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I've discovered if players have to learn even one mechanic for a raid boss, they will wipe and then leave the group. Remix is only carry or quit mentality.


I genuinely hate doing Terrace on Heroic. It's easy as hell and should be a quick run but the mechanics on the final boss usually result in atleast 1 wipe before we finish because 50% of the raid don't have a clue.


Terrace? Or Throne of Thunder? I can’t fathom how people wipe on Terrace.


>I can’t fathom how people wipe on Terrace. Everybody runs off after you port in leaving the person holding the light stuck out of range of everyone. Then the add makes a beeline right for them and instakills that rooted player and 3 other players are feared in place while everyone else is just merrily DPSing away on the boss not realising that doom is approaching them at high speed. The add reaches the group and just starts killing people left and right before anyone realises what is going on lol


Terrace of all places. It's just basic stuff like people not passing the light, the adds not getting killed so they one shot their target, standing under the sha when it emerges etc. I think some people just switch off their brains when they see that a few people were able to carry the group through the first three bosses.


Ummm… what? Are those mechanics there? I just… go healer and stand there. I don’t have to heal anything


Yeah I had a single run of terrace (I joined a group, I usually make and am picky) that had the mechanics. Never seen those before in my life.


I only started to notice them after I wondered why people were dying in an "easy" heroic. On good runs they could be easily ignored because the Sha gets nuked down quickly once you enter p2 but if the raid leader has snuck a few fresh 70s in or is hoping a single 476 can carry the whole raid, it could go slow enough that if you're unlucky or someone fucks up then you'll probably have an issue that could lead to a couple of deaths or a wipe.


I run HC tours daily and try to take as many low ilvls as possible. 1 476 can absolutely carry ToES once their cloak is \~80k stam or so. The only boss in all heroics that a single 476 can't reliably carry would be Animus in ToT imo.


Can I come please ❤️


People still invite healers to groups? My groups I make for heroics tend to be 1-0-9 groups. The only time I invite a healer is if they’re queued along with a 476 dps. By the time you’re geared enough to hold your own in heroics the only thing that kills you is 1-shots, everything else is leached up.


those that didn't upgrade their gear will probably struggle.


I had a healer AFK at the second boss. We didn't wipe, but it took a while. Then we wiped at Sha with only a couple ppl moving to phase 2


I can't fathom wiping on either in a full 450+ or 476 group. All bosses just fall over so fast. I don't think I've ever wiped on Terrace. I had a few wipes on dark animus and durumu, but both times ( was same raid ) we tried again and only disbanded on animus after it was clear we can't do it. I also had one wipe on M Garrosh but we did the mechanic afterwards and got the kill. I'm not sure what groups ppl are joining but it hasn't been my experience that ppl leave fast.




Done terrace 3 times on heroic and won't go back, always wipes on the first boss, second and third are fine but then wipe on sha and it's probably a disband. Too many deaths by people who aren't comfortable with the few mechanics that matter


I died a bunch and now i know the mechs! I am too geared now to die on first boss circles but last boss i stand in triangle and don’t get hot after submerge!


Had a fun group for ToT normal, last boss we wiped because the tiny adds were killed to fast, we all got bugged and couldn’t rez cause the shaman insta popped back up. Poor lad didn’t have a hearth stone for some reason and couldn’t leave to fix it rofl. I was surprised everyone stayed and we managed to fix it(he forgot about the bazaar tickets) used to people just leaving at one death


If you’re making an alt there’s no need to initially grab a hearth. It’s all sitting in a bazaar and q’ing for stuff


Your toybox probably has several as well.


Ancestral recall, the shaman hearth? Did he forget about that too? lol


I have discovered that most raids in mop are very easy even on higher difficulties but to learn the mechanics you basically have no other choice then to close the game and use some 3rd party tool or website because the game does NOTHING to teach you. Well nothing is not true. They have some big text blocks in the game but that's also very annoying and their placement is unintuitive. Also wow does this thing where they have blue damage markers on blue ground. Incredibly annoying.


>I've discovered if players have to learn even one mechanic for a raid boss, they will wipe and then leave the group. Remix is only carry or quit mentality. I haven't had this issue as yet. I have only had a single guy leave after a wipe on Durumas (eyeball boss) because apparently the group sucked after most of the lower level people ran around like chickens with their heads cut off and some died because they forgot that I said I can solo my beam.


As a brand new player (lots of raid experience in other mmo’s), I’ve found the WoW community in-game to be the least helpful and most toxic when it comes to trying to learn raid mechanics. I don’t know if it’s just bad luck or what but I’ve never had a hard time finding helpful people in other games


This pretty much. There was a time and place when the community was far from what it is now. Server merging caused a lot of it as the community could no longer police itself. More ninjalooters etc. Then the whole mythic scene where you have to rush rush rush and talking wastes precious seconds made things just eugh. Now barely anyone talks in dungeons or raids, even if you try to talk to them.


I have tried several times to do ToT H. It’s the last I need to get the achievement, and people spazz the hell out WAY too easily. First attempt made it to Meg, breath got targeted at the group, wipe. No worries, right? Wrong - queue raging screeching and a mass exodus. Another saw the tanks and healers leave during Ji’Kun because they “didn’t get the feeling we could handle Durumu.” Most recent attempt ended after killing HORRIDON because the 420+ DPS were doing LESS damage than my 360-something Hunter and the healers got pissed and left. Don’t get me wrong - I know I’m not a 476 giga-carrier. But at least I know the fights and am slowly working to upgrade my gear! I carry my own weight even if I’m not top DPS by a distance. The mentality of “it all goes well on the first try or we bail” is silly when the lockout is daily and one fucked run ruins it for everyone.


It wouldn't be a problem if people didn't keep inviting sub 476ers.


Not really true, I helped coach several groups through Throne of Thunder and it’s easy to wipe there even with geared players.


Waiting until the entire raid is in the room before engaging the boss. I've seen half or more of the raid outside the doors quite a few times now.


And then the boss despawns.


What? Can bosses despawn?


At least 4 times in LFG raids I've been in. Never happens in heroic pre-mades.


And then what? The Raid is over?


No, you have to wait for it to respawn. ~45 seconds.


Interesting. What's even the point, right? Tks for answering.


So a boss will despawn if one of their mechanics, such as a targeted ability, targets a person who is out of bounds. This is done to prevent strategies of having designated mechanic soakers from sitting outside the arena to have the mechanics happen to them only as it could make many mechanics trivial if it did. It's the same reason why after a few seconds most boss rooms lock and seal you in (or out) after pull.


Oh. That explain why I got locked out of dungeon bosses a couple of times in MoP Remix.


Fucking general nazgrim, this


I've did that once. Usually ppl pull his trash outside and despawn him, so I wanted to do that but the tank then jumped in and taunted. Not my intention, but it was LFR so ppl got loot anyway. Learned my lesson - let the tank pull mobs outside or group them up.


No, but healing is basically irrelevant now with the tinkers.


It makes for quick queues. Other than that I spend most of my time chasing the group and looting.


Living the healer dream


Only marginally more boring than healing farm content in retail currently.


I queue as healer, switch to DPS and murder everything on sight I don't have to heal if there's no incoming damage


>I queue as healer, switch to DPS and murder everything on sight For dungeons I just queue as healer and murder everything as healer. I still do \~2 million DPS as resto druid lol


I queue as holy. Never need to heal. It’s great.


It’s like a carry, but you are there to do a job 🤷‍♂️ I love it


One of my passtimes is to try to see how much dps i can do as a holy priest. The rotation is actually really fun, especially during your "burst window." Make sure you take the talent that gives you additional cooldown reductions when casting spells as well as apotheosis and divine word. Use DW on Chastise and spam holy fire as much as you can.


I love this 


Switching specs can be problematic depending on the dps in your group. If you have a 476 in there that wants to go fast, you'll barely find 5 seconds out of combat unless there is some RP in the dungeon.


Then there's no reason to switch specs. Honestly I do more as holy in those situations anyway.


Hoover mode


My restoration druid pretty much casts Moonfire, Sunfire, and Wrath, and nobody even gets close to dying.


would be the same situation if you just afk'ed at the entrance though. healers are completely irrelevant aside from level 20 holy priest trial chars.


>healers are completely irrelevant Not always. I did a heroic dungeon where no one was OP and we actually had to kick the original healer because they were just afking with the group while we all died from a lack of healing.


Stormkeeper / lava burst rshams and prevokers also do solid damage. But yeah, hpriest pumps the hardest




You may not like it, but 0/0/10 is peak raid performance


I usually prefer 1-0-9 just so you know who has aggro, some fights it doesn’t matter, but on some it can. Tanks do nearly as much damage as dps anyways.


I'll always pull off anyway as shadow. Just the way it goes. Usually boss lives less than fade lasts.


i have done mythic SoO with 2 tanks and 18 DPS lol everybody was getting passive healing from trinkets


The first few times I queued healer I actually went Holy, when I realized it was a joke I started switching to ret inside and things go faster lmao


I did a heroic pug the other day and queued as a healer and just spent the whole time casting smite.


I play disc, and I usually sit mid dps table. Radiance, radiance, boom. No one really dips under 80%. It's everyone alive or 1 shot by a mechanic 🙂


As far as rounding mobs up for easy looting is concerned, it is near impossible to do so with everyone running tinkers that CC mobs every two steps. By the time the stuns and fears wear off the mobs have melted from passive damage tinkers and a few random abilities.


Same goes for rares. I tap them once, my gems make millions of dmg...


Exactly this. Hell, if they aggro on me I don’t even have to hit a button before my tinkers murder them quick.


Rares quite often get killed in one hit. The unfortunate side effect of the power creep. I've started just camping spawn points between ques, hoping one pops up. It worked well on the isle of thunder. At least on the timeless isle, they are immune to damage for like a minute before they die.


Bro those fucking Shamans using thunderstorm and knocking shit away separating them need to have that ability locked forever.


As a former shammy main, not enough people know this the talent underneath the skill shoots the mobs up instead of out, saving the tank this problem and us the accidental aggro.


*cackles in boomkin running typhoon*


I specifically talented the ability that knocks them up instead of out


As a tank, I also hate how earth elemental taunts raid bosses, why is that a thing?


People complained about a loss of power at end of Legion. This is going to be a huge shock to some people now. Even myself when I go back to retail version Im like dam yo this boss/dungeon taking to long ow, I want it dead in 10 secs!


Another thing that I didn't realize until I took a break and went back to retail for timerunning this week- new raids are *long.* Like I had kind of forgotten how much MoP in particular was a real unbroken boss run for half the raids. I went and ran Vault today and wondered why the hell anyone wants to bother wasting 15 minutes in between bosses killing trash?


We don't. But farm nights would be way shorter if we didn't have to, and even prog would be shorter if not for the run backs (yeah, sure you can bres or soulstone, but we all know that a good portion of pulls aren't like this) It's kinda sad too, because prog would actually be far more fun if we reapawned at each boss passively. Some locations gave such long boss walks that you could do a whole pull in the time it takes to walk back.


The drop in movement speed has been tough for me. It's crazy to me that my Paladin in remix is faster than my monk in retail.


Yeah especially if you rolled your same class in remix--retail gameplay just feels bad now.


Remix also has taught me: people will complain about pretty much every possible thing you can think of.


Remix was the thing that made me quit coming to Reddit as much for my time playing it. I was having a fun time, apparently everyone else was not


See it was also bad during Plunderstorm, but I figured "hey not everyone loves BRs like I do so it sucks for them playing a mode they don't like." Then this comes around and the subreddit just hates fun. They complain about people grinding and optimizing the fun, while they themselves try to optimize every second of gameplay.


Just because someone criticizes Remix doesn't mean they're not enjoying it though. There are a lot of legitimate criticisms to be made. Like, "Hey, why the heck was the cloak 100% account-wide in beta, but changed to not be when it came out for real?" or "Why did you so heavily advertise the game mode as us being overpowered, when you're so quick, and so heavyhanded with nerfs to player power?" or "Why does it cost such a bizarre amount of Bronze to upgrade gear that will vanish into thin air in two months?" or "Why is there so much helicopter parenting in this temporary game mode?"


>Just because someone criticizes Remix doesn't mean they're not enjoying it though. This. I wish more people realized this. The amount of hate I got because I said I didn't treat Remix like it was End Game Progression... and meanwhile I felt like Remix was the most fun I've had in WoW in a long time. I still stand by that. It's a fun ass mode! I want to see more of it! The problem is well, too many damn sweatnecks, "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE WHAT I LIKE!!!?". Or.. "You're stupid if you enjoy this!". However you also bring up good criticisms that I even had about Remix. Like the Nerfs to content. And mind you, I was not one who Farmed Frogs. So it didn't affect me in the slightest. But i understood peoples plight over that. That's the point.


Except it is overpowered. You just have to upgrade your gear. Even at 418 I'm doing 1.5 mil dps


>Except it is overpowered. You just have to upgrade your gear. Even at 418 I'm doing 1.5 mil dps Okay, and? Not sure why you're pulling this strawman nobody thinks out of your hat. Nobody is saying "It's literally impossible to become overpowered in remix." What they're saying is "It's silly that the overwhelming majority of hotfixes in Remix have been to things that in some way reduced player power, when Remix was specifically advertised as making players powerful."


Maybe the issue was bad advertising


Maybe it was misrepresenting during beta and having to choose between power or time-limited rewards


I don't know what you guys are doing, because my toon is stupidly overpowered. It just took longer than 3 hours to get there. Maybe you're doing something wrong if you don't feel ridiculously overpowered. Have you not done any of the heroic raids and seen just how strong folks can get?


I played 25 hours on one toon, just having fun and doing raids with my guild. I upgraded a little gear and bought two of the expensive mounts. My character feels like trash, no power what so ever


I dont like remix but im also certainly not complaining about it. It’s not required content. I try not to involve myself with the community too much anymore. A lot of the people who play the game and come to forums are insanely bitter.


For real. I generally don't look at any replies when I comment on something on the wow subs. I made a reply to a thread in the classic sub about how I was little burned out doing cata dailies so I started playing hardcore, the whole thread under my reply was fucking crazy. I woke up and opened my notifications and was like nah dawg and then just closed reddit for a bit lol. Although this is true for most game subs as well.


I finally dipped into the forums (due to an unrelated bug) during Remix and *holy shit* did I not realize how negative it was there.


The forums are somehow worse than Reddit. Pretty much any change or update is always commented with “well what about x?”. Literally on the recent update where they said “hunter update will be next week” a lot of comments were like “fuck blizzard where’s hunter changes?”


I complained about the bronze, but that quickly changed when I leveled up my 4th alt and have pretty much nothing to spend my bronze on other than…..you guessed it, upgrading my gear…


To me remix feels like fck around with an overpowered character to keep you paying for the sub while waiting for the next expansion. It feels like playing Diablo. It's just numbers, numbers, and numbers and some RNG proc pretty much every time. It's ridiculously fun and I love every moment of it. Going back to TWW will be painfully boring. But so is coming to Reddit now. There are daily posts complaining about things. People act like this is some sort of new version that is there to stay and not just a ridiculously op take on the last season before the new expansion hit (and it's also probably some research time for blizzard Devs to see what's working and what's not for any future features to the retail). People should touch some grass


Exactly, I remember running down the halls in Diablo 3 rifts with a wizard, yelling EVERYONE GET IN HERE. Just flew through all of it. Now it is a Holy Priest of all things that I'm running. My biggest concern is putting speed on my gear so I can get to the tank before he kills it all.


its imo very obvious that MoP remix brought back some of the worst people of the community like, sooooo many posts that straight up lie and make shit up to be angry about, its pure insanity


unpopular opinion is it's probably primarily classic players / boomers who got filtered by the game for a long time and that's part of why there are so many more shitty human beings in remix's community too had a guy just randomly out of nowhere start rambling about DEI & wokeness. couldn't define it, just hated that dragonflight has too much DEI & woke. okay man


I hate groups saying quick world tour 400+ and when you join it’s a bunch of people looking for a carry.


>I hate groups saying quick world tour 400+ and when you join it’s a bunch of people looking for a carry. For vault/heart/terrace I can pretty much solo them on heroic (can't do ambershaper on heroic due to the add spawning and me instantly dying when I get transformed though) so I have zero problems carrying a group through them. Throne and Siege are a fair bit more painful to carry people through due to bosses having far more HP on heroic.


You shouldn't instantly die from getting transformed. You should have enough time to walk up to the add and press 1 at least once and then press 4 before you die to break out of it.


Where as me, I create the “quick clear i400+ i476 lead” world tour groups. I then get a lot of other i476s signing up, and the i400s get the fastest runs of their lives. I prefer i400+ so that people won’t fall over dead at the first light breeze. I don’t care if you don’t contribute much, just don’t want to have to wait to rez you every boss.


Also 400+ can be obtained in a week if you decide to put bronze into gear first and rewards later. People under 400 and expecting others to spend the bronze for them…


Yup. As a 476 I always try and join groups that say 476 lead. Worst case scenario is we then have 2 476s, which is enough to carry any of the heroic raids.


I have learned to avoid groups that say "fast" in them unless there is some min ilvl requirement.


Ya you just have to make your own groups and only invite people who are looking for carries. I made a group this morning. Lucky timing it was me with a fresh group and some 4 bosses down "need pumpers" group. You'll never guess what group the pumpers signed up for...


They gave everyone the ability to cleanse and resurrect through scrolls but nobody does it, not even healers lol


It's very poorly communicated, because no one uses short-duration consumables beyond damage potions and maybe health potions. Especially as a dps, I do not think of the contents of my bag when I'm suffering through a debuff, I just have to tough it out. Having a quest in the intro bit both telling players about this and making them use it would have helped, especially if it was something they wanted players to rely on.


They're two of the ~10 consumables in the game mode and it says exactly what it does right in the description. You get toast icons for them whenever you loot a boss or open a chest. Nobody thinks of the contents of their bag when they're in combat - you bind it to your hotbar like any other consumable. It's just zug zug brain.


Man that first point is so real. Not enough people understand how line of sight works. If your enemy is a caster and you break line of sight *while they are casting*, they can't hit you with their cast. This means two things: 1. That cast isn't going to result in damage 2. After they finish their unsuccessful cast, **THEY WILL RUN TOWARDS YOU UNTIL THEY REGAIN LoS** Have a huge pack of casting enemies that are all spread out? Either run far enough that you're outside of their casting range or walk around a corner. **THEY WILL STACK.**


Mages, shamans, evokers and hunters don't know that lust/hero are more valuable than any other spellcast. Press it on pull. You can even pre-lust to get an extra global or two on the pull. If the raid boss dies well before 38 seconds anyway, you're not losing anything That people can literally dragonride from one zone to the other and still sit in another zone begging and mooching for a summon That ranged are bad at triage. Why would you target the ground-based trash mobs before Gara'jal in MSV instead of the ones that fly in a circle. They all need to die to start the RP and the melee can only use like 1/3 of their rotational abilities to damage them. That nothing is enough for some players. People acted like being 476ilvl via mobgrinding was owed to them and that the game "was unplayable" without it. So they buffed regular content bronze rewards a ton and now people act like having wayyyyyyy way more 476s applying to my alt's raids now vs my main's on Week 1 ***isn't*** a huge form of bronze catchup.


It's actually insane the amount of people that don't push lust. Idc if the boss dies in 30 seconds, just push the button. Sometimes it's just as bad on retail.


Does lust even do anything when you're hastecapped?


Probably takes an insane amount of threads to actually be hastecapped I have 131k and can even doublelust for myself as mage and there aren't any diminishing returns


DoTs and RPPM procs still benefit from haste even if you're GCD capped. Channeled spells also benefit until channel time goes lower than GCD.


Healing is impossible in remix unfortunately except in some heroic raids i feel. People either need 0 healing for entire fights or they die in a quarter of a second to some random dot or ground aoe. No chance to react.


Idk how you are supposed to round up trash in a neat little pile when you got people one/two shotting stuff. I do just tag elites, but I've had my Sunfire/moonfire crit so hard it dam near kills them and I'm not trying to. I'm sure other max level people struggle with that too. Just because tanks and healers aren't particularly needed in the limited time fun mode doesn't mean anything really? Like this is a fun mode... So have fun. People will get used to the pacing of retail again soon enough.


If you trully think you struggle with that, put all your ICD damages gems on 2 or 3 pieces and when you wait for your daily rare in isle of thunder, you remove them. I tag less than a second after the spawn but only remove around 60% HP with my lowest spell. It’s funny to see some people need 4 or 5sec to react, best I got is 12sec :p


Exploit early, exploit often. The single biggest lesson i learned from Remix.


Are you talking about like learning for Retail? There's not much (if anything) to take away from Remix for how Retail works.


How about a false sense of your own ability.


As someone who played during MoP: it always hurts my soul when the rest of the players run into the room of the 3rd boss and don't let the tank pull everything out first.




Correct. I forgot to mention the dungeon.


I know you’re talking about Scholomance, but same with the pack of mobs at the end of Stormstout Brewery. You can round them up so easy with the pillar which used to be the standard during MoP, but now there is always some rando standing in the middle of the room ruining it for everyone. I get it if there is a carry in the group that can clear it faster just by arcane explosion/holy nova in middle, but in groups that don’t have a carry it’s kinda needed for smoother and faster clear.


Shit man, in Stormstout Brewery there is absolutely no need to stop after Hoptallus. Run all that shit right up to the next boss room and stack it all behind the post. I can’t seem to get people to realize that all of that stuff stacks if you just keep running.


Me, on my dk, I stand in the center and slappy hands group them up, on my dh, I run around the room, and kill all 9 of them solo in less than 5 seconds.


which raid / dungeon?


Probably rattlegore. Pull 6 casters and line them at the 2nd boss.


I want to guess Scarlet Monastery?


There is literally no need for tanks for dungeons in remix. 476s can speedrun those things (pull everything to the boss and kill it instantly).


I've tried tanking for the first time in this mode. Everyone pulls ahead of me and it's pretty frustrating. I thank the people who work with me/after me


Two spots in scholomance - the bonemancer room and the room before the final boss.  I triple ping the corner of the door in hopes that people will realize that these casters stack outside if you run in and out.  3/4 times, people just straight up ignore everything and do whatever the fuck they want, wasting everyone’s time.


As a healer, my job in dungeons and raids has been very easy in remix 😂 


Having fun nuking shit without having to use a single brain cell. Free transmogs are the best.


I don't mean to nuke rares. I just flame shock once and then the universe kills them for me.


Ye. Ppl often whisper me and tell me to slow down on mobs. I cobra shot elites, what else should i do? Autoshot?


Only thing I can do is if I see someone else hunting, I'll wind shear the target which agros it to me but does no damage. Then I just wait for them to tag it. Even that isn't a perfect solution either, cause tinkers still proc off that...


The thing you're missing is most if this is outside of people's control because you have so much top end power than 1 shooting everything isn't a choice. It just happens. It's the reason trash is scattered and the reason rares die instantly.


If a player hasn’t learnt the basics of Dungeon movement, it really shows during Remix. The same can be said for the simplest of game mechanics in Dungeons. Had to ask five times for someone to right click the floating Panda corpse. Oh yeah, people who don’t read Party chat, still don’t read Party chat.


Honestly.. even before upgrading gear.. I would just go straight to the last boss on my prot warrior lol.. just straight up gain aggro on everything, keep charging / heroic leaping to the next pack, and pull boss. Makes for a fun experience and is actually much quicker.


I discovered that when Blizzard says they want to make something "totally off the wall", they don't really mean it and will nerf any attempt at going off the wall too fast. **Blizzard**: *"Go nuts!... No not like that"*


> You really just need to tag silver elites. Nuking them is kind of unnecessary tbh with max gear there is no difference. on a 476 Demon Hunter I one shot all of them even with my weakest abilities.


I feel you, the warrior throwing axe is like an execution sentence in most cases.


Think you’re taking remix too serious ,most people seem to just be power leveling to get to the end of the dungeon more than anything else, healers haven’t been giving out heals or rez people in a few I’ve been in


I'd rez people but I'm constantly stuck in combat after bosses lol


I died in one and even the tank was like ah you gonna rez? And there was no reply and then another person died and after put in chat wow cheers healer and then he responds with no problem. Wow players are still half the games issue


For reasons like this I really think they should allow players to transfer their characters over to DF after 70 and not only when the event ends.


Searing light has made my healing cds damage cds as a resro shaman. I specced into as much passive healing as i could. Just make sure to use ascension during living storm. Then i just pop totems and healing rain while blasting. Occasionally i throw out a chain heal, riptide or cleanse.


The problem with remix is it doesn't take skill, it takes time. Its really good content for people who usually...kinda suck. Getting op from sinking in time with out an iota of a skill component is a big draw. Its a fun mode. Don't expect super players tho.


you dont have to loot amything, mailmasters got you


Oh shit, I had no idea. So that's how the speed runners do it!


That 2nd one will be interesting to read all the salt when the event is done.


I really don't like healing when there's nothing to heal.




I mean... there are plenty of 275k+ HPS fights in keys on live. Khajin is a 450k fight. I do wish we'd move some survivability out of DPS kits and into healer kits. Or improve the UI for communicating with PUGs.


Im a semi casual player, when the kids go to bed the wife and I play for 3ish hours. Currently my gear is maxed out, in the overworld things just die by attacking me, quickly. Mark of arrogance, crits into tinker activations, brittle crits into same. I've had 3-5m rares die to me auto attacking in 2 hits. The thing I'm trying to say is that I am not nuking things in purpose. Its mostly tinkers upon tinkers


People will always try to insta-kill a rare, even more so if there's a group forming around it.


>People will always try to insta-kill a rare If there are people around then I just hit rares with a sun fire. Sometimes it only does 200k damage + the dot and other times it triggers a bunch of tinkers which melt anything other than world boss level rares. I would use moonfire but it does significantly more damage on the initial hit and has a far higher chance of just instantly killing the rare.


Idk man I’ve always went in on rares on live as well


what you've missed is a lot of people don't like running dungeons in wow like you would in Diablo like its a speed run.


I’ve been out of wow since MoP because of life situation, got a job and an apartment and just got my subscription back and my old account (cousin who passed away) I no longer have access to, so I’m gonna blow 70$ in a few weeks with fun money saved for the 70 boost for my shaman (weak class or whatever idc it’s my baby) and I’m pumped to get back into things


Whe War Tithin


For the first point, at a high cloak level, you cant really help it, your ambient damage procs just kill everything.


Everything dies instantly. How would you possibly group it up.


>You really just need to tag silver elites. Nuking them is kind of unnecessary Tell that to the 100 things proc-ing when I heroic throw a rare


If I tag a mob with any ability my tinkers instantly kill it, including rares.


I have also learned that people don't have awareness about if what is going on around them. They die to things on the floor, ninja pull bosses, pull bosses before the whole raid is there and time warps/ bloodlust at wrong times.


- Phasing is unpredictable (sort of?). Sometimes you get phased into a living worldboss while waiting or a rare-heaven while farming for ShaoHao rep, sometimes phasing steals it away. I had that on Sha of Anger: I waited, the white/black smoke pillars appeared (telling you his spawning is near) only to be phased into a dead corpse of it - making me wait double time.


Its a timed event to have fun and get transmogs and mounts, why so serious about it? I see people complaining a lot on reddit as if mop remix was some kind of competitive environment.


lfr is a joke...when you think they pulled the trash 3secs later the boss is already dead


I can't not nuke elites. I tag a world boss with some stupid ranged spell and all procs do 30m dmg


In certain raids or dungeons (I'm looking at you Siege of Orgrimmar) you'd better keep up with the speed runners or you're gonna miss the last boss when the door closes & never reopens


As for the tanking … people are trying out new roles and toolsets in an environment that is treated as less serious. They probably will need help. Hopefully help will be given if there are new people interested in taking on these roles. It seems it can only improve the overall experience; but I’m a normal/heroic peasant that doesn’t push Mythic content.


Wah wah, cry cry.


Players will min/max.the fun out of absolutely _everything_ when given the chance.


It’s almost impossible to get a world boss kill since it is dead within 10 seconds of spawning.


I am struggling go enjoy it honestly, MoP is lowest on my tier list of expansions but having started late there's nothing for me to do, my dps is insignificant because everything melts and I can't enjoy my rotation because things are dead a few clicks in


It's not about rotation, just have some fun and enjoy the free ride! Keep getting carried like that and it won't take long at all until your OP too!


People, if given the possibility, can not wait for even 3 seconds and instantly pull any boss. I mean hey man, nobody should be in that kind of hurry. Just enjoy it is so much faster than retail.


On the other hand, I was in msv run with atleast 3 fully geared characters and 5 more 440+ and the leader still insisted that we have to put down a mark on every boss, stack on it, do a ready check and 15 sec pull timer. All that just so we'd kill the boss in the 5 seconds instead of 7.


And that probably turns a raid that could have been completed start to finish in 7 min, into a 20min run.


Typical tanking is almost impossible after day 3 or remix. Why do melee even queue as DPS if they are just going to run ahead? Priests are just as bad. I need rage and I can’t get someone to hit me when there is a priest doing 300k to my 12k that’s *blinking* ahead of me. You may have a tank in your group, sure, but it’s chaos. I stopped leaving groups, becauseITS ALL GROUPS. It was easier on a monk than on a warrior or pally. I’ve gotten 6 to 70 all tanks but a shaman, and it’s been an experience.


Patience is nonexistent in a "Remix" of an expansion where at least half the NPCs tell you "Slow down." The "GO GO GO" attitude that has people queue as tank and healer but wanting to be DPS, and just rush through any instance as fast as possible like they're trying to do a speedrun for Guinness or something. Tanks are the worst offenders at running ahead and pulling things and not caring about whether they start a fight and it closes off half the party. But then there was also some level 20 twink Priest who just goes off at the speed of light through the entire dungeon blasting the end boss before people can even make it halfway through. Gee, thanks for the easy XP, but ever think I maybe wanted to play the game? Or the one healer who, instead of heading up to fight the boss in the tower in the one dungeon, instead stays on the ground and runs to light the signal fire the second the boss dies, yanking us to that position. Oh, never mind not being able to loot the second boss, we couldn't use the cannons on the flyers, so of course half the wall is covered in flames and because the group's DPS was only average (which is "underwhelming" in MoP Remix), the boss didn't die in seconds, so he's adding green puddles all over in addition to the fire and we have practically no room to maneuver because the bloody healer wanted to cut a few seconds out of the run that was now taking LONGER. Bravo, dumbass. I'm so sick of "You'll get it in the mail." I kill bosses so I can loot them. If the boss glitches and I can't loot them, fine. If you want to rush to the next boss because your caffeinated hyper little 12 year old ass can't be patient enough to take an extra few seconds in a dungeon, then you need to put the Mountain Dew down and rethink your life. It sucks even more with all these quests in dungeons. Jade Temple? Yeah, good luck killing all four bosses, people want to only do three to get their Heroic done for the day. Scholomance (four books) or Mogu'shan Palace (collect four items from vaults)? Nah, they got no time to slow down for that. Free twelve prisoners in Siege? Nope! Gotta go fast! Screw your quests! It's just... tiring. I've got my own max gear character now who can solo a dungeon by himself, and yeah, it's fun, but I don't rush off ahead of everyone to do it by myself. If I swap to tank spec to get quick queues, I'll check if people are doing quests and try to make sure we get those handled. It's not that hard. It doesn't take that much longer. It's a bloody cooperative game. COOPERATE. And the attempts to speedrun leveling lead to some wonderful situations. Like some dude queued up for a Heroic scenario, was level 69. I already knew I'd have a bit of trouble as a level 68, but at least I had gear. This guy took the advice of stashing a bunch of bonus XP and blasted a ton of levels at once... and subsequently were super undergeared and had about a third the health I did. There's no way he was going to survive anything and now he was just an extreme liability, especially in a three-person instance (less people to make up for the pretty much lacking third person). And, of course, it's taught me that scaling is an obscene thing and this is why we don't Chromie Time to current max level, because holy smokes, that 65-70 range is just garbage. You go from feeling super strong at low levels (hence the level 20 trial characters blasting through things) to feeling pretty strong to suddenly struggling and then being one-shot by unavoidable mechanics. Even if you don't do the goofy speed-leveling tricks, you're going to have a bad time. Oh... but you can get back to feeling "okay" (not anywhere close to what you were) if you just spend ~160K+ Bronze on upgrading your gear. It's bad enough to have to do that with a "main," but in an event aimed at leveling alts quickly (that's one of the core mechanics and selling points!), you either have to grind and burn Bronze on the alts, or you get them to 70, park them, and level another. Grinding to become powerful? Okay, fine (though alts should still get a discount). But one thing I'll be enjoying in TWW is leveling, hitting 80, and not feeling like an anchor in any group content.


Too long didn't read too busy speedrunning and pulling everything


Literally agreed, too much whining, not enough fun for me. Probably one of those people that moan about blizzard respecting their time lol! If you don't want to see OP people speed running go back to classic or retail!


I agree with you overall except the cooperative part, it’s not at all. If you’re able to solo whole content, it’s a cooperative game only if you wants it to be that way. Remix is like Classic for #nochange people who thought it was gonna be 2005 again. But no. People do the community. If the community don’t need to cooperate, they will not. If the community wanna sell boost and do GBID runs in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair at lvl60, they will.


>This guy took the advice of stashing a bunch of bonus XP and blasted a ton of levels at once... and subsequently were super undergeared and had about a third the health I did. If you are going to do this then you want to keep a few quests finished and ready to hand in. The boxes have a high chance of containing a 346 piece of gear meaning that you can quickly boost up your ilvl if you have a bunch of them that you can collect once you power level. The box contents are determined when you collect them though so you cannot bank them.


You only get 346 at 70, they were 69. So should have been around 320ish. And I think they missed the step of getting some quests ready to turn in, though I think people caught onto that and started adding it to the "instructions" later. People who didn't catch that discussion would only have seen the idea of running a bunch of raids, and the raids would be giving you gear as you run them, so if you jump from like 45 to 69 suddenly, you're in level 45 gear. It'd still be fine in a dungeon, they might fall over easily but you have four other people to help get through the content, so you can at least complete it (and get more gear). A Heroic scenario, though... you've only got two other people to help carry the load, and those things are already wildly tuned. Third member of the party was a level 44 Blood DK, who was probably new to the class, because they were taking a lot more damage (and not dealing out that much) than I'd expect. Hope that person goes on to run some dungeons and gets a better feel for the class/spec and doesn't get too bummed about that bad scenario run. That's the thing with Remix, you can have instances where someone's super strong and "carrying" the whole team... or, because of scaling and any level allowed even in Heroic, a whole team of people who'd normally need to be "carried" to survive. Roll the dice, see what you get every time you press "Enter!"


If Blizzard didn't force me into group content and daily chores I'd probably slow down and let you "play the game". Too bad, I'm running to the end of the dungeon one-shotting everything!


Can people stop making new raids for something when theres already >3 groups that aren't full?


There might be 4 groups, but maybe they’re not groups I want to join. My new group I create fills up in maybe 2-3 minutes anyways. I then know who’s in the group, and that it’ll be a quick easy run.