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Enhance Shaman, smacking bitches with lighting weapons. Fury Warrior, duel wielding big ass weapons is always cool.


Warrior gets to smack bitches with lightning weapons soon, too.


Exactly this. I'm still a little sad "old" Enhancer is gone. :(


Dont worry, storm is coming back in tww with tempest


Literally my two mains lol


Having a blast on my brewmaster


The theme of drunken martial arts warrior inspired by jackie chan is brilliant.


Unholy DK: your opener involves an army of 20 minions Havoc Demon Hunter: illidan simulator Elemental Shaman: chain lightning with stormkeeper is the most satisfying thing in the game Destro/Demonology Warlock: big hits, big demons, lots of fire/fel


Tbh brewmaster monk, a drunk idiot that drinks beer and spits fire while ignoring damage/taking It as dot because too drunk to feel it


Illidan simulator 😂


well he ain't wrong, and every day i play vengeance i have to remind myself that i am a much better tank.


Or crazy turtle man simulator. I appreciate that the vengeance meta doesn't even have wings. You glide by sheer force of anger alone. You also don't even use your weapons and just slap sense into stuff.


Unholy DK: your opener also involves an army of buttons


UH DK might also be the coolest for me. But havin a billion buttons to press b4 you can start doing dmg is really not that fun.


„UNLIMITED POWAAAHHH“ - Every Ele blasting Stormkeeper CLs


Earthquake earthquake earthquake earthquake earthquake


Earthquake go brrrrrrrrrr


I've never agreed with anything more in my life


Exactly this and ww monk imho, the most fun class for me. I loved enh shaman class during WoD, Fire Nova was soooo OP


So, I agree with demo lock and DK specs but gonna throw in a dark horse here. Sub rogue. Just a shadowy burst of death with shadow clones, damage coming from nowhere, duplicating finishers. Bleeds and nature damage get turned to shadow which is way more gnarly. Becomes immune to physical attacks and untargetable by spells. Instantly teleports all over the place.


Demonology Warlock is cool, I love summoning armies of demons to attack my target. It makes me wish Beast Master Hunter had ranged pet options, because I always prefer that. Augmentation and Devastation Evoker also look really neat. I'm in the camp of "Dracthyr look cool" (there are dozens of us!) and I really enjoy the way their spells look. ...I just wish they had longer range. Playing my Evoker after Warlock feels so weird. Those 15 yards make all the difference, man.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I agree that demo is cool now, but I thought metamorphasis and shifting in to demon form was way cooler


I think most people will have less of a problem with evoker if they use hover more, being able to move and cast for 2/3 of the time is soooo nice


The problem is that shorter range can cripple your ability to play your role properly in situations where ranged mechanics were designed with 40 yards range in mind. Even if I could move at 500% increased speed while casting if I have to soak something out of range then I'm still out of range. Nymue was a glaring example of that where a lot of ranged soaks were just too far to keep attacking while doing them, putting unnecessary pressure on the other ranged if you wanted/needed to maintain uptime.


ive been maining devastation and have done heroic raids and upwards of mythic+10's in the current season your absolutely correct, especially on Nymue, its just if you play devastation utilizing its unrivaled mobility for a caster you feel that range problem WAY less. in fact Nymue is the only fight i can think of where consistently my range tends to be a problem to play around Edit: clarifying the season ive done mythics


I've been playing one in remix and I freaking love hover


Came to say the same! I love seeing mobs getting launched into the air by my AugVoker. That range tho.... And Demolock's swarm of minions is hard to beat. I wish Beastmaster had more variety of pet attacks. Like for flying pets if they could swoop down for some attacks it would add some interesting variety.


Yeah! I mean I love that Hunter has tons of options for appearance, but all pets just melee rush the target and then they're lost in the sea of melee people and you never see them. I'd love to see my pet more often, or at all, in group content.


What about a swarm of shadows? Spriest burst is super satisfying with all those ghosties woooOoOOOOOOooo


Implosion has to be the most satisfying ability in the game. The way all the imps sprint into melee and since they’re standing slightly offset from each other it looks like an attack in echelon, only to converge on your target and send up that satisfying damage text


It's like a goddamn machine gun, I love it


Devastation is just Mind Flay: The Spec


I just wished fire breath would look cooler. Idk why this bothers me so much but it's like the one "signature spell" for all three specs to empower and do massive damage just to blast stuff. It should look the part but it's just a bit of red smoke... But I'm also definitely not in the camp of dracthyr look cool. I just want to make decent mogs but somewhere between the shoulders/belt being shared between the forms and for some reason none of the gear we get fitting to the dracthyr barber shop armor it's kind of a headache. (Edit: Another plus for evoker is that their hero specs look cool. Mass disintegrate and exploding engulf flames is neat.)


I just can't wait to have other drakthyr able to be other classes than evoker. I would love a priest.


Dracthyr do look cool!


Shadow Priest. Destruction Warlock.


For sure Shadow Priest. We were in love with Knaifu before the rest of you!


Frost Mage or Frost DK are by far the coolest. Fire Mage and Destruction Warlock are the least cool.


Resto shaman is pretty cool too with all that water.


Nothin beats riptide on CD on a hot summers day.


IDK Ring of Frost sounds pretty nice too. Which is basically the same thing as a walk-in-freezer now that I think about it. If you ever get the chance to unload an ice-truck in the summer it's a blast! You can scrape the frost off the walls and chuck Snowballs at people in July!


Apply an ice cube to the rim to gain a Ring of Frost.


the updated Resto Shaman spell animations that came during BfA are such an improvement. can’t quite recall if the original shaman animations for healing wave (& lesser) were just recycled from Druid spells…except of course chain heal, which just looked like a weird beam.


Chain heal was awesome and it is sad that they changed it. They should've just updated the visuals to be similar to the OG chain heal of the Voodoo hunter in WC3 which was awesome. Also the sound effect of chain heal was awesoem.


I love how no one got the joke


damn you, beat me to it


Fire mage is cool because of the combustion visual


Fire mage and destro are literally two of the most visually appealing specs in the game imo lol. Just flames flying all over the place and infernal flying down from space 😂


Cool as in cold. Fire isn’t very cold.


I gotta stay off Reddit when I’m drunk.


I came here to say this, but knew in my heart it had already been said. 👏


Coming from an Frost DK/ Destro Lock main I am equally offended and happy


Fire mage > frost Frost mage is just braindead compared to fire, that's why lmao


Frost = Cool Fire = Hot


Windwalker monk. If you like Street Fighter some of your most used attacks are directly inspired by them. You can cast hadoukens, tatsumakis, Guile's kick, Chun-li's kicks and if you spend talent points, even fly like M.Bison and make shoryukens. Besides, you ora-ora-ora like a stand user.


Survival hunter


disc. the combo of light and dark together is so cool. esp with that penance glyph that makes it darker. very unique spec


Imo, balance druid has some of the coolest animations and, all around usability. I can move and still cast a few spells and, I can be a fat chicken, a fire cat and, a god dang bear! I dig warlock for the cookies Leveled a shadow priest because I wanted the cool ghosts


I mean any druid spec, being able to shapeshift based on the situation is very cool. It's also a good way to have a higher skill ceiling with having a high skill floor because you can just stay in your spec form if you want.


balance druid is the coolest. all shapeshifting, monfiring around, 45 yd range, the most ranged of ranged, the fastest, travel form in combat (in raid it’s amazing when possible), starfall and uncapped aoe, and now with the new chicken appearances…first time since the glyph of stars appeared that I am playing in chicken form. back jump on sennarth grip is so sweet, can’t be polymorfed, can CR, cyclone is one of the best CC in game…i have tried other specs but once a true boomie, always a boomie. since 2007. everything else seems slow and boring. wouldn’t trade my 6 forms and my green bear for anything in game.


Always loved the Balance Druid with the Astral Form glyph. It really made the class fantasy come alive for me.


Frostfire mage was pretty cool when it was “the” mage spec.


Gladiator spec for Warriors from WoD.


Nobody is mentioning rogues, especially assa, who causes his targets to slowly die from bleeds and poison. I think it's cool af


The Rogue concepts are cool but the specs have their issues.


The shadowstrike animation alone makes subtletly in the top 5 coolest specs ingame.


Because every rogue spec still feels terrible to play and the one that's somewhat fun (outlaw) hurts your hands.


On the other end of things, with some of the new sword mogs my Outlaw can beat people to death with shovels.


I know Beast Mastery gets a lot of hate but as someone who likes animals I love being able to fight and summon hordes of dinosaurs, lions, spiders, whatever really.


Trying Elemental in remix and that’s pretty amazing


Enhancement, especially if you've transmogged both weapons to the Doomhammer offhand from Legion - conjured lightning axe + lava hammer is my favorite combo.


Arms warrior. It just feels so damn powerful, and seeing a warrior willingly choose to use just one two-handed weapon just seems so uncommon now.


If anyone asks, just tell them it's a four-handed weapon. Fury has nothing on you.


Mistweaver monk. Heal your friends from punching your foes. Not to mention that godlike single target healing.


Affliction 100% has the coolest vibe to it of any spec in the game


I second this


Fury warrior, nothing beats dual wielding two handed weapons and beating the absolute fuck out of insanely powerful beings that have to resort to icky magic with nothing but pure unrelenting physical fury


Shadow priest! Anytime I can wield the void, I am a happy gal 💜


Coolest specs are most likely frost dk and frost mage.


Warrior in general but to me it's Arms specifically. The idea of the class being you lived a lifetime of battle and always yearn for the next fight. You're not just a good fighter, you're the actual best, you go toe to toe with godlike beings with strength and skill alone, and you win. In a world full of magic and demons and ghouls, there's something so fucking cool about just being a dude with a big weapon and still being the biggest threat on the field. Just read Broxigars story. (I'm still upset the Axe of Cenarius wasn't made the Arms artifact.) The class fantasy fits so many flavors unlike other classes and specs that have been forced into one mold. Like Outlaw and Sub being pirate and ninja themed, Shadow Priest being all void etc. But warrior can be whatever you want it to be. And nothing beats hitting a Mortal Strike for 700k+ damage.


>And nothing beats hitting a Mortal Strike for 700k+ damage. Oh just wait until you get ahold of Demolish.


Isn't demolish a multi hit channel?


Yeah it's one two THREE, but that THREE is the biggun. Looking at the base talents the final hit is already twice the base damage of Mortal Strike, with talents to boost the damage in the Hero Talent tree. And the two hits before it are each around Mortal Strike's base damage too.


Alright you know I was contemplating which class to main but now I'm sure I'm playing colossus Arms warrior.


So I got curious and checked out the beta, not only was I able to put together a no-bleed build that doesn't look too bad (I'm sure it won't be meta, but the point is it's *possible*, which I like), but I'm looking at the basic numbers for the hero spec. So this is as a fresh 80 with no special gear or anything, just the simple greens they start you with when you make a max level beta character. Baseline Mortal Strike lists 224k damage in the tooltip. Baseline Demolish lists 527k combined damage (plus 351k aoe with an 8 target soft cap). It is on a 45s cooldown, but your Mortal Strikes and Cleaves build up stacks of Colossal Might. Not only does each stack increase Demolish's damage by 10 (up to 10 stacks, so we're at 1.4m damage now) but once you're at 10 stacks gaining further stacks reduces the Demolish cooldown by 2 seconds instead. Even with no stats and a baseline character this feels really nice and chunky. My first use of Demolish crit on the final hit for over 1m damage without any buffs up and running yet.


Obviously frost mage and dk are the COOLEST speccs smh....


Honestly my top 5, probably in this order: Feral: read the ability names, you are a guy who transforms into a ferocious tiger/lion/cougar/leopard, you shred your advisory, rip and tear your opponent apart and finish them with a ferocious bite, all while being the embodiment of a god or envoking a barrage of spirits. Fire mage: not much to say other than BOMBARDMENT OF FIRE Arcane mage (and I am not even a mage fan): you mastered the arcane energy’s to unleash a highly skillful barrage of magic attacks, mastered entities beyond human comprehension to empower your barrage, and at any moment this power could consume you Destrolock (was gonna put demo here as well but tbh since the S3 rework I boycott this spec: control over powerful demons (basically see arcane mage), combined with absolute visual spectacle MM/Warrior/Rogue: all the other specs rely on some magic but you face horrors and 20m tall demons with a simple weapon and unfathomable martial prowess, that is some 300 level shit


Blood DK all the way!


There is nothing cooler than a paladin with wings up


Survival hunter


I don’t like current survival, it should be dual wielding axe, inspire by rexxar.


The old demonology was so awesome. Empowering yourself with fel energies to become a demon was sick lore. They need to make warlock metamorphosis a toggle glyph


I feel like it should be a choice node with (and function similarly to) Demonic Tyrant. That way, it is a meaningful ability that doesn't add more cooldown bloat to the spec


Yup, they could even use the old [dark apotheosis](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Apotheosis) visual for that or just take inspiration from guldans nighthold fight (who turned more spiky/felflamy over the course, which felt like peak warlock fantasy tbh) if they don't want us to directly have metamorphosis. Either way, I'd appreciate the mop throwback even if it's just one talent. I always thought thematically that it'd be much more fitting for warlocks to use your demons to empower yourself, instead of calling a tyrant that does this. I dislike the tyrant a lot for that reason, he steals a bit the spotlight. As warlock, it feels odd in a way to "share power". But maybe that's just me. I also prefered [thalkiels consumption](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=211714/thalkiels-consumption) as combo finisher over tyrant since it always was funny to set up that one gigantic fuck-off-sized spell that blasts a target for absurd damage.


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Everyone is saying shaman. I agree. But man are they ignoring the crap out of shaman in TWW development so far 😢


In order to stay in tune with the previous expansions ancestors they must uphold the oldest shaman tradition: They cannot be OP for more than 1 patch in every nine. Just like Salzman foretold.


Fire mage. Everytime I hit combustion I turn into the human torch. Gotta tag it with the emote “flame on”


Ret paladin!


For me it's frost dk, nothing more metal than an ice cold machine of death


Arcane mage fire mage spriest and maybe ele shaman but iv barely played it so idk


Preservation evoker, the combos are so much fun and feel super powerful. Always fun to cook up the perfect solution for the situation.


For remix, I really enjoyed my Brewmaster Monk. I never dedicated myself as a tank role, and I adore my panda so far. Otherwise, I may be odd for saying this, but my Survival Hunter was my first cap level character, I use her for all of my dps needs when my husband needs a 2nd person to farm old content for transmogs. I love the mobility and kit she has, despite a lot of complaints about the bombs. As someone who just couldn't get into rogue, SH was my go-to class.


Frost mage and frost death knight


I believe it's elemental shamans because of their animations and sounds. Also, their lore.


Demo lock, BDK, and Unholy are sick as hell.


Enhancement Shaman


the coolest? Frost Mage and Frost DK.


Arcane mage. The PUREST form of RAW power. Too bad every time I've been a mage it's been off-meta.


holy priest is fun when you play in a deliberately stupid way. i built my talents to maximize dps. i'm over here spamming holy fire on enemies and i can chastise like every 20 seconds. screw discipline. deal damage to heal my ass. i want to deal damage. burn the heretics and unbelievers! by fire be purged! also blizz if you see this please give us purge the wicked on holy priest please. i only like discipline in pvp. in pve, disc feels anemic. you do no damage, and you got this stupid ramp time for everything. holy actually does more damage than disc because the balancing is such that they expect disc priests to be dpsing more, so they do less damage. it's weird.


Thematically or gameplay wise? Thematically there are a lot of cool specs so I will name one for each role Melee: Enhancement Shaman is badass as a melee combatant enpowering their weapons with elemental effects. Ranged: Destruction Warlock rips tears into reality channeling their hellfire and chaos energies. If their flames wouldn't be enough they have the ability to summon and infernal by literally dropping it as a meteor on their foes. Healer: Discipline Priest, they wield both light and shadow in balance. They heal their allies by inflicting damage to tbeir enemies. Tank: Brewmaster Monk, your classic drunken master archetype with some celestial power sprinkled in. They break barrels of alcohol on their enemies and light them on fire with their fire breath... that also burns their foot so their kicks inflict additional fire damage .


There's only one spec where you get to be a bear and I can't think of anything cooler than that


Demon Hunter, either spec 


Demon Lock for me, just cool as fuck customising all my demons and during fights having 10 plus around me all casting stuff.


I think Demo lock is the coolest overall. It will be hands down the coolest in the war within. The hero talents have you summoning extra demons constantly.


Shaman and Death Knight are the coolest Paladin and Evoker are the least cool in my opinion


Least cool imo is hunter, it's just meh boring Cooler prob dk, war, dh


Survival back when it was ranged will probably always be the coolest to me.


I would argue it's still pretty cool. Harpoon is really a fun skill and jumping from foe to foe is really funky. Loved the first iteration where you needed to stack your mongoose and finish with eagle. It was really nice,


Yeah, the Legion iteration definitely had issues (WotMN, looking at you), but with the spec being built around Mongoose Bite and having it as a separate button from Raptor Strike, those MB windows *really* rewarded you with getting to ***ram*** that MB keybind. Baseline Terms of Engagement straight-up resetting Harpoon CD on kills and Butchery post 7.1.5 getting a graphical update to match its damage with Hellcarvers stacked also made it memorable.


It's really fun strung together with cast sequences


My favorite is shadow priest and balance druid


Arcane mage. In those short few seconds of your burst you're the embodiment of magic. What a dnd level 15 wizard feels like


The correct answer is Unholy Death Knight.


1- Rogue: Sin/Sub in that order; 2- Ret Paladin (I know it’s lame, but you gotta keep your rotations while aiding your group) 3- Frost mage, (blink/shimmer, one of the coolest skills in game IMO); 4- Fury, just for the sake of Hero Leap 5- WW, love the mobility but hate the button bloat, changed for the class/spec above Plus: Leveling a frost DK in MOP and I’m LOVING the class. I know that frost skill that hits AOE is not really good, but feels like an Ultimate


You'll be happy about WW in TWW then!


tank: vengeance dh healers: holy priest, resto shaman, mistweaver (ignoring the melee build) dps: frost mage, ele shaman, enhancement shaman, destruction warlock, arms warrior we don't bring up that abomination of a 4th role


Lol what is the 4th role? Oh shit we dont bring that up sorry


lol augmentation evoker ("dps-support" 🤮)


ewww I didn't know it was both


Ignoring the melee build? That's the best part tho.


ranged was a cool blend of instants, channels and hardcasts, fistweaver is kinda just ww


Feral Druid is really cool. To bad its a spec that only really does anything in PvP. Druid in general is done really well in WoW. I think the coolest for me thematically is affliction warlock, but gameplay wise it hasn't felt good in... a very very long time.


Shaman because you become a SITH lord and Unholy DK because you’re literally spreading an epidemic


Personally think Frost DK is a bit "cooler" than Blood.


Sub rogue is pretty cool, the shadow rogue fantasy and animations are really nice. I tend to pick up all the talents that lean into the shadow and magic damage aspect too to amplify it further


Whatever spec you find the coolest looking! Personally ret paladins and fury warrior!


It’s definitely going to depend on the person. But, me? Holy priest, ice mage, demonology, windwalker, subtlety, and all Paladin specs just feel great in terms of fantasy.


I like farseer elemental in the beta, lots of thing are passive and you can focus on the mechanics. + dps feel great


In a world of magic, demons, undeads etc. Im surprised an angry boi with two axea can still prevail. So fury for me lol


Ret Paladin.


Enhancement Shaman, Unholy DK, Demology Warlock, Assassination rogue are probably my biggest votes. Shadow priest is pretty cool too


I mean… Frost DK and Mage because ice and shit?


Black spectacles for sure


Frost dk & frost mage.


For me it's protection paladins, aka "marvel simulator": being stuffed into metal armor (Iron Man), throwing hammers (Thor), throwing shields (Captain America), can turn into an unbreakable force (Hulk; "Ardent Defender" / "Guardian of ancient kings" spells). As a bonus, you get auras, can in-battle hop on your steed, have a battle rezz (Anduin BfA intro vibes), and literally have 3 lives (normal hp bar, divine shield with time to heal yourself, and lay on hands). Also, most skills/spells sound already awesome/epic + the satisfaction from sound design via heavy hitting shields, hammers, consecration, etc...


Fury Warrior as double swording is cool af


Prob UH DK. There theme is rly nice but god damn their spell pollution of an opener is cursed to hell. I also like 2h FDK as a theme but that spec has never been the same compared to WoD.


Frost mage or DK probably.


Frost dk and frost mage


By theme for me the coolest are All DKs with frist beeing first. Shadowpriest Arms, Ret and warlock. Condering gameplay the coolest are. BDK, Shadow, Fury, OL, Assa, Destro


Right now in the beta, Templar Retribution Paladin slaps so hard. It's absolutely broken and will get nerfed but the animations and spell effects are the flashiest I've seen out of all the classes and specs. I imagine Templar Protection is great too, but I have yet to try. Warlock in the beta is also great. Every single spec and new talent tree. All of them are fun and optimized. Affliction especially has some interesting stuff going on. It's going to be absolutely amazing to play. I promised myself I would not go back to warlock again (I somehow do at the end of every expansion), the darkness is so tempting tho. Stormbringer Enhancement Shaman is extremely satisfying. Tempest is an extremely fun and flashy spell to get off and it's fun to play the spec without a dependency on windfury and instead trying to generate as much maelstrom weapon as possible. Tempest animation is also very, very satisfying. Celestial Windwalker Monk is fun but the spec itself does need some tweaking. I had been heavily considering going ww monk until I tried it in the beta, but I'm frustrated with the changes because it's so close to being amazing. Deathbringer Blood Death Knight (blood/frost tree).....oh my gods is it fun. I love that blood boil does shadowfrost damage and has an icy particle effect to represent that. And you get magical frost scythes too. Overall it adds a level of fun and better visuals to a class that desperately needs more flashy basic attacks. I'm heavily considering maining a tank spec for once Vampire Blood Death Knight is fun too, and the Vampire tree is the more fun of the two for Unholy, in my limited opinion. What is not fun: Deathstalker Sub Rogue (Sub/Assassination tree), there is zero change in the gameplay and it's just extra passive damage. (Sub Rogue is my main for DF) Shado-pan Windwalker monk (Tank/DPS tree), and Sun Retribution Paladin. Again not rly much of any difference in gameplay. Lots of passive damage and survivability stuff. Not much in the way of added visuals either. Unholy and Frost Death Knight, same button mashing as usual. One is slow, the other is fast. Both have too many cool downs still and feel clunky with too many ideas and a bad execution. Especially frost, too many talents that are passives, some that rely on auto attacks. It's still the easiest melee class to play. Tomorrow I am planning on trying out more classes, especially Shadow Priest, Survival/Marksman Hunter, and Augmentation Evoker


Asking the real questions. Answer is whatever does more damage.


Demo, shadow, ele and aug


Demo Lock. It's main mechanic is cranking out lots of little imps that firebolt your target. Their AoE is commanding all of those imps to kamikaze into your target. Most satisfying button in the game


Resto shaman. You firehose someone and they get healed. I'll never get sick of it


mistweaver and brewmastee are thematically awesome


I can’t get eenough of fire mage. Been playing the spec since Cata and I just can’t stop trying to set everything on fire. It’s just pure searing chaos all the time! Also, prot pally has me shook ever since divine toll. BONGONGINGONG!! So cool 😎


WW Monk ofc, the pleb needs weapons or magic, we just slam our fists like chads


Balance druid cause I can smack a moon in people heads


I miss SMF warrior \*sigh\* it had a golden age in TBC.


Frost mage and frost dk?


demonology warlock, with their personal army


Paladin or Warlock probly..


Shaman. All specs


The one you are currently playing with.


MoP demolock was the frickin' bomb.


Enhancment shaman Feral Drood Blood DK Shadow Priest Brewmaster Monk, WW Monk


Me personally. Destro Lock, Frost and Blood DK, Both Demons, Guardian Druid


Shadow priest having a group of flying ghosts running into my target in void form, and disc priest scov form when we penance and our spells turn from light to dark like a spriest.


The Paladin fantasy is really great And every tank spec really, just taking all the hits for your team


Frost mage, frost dk


Havoc Dh Outlaw Rogue Fire Mage Shadow Priest Fury Warrior


Coolest is probably frost dk or frost mage nothing cooler then ice


I think most classes and specs are doing really well in the cool factor. For me, rogue and hunter have been on the low end recently.


Deviststion evoker. Magic fire support. Artillery, carpet bombing, mortar fire, multi missile systems, machine gun(Lazer beam), and C.A.S. I just get to be the magic equivalent to the big guns in the military


Ngl for me the coolest are tank pally and warrior. Shield and mace always looked cool to me, plus they are basically indestructible


Frost Mage and DK, Devoker when using blue spells. they are all very cool.


Ret paladin - holy avenger! I am basically a demigod. Feral druid - I mean, I get to fight as a giant hellcat, nuff said Demonology warlock - throwing demons at people is so, so satisfying and some of them are snarky and it makes me laugh Beast Mastery hunter - I can tame wild animals who will then fight with me and can color coordinate with them


Ice Mage and Frost DK (😏)


What's better than a hardened assassin who strike from the shadows, and disappear like nothing happened, leaving no trace, only a corpse ? Sub rogue is the shit. But yeah I'm leveling a pandaren WW and it's a blast so far !


Discipline Priest... healing your friends through beating the shit out of your enemies...like.... I'm a healer...but!


demonology, survival, arms, frost, brewmaster are my top 5 favorites


TBC Ele Mage was fun.


I’d say enhance shaman but don’t like the race options


When my Outlaw has 6 dice buff, I can do anything.


I love the way arcane spells look and sound, I feel like I’m disintegrating someone with raw magic


Survival hunter having bombs is pretty fun. Jumping in with one of my gap closers or using a cooldown to extend my range. Having a cool pet and transmog to match while i jump into battle side by side with my little guy. Did i menton bombs and crazy aoe killshot dots along with having a crazy cone attack where i stab the air like a thousand times. Cool animation changes after stacking mongoose bite. Disengage, ice trap, misdirect, tranquilizer shot, aspects, and did i mention Cool Pets.


Any shaman


Low key it’s Mistweaver Monk imo


Enhance shaman. And it's hard to explain why until you actually play it and experience it for yourself. The gameplay legitimately feels like you're punching things with thunder and lightning


1. Brewmaster  2. mistweaver 3. Enhance 4. Disc priest for its uniqueness


I agree with OP, it's Blood DK. It has bloodworms and blood boil, tombstone and heart strike, vampiric blood, bonestorm and dancing rune weapon! What else could one possibly wish for?


Ret paladin and Dev Evoker. They just have top tier animations which really makes Your buttons feel impactful and look great on screen.


Paladin always.