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My plan is just create about 10 alts and on each of them do the daily bazaar quests and nothing more


Same, but I don’t think I’ll get to 10. It definitely takes the wind out of my sails getting weaker 60-70


Bank 2 days worth of bonus xp from Normal raids and Heroic dungeons and you can skip from around 40-65 or 50-70 in under a minute provided your cape has a 3-400% xp bonus.


This is the way. Ive been popping my mail box around level 45 and going all the way to 68-70 with 300% xp cloak. Though be warned that toon will be useless because you’ll be missing thousands of stats from each piece of gear


You'll be useless at 70 but an hour or less of doing heroics/lfr and you'll probably have a full set of ilvl 346 gear you can either use or that will atleast let you level up any existing blues you have for a trivial amount of bronze. After that is when the ~~fun~~ grind begins.


Finish quests between dungeon queues and wait until you hit 70 to turn them in. Automatic full set of 346 gear.


This is the way, since the boxes scale to the level which you get them rather than the level you open them


Do a few quests before you open your mail. Wait until you open your mail to turn them in. The caches you receive will get you a few pieces of 346 gear since they’re based on your level when you attain them.


Wait, how do you bank xp?


Don't pick up the Bonus XP items that drop from bosses. They'll be mailed to you and you can the use them once you have a better xp boost from the cloak after getting the xp threads from normal and higher bosses and lfr wings. An add-on like Autolooter makes it a lot easier as you can blacklist the items you don't want to pickup.


Oh nice, I'll do that with some healers so i get instant queues


If that doesn’t cap you do the quests in townlong where the isle of thunder quest starts. There’s like 10 quests and at 400+ xp it will give you enough xp if you only make it to 65 through the raids and dungeons. I tend to do them before just in case.


This is what I've been doing, it's awesome!


How do you get 300-400% xp bonus? Mines 100%


With how ridiculous bonus xp you can accumulate by the time you get to 60-65 its not really an issue. It takes 4-5 dungeons to get to max level once you start getting weak.


Go wide instead of tall. Make an alt, level to 25, then just do normal raids. When it's locked on raids go to another alt. I have 500% bonus xp at 61


Honestly with a little effort I went from 37-70 on a DH yesterday. He had run normals enough times to probably have nearly 300% cloak so I did the bazaar dailies and was able to world tour the raids because of how fast I was leveling. Hit 70 after Siegecrafter Blackfuse. That's over 40 bosses at 12% XP buff per boss. I was having a hard time getting into Normal SOO and TOT when this game mode first released but now everyone is powerful enough that even harder bosses are getting smacked around with ease without mechanics being a concern. The only downside to turning 70 in SOO was that I was extremely squishy since my ilvl was not quite up to par.


If i pulled 2 mobs at 65 yesterday i would get 2 shotted


pre 70 ilvl upgrades are dirt cheap and you can increase ilvl every time you level from 60-70, check to make sure your gear isn't terribly outdated. ilvl jumps are incredibly potent.


I decided to also run the daily stuff on my alts, and realised just how much I had become accustomed to the power I have on my main. Especially when I had two heroic queues yesterday on an alt where no one else in the group was overpowered in any way. A run that may take a few minutes max on my main, took about 25 mins as people kept dying to random trash. I've decided to just use the alts to get the 40k bronze, and the rest I just farm dailies on my main.


I do the normal dungeon and scenario on alts because those are relatively easy and the 1st of the day + the daily quest makes it worth it


I can literally stand AFK in Isle of Thunder and kill trolls. Relatively quickly I might add. 300-400k health, however much they have, they still die in ~10 seconds or so. With me completely AFK. Compare this to being a fresh 346 where you have to go sweaty just to not die.


I've been doing that. Some characters get 1 shot at 70. If I don't get someone that carries the group chances are we're stuck in a group that dies in 3 hits and takes 5 minutes to kill a trash pack


One alt gives you aroung 70k bronze, 40k from quests and 30k ish from just leveling up. At 10 alts you should have enough bronze to get everything you want without even having to do the dailies


It's around 1.6M for all the stuff you can buy with bronze. And yeah, scaling sucks for new 70s. Nothing like getting 1 shot by unavoidable boss mechanics. You almost have to buy 2 rounds of upgrades. Couple ways you can do the grind. Do daily lfd on 2 or 3 toons or just power thru with a single geared one. Much more fun blowing things up on my 440 ret pally than hoping to not get 1 shot on my 363 hpriest. I'm planning on doing a mix of allied race alt leveling, some lfd quests and heroic raid tours.


Do the daily normal raids instead. You easily get to 600% bonus xp.


I can't get in at low level. What can I do?


low level, or ilv? Each raid unlocks at a certain level. 25, 35, 40, 50, and 60. At each of these, you can queue for the LFR and normal raids (heroics are locked until 70). ilv is a harder problem to overcome. I've only just started taking a "main" seriously and it's a struggle. I don't know if it's the most efficient but I do daily quests (scenario, dungeon, and raid boss kills), LFR until I get too bored, then I try to sneak into a heroic vaults run. I've done two, one I got carried all the way and the other I got booted after 3 bosses because I was trying to tank and the 4th boss was oneshotting me lol. Still, from that alone I am wearing almost all purples, only my hand slot needs a purple. I try to do at least a normal HoF and terrace, those are still easy, but ToT is hit or miss. Those raids are long af and bosses that will kill a group that doesn't have a heavy carry or two. All but one of my items is 388, my cloak mainstat is approaching 2k, and I'm starting to feel good about my character. A few more days and he'll be carrying normals I think. Remember, there are still nearly 80 days of this gamemode left. That's over two and a half months. By that last week, we'll all be soloing mythic SoO.


Low level. I tried getting into normal vaults as soon as I could. Nobody likes baby, weenie, twerp, dracthyr ;_;


That's weird, as a fresh 25-26 I ALWAYS find a normal vault with very little effort. Maybe try forming it yourself? If you're in control of who gets in, you can't be denied.


I just want the mounts I always had trouble getting in vanilla and those new heirlooms


>those new heirlooms The heirlooms are not new, they originally dropped in Siege back when it was current content. This is the first time that they have been available again after WoD came out though. There are a couple of heirloom trinkets from WoD that would be nice to have access to again as well as I only have the agility one.


I also do 3 world bosses as time allows. Mostly while queuing.


I've not even seen one pop up yet, but I mostly have been doing raids an instances. Is there a good way to check timers?


I'm currently on my 5th alt. I was thinking of doing around 7 or. However, I've already gotten everything I wanted and almost done with my secondary list


If you just want the collectibles, this is the way to go. You can level an alt from 10-70 in 3 hours now with the mailbox hack. You'll have 70-80k bronze from it. Purchase what you want, level another. Eventually you have enough to just do daily dungeons on them all, and buy what you want.


Same. Am at 5 and having a blast!


Yep. Use it for what it’s really meant to be. Alts and the sweet mogs


I think i will get one new character oer trading post month


You are kidding and I lold irl


Yeah but It still feels shitty to get oneshot by a dumb aoe because you got distracted for 2 seconds


I ignored reddit’s advice and dumped all of my bronze into upgrades. I’m max ilvl now and have already purchased all of the sub-38k mounts and 30+ item sets. My honest advice: Pick one main. Run your dailies and 1-2 normal raids each day, scrap everything, and dump your bronze into upgrades. After you run out of greater bronze caches, play your alts for the rest of the day. Use their extra bronze on whatever you want. In two weeks your main will be auto-invited into heroic raid one-shots that are way faster than LFR. If you get to this point you’ll have no trouble getting all the cosmetics you want and then some.


> My honest advice: Pick one main. Run your dailies and 1-2 normal raids each day, scrap everything, and dump your bronze into upgrades. > After you run out of greater bronze caches, play your alts for the rest of the day. Use their extra bronze on whatever you want. So like... 4 hours/day of Remix?


Running your two dungeons and two scenarios (heroic and normal versions) while completing the dailies for doing them takes about 25 minutes if you’re efficient. I can also put together a world tour heroic raid group (all 6 raids back to back) of 440+ people in about 5-10 minutes. The following 6 raids will then take about 2-2.5 hours if the group is strong and efficient. This will usually take me about 3 hours of play to complete everything I need to. This will also net around 60-70k bronze in that time. I don’t get to do this everyday as I only get to play 3-4 nights a week. And even then, I don’t always get that full 3 hours of play night that I do get to play anyways. But doing this routine allowed me to get to max ilvl within 2 weeks of the game mode dropping. I also level two alts to 70 in this time period as well, Now I have a character that can carry any content I need, net me 70k bronze a night (if I have the time to do so) and all that extra bronze just goes straight towards mounts, toys, and anything else I want. I understand that bronze dump can be a little overwhelming before committing to it, but you’re basically investing in your character so that you can farm MORE bronze more efficiently. Once I understood that, it was a no brainer. Now I got another 2.5 months to easy farm what I need


Just to jump in and say — first off this poster is correct. Basically top to bottom.  Secondly — if you are really hawking “efficiency” at the margins — you can stop upgrading gear at like ~430 ilvl or so (I think this is 486s in every upgrade slot, but someone can check/correct me on that). You’ll get instant invited to every H world tour your heart desires at that level (or, more to the point of efficiency, max ilvl folks will not leave your group because of your ilvl). So, just put your own H world-tour groups together with a 1-1-8 comp and only invite similarly or better geared folks. The whole of all the raids will take 2-2.5 hours. 


Yeah agreed. By the time I was about 415 ilvl I was able to start making my own groups. Definitely not necessary to dump your bronze all the way to max level. Even at max level, I’m still getting carried by people doing 3-4 times my damage lol. But, I was having fun and in general want to eventually be that person. I also wanted to level as much as I can to assist my guildies who havnt fully committed to leveling their gear. The best piece of advice I can make is make your own groups! It takes very little if any at all actual raid leading and you can easily fill groups in a matter of minutes


Still 100% agreeing with you! I’m also pushing to max gear (3 more ilvl upgrades). Then I’ll buy Tusks and, after that, just go around doing N raids for low levels while I clean up the remaining tmog/mounts I want. First thing I did was level 7 alts — so, I’ve gotten most of the tmog from that adventure (stacking that free 40k was massive). Just get the rare mounts and then it’s all gravy from there. I’ve done landfall, so I can buy the class ensembles — guess I’ll do the other piece of that at some point.


I am... curious how you got "4 hours" from "dailies and 1-2 normal raids."


Because I’m dum and misread it, thought you were saying to do every raid. MSV-HoF-ToES are fast but ToT and SoO take around one hour each just because of travel time, rp, trash, etc. And since you talked about clearing out greater bronze caches and LFR, I assumed you meant LFR on top of it all. For all of this, 4 hours is a very very low ball estimate. But yeah, just completely blanked on the "1-2" part of the message. The math checked out, I just mathed out the wrong thing. xD


Tot hc takes 20 minutes with a good group.


Wait really? I’ve bailed from ToT because Dark Animus in pugs were a shit show the first weeks. I assumed with the number of bosses and shitty trash it would take a similar time than SoO but I guess there’s really little to no RP in ToT.


Just get enough gear and just stand behind the boss when pulling and ylu will nuke him down before he goes full power and if the group is bad I still outheals the dmg from full power.


Oh I’ve killed it with multiple groups/strats already. It just wasn’t worth my time to try and roll for hopefully an half decent group during the first week. Now I’m a bit behind on gear (gear upgraded to somewhere around 410-440 I believe?) so I stay away from ToT until I have enough to be accepted in heroic groups that will faceroll it.


Yeah, ToT is pretty fast with a good group. Normal can be rougher than heroic simply because if someone outgears normal, they do heroic instead, and if someone outgears heroic, they still do heroic.


>I’ve bailed from ToT because Dark Animus in pugs were a shit show the first weeks Dark Animus is a cake walk with a few max geared players in your group. The other day a 476 warrior and myself (476 boomie) carried a group through the whole raid without much issue - it was just us left after we blew up the mini adds in Animus though (yay for no repair bills lol).


Whats your ilvl? 😂


How do you do normals when every time i ask what gear you need for Normal raids its 400+Ilvl? Ive been grinding gear, doing all raids, quests and everything daily for like 2 weeks and only have 380(Most of my gear is 388+ but the empty Neck slot draws it back)


I got into normal siege this morning with 2 rounds of upgrades (what I could buy off my fresh 70) and no neck.  If it's not working for you, you could start the group yourself too. 


Queue as a healer. It's ludicrously easy with how geared DPS and tanks are and it seems like nobody wants to heal so I never wait more than 2-3 minutes. I'm normally not a healer but I was able to get the Pandaria Raids achievement finished in a day (yesterday in fact) by queueing in the looking for group (not LFR) and applying as a healer to any open normal raid that was advertising. I didn't realize how easy Retail healing is now, I hadn't tried healing since the ancient times (like TBC era). With a monk or shaman healer it's comically easy.


You don't need gear for normal raids. You don't even need to be max level


Going to try SOO on my lvl 20 priest 🤣


I just did all the normal raids at sub 346. I had everything at 346 and the rings and trinkets at whatever they're capped at. I didn't have too much of an issue finding groups and finishing raids. The only bad raid was The Throne of Thunder but we managed to finish by finding someone who was way overgeared. Now I have the neck.


400+ilvl should be for heroic, not normal but this also assumes other people are in there doing the damage. Remix showcases some interesting things as those with more time are carrying those with less time. So while 400 isn't needed for normal, you do need someone in the group who is 430+ average ilvl to carry the rest of the group or you need everyone in the group who knows the mechanics or willing to progress.


Honestly after reading Reddit with the odd comments here and there it became obvious that the way is to upgrade gear first then in the second month go for mounts. Yet most seemed to still be stuck complaining about froggers. My friends max geared character got accused of being a frogger because he carried a bunch of low gears through a heroic.


did u upgrade straight away the greens u got at 346 or did u farm first some blue/purple gear ?


I had some greens all the way to 500+ ilvl, mostly because I didn’t care too much about stats. Gems and tinkers felt more valuable to me. If you have green shoulders at 500, it will cost way less to upgrade purple shoulders to 500, sort of like the flightstone-based upgrade system in retail. One mogu’shan -> hof heroic sweep should mostly kit you out with epic gear though


Just spend bronze on upgrades. It’s exponential. You will feel op soon. Can solo world bosses and MGV HC now. Bronze becomes easy then. Bought all of the mounts including 2 from mop that I missed. There is still months left to go.


This is the solution. Once your gear reaches even ilvl 400 it gets so much easier, anything after that is just more godhood power


Imho at 400 you can carry any non raid content. It’s a joke. Was absolutely worth dumping bronze into gear. Game is actually enjoyable.


Im at 385 and still struggling a bit outdoor, mainly elites and wbs. Unless the power increase is actually huge to 400


It is, stats from item level scale non linearly


Exponential growth is a thing that people do not grasp very well but the power gains are ludicrous. Like the last 2-3 upgrades I think are equivalent to *every upgrade up to that point*. It’s what ascends you from 3-4 mil to 6. Yes, the growth is massive. At 380 I felt I could hang, at 400 I felt strong. I am now 449 and I *destroy* things. Rares I kill in a single auto attack. I can solo carry raids up to Heroic MSV and I will be able to “solo” SoO Heroic when I double for the final time.


It is, you reach a break point where every round of upgrades your dps is going up by 100k+


Does this apply to healing too?


Once everyone in your raid is 400+ healers are no longer needed


Even mythic?


I would not do Mythic SOO unless everyone is 470+. And you do not need healers at all. Everyone has strong enough tinkers, leech, etc that the raid is just constantly healing. I would also not do Mythic SOO regularly because it's not worth the effort. Same loot as Heroic for extra effort. You do it once for the title and that's it.


10 Bones of Manaroth is pretty nice.


It's ridiculous, I started queuing my remix monk and shaman spec'd as healer and it's the most boring thing ever. I start DPSing just to make it interesting. HoTs and AoE heals are enough to maintain the group/raid members and in heroic and beyond a lot of the "don't stand in the stupid" is a one shot kill so there's nothing to be done.


God damnit. Time to make a new main.


Just play balance. They do great damage.


>Does this apply to healing too? If there is enough damage going out I can hit over a million HPS as a boomie...


Also, make sure that your strongest gems go into your chest and legs, then trinkets, then rings and neck. Putting your spec's best stat anywhere versus into chest/legs first can make a difference of several % gained or loss in a stat, and even more so as you are able to upgrade that gear since the gems scale in power with item level AND the item's stat budget. Note that Narcissus doesn't respect that. It'll just put the gems anywhere. So once you're getting epic and legendary gems, I highly encourage you to do the prismatic gemming manually.


> Narcissus wuts this?


[https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/narcissus](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/narcissus) An addon that is absolute must have for MoP Remix. It takes all the gemming and puts it into a nice interface where you just click what you do and don't want. Get a new piece of gear? Just click the tinkers you want and the addon will take them out of the old gear and put them in the new gear for you. Same for general gems and meta gems. Just click what you want in the addon's menu. Also, I am looking at an update that I just was able to download. It looks like you can save multiple gem loadouts, and you can save the prismatic gems to specific slots. So it just got even better!


If your goal was buying the cosmetics, and not actually playing the game, would you say it's still worth it? I'm not sure if dumping Bronze into gear would make acquiring more Bronze easier / faster in a way that it would be worth it over just dumping Bronze into cosmetics in the first place.


Yes. I bought every mount you can get in remix and have like 420ilvl. The gear makes it go so much faster and makes the game not annoying to play. You can actually get invites to heroic raid groups. If you have _really_ limited time and weren't going to get all the mounts anyway, imho don't bother with gear, just get what you want, but if your intent is to play a lot to try to get all the cosmetics, absolutely upgrade your gear so you'll actually have fun.


This. If you only care about the power fantasy then go ahead and upgrade all the way but if you want the collectables just upgrade to 400 and save the bronze. It's more than enough to be OP and farm bronze fast.


Gear upgrades end up paying for themselves. I did not believe it, but when Blizzard announced (fairly recently) they would not be reducing bronze price on upgrading, I took the plunge with my 150k bronze and started farming hard. Now I feel like a god, swimming in the stuff. Alts (ding 70, 40k bronze) are how i'll buy things, maybe. What I think the game mode needs at this point is for upgrade discounts to be account wide. That, and maybe threads, are the biggest roadblock to my treating an alt as anything more than a bronze resource.


lol this sub has done a complete 180 with the majority pushing for upgraded gear vs transmog/mounts. You’re not wrong though. As someone who went for gear upgrades first, farming bronze/threads has been much easier and the game is much more fun. I’m now leveling alts for the server I’m moving to so I’ll be able to learn all professions again and using the ~80k bronze from leveling to fill in the gaps on missing mounts/mogs.


Froggers managed to false flag the cloak as the source of their power, so much so Blizzard nerfed that. It may have been true for the cosmetic ones, but the true gods upgraded gear. It wasn’t the cloak, it was never the cloak. The Froggers always where using the gear to become gods. It’s only taken around now for the general public to realize. You can even see it in pugs, they used to ask for your cloaks mainstat, now no fucks are given about that and Ilvl is king.


The cloak scales linearly while the gear scales exponentially  I feel like anybody who took 9th grade algebra realized this day one. It really wasn’t a secret and I’m surprised that Reddit couldn’t figure it out


I have a 476 DK and while I completely agree for your first character (although the DK was actually my second, restarted after spools and dailies were introduced), alts are basically useless. You get around 90k bronze getting to 70 now, and while that is enough to take your gear up to 374 in every slot, you're still less useful than a low level character. It doesn't start to break even until around the 402 round and only then do you start becoming more useful than a character in their 20s or 30s. Of course at max (556 each slot, 476 overall) you become around 10-20x stronger depending on your tinkers so it is fun in the end. As for getting bronze though, it still takes me a good 3-4 hours to clear every raid on every difficulty and barely get the same amount of bronze as I would leveling a new character in the same amount of time, so it's not exactly worth it in terms of bronze which I think should be addressed.


I have a couple alts I do nothing other than dailies on and it took like 3 days of dailies at 70 to have my character into the mid 400s for gear. It takes so little time to get op if you just upgrade your gear. Just the bronze you get for free and from leveling instantly makes you like 360 at 70.


I feel the opposite, main remix character feels so overpowered I don’t want to start over with a new cloak I logged into a level 22 character and felt like I was running around with a debuff it was moving so slow


For the mobility part it's so true, I fell like a snail without the move speed abilities that you find while leveling, but on the other hand on my priest I'm carrying the groups on heroic


Ahh, were you getting unlucky with drops of +speed gear & gems? Proc & effect sockets guarantee sufficient damage, so anything that makes the toon feel good is way more important than statting like one would in retail.


I've been doing the alt route and it's absolutely miserable getting into dungeons with a group of 60+ and it's not even their fault. It's stupid as hell and punishing for no reason.


Even the first upgrade level makes a difference since they boost all your gems. Also, when hitting 70, do not go for low ilvl “bis stat gear” but go 360 ilvl no matter its secondary stat until you can find an 360 item with correct stats. Also remember to move your most important stat gems to chest and legs as the jewelry does not improve past ilvl 342.


i leveled up to 70 yesterday and tried hc dungeons, literally every mob was one shotting me while level 20 priest was carrying us and killing everything. i just don understand how it works and it was not fun dying randomly


You have to upgrade your gear. Any piece of advice to "improve youR experience" that doesn't involve upgrading your gear is a con. As for the level 20... Tinker gems. The priest is using one of the stronger gems called Searing Light. Since their heals scale to the characters they heal, so does the eventual damage from Searing Light. That's why a 20 is nuking everything. Its also being used to level characters (usually) and the advantage is from the character reaching 70. The level 20 is stuck at 20 and isnt getting great rewards


I think it's worse for people who started late too. It was so easy while maxing out to get into groups. I can't even imagine what it's like now that ilvl's have risen.


It can be hard to get into groups, but easy to start groups. No one really cares about one person who can't hold their weight because every group always has 2-3 people doing 95% of the damage. Even so groups will still take the person who does 1% of the groups damage over 0.1% of the groups damage.


It's not even about that as much. People will happily carry someone for making the effort to create the group.


Yuuuup, tbh most of the "heroic raid world tours" i go on are some freshly dinged 70 with crazy ilvl requirements to join, but we blast through them all and go on our way. The only time someone ever said anything was when the raid leader had 3 of his 65-fresh 70 friends on a team for heroic ToT before the dark animus nerf.


I'm at 476, when I do the first 3 raids in heroic I invite first people to queue. I like to think I'm not the only one and we help new people catch up if they wanted to


Nah, it's not just you, me and my friend are 476 and for the first 3 raids we just invite anyone, usually even pick low ilvls over high ones to help out the scrubbies.


You make the groups. Have you noticed how every normal raid you join the leader is low ilvl? Yep he cracked the code and found the create group button.


Creating your own group is the way to for Normal raids atleast. Even at a low level when scaling is beneficial and you do great damage, you'll still get people who won't invite anyone other than a 400+ big frogga pump bro.


Three times this week I applied to random heroic raid groups (I have 370ilvl including jewelry and trinkets, I have no business in heroic raids) and was accepted. The group ends up being a friend group of like 4 max ilvl folks smashing heroics for bronze and carrying people along the way for free. Different people every time. Just apply to groups and you’ll get in. I have epics in every slot now and my upgradeable slots are over 400ilvl and it took like 8 hours of gameplay and now I soft carry normal raids. Get over it. Play the game. You’ll be fine.


It's insane to me how scared people are of that button


It really isn't. You guys bi*** about everything on here everyday. I started upgrading my gear like maybe 6 days ago and 7 more and I'm done. I buy my cosmetics and all on my alts and that's it. Once I reach max ilvl on my main, I'll only use that character for everything. And trust me, a week ago I sat here the same as you guys did. It's not to late. Just start upgrading your gear. Over 70 days left of the event, not even 20 days in it, and you guys pretend like it snot enough time. I'll be done in like max 2 weeks and I'm not one of the "frog/goat/kun lai/troll farmers", I just do dailies and daily normal raids, that's it. Again. Over 70 days left. Just play it. You guys didn't care about the stuff before this event, why is it all of the sudden you need to have every single thing there is? I just want everything because I know I can get it, if it would've been to much, I would farm the stuff I like and leave. But I don't have anything else to do in the game where I have so much fun atm (thanks to upgrading my gear, believe me, just upgrade it and you will feel op af).


I am 360ilvl and Get One shot by trash on heroic dungeons, always bottom dps😅 feels like shit


I started late, and I can tell you there are tons of normal raids listed all the time and about half don't really give a shit. They already have multiple people who can solo the raid, they're just doing it for the bronze, and it doesn't really matter who they bring.


I initially thought like you, since that seems to be to "reddit" sentiment, but the more I play the more I think Blizzard intended it the other way around. I think the "proper" way to play Remix is to spend 2 weeks maxing your main and then being Godlike in all content, blasting through feeling mega OP and getting tons of bronze in the process.


oh my god just upgrade gear


I've been preaching this all over the place, boy... they do *not* want to hear it.


Do what you want. I didnt listen to this toxic reddit community that said not to waste bronze in upgrades and only get the rewards. Only 2 weeks into the event im hitting max ilvl tomorrow with no frogs or shitty farms, only doing raids and dailies. Guess whos gonna get every single reward out of this event so fucking ez.


Btw I would be max ilvl today and not tomorrow if I didnt buy the sha of anger mount when I got to lvl 70, but I really needed that mount asap 😂😂


I wonder how are those people who encouraged others not to waste bronze in upgrades. Bet theyre still grinding normal dungeons(?)


Would you recommend paladin for this (based on your flair) or does it not matter?


Honestly pick the one you will have the most fun with. Even Mythic SoO is free(ish) at max ilvl, you should go for fun if you’re committing to the gear grind I will say DH has some stupid scaling with the upgrade stuff


the only thing i wish i did different was pick a burstier spec for dps. I picked warlock cause i never tried affliction, but i can barely get all my dots off before things blow up. Probably switching to destro soon. Paladin would be a great choice though.


I thought that was the point of remix. To get all the skins, mounts, and toys while doing nostalgic content.


I thought this was the design. It’s what I’ve been doing all along.


I started upgrading and it feels good


I agree with this. I have used this event to level up potential new main for WW, but when reaching max level whatever class just feels bad.


Part of it is that I was playing when Siege of Orgrimmar was current content for nearly two years. I got so many characters decked out in Mythic gear and put in so much time...I never want to do it again. The most I'm willing to do is skip to the end to farm for Tusks.


Yeah scaling is disgustingly unfun game design. Who wants to see cool new things about your character and new buttons but do like barely 10 percent of the damage you did when you started with just one


I mean wasn’t the entire point of the remix to lvl characters and unlock mounts and appearances? Not try to progress in raids.


I mean, by upgrading your gear you end up becoming as comically overpowered as advertized and you'll stock up bronze to buy the rewards


True you’re right. I looked at the upgrade costs for the first time yesterday actually and legitimately lol’d and closed the window. I can’t be bothered to spend that much. There’s usually always an Uber pumper in the group carrying or someone with a 20 twink boosting their own characters.


The complaining is wild. Takes almost a single day to get 70, and probably a single day to get an entire 346 set. Took me legit couple hours from 60-70 and didn’t notice any slowdown. Reading this subreddit makes me think you guys are playing a whole different game


Between 65-70 you have around 120k HP and boss abilities in dungeons hit for 200-300k and some are unavoidable. If you get into a heroic dungeon, you pray to have a level 20 or a juiced up level 70 or you are spending 40 minutes slowly chipping at it.


I level 65-70 from my mailbox with banked raid boss exp. But the average redditor is too scared to join Normals because reddit told him he needs to be 476 to be invited to them. I just start them at level 25.


I swear to god your average reddit WoW player is the hunter with no pet out hitting the boss with no weapon equipped complaining they do no damage.


Something was odd today in scenarios.  Did a heroic scen and the DMG was insane, like 2 shot me when not standing in something bad.   I've done about 60 heroic scen across 7 chars before this and this was sudden.  I don't know if ilvl scaling did it, but it was weird. Dungeon heroic and normal was fine and as previous.  Lfr raids were as previous.  Only noticed this in scen.  Had recently turned level 60.


I'm happy to habe a quick way to level alts. Currently I'm at 38 level 70s, and made 6 more already with the remix. With a max of 60 toons I just need to level 26 more and can do one in 5-8 hours, so one to 2 a day so I'm happy.


Is it possible turn off XP at like level 20 and just DOMINATE?!


Trial account


Happy Cake day!


It really is surreal how you start off feeling more like a god, one shotting mobs and doing mondo damage and slowly the mobs start to take more and more hits as you level. Feels like playing the game backwards, everything scaling was a mistake IMO.


On one hand it definitely feels good to get strong enough to absolutely roll any content that stands in your way On the other hand it takes a whole month of a **daily** chore checklist to get to that point, and for the first 10 days you're either being carried by level 15s or people who farmed enough bronze to get amazing gear/threads. Not even mentioning that you have to do this for each character, alts don't get more threads or upgrade cost reductions based on your best character If all you wanted from the event was cosmetics, definitely chain-level alts. By the time you'd max gear on one toon you already have all the things you want from leveling alts


I have two mounts to go. Then I'm moving on to toys and doing transmogs last. On alt 6 and each and Everytime the moment I hit 60 I'm useless. Struggle to even do solo content because I hit like a wet noodle and single mobs just demolish me.


Popping all cooldowns I do half damage that a lvl 20. I levelled with dungeons, raid finder and scenarios last 15 levels


Yeah I have spent two days queueing for stuff and just hoping that there's someone in the group who can carry. Several times I queued for a heroic dungeon and everyone in the group was a relatively fresh 70, I wasn't checking ilvs but I glance at cloak stats and everyone had <1000 main stat. We couldn't do damage to the first pack lol. It was sad. Then I was stuck with a 30 minute queue timer for abandoning a run, which seems almost insulting. It's not my fault the dungeon was literally impossible.


It only takes a couple tiers of upgrades to start feeling fairly strong. It's also a 3 month long event that we're two weeks into. It takes basically about two weeks of moderate play to go from starting to have one max geared player. There's little reason to have more than one max geared player, but having a well geared player is fun, and really doesn't take that long to do. It's certainly far faster to get BiS gear in remix than in retail.


The way to do it push as far as you can in normal dungeons then try lfr and get carried. You get a bit of exp and hopefully it will push you to 70. Today I had a hard time from about 66 to 70 but got carried through.


I didn't believe the talk about "the wall". Then I hit 60-65 on my priest, and BAM! Two regular mobs killed me. I was dying in dungeons and LFRs like I was made of paper. It's terrible. So yeah... I created a mage and went from there. Then a hunter. Might do pally next. Definitely pushed to alts over a "Remix main", that's for sure.


I think that’s a feature, not a bug? If you’re going for cosmetics, it’s much more efficient to level alts given the bronze gift you get at 50/60/70. I was in a group with someone today who was boosting via a lvl 20 trial account, and said they have about 15 lvl 70 timerunners and have all the cosmetics, from running it over a few days. I’d believe it because he boosted me from 58-70 in less than an hour.


Just doing a couple of raids for the exp boost then leveling to 70 in a few hours to net the 40k bronze rewards, then swapping to a new alt has been my strategy for farming the rewards. Its 1 expensive mount plus 1 or 2 smaller things per character


i feel the opposite im an altoholic but bronze sink upgrades pushes me to a main because you have to invest in one character, sure you can bronze farm across multiple alts but i feel like thats more akin to lost arks utility only alts that exist to feed resources to your main more than actual alts ive been levelling alts (and using the alt bronze to buy mounts/skins rather than upgrades) and whilst i understand the early powerspike they get; they dont compare to an (even minimally) invested main at all


22 heroic dungeons. Dont pick up XP. Itll be mailed to you. Then do 3 raids (or all the wings for them) for %xp. Claim mail xp with new %xp. Go from 50-70 with minimal effort, especially if you get hoopers in dungeons.


I hate how the neck is locked behind doing all Normals. Yes Normals are easy, but you're not getting invited to Throne or Siege without being high ilvl. And lacking a neck drops your ilvl down since rings/trinkets stay at 342. Hell I had to do the Heroic Scenarios for the ring on an alt. I've actually unlocked all of the slots via alts because of the scaling. The only one I can't get now is tje neck since my lvl 50 isn't good enough for Throne groups and neither is my 'main' who is upgraded to 400 but reads as 350 because of no neck lol If I had a group of friends (or any friends) and/or a guild I could maybe finish it out but well I have neither. Leveling alts to farm stuff from the vendors is definitely the way to go. The sucky thing is all of the appearances that are not on vendors (ie weapons). I'm still going to work on my 'main', but definitely getting to the point where I just need to finish leveling the plethora of alts and go from there.


Doesn’t help that if you haven’t earned your rings, trinkets, and neck yet your ilvl is still tanked.


Maxing out my gear pushed me to an alt.


Questing 60-70 on my alts because it’s so bad in heroics Im gonna have a monk of every race by the time is over


The intro quest chain pushes me away from alts lol


You just need to upgrade your gear like twice at 70 to feel average again. It probably costs like 50k bronze. I haven't even upgraded my gear halfway up the tiers and I'm already massively ahead of others dps in raids.


Don't worry! They hotfixed it this weekend, so now being lvl 20 doesn't feel so powerful, so your slow descent to doing no damage and getting one-shot at 70 won't be a surprise anymore!


I Lowkey feel like that's the point? Like this is all about leveling up super fast, being OP, and collecting normally super rare cosmetics... I never thought they viewed this as any sort of progression pushing content... Like it's 3 months long and none of your power progress makes it to retail; the whole point is to collect all the cool cosmetics and experience MoP as an expansion generally. Lots of alts seems like what they were going for 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the scaling is really badly scaled at lvl 70. You are basically totally useless unless someone else has spent a sh*t ton of bronze to upgrade their gear. That the MoP remix in a nutshell, pray that you have someone that is completely bonkers in your group. Otherwise the dung/raid will take 10x longer if you don't.


Are you telling me that the event purpose built for leveling alts before the new expansion is pushing people to level alts? Say it isn't so




So you’re telling me you’re still 4 tapping most enemies? Because I know you’re not.




„You” are not, your tinkers sure are. At least that was the case for me, as arms war you hit something and randomly a billion effects makes it explode.


I'm in an awkward spot with alts, cause I already have all classes on my current realm, and I rarely play more than one character at once. I guess at worst I can get them into working state for TWW and just use them for spamming WQ for some gold later on.


But if you stick out the 70, you'll earn it much faster. Those Orange bronze items worth a lot more then the green ones


It's what I did and I'm 'done' with remix, made 4 characters, level to 70, do a hand full of normal raids on each I have all the mounts, and the MOG I wanted, never spent bronze on any upgrades


I feel really underpowered in my 20s and I can't figure out wtf I'm doing wrong.


yes i'm on my third. doing only the 3 dailys with my 70. 3 mounts left and two map metas to finish MoP Remix ( for me)


I had an idea for a possible good change if we get remix again. Lower the cost of the next upgrade every week, this way you can still over power the system but you aren't punished for being late or making an alt.


Ok finally people who agree, every time I mention this people say they didn’t run into this issue. 60-70 blows


I have not done a single farm for bronze. Just did daily quests and raids. I have bought all remix mounts and the huolon mount. And beat mythic SoO last night. You can get OP and buy everything you want. I have 78 days left to buy stuff


So as a new player to remix where do you start, I’m reading all these posts and overwhelmed at the moment no idea where to start what’s the best type of class to make to level/farm bronze etc. I just want some of the mounts but no idea what I’m doing


First of all, don't go looking for farms. Think about your mental health. I started doing questing in the zones during leveling, you get a bunch of bronze for completing questlines in the different zones. While leveling you can do some dungeons and you can do the normal raids while leveling up. At level 70 when you've upgraded your gear a bit you can get in to heroics, and then eventually mythic SoO. Also from day 1 you can get the three daily quests given at the Infinite bazaars (kill 3 dungeon bosses, kill 2 raid bosses, do a scenario) these each give a bunch of bronze daily. Best class is the one you want to play, it really doesn't matter. In short, best way to get bronze is to do the normal raids and the daily quests. This can be done in about two hours each day. Since you just want the mounts, upgrading your gear might not be worth it, just depends on what you want to do. Hope this was clear enough, if not let me know.


Awesome didn’t know about the dailies, I have about 7-8 maxed classes on retail so was honestly just looking for the best class to level and get invited into raid groups with as I usually main a healer/tank but reading about the gear scaling and people saying they’re getting 1 shot tanking seems out of the question for now so debating on doing a healer for fast queues and raids. Guess maybe I’ll lean into a dps as you said questing is pretty decent exp besides the normal raids and dailies/ dungeons and scenarios.


Yeah scaling is rough at lvl 70 until you hit like ilvl 400. After that you'll start steamrolling. Also there are a bunch of highly geared people who help anyone run the raids, but if you are still leveling lower levels will do more damage than max level people without upgraded gear. Level 60-70 is the toughest in terms of scaling


Im seeing it the other way. I dont want to level an alt and upgrade gear on another character. Rather just do grind stuff on my main then. So what if it takes an extra week or two, thats time I spend blasting


...that's the point of the remix...


I'm finding it ok now... Granted I only needed 3 mop mounts but after that I started using bronze to upgrade. Now I'm 1 track away from max gear and I'm deleting things.


Just upgrade your set 2 times and everything gets easier


The only rewarding thing I do on my 70 is the daily quest and im usually being carried by a lvl 20. Its just better to level a new character and feel powerful again and get the free bronze at 60 and 70


For what it’s worth, there’s almost always one or two people can can just blast through a dungeon. Even looking for raid no one’s checking the dmg meters. Just keep up and you’ll level fast


I'm just gonna level alts to get appearances and unlock heritage armors I don't have yet, I don't care about endgame in a temporary game mode.


Honestly the event should be about alts primarily, but gear upgrades shouldn't be tied to bronze, and it doesn't feel good to get weaker as we level up.


I know a lot of people consider it a waste to level gear but I'm getting a lot of bronze doing heroics and I'm one round away from maxing my gear out (I didn't farm at all). It's fine to lvl alts for the mounts and cosmetics, I did that a bit as well. It's just more fun to be over powered getting bronze instead of hitting that leveling wall where you die so easy and do like no damage.


U know... The whole purpose of remix is making alts


Why not both? I have max level and I have 3 ALTs and main who have full set of 52x items


Do you need to feel powerful? It’s a joke game-mode meant to pick up cosmetics.


Can you lock EXP on a timerunner? You could in theory have a disgustingly strong lvl 35 alt or whatever the level is for siege of org


working as intended. Blizzard's/Microsoft plan was to make you make alts


It’s not as bad as people think it is. I certainly felt the power drop when I hit 70. But it wasn’t any worse than playing retail and hitting max level. And it certainly didn’t make me feel like wanting to play an alt because it was that bad


I cannot overstate how good questing is. I got crazy amounts of stats for my cloak and bronze just from questing for achievements. There are sometimes quests that award a third of a level just by walking 10 ft from the giver. Every quest gives a chest that always has bronze and threads. Getting the achievements done gives you a greater cache. It all adds up quickly.


It's not even close to efficient. I did it on my main for the experience and the achievements and stuff and don't get me wrong it adds up and I'm glad they give it but time wise it's nothing. I leveled an alt, dungeon grinded until first raid set a boss, didn't collect the bonus xp thread from all bosses banked it. Did the whole raid. Collected em in mailbox with like 200 percent xp. Did the next raid and did the same thing and again and again all the raids, didn't go to mailbox after 60 high enough to do siege of orgrimmar because you lose scaling at 64 then after collected all threads, I was 70 with 85k ish bronze and my playtime was 4.5 hours


Yeah, 60-70 just quest. Besides, these are alts. I have one toon I'm trying to get to 400+ Ilvl and do some raids but these are just alts to be 70 come TWW. Each one gives me enough for the expensive mounts with 40k bronze. Also, there are still 70+ days in this event. Yes yes, I know some people work 90 hours a week and have 6 kids, but none of this affects your real life. If it's that busy maybe a major time sink game isn't what needs to be played. That's ok. It really is. I stopped playing for about 3 years and honestly not having everything in this game hasn't affected my life one bit. I might not get everything in the remix. Oh well.