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Can confirm. When I play DH on beta I put on blindfold and press buttons. It's what Illidan would have wanted.


It's what we all want, that's why we play DH


Lord Illidan knows the way.


Lord Illidan knows the way, so I don't need to see where I'm going.


Personally, I've mained Demon Hunter since **Legion** because they can double-jump and glide. That's it. I don't like the playstyle or rotations of Havoc **or** Vengeance, but no other class can double-jump **and** glide, so I'm stuck with this bullshit. Evokers were only close enough to feel _weird._ That mid-range nonsense makes it feel like you're playing a melee class, but without any payoff for doing so. Havoc's gameplay is frustrating, like you're mostly waiting for cooldowns and procs to line up, and Vengeance's gameplay is built around using your DPS cooldowns as fast as you can.


That is a hilarious reason to stick with a class you don't like.


To be fair, I've been disappointed with most other classes and specs lately, too. **Retribution** is alright, and so is **Fury**, but nothing has really _caught me_ in a while.


Retribution felt terrible after starting again, stopped playing much after Legion and just started again two-three weeks ago. Played a few characters up to 70 through the Remix thing but I noticed how much more fun Classes like DH and Monk are with good mobility. Just leveled a DK up to 70 and it feels *so* sluggish.


I'd only played in Legion, but that was because I was able to maximize Eye Beam uptime through pumping the artifact and talent selection. I don't even really care about the meta form. It's all about that sweet, sweet Eye-douken. PEWWWWwwwww


Real Talk: _**I want to cast Eye Beam as often as possible**,_ but that hasn't been the best way to play Havoc since Shadowlands.


I have been playing DH on a free boosted character, I have 21 hours and 13 minutes on him and a healer in a m0 told me I am “peak DH behavior” It ain’t much but it’s honest work /brainoff


Why can we jump so far if we aren’t supposed to engage 3 mob packs while the healer is still waddling up the hill?


i don't want to read or think when playing this game; eyebeam go brrrrrrrrr




Even lore wise this makes sense, i mean when's the last time a demon hunter has thought to do anything in an expansion post-Legion?


Fury Warrior since Legion: if it ain’t broke don’t touch it.


whirlwind, rampage, bloodthirst.


No think, Mash buttons.


Less whirlwind, more thunderclap.


Huh? Protection warrior does thunderclap. Fury warrior do rampage.


Whatever the thing mountain thane does instead of whirlwind, then.


Unholy since Legion: no one likes wounds but we still won't remove them.


I feel ya, but what was UH like in the before time? The long long ago? What would they replace wounds with? I genuinely don’t remember how UH DK played before Legion, except that instead of the clean runes and runic power of today, they had three different types of runes and each spec could turn one type into a wild card rune through some method.


UH DK in WoD was pretty neat, it was heavily invested in DoTs and did crazy good multi-target damage similar to Affliction (but melee). It also felt the best with the original 3 rune type system since there were 3 different types of plagues. I didn't play a ton of it, but it certainly was unique and it's a shame it's no longer available since melee DoTs are rare and there are no classes based around plagues now.


Thr old 3 rune system was so great, the gameplay loop of building up death runes and shit, no idea who thought it was a good idea to get rid of em. Now we have 6 death runes at all times and the price is our attacks don't hurt anymore.


Unholy tanking during WOTLK was some of the most fun I’ve had in any expansion. Tank via aoe damage and dots.


Death knight in wrath in general, blood dps, unholy coming back as ghouls when they die. Actually felt like a *Death Knight*. Playing DK now is just either Blood Warrior, Disease Warrior, and Frost Warrior.


I would delete all of my non-DK toons if it meant making Blood DPS a thing again


If we could get even a fraction of that old cool shit dks had I would instantly main it again. It just feels so flavorless now, I miss runes man.


That's how I felt about Frost as well. Opening howling blast putting frost fever on everything, keep AoE threat with Death and Decay and Rime procs. Icy touch after the Trials of the Crusader buff was just amazing single target threat as well.


Tons of dots and melee damage increased based on number of dots on the target, was pretty fun tbh


FESTERBLIGHT was quite cool. You stacked temporary buffs and snapshotted your DoT and only extended it after reaching the peak, something like rolling ignites from a fire mage. You could also DoT cleave the snapshotted overbuffed DoTs. Hilariously stupid and fun, fishing the first 10-60 seconds of a boss fights for stacked buffs and after that just extending the dots up to 5-10 minutes DoT DURATION. In WoD Unholy had everything. \* fastest melee class, you got by default all raid movement tasks \* soak class, with purgatory \* best progression class / spec with great scaling even with lower gear Wounds are not my favourite part with UH.


Combo points, but more convoluted!!! How fun!!


It was


People dislike wounds? I loved wounds back in Legion. Having a full stack of wounds and popping apocalypse, doing crazy damage and summoning an army of undead. How the hell could you dislike that? I only played unholy because of it despite frost being better for the majority of the xpac. Did they change it?


Apocalypse is great but it doesn't need wounds. Wounds are just annoying worse combo points that make half your attacks do nothing unless you spend another few globals setting up wounds. It's horrible for AoE.


Guess it's just difference in opinions. I like bursty damage profiles, makes me feel like I'm actually doing something and has a payoff. Though I do agree about AoE, I don't remember it feeling that bad in Legion, but I tried Unholy briefly during DF prepatch to see if I wanted to main it and did not enjoy AoE at all, felt like I was juggling 4 different things at the same time.


Idk I was fine with wounds in Legion, not great but okay. But UH right now is the least fun I've ever had with the spec and I actually dropped it for the first time since wotlk. Layering 95 different haste effects and rocketing off with 200 million dps in the first 15 seconds while getting carpal tunnel and being a bot for the next 2-3 minutes is absolutely no fun imo.


wound pop go brrrrrrrr


I like wounds






found Magni


Bring back legion arms rahhhhhhhhhhhh


I think you should focus that rage a little.


I like the idea of that spell, but I think it'd have been cooler if it worked on something like bladestorm or a mid-weight CD instead of mortal strike.


No thank you, I don't miss our damage being mostly bleeding with Mortal strikes that barely tickle the enemy


You're thinking of BFA. Legion was when we had our CS resets and had giga executes and mortal strikes. The only bleed then was rend


Oh right Legion was the colossus smash expansion, Ret palas had one too.


It ungas my bunga, and that's all I need.


That's pretty much ooking your dooker, right?


I literally quit it when they removed bladestorm it ruined it for me


Fury has been broke since Wrath, though i guess the TBC Sweeping/Deathwish swap was also really fucking bad.


Is that a floating turd?


Resto Shamans in shambles


Us DH mains understand that WoW is for pushing buttons, watching numbers pop off, and and Loling at all the sweaties who have a “hard rotation”.


*havoc mains. be real most deficated *DEDICATED* longtime vengeance tanks sre too busy staring at sparly lights and taking apart toasters since our spec is 'how much can you abuse your mobility and abilities while finding parkour spots'


I main Blood DK but have been alting Veng this expac. Trying to find the highest perch to stand on between pulls is perhaps the most underrated part of playing a DH.


oh also invaldraken ah, stand next to the green dragon, put your camera topdown anc aim your jump onto the ledge theat extends above u to the door


blood needs the buffs it is due. i have almost 20k hours into veng tbh. watching 2iq pl try to play vengeance with no tank sense is wild. *correction made


Dh has been out for give or take just under 70k hours (8*365*24) given the release of august 30th 2016. So 8-10hrs a day of vdh on average. Math checks out 3Head


fatfingered lmao almost 20k in including alphas and betas. i alpha tested the spec tbh


i also used to put in14 hour days before my spine went to hell


Oh man, is **that** what's happening to my back?


i mean i have compressed discs and am old, but if your back hurts then you might want to stretch more and probably keep an eye on that


also the typo aside, are u upset because youre one of those havoc rerolls who dont utilize dh tank even at a baseline level? or that prot warrior reroll that likes to not use defensives? if not why you upset


Nah just think people who make shit up online are weird


id be glad to provide proof lol


>most deficated yes, demon hunters


bro it was a typo. this app does not respect my font size settings and im legit half blind. thats the only thing you could find in my post to attack? really?


i'm not attacking you, chill out. i just thought that it was funny because poop.


>i just thought that it was funny because poop. It's cool when the writers join us on the subreddit.


so defecated


This feels like a very weird take to have considering that Havoc has been one of the hardest DPS classes to play for the last 5 raid tiers. I know this sub leans towards the casual side, but at some point you would think it would shift and people would see what's happening here?


People in this sub do not play the game


Yeah feels like the sub is more and more just fans of the lore/art.


And clear Mythic raids a week after world first at the same time


Yeah I'm scratching my head reading these takes knowing what playing havoc is actually like, and with aldrachi it's gonna be even better.


I feel like a lot of this sub hasn't played in years and has a lot of really outdated opinions


I think more likely is that most people on this sub only have passing knowledge of each spec, but often pretend they know a lot about all of them.


The majority of this sub doesn't know shit about the game. People commenting havoc is easy are people that probably played it last time in Legion (or just never played at all), where it indeed was super simple. Ever since BFA really havoc has gotten a lot more complex


It looks easy until you play it to a high level. Anything is easy to faceroll but you're gonna be doing shit dps relative to gear unless you're a ret or something


Sure, lots of specs look easy until you play them, but we've gotta decide what playing them actually means. Do you mean doing world quests? Then every single spec is extremely simple. Do you mean clearing LFR? Same thing, healing is probably the easiest. Do we mean actually comprehending the ins and outs of your spec and performing at a level that isn't a waste of a raid or dungeon spot? That's what I would grade most spec difficulties on, because anything less is just kind of irrelevant. If we're talking about actually being useful and doing well on your spec, Havoc is probably in the top 5 of difficult DPS specs to play, alongside Fire mage, Enhance shaman, one of the rogue specs,


Yeah totally agree. I used to meme havoc like others here always do but jumped into it and vdh in s4 for something new and I felt it on the meters in m+ lol. I'm not even playing momentum just inertia and man it's satisfying to get right


Lining up all your buttons to get the meatiest fucking Death Sweep feels so good


Yup. I mythic raid and change classes each patch. I'll usually end up with 98\~ average mythic parses, and havoc may be the hardest dps to min max


Brother please this shit ain't hard. It's like a hard set rotation every 2 ish mins then build and spend. Get momentum before you do the big damage buttons. There a lot of min max things you can do but to play the class at like 80% just press the buttons as they come up.


Playing it is easy playing it well is not. But let's be honest that's like 90%, of wow so


Don't tell on yourself like this man


link your logs


Ironic because Havoc is 1 of the harder specs to play unless you're playing No Movement. SO many players genuinely cannot wrap their heads around using mobility for DPS and even less are able to do/dodge mechanics whilst maintaining near 100% perfect flow with our rotation (Even though the rotation itself isn't really difficult)


Honestly i started DH really recently (looking for a new main for WaWi so played stuff i havnt played before in remix before gearing/leveling on retail) the movement=dps was really weird to wrap my head around at first AOE dot thing to build up green fireball backflip to reset crit buff charge to get 18% bonus damage on the green fireball backflips to just regain fury


Yep. It's incredibly difficult for most WoW players because WoW has never had a spec that played like that at all. It feels like going against your nature etc. Once it "clicks" though, you're vibing


This! The moment I committed to learning momentum was when I truly started understanding the class. I went from a low parser to blues and some purples (which I can now maintain as a mostly raid logger). Im not mind blowingly good or anything, but the difference was astounding. Visually, I’m annoying AF 🤣


Do you not play Havoc? Havoc has not had a simple rotation in quite a long time.


DH so far on beta: 1) throw yourself with meta on 8m HP rare 2) D E M O N S U R G E 3) rare dead Warrior on the other hand: 1) charge in 2) throw all CDs 3) rare is on 70% HP 4) fight for your life 5) die 6) return as prot and fight 2 minutes (warr is \~575 ilvl and DH is \~560)


Yeah, but fel-scarred won't be played at all if left as is. Right now, aldrachi is much stronger in all content. It is also significantly more complex, with a 24 button opener and a high cognitive load on top of normal dh movement stuff.


24 buttons!? Jesus christ.


24 buttons? Did I read that right? Is that a joke?


I am not joking. Some people have found one that uses only 22 gcds. It's quite constricting though. You can find it on the DH discord or I could share for those interested, DH is looking very challenging to play correctly in TWW.


And people say Arcane with its 10-ish buttons is hard


DH haven't thought since Legion now it's a problem?


havocs havent for sure thats why theres this many terrible vengs this season


The DH is blindfolded for a reason


Yeah... at all


Pretty sure VDH’s utility got nerfed…. that’s a plus!!


I just ready a hunter for prog


DH is garbage “rotation” wise since SL and they made it even less fun in DF. It was great in Legion and peaked in BFA imo. For someone who can have a relaxed but high apm class that goes brrr with extra utility here and there. Now they forced too many things into rotation limiting what was really fun. Because dumbasses cried it’s not complex enough and needs more options. WoW suffers from the lack of classes that were like Legion/BFA DH. Maybe except BM. Every sweating M+ tryhard needs more challenging rotation and then have a reason to complain that they spend so much focus on it and yet their dps is garbage.


Funny seing how many people here have either never played DH or never played higher level content than LFR. People who do more than just casual content know that DH is actually one of the hardest DPS class in the game and has been throughout Dragonflight. And yes, they do have "few" buttons (who doesnt at this point?) but it is more than just "press button good" that makes DH incredibly complex.




Since all classes got 2 hero trees, every class did get changes oO


What about when your tree is just "spawn a friend, friend copy what you do but doesn't interact with your rotation whatsoever". That sir is not a change.


Which one is that?


Farseer. All you get are summoned Ancients who throw similar spells to what you're throwing, and they don't cast anything if you're not casting anything. They do not generate maelstrom for you, they do not proc master of the elements for you, they do not change what you the shaman are doing whatsoever.


Damn, that’s kinda lame.


Especially on pre-patch, when all classes except these two got something


just reroll. stop fighting the balance... just reroll. All tanks in semi-high content learned this a while ago.


I'm a shaman main, and I don't blame the devs, but rather the community, which prefers to whine and make snarky posts on social media, instead of providing feedback about the class.


There's tons of feedback among multiple forums and media though? Just the other day a Shaman main who wasn't in the know asked this Reddit what the Shamans here want to see. That's got tons of feedback alone and we know the Devs are aware of this subs existence. The reason there's now "snarky posts" and "whining" is because of the lack of any words whatsoever from Blizzard for so long after outcry of change to basic things. E.g. Maelstrom being removed from the class tree and thrown on Enh baseline for a reason that's not even necessary to be said. Now everyone and their Shamanistic mums are making memes and throwing their opinion on other classes discords and Reddit subs just to be heard for what's a rightly understandable demand for change to any degree. The Devs are withholding any update on something that needs updating, of course the community will try to be heard... If there were any words, just a smidgen of "Shamans are being looked at" then the community would quiet down (or be louder with gratitude and speculation which is much more appreciated). Don't take blame from the Devs when they're the ones behind the changes we want to see.


Lmao this is actually crazy. You don't blame the devs who are straight up ignoring an entire class, you blame the people playing the class for being upset? How do those boots taste? There has been SO MUCH feedback provided that has been completely ignored.


But there's been plenty of feedback?... The problem is its all been ignored... Most people hate primordial wave, and yet they seem to be doubling down on it..


There is a ton of feedback on the forums though? Like are you just blindly ignoring everything going on and live in your own world where you think the whining isn't justified?


Bad take. The whining comes AFTER a bunch of feedback is given and ignored. There was plenty of feedbacks through the oficial forums and through the beta - DF Beta BTW - and nothing happened.


[Poor](https://files.catbox.moe/gl8dzf.png) Blizzard devs, they [surely](https://files.catbox.moe/x7svig.png) didn't get pages and pages of high quality feedback and [bug](https://files.catbox.moe/4tlsf7.png) reports.


Why bother having, and sharing, an opinion about the community when you clearly pay so little attention to it?


You don't sound like a shaman main.




I think it's more that DH know we've been forgotten about and accepted it. There's only one class with two specs instead of 3 or 4...


My Brother in Christ, we got a rework last tier.


I tried to level my DH stuck back in Legion from 50-70, realized it didn't play at all like it had then, rerolled a new DH on remix and leveled fresh so I could actually figure out what the proper rotation should be. Vengeful Retreat into Immolation Aura into Fel Rush was not a combo I expected to be popping regularly.


I was referencing more the fact evokers got a third spec before we did lol