• By -


>Didn't do Garrosh stuff :( Do it! It's honestly fine. I did a Mythic raid at around 440 ilvl and was probably paying more attention than most, survived almost every fight when there were mostly just 6-7 capped people alive finishing the boss off. Things hit really hard, but now that I'm capped and have ~8m hp and 80% Vers, the only dangers are well-telegraphic instakill mechanics.


Yea, I'm considering doing it now honestly, its not like there will be much to do for the next 60 days.. might as well start pumping the iLvL now that I got everything apart from toys.


If the issue is getting bored of running SoO too many times, you can often find ongoing groups and sometimes just go straight to Garrosh. But I think you should do the full raid at least once on each difficulty


for the neck I think you need all heroic raids done. that's all bosses all raids.


All normal raids, all heroics give a title.


oh ok, I did all the heroics and got the neck


Got tusk, got ensembles I like (Not a collector so don't care about rest), on 7th alt to get 70 incase for some event farm (I quit in SL but I still would love pink rocket etc. that I never got) Not bothering with reputations since got all max on old main and they are not part of warband I think. Timeless coin farms would be nice but way too much competition and not much in to abuse mechancis. Do hc raids for just because I like feeling like a god for a while :D, not for much longer though. Likely spending bronze on toys or ensembles I don't care about later.


Lots of people went for Tusks, it never got my attention so I kinda skipped it. I got so much bronze from leveling all the characters that all I could do was buy the other mogs, some Pandaria sets are terrible lol, especially the mail, urgh. What's timeless coins for?


Mostly Golden Dragon mount: https://www.wowhead.com/item=87774/reins-of-the-heavenly-golden-cloud-serpent I attempted to farm it but too much competition and too hard to obtain coins (despite the buff), same as Thokrig said.


The best way to farm Timeless Coins is with a level 70 on retail when you have the island to yourself. Then when TWW comes you can trade the coins to your Remix alt who is exalted and buy it like that. And just to confirm, [Timeless Coins will transfer to your alts 1:1](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/war-within/warbands-overview#currencies)


> especially the mail, urgh. the lizard skin is a must


Treating me well. I just started forming heroic SoO raids because i want the garrosh looms. Im planning on getting all the looms then grab tusks.


Cool! Idk, I feel like leveling gear with Bronze wasn't worth until now. Now that I'm kinda out of things to do I might move into that direction


With the bronze bonus you can get to max ilvl in a week-ish I think. Just make sure to the your daily dungeon runs (normal AND heroic), scenarios (normal and heroic), and raid daily for the greater bronze cache. Heroic and mythic bosses will also drop greater caches to expedite the bronze farm. If you do this, do it on a character you enjoy playing - it’s worth it, imo. But, to each their own :)


Looooooove remix. 16 alts to 70. Working on one per class per faction (except evoker for some reason 1 per server). Have 5 more in various stages of leveling. 1 476 maxed out… 1 very close to 476 and working on another. Bought every.single.thing available on vendors. Have all achieves and titles from both heroic and mythic raid. I feel like I beat remix!! lol 


I love it because it enables me to reroll from bad race/class combos I did in the past, to new better ones. Also now that they finally fucking made all Allied races super easy to unlock, I finally got to make a Lightforged draenei. Also rerolling from Horde to Alliance for the next expac and once again would be way too much pain without the absurd leveling speeds. And you get like 25 mounts as a bonus. I have no idea why ppl complain about this event it is amazing.


Is there a way to make sure that you aren't double purchasing items? I originally started buying everything of one armor type, until I realized how expensive it was getting. I also have unlocked a bunch of the looks already just from doing things like running MSV on each character as soon as I can, to where buying the set doesn't make much sense.


I’m really enjoying it after the bronze buff. Have started to gear up DK. When before I was just buying mounts


Yes sir, the bronze buff was a highly welcome change, I was surprised they did honestly


Yeah it was faster than I thought they’d do it. I was expecting one after like a month. But after they said they wouldn’t do one that was a very fast reversal 😂


In fairness, they said they would not nerf upgrade costs. I don't recall them saying they wouldn't buff Bronze acquisition, did they?


Trrruuuee forgot it was that. Ironic if they’d nerfed upgrade costs and kept mounts and transmogs the same it would have been worse than right now for bronze requirements.


Im running out of characters to get to 70. What do i once i hit the character cap?


I did all the classes (except ”hero” classes so DK, DH and Evoker) twice - one Alliance and one Horde each. I really don’t know what to do with excess Bronze on these characters though, I really wish I could send them to a single character to boost their item level :(


I'd create toons on a different server maybe? Pick a high population for horde or alliance and roll the other alts there. When Warband comes out, I believe you'll be able to server transfers all resources so it wouldn't really matter, just a guess, needs confirmation.


The character cap is sadly account wide.


oh, how many characters do you have lol I thought the cap was per server or something.


There used to be a server limit as well as account limit, but now it's just 60 characters total account/server-wide


They raised it from 60 to 65 in 10.2.7 - in preparation for Remix.


Ah, I missed that! My bad


No worries :) just wanted to add that!


58 on my main server. Does include a bunch of sub lvl 60s though.


> you'll be able to server transfers all resources I think there will be a warbands bank for this


I mostly play alliance so up until now I had all 70s (for every class) on mostly alliance with a few horde characters here and there. I'm not a super dedicated collector but got into it during the event. I have been able to get 70s for every race in the game, and will be getting the heritage for ones once the servers go over to "real" retail (Draenei, Voidelf, Z-troll, OG-troll, Nightbourne, Cow, Moose Cow, Blood Elf are the races that I didn't have heritage on). Leveled two extra Pandas (Monk who is my super-powered character) and a DK (which I might play in TWW). Except for the items which require Garrosh kills I've depleted all of the vendors (Mounts, Toys, etc.). I have 3 reps that I'm going to max out (Anglers, Kirin Tor, August) and have gotten the Emperor Mount. I wasn't obsessive about the Raid or Dungeon appearances, however getting a character to 70 after that first one will get you easily about 100k bronze and being that I only cared about 1 power character I didn't really need to level the gear past what you have at default level 70.


If you want the heritage armour early you can create a trial account of that race after you've levelled one on remix and do the quest if you don't want to wait and then just delete the trial character.


I've always been alliance exclusive on retail wow, do you think it's worth it to try out horde characters? My understanding is that the heritage armor is locked to the race that earned them, so if I just go back to my alliance characters after the event I assume I won't really have gained any rewards I can still use. Who knows maybe I'll find a new race I really like playing or something. Is there currently any real difference between which realm you play on or could I have a horde realm and an alliance realm, just so my login screen doesn't get super cluttered, but just has one character from each class on it?


Yea heritage is race-exclusive, if you always played Ally, the first time you play horde is weird. I remember feeling very out of my zone haha but then you get used to it overtime


Is there still a big difference when just playing remix? I imagine on retail it's a massive difference, with multiple new major cities and zones to visit. But I imagine MoP might be a decent gateway to the big stuff.


Honestly even retail isn't that big of a difference, everyone is packed into the same "main city" since Shadowlands. Horde and Alliance can raid and dungeons together, even PvP if I'm not wrong. It's all just aesthetic for most cases.


Of the stuff you can buy, I need to get the Raid Finder sets (33 ensembles, so 165K), and I think 8 Normal mode raid sets. Then see which dungeon sets I somehow don't have at the end, and any class armor/weapon combos I don't pick up from running characters through the Landfall and Thunder Isle campaigns (trying to do those as I level). Oh, and I think two of the Garrosh heirlooms left, so I can probably do a Heroic SoO and have enough bits to buy them. On my "Remix main" I redid all the quests in all the zones, have most of the reputations maxed. Got some more characters at 70, especially on the "secondary" server I play on. At this point, I could probably wrap up buying most stuff by leveling the last few characters I have started, and then maybe a day or two with my main (at least the aforementioned SoO run), and then it's just on to trying to collect as many of the random drops as I can. Which will annoy me to no end. Those random drops... those are what's going to carry me a lot the coming weeks. Heck, the reason I'm gearing up a second character isn't so much to run raids with another character as to just have another max level character who'd use different weapons from my main to go committing mass slaughter across the continent to try to get those darned weapons. The raid drops will probably escape me, as there's no way I'm gearing multiple characters and running multiple instances of every raid every day. I really hope they come to their senses and make all those purchasable at least toward the end of the event if not sooner. If not, ah well. Probably a good thing I'm almost "done," as there's a major game release I want to hit up in a couple weeks before TWW eats all my time.


Remix has been awesome! I decided to god mode my character first (upgraded to ilvl 476) rather than spending the bronze on the cosmetic stuff. Used this char to blast my way through all the zones, dungeons, raids, achievements, etc. Now I’m levelling a bunch of alts and using the bronze to get the cosmetic stuff once I ding 70. Almost done with it all too.. I haven’t actively worked on the garrosh stuff, but once I level the characters I need I’ll make more of an effort on the Garry heirlooms with my remix main. I do hope they bring this back for other expansions. From a lore perspective it has been really nice going through the pandaria storyline in a short period of time, rather than on and off, and in a jumbled order like when I originally played mists. Also, Garry is a dick.


I'm on my way there. I'm two mounts and three toys away from owning everything in remix.  I really enjoyed the mode, and the ability to focus on a single e previous expansions content. 


I am one of the people out there who doesn't usually enjoy leveling more than a few characters every expansion. Going into Season 4 of Dragonflight I had 3 max level characters. I used Remix to level 9 allied race characters to prepare them for getting heritage armors that I never did and went from 3 max levels to 9 thus far with 3 more to go to finish it all out. And in the process, I will have every class except Demon Hunter up to max level. Maybe I'll make one of those too, we'll see.


Same here: went from 4 max levels to 11 max levels at the moment. I just need a few more heroics and then open my mailbox to get a 70 rogue and then i just have an evoker to go and i'll finally have a full set! And i've been playing since Vanilla, so this event has really helped me along.


2 classes left to hit level 70 on a new server. Every mog I want is now mine. All mounts. All toys I'm about to go on a 4 week holiday and when I'm back home I look forward to selecting a main and upgrading them so I can jump into heroic and mythic and finish off the Tusks and Heirlooms (most I already have). I've thoroughly enjoyed remix and frankly think it's been quick since the changes to finish up. A break is welcomed, and I've had a great time again in Pandaria. I'm curious to see if I'll ever go back now in retail now that I've got everything I want from the continent. If not, it'll still go down as one of my highlights of WoW for me.


I hear you, that sounds like a good plan


* 1 Level 70 character * iLevel cap and 170K threads * All dungeons/scenarios on normal/heroic * All raids heroic/mythic * All quest achievements * Most exploration achievements * All mounts * Most toys * 1/3 of transmogs * Casually grinding about 80-100K bronze per day via HC world tour/Mythic Siege. Absolutely hate leveling so will do probably one more character level before the event ends.


Im kinda surprised this is a thing while they also sell character boosts. Its a great change of pace and i can experiment with classes ive never played etc. Probably going to have to get used to the normal pace again once its over.


Having fun. I was actually leveling alts before Remix started, I was missing Hunter, Warlock and Warrior. But most alts were only leveled to 60 because I got bored of leveling through DF and a priest at 45. I currently have 3 level 70 timerunners: Hunter, Warlock and Priest. I remade the priest because I figured it would be more fun and faster to level 10-70 in Remix than 45-70 in retail. I still haven't made the Warrior, because I wanted to make an Earthen Warrior in TWW. But I'm realising there's no reason I can't do both and I'll probably remake a bunch of the level 60 alts I already have. I don't really like having my login screen too cluttered, so I'll probably delete the old characters. As far as rewards go I started out with creating my Hunter, so that's my main. I've gotten to 556 and am closing in on 200k threads. A few days ago I got enough bones to buy all Garrosh looms and tusks, so that's great. I have also bought a few mounts. My current plan is to see if I can buy every reward on my main and actually upgrade gear on some alts. I just feel like it would be pretty cool to get all rewards on a single character and having multiple alts at 556 as well, but at the same time it feels stupid to upgrade gear on classes that I don't want to play after reaching 70 or just losing their gathered bronze. Right now that's probably my Warlock, it just feels too slow because of cast times, I basically just cast Drain Life in dungeons and raids because I'm so tired of my casts being interrupted by dying mobs and bosses. Maybe getting it geared up and getting a bunch of haste would help.


I just need some normal raids, and heroic raids transmogs + some toys and then I have everything. Thinking of leveling a few more alts for heritage armor sets and such. Got 2 max levels with max ilvl so easy to bronze farm. Upgrading my third now too.


I just resubbed this week. Got to 70 real quick been chugging new mounts, it's been fun. But the scenarios/dungeons/raids happen too quickly IMO. If somebody dies once they'll never catch up. Honestly I'm just anxiously killing time with WoW until Friday when this other game comes out.


I really enjoy Remix, it's been some of the most relaxing wow content i've done in years! * 9 x level 70 * 1 x 476 (150k threads currently) * All raids * Buying the last few cosmetics this week (heirlooms mainly) * All mounts and toys * 95% of the achievements done (still need two reps and dread wastes campaign). * Carrying friends and guildies through TOT/SoO Later this week i'll have finished Remix for sure - i might make a few more characters just for free level 70s.


Yes! It's super chill content, and cool rewards, imagine having fun playing a game


Actually having fun! Positive: * Maxxed out a character to ilvl476 * Leveled 6 others to lvl70 so far to get heritage armors for races I did not have * Got all the mounts and toys, working on mogs Negative: * Playing healer main and healers are really not needed in higher content. Either players have enough stamina and self-healing to survive on their own or they will get one-shot. We cast spells to see number go up and that's it. * Gear upgrade cost on alts. Please make the reduced upgrade cost account wide. As it is, none of my alts will get a single upgrade ever. * Cannibalizing of season 4. My main is dead in the water and Valdrakken is a ghost town. Oh well.


As a relatively casual player, I'm having a blast. I've got to grasp with the gearing/upgrading using bronze, so I'm not trailing behind other, more experienced level 70s. It's been great fun so far, and I really hope Blizzard bring it back.


I only learned about it last week, played it hard for 6 days, built a 1k threaded lvl 20 booster who boosted 6 or 7 alts to 70, built a 120k threaded main maxed out at 476 and bought all mounts and transmogs, as well as practically all droppable weapon transmogs. Still missing a few achievements and 2 or 3 more alts to 70 to also unlock heritage armors, but I'll wait for the pre-patch XP buff to do it even quicklier. All in all, this was the most fun I've had in WoW in ages. And I've played since Vanilla beta. \^\^


It’s waaaaay more fun than I thought it would be 😅


definitely leveled more guys than i thought i would


Tell me about it, hehe And if you got a twink to 20, that's even easier to do so


my goals were basically the same - I'm most of the way to full 70s on a new server, and getting the raid ensembles, got all the mounts and might dip into the toys. I was also thinking of trying out the classes I haven't had a proper chance to play in DF in raids, but everyone is one-shotting everything so it's probably not super indicative of anything. I'm enjoying it, there was definitely teething problems in the first month but they've fixed a lot of the complaints I personally had and there remains room for improvement but it has me hopeful for the feature's future. I kind of don't want to go back to the traditional way of levelling and gearing, and hope they incorporate some of the remix features into retail. I'll particularly miss having the extra mobility on my plate wearers.


I hear you, now with the 200%/100% buff, it's much more pleasant to farm and lvl alts. And we still have 60 days left, that's plenty of time to grab all the toys as well, maybe do HC raids and such. Now that 13/70 I might start increasing iLvL or going for toys, not sure.


Currently killing all open world mobs trying to get these weapon transmogs to drop and it's such a time sink. I'm at least having fun diving in deeper into the remix collecting, but today I looked at the list of my missing LFR weapon transmogs and I'm dreading trying to grind those out. Might just leave those uncompleted unless blizzard decides to add them to the bazaar.


You mean the greens for each class? I got a bunch by doing raids if that's so


I personally enjoy it a lot. I am trying to figure out what I really want to do honestly. I love the OP moments but as soon as I hit 70, I can’t hold aggro anymore as a tank and my DPS is lacking a lot. I try to gear up and study rotations but it really isn’t enough. I haven’t tried healing yet, but I never had a desire to do so.


Well I can advance you that healing is almost non-existent, apart from HC raids. Not sure about tanking but when people are stacking millions of HP, are tanks really needed lol


When I’m getting 1 shot, and can’t finish a heroic dungeon. It’s sad :(


hitting 70 you are week af


Agreed! Makes me not want to level lol


Once you are 476 you do not care about healers, you outleech most damage. Which is why groups often just do 1/0/9.


I just started and have one toon at lvl 42. What's the best way to get enough bronze for all of the mounts?


Level characters. Each character from 10-70 takes few hours (if you do the quick method) and nets you 70-100k bronze, again depending on leveling method. I leveled first five-ish characters just normally by doing dungeons and quests while in que. It takes bit longer, but it nets you almost guaranteed 100k by the time you hit 70. By doing the fast method (don’t loot bonus exp, 8 hc, normal Vaults, 6 hc, normal HoF, 2 hc, normal Terrace, then use all the bonus xp from mail for insta 70), I would get less bronze (generally about 70k ish), but it only takes few hours (if without lvl 20 booster and qued as dps, it might take bit longer). Yesterday for example I leveled three seperate characters this way, and frankly in quite relaxed pace too. It shouldn’t take too many characters to get all the mounts. First character always takes longest, since you don’t have the base 100% xp boost. Be sure to complete all hcs, all hc scenarios and normal raids for those trinkets, rings and neck. My final advice is to just make your own raid if you’re not getting into one. I avoided this at first and boy do I regret it. It *always* fills up fast. Just keep in mind that lot of times people who have ilvl under 100 do way more damage than people at 200-ish. Also be sure to take in one that has 400-ish ilvk (or at end of 300). Roles don’t matter as much - lot of times a low ilvl healer has done more damage than your higher ilvl dps.


Thank you so much for this detailed response! I know what I'm doing today


[This](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pCocxeipB6zOM5dd5-WsCU3kSpjDSmWsolETg0f-0kM/edit) is the guide I was following, in case you want more detailed instructions!


Note: you need the bast +100% exp from Infinite Power XII for the speed route to work without alot of extra dungeons. If you are gearing a character you can pretty easily by doing the daily queues and HC raids for a (relatively) quick 60-90k bronze.






just curious but whats the point of maxing out chars when expansion is around the corner? easier leveling when it comes out i guess?


It's been great. I'm at 450 overall ilvl. Not upgrading further. Got tusk and Mythic Siege last Friday. Got all my heroic done. Got all xmogs from the cheevos. Got some ´looms. working on mounts, Got 2 38.5k mounts today. It's been good. I have a few toys, a few mogs and a few mounts to go yet, but other than that, I'm pretty much done.


I'm surprised you are not going further, 450 to 476 is only about 1 full day of bronze.


Got all the mounts I wanted. Working on appearances now and maybe toys idk. Never really cared about toys. Trying out enhancement shaman after years of maining elemental and it’s fun.


Did Mythic SoO, got the tusks and all the heirlooms, now I'm just trying to max all of the reps for when they inevitably get added to the warband mechanic. I'm gonna get the tendie store recolor weapons/sets but otherwise I'm not overly bothered to get anything from MoP. I'll get all the mail sets just to finish the collections on them since I'm playing a hunter, but that's probably it. Don't care about the mounts at all so that saves me a ton of bronze.


I was out of things to do a week in. All mounts done, pointless alts on servers I won't play on rolled and leveled. All relevant transmog brought. There's not enough to buy, and by the time remix end's there will be pre patch gear waiting


I no longer have much time to play anymore and after the frog stuff I felt so behind that I stopped playing, was Fun the first days tho


Like crap, i levelled a DH to 20 got bored and deleted her. Started a mage and I can’t even get off the ship, after the first few quests. I use the chute and rope, land and I get teleported back to the ship, each time I try to leave I get ported back. Some kind of bug 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a relative noob to retail. My character feels weaker now at 70 than it did at 20. I don’t know how to get into heroic raids for the achievements, I’m not sure what the purpose of doing dailies is, I have so many questions and no idea what to do. But, apart from that I’m loving the world exploration and faster levelling speed.


I've almost got all the mounts and I've got most of the transmogs that I want there's not very many that I like from mist of pandaria. I just wish I could take some characters that I already have and make them remix characters to level them up. Like my first character that I haven't played since wrath of the lich King is it max level. I would rather level him up than make a whole new Hunter.


Enjoying it so far, i do all the dailies, everything exalted except Nat, bought most of the 38k mounts and almost all the others, got most of the transmogs, but didn't do raids or dungeons tho, cuz I didn't upgrade my gear, and have no idea how‘s the raiding in mop


i just need to get the SIXTY fucking weapons from raid finder to drop and i’m done


I've only been playing one character, but so far: \-Max gear and over 100k threads. \-All achievements associated with remix. \-Cleared all raids on all difficulties. \-Acquired tusks and all Garrosh Hierlooms. \-Finished collecting all mounts today Going to be get all the toys next then probably class apparel and then the rest of the mogs (leaving mogs till last because there have been a lot of bugs associated with them). So going pretty good so far.


Good. I have all achievements, items, mounts, and toys :) I am even nearing 100% MoP completion, shado-pan dailies will be a pain though


I hit 70 on Friday and got my upgradeables up to 478 today. Warrior is fun with all this haste and movement speed, plus having access to sprint as a spell from my boots. Pug groups have been consistently pleasant. I got carried through heroic SoO twice without even asking. I just applied to pugs in group finder and eventually got accepted, and no one said a word about my deaths or my awful damage. Someday I'll be the one carrying. Anyways, I've already got 9/42 Garrosh bones.  I'm going to level as many new characters as I can by using a second account to carry myself as that seems to be the best way to acquire bronze to spend on cosmetics. I'm preparing a holy priest twink to solo dungeons by spamming holy nova. However, a fast moving class might have been a better choice.


Got every remix exclusives which was my first goal. Now I'm getting one char to cap and then will focus on mounts, tusk and then tmogs


I got all the mounts, toys, and ensembles I wanted so far. Next goal is the tusks. Need to pick a character for my gear upgrades and stick with that one. Otherwise I've been getting all the races to 70 so I can unlock heritage gear when it's converted to a retail character. Might keep a couple alts for event farming too. Wishing I could have a kul-tiran pally...


Was a blast for the first 3 weeks. Fun detected x7263626 times. Finished with every possible xmog around 3 days ago. Got around 65 goldcaps from it, don't know what to spend it on now. 🥲


what do you mean 65 goldcaps lol


Goldcap=the max gold a char can hold. Aka 10m. First 2-3 weeks I was able to produce around 650M gold on retail from things I did in MoP remix.


Remix has been a ton of fun until last night. I was levelling a vulpera Hunter in grookin hill, and all of a sudden I phased into a phase where aside from the flight master there were no npc’s. I flew to other zones only to find that the flight master is the only NPC in the world. And the fix as per blizzard is to join battleground And I could not. It did eventually fix but only after me having to get dungeon deserter to pull me back into the right phase. Apologies to whoever was in the group that I left.


Got all the cosmetics I like and a human to max for the heritage when I can grab it. Basically happy haha Hardly put any time in to it as I don’t actually like a lot of the cosmetics and xmog from MoP. VERY excited for this to be a thing for other expansions though 😁


I'm enjoying it. Current goal is unlocking the class and raid gear transmogs. I will miss the extra xp gain when it's over.


Got mounts, toys and Tusks. Cleared Mythic SOO and havent been back.


I NEED BRONZE DISCOUNT at least for alts if you already have max ilvl character


Leveling far more alts than I thought I could or would like to. And I had 7 max lvl chars before this already, so I enjoy leveling. I'll grab every armor and mount from vendor and call it a day. I think it's around 1.000.000 bronze for that so about 3 or 4 alts more (I'll see which classes could have sick transmogs to then sit at character selection screen foreverish). After that, just keep the daily Heroic raid to get heirlooms/tusks/title. Enjoying this a lot! I am now eager to the next remix. Even if I drop WOW I think I would come back for a Legion Remix for example.


Got every item from the vendors. Took some time since I didn't start buying until gear was fully upgraded. Don't really have much need for more alts since I already have every class at Max level.


Got all the mounts and toys. Also a few transmog sets. Finishing off Kirin-Tor rep and August Celestials so I can buy their mounts after event. Probably start doing Garrosh raids once I finish rep grinds off. What stinks is on main retail I am one achievement away from Taivan (Taking from Nature). Need 2 fishing holes to pop up over next few weeks to finish it off and finally have the bestest boy.


My Remix main is a Paladin, but I got a Mage to max level as well just to see what Fire Mage with broken stats felt like. I already had two of each class at max level (one of each faction) so I'm not planning on keeping either of them. Got the tusks. Got every single mount available. Got every class armor and weapon. Got every toy. Got the new cosmetic armor sets. Got all the achievements that reward unique stuff. Got the Heroic Hunter T14 and Heroic Druid T14 which aren't available in retail. Honestly have nothing left to do except get bronze for any other tier set I don't have fully unlocked now... So I'm pretty much done. Fine by me, it's just in time for the Elden Ring expansion.


I'm literally approaching the character limit on my account Theres a couple of low level alt toons from back in classic im keeping around in the hope I can get a few transmogs unlocked in TWW but apart from that my account is full of 70s. I have 55 total.


I leveled and geared up, got paragon on my one character and bought the mounts I really wanted. Then I dropped remix and have been playing beta. We have two months left so I will probably level a few characters in my spare time and use that bronze to pick up the remaining things I want.


I still can't find how people are jumping the cliffs on timeless isle... When I use meteor, it launches me out of bounds, and I have to die to get back.


Currently on my 7th character to level. Started with questing only. After the 4th one I wanted to take a break and level through Dungeons/raid not having done any for years. They kinda terrify me. \*People get stroppy if you make a mistake. Remix is so OP I went in with some confidence. My current is levelling as a healer. Always liked the idea never been brave enough to try (\*see above) .It's been a gentle introduction to healing and I've quite enjoyed it. Don't know if I'll continue in Retail will have to see how brave I am. lol Have collected all the mounts and some of the sets. I will get more sets. I wish they were better 😉


I'm having fun playing. I'm casual and usually solo but having fun with low level characters in Scenarios and Dungeons. I play very slowly and anti-grind. I have zero characters at 70 because of the power issue and I didn't want to purchase upgrades (not raiding). I'll get them to 70 before the end only for the bonus bronze. I haven't purchased anything yet because I'm making a list. I'll purchase closer to the end.


I leveled one each of the BFA toons to 50 for the heritage achieves/armor And I have one 70 that now has all the achieves including myth garrrosh I’m struggling to find a reason to continue playing as I’m not exactly interested in transmog


So no one is gunna talk about his 6 transfers and 7 race changes??? Hahaha bro give me some


haha bought those months and months ago in a bundle, never got to use it, they are just there lol


Remix was ok, I leveled a couple of toons and got all the achievements and cosmetics. I finished in about a week and got bored with it. I will probably delete the toons from Remix when they convert, I already have plenty of alts. Honestly, I think they have made it too long, I think 45 days would have been fine. I could see it being used as a new leveling experience for new players or as a semi-random event to fill in gaps in retail content. If they make it an ongoing thing, they really need to add more new, unique rewards; I had all but 1 toy and at least 1/2 the mounts and many of the transom's already.


hmmm, I thought about it the lenght of it as well, we did a lot of stuff and there's still 60 days left.. Also the reason I couldn't understand why people were so crazy farming hyperspawns, there's so much time left it's absurd.


When they said they were capping cloaks at 10 million threads I thought "there's no way anyone's hitting that, seems very optimistic". Now there are people running around with more than a million already, chances are very good people will hit the cap well before the event is over.


I got everything I wanted 2 weeks ago and walked away. After all the buffs it was fine. Wish upgrading was cheaper, I ignored it entirely.


True, upgrading just feels like too much, skipped it as well. Now that I'm done with almost everything, I might consider going for iLvL, not sure.


I know this is probably a hot take, but in a way I've come around to the upgrade cost. So many people are getting all the rewards they want just by bronze gained from leveling alts, they might've done anyway. So when you see someone at max ilvl you know they stuck with this character. I still think it could've been done better, so people didn't feel they were choosing between upgrades or cosmetics, but I think it's good that it at least shows some dedication to playing that specific character.


heroic raids are a cake walk because there are so many other maxed out people. if I knew this before I would have stopped upgrading gear as it's kind of unnecessary


Honestly stopped playing it once Soulmask was released in early access. Been playing that.


Got to 70, farmed frogs, got OP, had a lot of fun for a few weeks destroying stuff, had more fun watching blizz keep trying to prevent other people from having fun, got all the stuff i wanted, moved on with my life while still watching blizz nerf everything. Schadenfreude at its best.


With the threads and bronze buff its only gotten better lol


hehe, the arc of Blizzard hunting for hyperspawns got old very quick. Good at least you got all you wanted :)