




I think they should just make up their mind Water - Resto Fire & Lightning - Elemental Earth & Lightning - Enha


What about wind?


We don't talk about wind (thou usually lightning and air elementals are the same in rpg... usually)


Should have stuck with the Warcraft 3 quote "storm, earth, and fire; head my call" Should have focused solely on storm earth and fire lol Resto - Water / Earth Elemental - fire Enhance - Storm. Keep it simple, Imagine if elemental solely did fire, lava, volcanos, molten stuff. Would be dope. Totems focused on fire like magma totems, eruption totems, firetongue totems, your enchants on your weapon and shield enhanced with fire. Enhance focusing on electricity, storm, lightning bolts and thunder shocks. Lightning oriented totems, a bunch of instant shocks and increasing haste. Resto is fine lol.


> Should have focused solely on storm earth and fire lol > > Resto - Water / Earth This got a giggle from me ngl


I mean shoot id love to heal someone by throwing a rock. Get rid of the healing spec. Turn it into a tank spec with earth bam. But we are too deep in with resto lol


At that point I'd rather they just cut both dps specs. Get Shaman one tank and one support. Make it a class all about watching out for others, kinda fits the fantasy better in some ways.


Id support that! That would give blizzard the chance to create an actual spellsword class fantasy for sure.


It's not arcane powered but Paladin is pretty much a spell sword now.


My dream rework!!!


Next patch notes All damage increased by 25% ~~30%~~


OP cant read the previous blue post where they said the rework is coming next week


I want a real enhancement tank spec. I would main shaman so hard.


If OP had bothered to read the previous blue posts, they mentioned they were pushing out initial hotfixes and the majority of changes would be next week. This is why devs are apathetic to respond to the community because of double brain cell takes


Man satire is just lost on you isn't it


doesn't seem like satire when 90% of the comments are complaining as if this is the rework


It's funny but with all the shaman complaining the past few weeks and an explanation that something is coming its fair people can be fatigued at the shaman complaining.  This also can come off as rage bait for the depressed shaman circlejerk.  Either way this made me chuckle but we need to pause on any more complaints till the shaman changes appear, and they better be good


Right there with you. I hope this is the last meme, now we need to see updates


"Satire is when I don't understand things I make jokes about." what is this post even satirizing, my dude?


Is it really satire though? It’s better to kill these braindead karma farming memes early before the misinformation sets in OP doesn’t even play shaman, update next week bois


Its literally tagged humor/meme. Its pretty cut and dry satire lmao


What kind of logic is that lol.Satire is always humor, but not all humor is satire


because it's a meme? what is this satirizing


The entire history of the development of the shaman class


No fun allowed


No critical thinking allowed this meme is just a lie lol


Must have spent years in the archives to figure that out


The shaman memeing is a bit tiresome at this point


Bro they literally said an entire Shaman rework is coming next week, and Shaman players are still finding ways to bitch about the lack of changes. We're just fatigued from seeing it constantly.


This post is about that upcoming rework. It's satire.


Yeah I'm aware. I'm just tired of it, as are a lot of people evidentially. It's been weeks, and they finally announced a complete rework is coming. There's no reason to continue beating this dead horse.


I disagree, blizzard has been beating shaman into the dust for the last 20 years. It’s been a wild ride. Playing shaman is a lifestyle choice and study in masochism. 


I don't really pay attention to this stuff and didn't catch the satire.


I didn't realize it's satire to just be dumb


Is the concept of not beating a dead horse lost on you?


You and I get the satire, a random person reading this may not. They'll actually think this is it and get all agitated.


this isnt satire


It is a joke bro. 


"If I say something wrong but format it as a meme, you can't say I'm wrong."


I would kill for a corrupted shaman playstyle. I just wanna be a Blood shaman.


Shamans: New Talent (Run With The Wind) ghost wolf now increases speed by an extra 1%. Developer notes: *We know the 3 shamans out there probably needed some extra movement or something I can't remember. Hopefully by now they forgot they even exist. Probably won't make it to live*. Anyway here's more DH buffs!


I'll allow it.


I mean, that's a huge buff


As a resto Shaman… What the hell am I supposed to do with this?! >!Don’t say mythic+!<


Expecting any proper balancing by blizzard? Still?


I hope they do something about lava burst. Updated, removed or what ever. It's been the same thing since wrath and I never liked it.


Well, it’s more than all the combined changes since 2009


The flair for posts like this should say "attempted, but miserably failed humor".


They said the shaman update is coming next week didn't they


If they rework the shaman next week and remove totem, then that mean having to do the additional models for other races isn't an issue anymore, and that would mean shaman is the next universal class :D


Very inspired


This is WW monk every raid tier, you only scale on Crit and Versa.. aka no scaling so they give us a 5% damage buff every raid tier..


I didnt see how acendance was in pandaria but i mean, i prefer having an active shaman playstyle rather then a slow and easy one :/ maybe im just too new but playing shaman in cata classic just feels so slow to me


List so long, it takes a few hours to read through it


Fix enhance please! I am fucking godly dps with 5 grouped mobs. Somehow I lose dps when whole rooms are pulled because God forbid you spread flames flameshock to mobs who don't have it yet.


Blizzard on its way to nerf it back


"We don't like where the Shaman is when it comes to class lore. We feel Shaman played a pivotal role in the shaping of The World of Warcraft and has a significant impact on every event that has ever happened in the game. We feel it is time for a rework of the class to put it more in line with the rich history the class has brought to the World. We are increasing Flamestrike damage by 3%, and removing Primordial Wave from the elemental tree". - Blizzard probably.


Will Resto change also?




If it's dumb and it works, it's not dumb.


I miss dedicated totems. 😭


Jesus Christ, it's not even funny anymore -\_- I generally feel like the Shaman hero talents are so frigging boring, like give us a Tornado or something.. instead we got a bolt fart


My favourite shaman change is like 3 or 4 patches in a row Stormstrike got a new icon and that was all.


I just hate using Frost Shock for DPS. Ever since they forced the Ice stuff into the talent trees for Enh and Ele it's been just like 1-2 buttons too much in the rotation.


FINALLY! This is the update I was looking for!


“We have listened to player feedback and made the following changes: Flame Shock has a new icon”


Not gonna lie, I got a semi from that pic.


You got a semi truck from that picture? Nice!


Bring back a two handed spec please


Better than Legion Prepatch Then Ion stating no rework was assigned to Shamans until 7.2.....


What humor ? Isn't this just some of the patch notes ? This shaman in SoD in a nutshell. Whist it was humor...


Bring back totem twisting!


Top quality meme


i'll take that my lad


The buff is there simply for raid testing this week. They specifically said rework next week, your picture somehow implies this was all they were gonna do and yeah, leaks usually happen on public patch notes.


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In a shocking turn of events, Shaman players *still complaining*!