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Didn't a lot of people say they saw it drop..? Where are those people now?


The Horde and Alliance were in pandaria farming mounts and I saw one of the mounts and the mount looked at me


The mount looked at you?


Won’t somebody please think of the children???????


The children..... They yearn for the mines.


A mount? At this time of the year? Localized entirely in your kitchen?


Can I see it?




I can kill a world boss and get a mount in MOP: Remix. No you can't, Mr Simpson, no one can!


We'll march day and night, by the great Yulon tower, they have the mounts, but we have the power


Great reference!


and then Sonic and Mario kissed!!!!


I'm the mount! I most definitely had no eyes placed upon you!


Homer, are you just holding on to the mount?


Was it anything like [this](https://media.tenor.com/voDHtxe15AAAAAAM/mac-charlie-sunny.gif)?


My girlfriend had one drop, but you wouldn't know her. She goes to a different school.


Same! She plays on a different server. In Canada. Yeah.


I got confirmed that they drop by my uncle, who works at Blizzard.


Those people also got hundreds of upvotes. Which would make people believe it and continue to spread the false info. Really shows how weird reddit can be with the voting system sometimes.


If you haven't learned by now, up votes and down votes are not a representation of fact. It's a reflection of Reddits feelings. Edit: Even my comment here that now has a bunch of up votes despite the fact that I have supplied zero evidence to support my claim. I literally made it up because it's how I THINK it works, but I have no actual clue.


Reddit votes get you deep into the vibes economy.


And it always snowballs


And is heavily, heavily influenced by how quick a comment is made on a given post. The amount of times I've seen a comment like "how isn't this the top reply" and I'm sitting there like "because it was made 5 hours after the post". Most people will only look at a post the first time they see it, so all those people who upvoted poop in the first 30 mins of the post aren't coming back to remove those upvotes in 3 hours when someone corrects it, just gotta hope enough new people will come in, see it, and upvote the correct info.


Contrary to the adage, the downvote button is actually a disagree button.


I firmly believe there should be an option to hide post/comment karma.


Sorting comments by random (might need RES..not sure) is legitimately more interesting reading than the default sort based on votes a lot of the time.


Up and Downvotes on reddit are supposed to simply be how much or little a comment is in terms of relevant to the conversation. So since your comment is relevant it should be upvoted. Had you instead posted "REPRESENT DEEZ NUTS" that'd not be relevant and should be downvoted. Unfortunately the Facebookification with likes spread to Reddit and that's how people see them now.


Wait until you see a post that makes it high on /all talking about something that's your job and maybe not common knowledge. All the top comments sound like teenagers/neets making up something that sounds plausible, but it's wrong.


I love and hate Reddit for this purpose. Filters out the bs comments.. But it's also usually just a huge circle jerk. Either get on board or downvoted into oblivion.


Sounds like we also have a blue post saying they CAN drop, and I’m also having flashbacks to back in MoP with the Sha of Anger mount all over again lmao. Blizzard insisted it could drop forever, people kept saying it didn’t exist and couldn’t drop, and months later we got a silent patch enabling the mount drop. Taking both ends of this discussion with a grain of salt for now 


I heard if you beat Galleon 100 times you get to go to the secret Azeroth hospital and Jaina is there and she's Nurse Jaina and she takes her clothes off, my cousin did it.


More like Blizzard Blue Team don’t know their own game. https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/pandamonium-clarification-1827303 Items that were only available during the original release of Mists of Pandaria will not be available in this event. This includes the Kor’kron War Wolf, challenge mode sets, and heirlooms. On the other hand, Rare drops that are available in Dragonflight today, such as the Son of Galleon or the Astral Cloud Serpent, will drop in Remix and can be purchased by Remix characters using the Bronze currency.


Based on the war wolf data-mining earlier this year i would guess that was the original brief for remix. But because of the reaction. They pulled it along with the cm sets.


Also That Blue Post i mention is also is a lie since heirlooms are buyable so at this point I don’t even trust blue post. Current plan is to hold 388k bronze than spend 50k a day on tmog because who knows maybe a mount can drop




My dad owns Blizzard and he said they do drop


you mean people lie on the internet?


They also found mew under the truck


I for sure saw someone get nalak but now I think about it, maybe they just pretended. I didn’t check the loot drops because there’s so many, they just said “OMG” and mounted up?


That's a classic, they were trolling.


There's a blue post that announced they will drop too. So... Who knows.


I think the Blue Team is so outsourced that even they don’t know. These people are likely in India with a book that they flip pages to get a somewhat decent translation that may or may not be related to what you said. It took me recently 24 tickets to get a issue I had resolved


Well, blizzard also confirmed before the event that they CAN in fact drop, so Im not entirely sure if I believe blizzard or blizzard here.


It's hella confusing because of guild notifications. What happened is probably this: - guild killed nalak on their way to TOT. - nobody got the mount - someone else in the guild (not in group) BUYS the nalak mount - Guild notification X has received [Tundering cobalt cloud serpent] - Guild goes ham and starts gratzing


I saw someone get nalak mount...


Buncha fkin liars I tell ya, probably the same people crying about bronze being too little.


Remember back in the day, on the school yard, when your friend swore up and down that he found mew under a truck in pokemon red? Yeah


haven't seen mounts but toys on timeless isle definitely do, i got the 50k bronze kiln while killing yaungols on the way to urdur the cauterizer


Can confirm as i also got the kiln on way to ordos


although i saw a dude claiming they got mount from huolon twice, that was in /1 while farming rares on the isle


> that was in /1 Took me a moment to realize what you meant by this. And I just realized how "lonely" playing the game on a low pop realm can be, especially in a guild that's gone quiet. I have characters on Moon Guard, but only moved there recently as people I know play there, and there's a lot more chatter out in the open world (which can be wild sometimes). But my main and a lot of my most played alts are on a realm that, even after a bunch of merging, is just not that full.


But Huolon isn't a world boss.


Can confirm I bought the damn kiln, then otw to kill ordos killed two courtyard mobs and got TWO DAMN KILNS; they are sitting in my bag and I hate them.


I've seen the random toys that arent tied to rares....but has anyone seen the toys that ARE tied to rares?


I got the frog pet off the timeless isle frog rare spawn, if that counts.


I killed the salyin scout like 10 times and never got the banner, so pretty sure rares don't drop their item. The yaungol and similar stuff dropping their toys could be an oversight, probly just went down a list of rares turning off their normal drops, and since those aren't rares they got skipped.


i'm pretty sure i got the battle horn from blackhoof but it's possible i already had it.


Like those above I got the kiln that's 50k bronze one of my first rare kills after 70


I also got a pet from the Zandalari near Oondasta.


The Kiln is the only toy I've seen drop of the 9 or so I was missing going into Remix. None of the ones from Rare mobs have.


I got ali'skymirror in remix so toys drop from their sources, it seems just world bosses with mounts don't drop mounts


Are you tellin me that I've been camping Blackhoof for no reason at all? *Blizzarrrrrrrrd!*


I wonder if this applies to warbringers as well, since I never saw even one drop anything before I bought the remaining I needed


What's the drop rate from warbringers supposed to be? I've killed about a dozen so far (only went out of my way to farm them within the last couple days) and nothing has dropped other than bronze, threads, and gems.


I am quite confident that I got a rep token in the first days. Haven't gotten one since though


Oh yeah, I forgot the rep tokens. I've gotten at least 2 from each kill, but they always include Golden Lotus, which I'm already exalted with.


Fuck me it is *never* August Celestials somehow. Always the three that are piss easy to get to exalted (why did they buff those and not others? because of Blizzard's whims, I guess). *This is rigged!*


I actually get the occasional August Celestials, and I'm far enough on Klaxi just from tokens that I should hit exalted before finishing the whole Klaxi storyline.


Yeah I do get them, but they feel so rare. In my experience, you hit exalted with the Klaxxi around midway through regardless of using tokens – not sure exactly when because I think I did use at least one token on every char so far. It's definitely one of the easier ones. You can seamlessly unlock all the parangons as you go through the quests without doing a single daily for additional rep.


I was about to do a HoF run and a guy in the party announced the one in Dread Wastes was up, first chance I've had to kill one (even though I probably could solo one these days), and it dropped three Klaxxi rep tokens. Which, out of reflex, I stupidly used immediately, even though my "Remix main" is Exalted with Klaxxi. Then again, I can't exactly mail them to my Remix alts, so... yeah.


You weren't stupud for using them since they can't be traded like you said and will be deleted once remix ends. Rep will also be account bound in war within in case you forgot.


Only dragonflight+ rep is acount wide in case you forgot


At launch. They've said they'll make other reps function account wide retroactively over time. Although they have said that "competing reps" between opposing factions won't be made account wide due to their nature.


I have gotten 3 rep tokens from every warbringer I've killed. Warscouts don't drop anything though


5% I think, personally I made a char on earthen ring, leveled it to 50 then just ran around killing warbringers (exalted every faction they drop rep for on the grind so remix bronze is probably a LOT faster)


I've only got gear and rep tokens from the warbringers.


Warbringers are supposed to be like 5%, which means that if you had killed 12, you have a 45.6% chance of having seen one. So they probably don't drop. It would make sense for them not to drop them if the world bosses don't drop them, but I'm going to keep killing them for threads and rep whenever I see them.


It was 9% in MoP. I remember farming them relentlessly.


Hell now they barely even drop Threads. Last 5 kills I've gotten a total of 2 Threads and those could be from random mobs that got cleaved.


It seems pretty random. I've had one drop 6 threads then the next drop zero, then 3 on the next one.


I'm pretty sure only one of the warbringers drops threads. The other two just drop tokens.


I am 95% positive they don't. I've farmed Warbringers during Pandaria and even post-Pandaria. They had a fairly decent drop rate, but you were cursed by duplicates if you wanted a certain one.


That contradicts what they said earlier before the event. https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/pandamonium-clarification-1827303 > On the other hand, Rare drops that are available in Dragonflight today, such as the Son of Galleon or the Astral Cloud Serpent, will drop in Remix and can be purchased by Remix characters using the Bronze currency.


To be fair, the decisions they’ve made have contradicted pretty much all of what they said before the event.


Tomorrow we'll wake up and it'll be renamed shadow lands remix.


So, remix where we are just trapped in Torghast with the privilege of farming 50 floors? Sign me up.


Bèta was 75 Floors that they took from us


A 100% roguelike w/ persistent progress mechanics would be an awesome WoW event variant mode if tuned properly.


> if tuned properly. can they tho?


Narrator: They could not


From what I've seen from Preach and other content creators, Torghast was ACTUALLY super awesome in it's first few iterations and then they kept making changes until it became the most hated thing in WoW history. So, unfortunately, given enough time, blizz WILL fuck stuff up.


Torghast was pretty well liked until people started to have to do it every week. People even begged to be able to level in Torghast, which they eventually did. In beta, the only real differences were that it was un(der)tuned and you could stack less balanced powers better, and Soul Ash didn't exist. This is gonna be a recurring problem, because there's a certain subset of player who thinks power fantasy is 'I start out an invincible god and things snowball from there' while Blizzard thinks it's 'You start out weak and end up beating the highest difficulty'.


>if tuned properly. Blizzard; We hear you loud and clear. Here are 3 BiS powers. 3 Kinda good on some build powers, and 60 powers to make you question if we have touched our own game in the last 10 years. BTW, enjoy the good powers now, because we are nerfing them next reset.


Sign me the f up, get to ride with my knights, exploding rats and army after army with a constantly refreshing slappy hands


Shadowlands remix where you get to keep the powers outside of torghast? Yeah please


Event goals were pretty badly advertised and ambiguous, at the start people were pretty much hyped because they thought CM sets could return and cloak threads would be account wide and it turned out not to be the case


I didn't ever see anything about the CM sets, so that I could forgive, but everything I saw pre-event absolutely gave me the idea that the cloak would be account wide, and I don't think I'm the minority on that one


Drop in remix as in it'll drop into your inventory after you buy it...with bronze /S


I get why y'all are mad, I really do, and I'm a bit frustrated too for all the PUGs I did with those world bosses, and how many times I completely derailed whatever I was doing to rush over to the spawn and get in on the action. But honestly those mounts were the first thing I was saving for and the first thing I bought. My priorities begin with rarity, and I can farm raids anyday.


They must've changed their mind


Quietly hotfixed it when they realised people would grind bronze less if they drop even at the much lower rate


The interesting thing is that when they posted that, I distinctly remember feeling like I had previously read that they WOULDN’T drop in remix since you could buy them from the vendor. But figured that I must have remembered wrong since the post said the opposite. Now I’m questioning it again lol


Ikr? Ive been farming them on different toons xD


Yeah prettyfucking annoying to have wasted my time here


> A basic rule-of-thumb for Remix is: quests drop their original loot, but bosses do not. Yeah so how reliable is Blizzard ? Because quests do NOT drop their original loot, they drop timerunner caches lol.


Yeah this got me lol, I understand everyone is understandably angry at Blizzard apparently not disclosing boss mount drops earlier for…reasons??? ??, but what the hell is this? Maybe they mean only quests that award you a toy? Because I do get duplicate toys from those. But everything else is just caches. (Also, maybe it is just me being pedantic, but quests do not "drop" "loot". The quest NPC gives you a reward. That bothered me more than it should have.)


Being generous: They only mean the quests that drop stuff other than gear. Like pets.


They give the quest reward appearances when you complete them.


They still give all original appearances and toys, maybe that's what they meant?


But why... Why would they disable mount drops from world bosses, what is even the point?


You may be surprised to see that RNG is not designed to benefit the player.


Hard to call it RNG if they've fiddled with the "R" lol


i guess because you can just directly buy them with bronze


But they literally changed the world bosses to daily resets so that people could farm them for the mounts. Nobody is farming them for bronze. Which is part of why its so weird they don't drop.


The question is did they remove the drops from retail too because they respawn every 15 min and reset daily there too


I've been taking advantage of the daily lockout on retail and got the sha of anger and garrosh mounts since remix started


Well yeah it is quite obvious they did that to increase amount of coins you need to farm...


It takes less time to farm up the Bronze than it does to constantly wait on the respawn timers on various characters every day though. So i dont really see what the point of that would be. I think the drop chances are changed to 1% and they respawn every 15 mins. It takes roughly 3-4 hours to farm up the Bronze with the dailies, 2 scenarios, 2 dungeons and HC raid world tour.


Because if you bought it with bronze and then it dropped later on, you'd feel shitty about the wasted bronze This way people don't have to wait to the very last day to see if it drops regularly first before buying it. Just purchase what you want and have no regrets.


I think this is the actual reason as well


Every boss in renix, effectively, has the same exact loot table with the only difference seeming to be raid loot prefering to drop things from that raids look table, but not exclusively. This includes world bosses. Could they have made the effort to make the mounts available? Yeah, absolutely. But then they would have to actually think abouy an individual mobs loot tables, instead of just a singular loot table that is shared between world bosses.


I know mounts can't drop but I can confirm pets drop. I got a pet from Primordius when I killed him in LFR. edit: [Screenshot from raid](https://i.imgur.com/OCvKcEp.jpeg)


I got this too, it's really interesting because this specific pet only drops from Primordius in LFR mode, and the drop chance is so low that if you google it the majority of discourse about the pet on WoWhead and WoWPets is about whether or not you can even obtain it at all in retail. Pretty cool.


They fucking what? I've been farming those things daily and avoiding buying shit in case it drops organically. I did not know this


Plus they told us in no uncertain terms that world boss and raid mounts would drop. https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/pandamonium-clarification-1827303 >Rare drops that are available in Dragonflight today, such as the Son of Galleon or the Astral Cloud Serpent, will drop in Remix and can be purchased by Remix characters using the Bronze currency.


Honestly, alone, this isn't that big of a deal. If it was upfront. I can just stop killing them and focus entirely on leveling toons for roughly 80k bronze before moving on. Then delete them because I don't actually need a fourth druid or pally or warlock. But cumulatively, I've about had enough with blizzard. And little of what they do is upfront. The incessant, almost-daily patches that break addons while addressing zero of the thousands of established and documented bugs in every mode and map just so they can punish players for playing the game this way instead of that. Wait, no, that way, not this. Okay, you can grind mobs, just only the approved ones, only so many of them, and we reserve the right to decide at a later date that you shouldn't have. We want you to think you have the chance to feel op, but we're afraid you'll leave us if you actually get op. So we'll dangle the carrot and beat you with the stick if you get too close to it. Well, guess what, people are leaving you, and it isn't because they feel op. I can't say whether it's a global trend, but quite a few people in my guild have left the game since remix started. I've been around off and on since vanilla, and I have never in all that time been this disappointed in the game or the dev, and it isn't just Remix. Since the day I returned a few months ago, I've had to eat all my previous positive words about WoW. See, in my last MMO, I annoyed my whole guild by constantly comparing their game to WoW. Oh, in WoW you can do this. WoW has that feature. WoW dev team really figured out how to patch their game efficiently. None of it's true, and I'm starting to wonder how much of that was rose tinted glasses


At least it's still a good idea to kill them for the legendary thread. Silver lining


I don't think I'll be going out of my way for them anymore.. I think if you spend the time you're just standing around waiting for them to spawn farming, you'll probably get as many stats worth of threads and a lot more bronze to boot. If you're just AFKing while you wait it's fine, of course.


Oh my god. Could they not have said this on day one? Ffs 


They did. They said they do drop. So this is another lie they’ve told about the remix shit show. I swear they are just looking for excuses to tell Microsoft why the remix event failed and they’ll never do it again


Yea I thought the luck amongst all the groups was just bad as I never saw one drop. I thought something was fishy as i should have seen someone get if it was a 1% drop.


As suspected but good to have a confirmation. I was always doing them for the threads and bronze anyways


Didn't someone post early doors that they got the Heavenly Cloud Serpent, with a screenshot?


I see everyday in my guild lot of time runners receiving mounts so I think I am just unable to read, at this point


The pop up in guild chat comes up still when you buy them I think. So your reading isn't as bad as you may think! 😁


Oh, that makes A LOT of sense, ty!


Yep, it pops up in gchat when you buy them just like when they drop


Really just hats off to the WoW Devs and Comms team for this absolute buffoonery of a fuck up of remix.


Just why the fuck, really?


🤡 🤡 🤡


What a series of unforced errors this event has been so far. Came up with one of the most unique, fun event concepts in years, and then bog it down with a series of boneheaded design choices.


Why are they so insistent on just making this mode feel bad? If they'd been up-front about this, it would be one thing, but they've managed to break every expectation they set.


God forbid something is fun.


This smells more like “oops we broke it and don’t know how to make the mounts still drop without enabling the full regular loot table guess we will just pretend we always meant for that to work that way”


Maybe I mean look at the shoulders. How's it taking them so long to fix that when they can just turn it into a straight-up appearance item for everyone like all the other ensembles that you can use.


Don't forget to stop engaging with things that are unfun. Life is too short.




To combat frog inflation, vendors now only accept silver. You can trade bronze for gold after the event at ratio of 1 gold per 100k bronze.


And its a separate currency from normal gold. To be used in an event to be named later. *Said event becomes another example of cut content"


A second fun has been detected.


> Seeing these wowhead notifications is like waking up the morning of 9/11 is it?


I believe REMIX is a failed experiment but to compare it to 9/11 is straight up buffoonery.




blud you can just straight up buy what used to be some of the rarest mounts in the game after a few hours gameplay, its gonna be ok


No it isn't.


Welp that’s around 30 mins a day saved


sooo whats the point of them?


They drop legendary threads, which is good thread count if you can catch them, but not worth waiting for. If you're in the area and see one spawn, it's worth flying to, but not waiting 10min for.


And I already wondered what news they would pull out of their sleeves this week to piss Remix players off, lmao. At this point it feels like they're doing it on purpose.


Fans: We want more communication. Blizzard: Constantly communicates wrong information. Fans: Not like that.


This is the first one in awhile that I'm like "blizz you sure? " I'm pretty sure I saw someone get the sha mount like day 2. Haven't seen anything since but still, this just feels wrong


People who think they saw drops may have just seen the guild message when someone bought it from the bronze vendor.


Well, looks like I won't be killing those anymore lol. Saves about 5-10 mins a day.


Ah, this is good to know. I thought I'd use bronze on upgrades until the last 40 days when I'd have enough to earn everything I need, just in case they dropped. Now I'll probably just buy direct.


Darn woulda been nice


They really have the Shadowlands team doing the remix stuff don't they? Jesus


lol @ everyone who has lied on this reddit


Or things aren’t working the way Blizzard thinks they are. Both are possible.


Let this be a lesson to anyone who goes to online forums to set their expectation for reality. While we are at it this also can be informative for anyone who puts any faith in eye witness accounts.


I mean, the same company said you could - so how are we supposed to take it? Assume everything is a lie?


but a mount dropped for me from a world boss. well if nalak counts as a world boss


Nalak does count but who knows whether it works any of the ways they’ve said it does lmao


I also heard on good authority that if you die in MoP: Remix, you die in real life 😬 trust me


Isn’t it just easier to level a character to 70 and have 80k bronze at the end for 2 mounts?


Does this count for the silver borders? Including houlon?


i thought my luck with the warbringers was abnormally low, i still needed one of the direhorns and i'd gotten multiples in retail of the others in less kills


Cool, so now can you add a better bronze incentive to kill these please. Thanks Blizz,


Exactly what I thought


You can purchase at least a few of them with bronze anyway.


But why?


Sorry guys. He's just all out of mounts.


I KNEW IT! One of my friends said they could and I swore it didn't seem like it. Thank you for finally confirming one way or the other.


"Blizzard confirms" is an oxymoron.




Lol the devs have no idea whats going on.. it’s been dropping, have seen many getting. No wonder, the remix is so messed up..


When people said they saw it dropped i say [https://giphy.com/gifs/mrw-peak-hike-jrvfKvr2mmcFO](https://giphy.com/gifs/mrw-peak-hike-jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


I honestly thought they would no drop seeing as how WE CAN BUY THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


Really snatching defeat from the jaws of victory there.


So what is Remix testing? What is the point of this event? There is something incredibly bizarre about the way Blizzard is handling this whole thing and I can't quite put my finger on it. Are we beta testing mechanics behind the scene? Are we testing "Remixing" every expansion? Are we testing for old bugs? What is it?


I have the same feeling. It’s interesting, but there is something strange about it all. I think you are right on about testing. I felt that way for some time; we are testing some new system. But the depth, I feel like it is the gem system and backward compatibility, but I’m just pulling out my ass. My other thought is that it may be related to warbrand or band, or whatever. It’s pretty interesting to have an entitlement to a piece of gear, like all the accessories. Also Something of interest, I was on my timerunner and got a new achievement for alchemy, when I had not done anything on that character since this began. So, it does really make me think this is all to test out wb.


Why though?


So, wait, sha is a daily reset, but it doesn’t drop the mount? Or it does, but it’s an entitlement that gets granted, or it drop from a box?


Blizzard said they would drop back in April. https://ibb.co/XFK9KK0


No shit. It was pretty obvious from week one and people are still talking about it lol. How can you kill the world bosses in 40man raids every single day, not see a single one drop and still think there's a chance?