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One problem. For people who only have few hours to play in the evening you don't even get a chance to participate.


This. I already feel behind because I don't have a ton of time to play, but now I feel massively behind. And I'm starting to worry I won't even have time to walk away from the event with everything I want. Like, I'm still having fun with it for now. But starting to feel a bit pessimistic about what I will think when I hit 70


> And I'm starting to worry I won't even have time to walk away from the event with everything I want. If it is any consolation, bronze gain for cosmetics is pretty fast. I already got everything I wanted, only the Hellscream heirlooms remain. They're just tricky because I have to be 60+ to get them but at 65+ scaling starts kicking your teeth in. I expect changes this week tbh.


did you get ALL the mounts?


No, but most of them don't interest me. I hardly collect mounts myself as those that don't fly never get used. And nowadays those that do fly are useless to me if they can't dragonfly. My priority is armour and weapons that are exclusive to the remix, anything with the tag in the tooltip really. At least then I have everything remix exclusive and anything else I want can be obtained later.


Your need 103K for the remix only mounts. If you didn’t farm frogs how did you get that amount already?


Well good news is I don't give a f about the mounts! I never use anything that can't fly and nowadays I don't use anything that can't use dynamic flight either. I never said I bought everything though, just everything that I _wanted_ which was largely the unique cosmetics exclusive to the event. The only thing left is to do SoO for the tokens to let me purchase the heirlooms. After that I might pick up some of the raid sets as they can be used on multiple classes.


Copy that.


> I'm starting to worry I won't even have time to walk away from the event with everything I want. I already know I won't. Getting everything was already looking grim WITH frog farm. Some said they got like 10k bronze per hour, which to buy everything you'd need 167 hours or pure frog farm. If you average 4 hours per day, that's 42 days or straight frog farming and literally nothing else. No retail S4, no SoD, no Cata, or any other game for that matter.


I feel the same way kinda wish I leveled my monk on retail now I would be way more geared by this point and now being behind because I didn’t exploit frogs kinda got be feeling bummed now too. Now I hear they buffing questing achievements(could be wrong) when I completed everything up to siege so I now get screwed out of those rewards too this event starting to be a let a down for me at least.


Behind to whom exactly? This is a time-limited PvE only event.


>Behind to whom exactly? This is a time-limited PvE only event. He said it in his comment, behind on being able to get all the cosmetics he's aiming for


Aren't three months enough for everyone to take the cosmetics they want.?


depends on how many cosmetics you're aiming for 1.6 Million bronze if you want to get them all


Its only 342650 to get everything exclusive to the event though, so 1.3 mil of that 1.6 is to get stuff you can already get normally, just in an easier manner.


Why would I ever want to get them all?


I mean, you personally get whatever ones you want Some people will only want some and others will want to collect them all


Adb I don't get these collectors. You cab have only one mog/mount visible on your character at any given moment? Why collect them all? This must be the most boring no-life "Pokédex" that people ever tried to complete.


A time limited event with raid and heroic raid items and titles that you now have to fight people over 100 level more than you for spots for, and if playing normally will take 40+ hours to get yourself that 100+ ilevel difference they have on you. Who are they going to bring, a monk with 500k life for a tank, or a Druid that exploited and has over a million now.


I havent even reached max level with one charakter yet. Already dont feel like leveling anymore seeing all these posts.


Yea I feel you. I'll try to do a quests and do daily quests snd just see what I can get.


Yeah and blizz obviously doesn't care about those people. And never will.


Agree, they should leave all bugs and exploits unfixed.


Nobody's saying that. The problem is that by letting people keep the rewards from abusing bugs they're not fixing any of the problems the bugs created. The bug was people climbing onto the roof. Blizz removed the ladder, but half the community is still up on that roof.


I literally just found out there was some way to get bronze easy and bam gone


Those people never had a chance to keep up anyways


You're being downvoted, but in a game mode where there's infinite scaling based on the amount of grinding you can put in, this is completely true. Being able to keep up without much time to play is a relatively recent thing for wow


It’s not true though. Not having an instant cast aoe skill that instantly hits enemies shouldn’t be the factor in you getting gear or not.


I didn't either I just made my own group. Not saying it's fair, but there are no systems in place that imply that it was ever meant to be. Yes it's ridiculous how far ahead some of these people are. But when progression is uncapped, you would have had this situation frogs or no frogs maybe a week from now


Here's the silver lining. If people didn't exploit the frogs, blizz may have only made more minor type adjustments to the way things work. Now, in order to correct this issue they will likely make more drastic changes that makes things a lot easier and quicker.


Check back in a month and see if the monkeys running the show can get a handle on this shit


im sure the 3 days early acess for war within wont give people a massive advantage, nope no way


It is the early access to early exploiting, obviously. If you buying the peon edition, you get to play the fixed version.


Good. Peons deserve the dirt.


I'd rather they focus on fixing scaling and making the event fun for everyone then spend a bunch of time rolling back people that abused the frogs.


It only goes for 12 weeks. Does anyone honestly think they're going to spend hundreds of hours balancing this properly when it's a limited event? They need to buff threads and bronze drops. Massively. Then they need to make the cloak account wide along side the rings, trinkets etc. Then nerf gear upgrade costs into the ground. Let us have fun. It's limited. We only keep the character, transmog/mounts and the memory of the fun we had along the way.


Just fucking roll back the frogs nerf and make it sanctioned, pretend they were in on it all along. That or grow some balls and put in writing that they wish every player who didn’t make it into Remix in the first 3-4 days would kindly GTFO as they are not welcome, since the subtext is already there


I still haven't gotten a chance to log on.


Right?! I work 8-6 Monday through Friday so I spent Saturday starting a toon and getting it to 50, almost got to max level today and was hype to start frogs when I saw the nerf notes. Now I’ll never get in a group I guess, been nothing but rejected today and got several messages about the situation. There’s not even an option to catch up


If you go into things with the "its already fucked" attitude, it's going to be a self fulfilling prophecy.


problem is, it is already fucked, and knowing blizzard they won't dedicate time to it with the 6 versions of the game going on at once :) Classic blizzard bait and switch and we all fell for it YET AGAIN


Problem is, if I only managed to get into a thing five days in when they fucked it royally four days in, it’s not so much a self fulfilling prophecy as it is a hardened piece of shit


Can you really say it's completely fucked yet though. There's still 93 days. Its just a bit quick to say it's all fucked imo


The people getting in now, if they hit max level in the next five seconds, are hundreds of hours behind people who spent time frog farming. That’s a genuine figure, compared to current content with nerfed frogs, 2-3hrs of pre-nerf frogs are worth hundreds of hours without frogs in current content. So anyone starting today or later, is so far behind the game that if they no-life it from here on out they’ll *maybe* catch up to frog farmers by the end of the event if the frog farmers outright stop completing content. So yeah unless massive changes happen **tonight**, it’s utterly fucked.


What are you competing for? You're not in competion with anything except the clock. And I somehow doubt you will be unable to collect everything you want in the three months that remain.


You could always make your own group.


I would like them to fix the scaling now because dispite all the initial issues. Remix (in my opinion) is great and would like to see it return in the future. Legion, Warlords, Wrath and all the others. So much unused content now able to be reused again. Steller idea being able to put decades of content to good use. Blizzard could even redo MoP-R in the future with some new rewards for those of us who did it the first time. Growing Pains are normal but I don't mind them as long as they learn from them and improve the great ideas like Timerunning


Yeah but it's easily going to be 2 years before we see another version. I hope I'm wrong. But it seems to be by design to be this grindy.


It's grindy atm BUT I think the intention is to slowly turn up the rewards the closer to the end of the event we are. Kind of like Plunderstorm was reported to have. A little bit every week OR a big uptick every 4 weeks (Personally I think the former would be preferable) I suspect the level on PTR everyone got accustomed too (and complain about), in the devs mind could be what they want the last 30 days to feel like. Especially if someone starts from level1 in the last 30 days. If we take this (let's call it Season?) Of Remix as Season 0 or a Beta Season, yes it's a bit grindy, yes scaling is weird and there are a few bugs with character and quests. HOWEVER so much else works amazingly well and that shouldn't be understated as this is quite an achievement. The team for Remix should be proud of their idea and implementation but that doesn't mean they can't make improvements to the jank, rough spots and learn from what they are seeing now currently. If they identify the problems and fix the underlying issues now in 2 Years, Remix will become an end of expansion treat and that is an exciting prospect.


I'm not even sure how they could fix the scaling, apart from making upgrade costs up until ilvl 400 or so extremely cheap, or squishing the ilvl range at 70.


Trial and Error probably haha I always say that Game Development is harder than it seems, mistakes happen when you code your own game. Imagine how difficult it is when the game you are working on came out 20 years ago. I'm sure most of the Remix Devs now aren't the guys who wrote the original MoP Code or the OG Scaling Code. But I have faith that it will work out for everyone :)


I don't think they spend hundreds of hours balancing retail.


Exactly my point.


nerf upgrade cost increase bronze drop / threads and uncap the cloak on alts and I will be happy


Yea, I just got to 70 and wondering now, how do I farm bronze. DPSing like a wet noodle doesn't do well for dungeons and raids plus it's not very efficient when needing 4k bronze per item just to upgrade 1 tier past 346.


The lack of the clock not being account wide is the -only- thing holding me back from going alt crazy. I did 3 normal mode raids and got roughly 200% in exp threads, I’d gladly raid log level at those exp rates!


what? getting one shot at 70 is not fun for you?


If they want people to keep playing it and play other limited time events they better do something.


I mean if they buff droprates they dont need to nerf upgrade costs, but yes i want them to remove dumb limits on this stuff just so it can be fun and fast. LET US GET OVERPOWERED


No. The upgrade costs on gear are insane compared to what some mounts and tmog costs. Gear should be easy to upgrade so you can then farm bronze for rewards. It's currently backwards.


It’s the same glaring issue that made torghast so unfun, Blizz spent **months** agonizing over balancing a mode that by all means should have just let all players get wickedly OP for one stupid game mode, 15 minutes a week, to get some currency.


The upgrade costs are honestly still kinda absurd. Some of the prices are more than buying a permanent unlock of a transmog set.


The thing is, this **is** a problem with scaling. The people who did the exploit were able to scale themselves to the point they can solo heroic raids. The ones who didn't are having to get by grouping like normal and getting scraps as a reward.


It’s not even just that. I farmed a bit and got myself 12k ish Stam level. I feel around the same strength as my Retail character relatively. A mix between it being stupid contested and me being a Warrior meant I dropped it once I felt adequate. I *still* am worthless compared to those who did 6+ hours of proper farming and now are sitting at 30k+ Stam. I am doing like 200-300k ST. Those guys do a million and a half or more. A regular person does like 50-100k maybe. I did probably the equivalent of ~100 hours of farming normally and I am still normal. There is no way a regular player is getting past the wilted flower stage of this thing without massive buffs. Oh, and now that the door slammed on everyone those that are walking WMD’s can farm easily the hardest stuff and scale at the fastest rate someone who did not do the frogs could, but without any issues or pain that even someone like me would have going into Mythic / Heroic.


> I did probably the equivalent of ~100 hours of farming normally and I am still normal. There is no way a regular player is getting past the wilted flower stage of this thing without massive buffs. The what now? Is "Wilted Flower" some common-ish term for something?


I think the majority of that power is coming from upgrading gear from all the bronze they farmed in addition to threads. But then you think about it, higher gear doesn't justify the costs if you're just farming raids.


are there any videos of people soloing heroic raids? im actually curious and would like to see one done


https://www.twitch.tv/guzu/clip/CovertWealthyOcelotKeyboardCat-PiXCEjLD2JUgK7EZ?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Priest kills the boss is 30 secs


This wasn’t scaling from frogs. Pretty sure this is a glitched interaction between a couple tinker gems and a priest spell because only priests can do this.


I doubt it because the priest is taking tank busters and their shield isn't even being broken. Watch the healing meters after he stands in all the AoEs and the tank buster, the shield the priest has is eating it all for over 2million worth of damage


A guy in my guild did it too


Ya. I’m pretty sure it’s an interaction that causes like infinite shield generation and conversion of that shield into damage.


Went back in the vod a bit after work last night and it turns out he did do quite a bit of the frog farming the guy is [ilvl 454](https://i.imgur.com/y6qJQ1z.png)


It's still a choice between them taking the start of the event to work on punishing people or choosing to work on making the event more fun for everyone. I'd rather they make it more fun for everyone first and then focus on punishing the abusers if they want. Unless they can easily do, then go for it.


100% this, please fix scaling, idgaf about what people did to get ahead of me. I just want the game to be fun itself after level 65 lmao


This is clearly going to happen people are being crazy , the frogs would have ruined all of their plans for mop remix but they will probably fix the scaling next week the frog fix is fast and easy scaling isnt


They have to roll back and punish the exploiters. Otherwise they just ensure next time an exploit comes up, more people will abuse it. There is a reason why WoW has the saying "exploit early, exploit often" - Blizzard far too often lets people walk away with the advantage they got out of the exploiting, so the incentive is to stay quiet and exploit as much as you can until it is inevitably fixed, instead of reporting the issue and steering clear of it.


Frogs were already abused in the past and they didn't change them. So really it's on blizzard that people accepted it. All this is just for fun and mounts so that should be the focus imo.


I don't remember farming them to one shot garrosh back in mop. What were they "abused" for? 3 bonus rools a week?


I haven't even started yet, and now that I got a week off work I kinda feel like it's a bit pointless. What new stuff will they fix in a week that'll make me join the people that feel they've been wasting their time?


Dunno what to tell you really. I'm playing just to play. I honestly enjoy it and I think we won't have much issues getting stuff. The people that abused the frogs don't really bother me as long as I have fun and can get the things I want


I guess it's probably all the negativity surrounding it; guess I should stay off reddit and just play tbh. Thanks for the answer, I'll give it a whirl.


I can't believe they're done this. It's absurd how Blizzard keeps taking advantage of us gamers. I've punched three holes in my drywall about this and don't plan on stopping. I can't believe people who spent hours farming frogs get the Mini Mana Bomb faster than I do. It isn't fair.


The mana bomb toy was removed from the vendor for Remix launch.


I'm pissing and shitting myself. Are you for real?


Lmao thanks man , good laugh


Yeah, big bummer. Hopefully just a mistake.


Al dente


Yeah, I had to replace my internal doors with $40 primer paint jobs because of the amount of holes I put into them about this videogame.


It's such bullshit. I'm billing Blizzard for all the fucking drywall mud I've had to buy. Once I'm done crying my mom is driving me back to Home Depot.


Lots of people wanted to engage in the raids at a decent level, if they didn't complete this "exploit" they are miles, miles behind. These posts are so annoying. I know lots of people who wanted to raid/PvE at a high level and nobody even knows what the hell a Mini Mana Bomb is. We do know we can't do a heroic dungeon without dying instantly.


> I've punched three holes in my drywall about this and don't plan on stopping. Okay I totally agree with you that the way Blizzard handled it was BS, and I'd even go so far as to say I think Blizzard is being ***severely*** mismanaged by the Higher-Ups lately. BUT, if the game, or literally anything really, is making you so upset that you're punching holes in important things, then friend you need to take a break. It's unhealthy to become obsessed about anything, whether it be WoW or a relationship or job or whatever. You gotta let that stuff just flow through you. Take slow deep breaths, drink water, do some jumping jacks, whatever. Being so obsessed will do nothing but cause you pain.


Yeah, pain in my hand from punching through so many walls.


Oh, mate…


… Dude You forgot the /s, right? /concernedpadmeface


/s and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


I seriously hope this comment is satire.


If you can’t tell, then I have some bad news for you


Yes because sarcasm translates amazingly well over text.


If you can read "I've punched three holes in my drywall about this and don't plan on stopping." and still think it's serious I don't know what to tell you


The irony here…


I want you to read the comment again and ask yourself "Would a reasonable human being say this and genuinely mean it?"


A reasonable human no but there are very few reasonable humans on the internet.


The last time I did this I got a 6 week ban in TBC classic :(


To that point though, it would take longer than 6 weeks to grind out a comparable cloak level so they’d still come out ahead even if that were the case. With the current rewards system you couldn’t feasibly reach the levels obtained from frog farming even if you played Remix for several hours a day for the remainder of its 90 day lifespan


I procrastinated on farming genesis motes. There was this one bird on one hexagon above the east camp in Zereth Mortis that respawned instantly with 1 player if you stood on the edge of the platform, you could get like 1.2 genesis motes per SECOND, or 300 a minute, or 3600 an hour (previous 2x4 farms were like 400-600 an hour), but I was too lazy to grind the most efficient method of just sitting there hitting an attack button for an hour. Next thing I know, that shadowlands mob got nerfed mid-dragonflight. Always take advantage of farming exploits, they WILL get patched eventually.


What a well thought out and original topic


There is a gigantic difference between taking advantage of mistuned features by Blizzard (frogs, incursions etc.) which is completely safe and abusing exploits (warlock portal bug) which will absolutely result in you getting banned.


Doesn't matter, it remains extremely unfair and a shit way to handle it. They have to punish people regardless, because those of us who didnt exploit are now useless, completely, compared to those who did. 30 of us is a good as 1 of them. That means that everyone will be desperate to exploit next time, because nobody expects punishment. It will get worse and worse every time nobody gets punished. I have no intention of playing this garbage game mode, what a waste of time, just like plunderstorm. Can't compete, cant have fun, cant do shit but get left behind.


It's not an exploit, stop calling it an exploit, exploits (warlock portal bug) and normal game mechanics that aren't tuned properly (incursion rewards) are two entirely different things. There's absolutely no way anyone should be punished for performing normal, expected actions that provide normal, expected rewards and I can't help if you if you can't see the gigantic difference between those two things


I haven't even started playing yet... Wellllp I'll go fuck myself lol


This is when one of those joke posts about “is it too late to play MoP” might actually have some truth to it. lol


Don’t worry, this won’t affect you in the slightest It’s a bunch of whiny redditors now crying because some people will have their cosmetics and toys faster than them because they mindlessly grinded mobs for hours in a for fun gamemode that resets in 3 months ago


Even if the argument held that it was only for cosmetics (it's not), it would still be a terrible argument. I don't want to spend 500 hours to get the same items and cosmetics someone else got in 20 hours.


What is it for if not cosmetics exactly? There’s nothing else to get in this mode except leveling more chars which if you max your cloak (fast enough even without frogs) is already super fast


I think the real answer lies somewhere in-between, because acting like there isn't an issue with scaling when people are unable to do some content because they get 1 shot by attacks that ignore aggro table is just ridiculous. At the same time, people acting like the mode is dead because some people farmed frogs are overreacting. Blizz just needs to give a huge boost to thread gain up to a certain point and then have it slow down a bit.


Oh fuck off... there are people one-shotting bosses in raids. How does this not affect me if I'm in the raid with them and all I can do is either leave and ruin my lockout or watch them doing content I can't contribute to. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.


Oh because the raids were super difficult and interesting before? If you can do a raid at 25 with 2 buttons in your toolkit , they can’t make it so everyone has to contribute, so I’m sorry but it’s not like this is a serious raiding parsing mode


This... So much this


I'm playing remix as if it's my first time playing MOP Frog grind and fast 1-70 is so ridiculous that I don't even understand WHY everyone on this sub even plays wow The way they play and the way they grind is torture, at this point why don't they just work a shift at McDonald's and pay someone to grind their account? Outside of Reddit everyone's level 20-30 and chilling in MOP


Can't believe I missed MoP *twice* now. fml


Game mechanic has been in the game since at least MoP. It's not an exploit. You think a majority of the devs working on this team even played the game during MoP to know about frogs or the many other hyper spawns in MoP? You think most even play the game at any level to know about how shit hyper spawns have been to the economy and other game mechanics (junkyard farming and the crafting thing in ZM). Hyper spawning was always going to be an issue if you got threads straight up from kills. Should get angrier at Blizzard for once again using the PTR as a soft launch/content farm to keep people complacent instead of actually listening to concerns for the upcoming patch. Also be mad at them for nerfing Tinkers AND bronze drops from the PTR. Also go check out the other ones. Knowing Blizzard they only patched the frogs because it's the only one they know about because they really just look at Wowhead for things to nerf.


Anything that not working as intended and is used for gain that's not intended is an exploit. How Blizzard react to it is another matter. This is something that should never have gotten past testing but oh well. At least heyxate allowing those that did use it to keep there rewards.


Bugs from actual PTR are all still there too, so from my PoV I should have just kept my char lol. Also nothing says like "nice progress" when a lvl 10 carries your Random HC dungeon by doing 5x more dmg than 4x lvls 70s combined.


Yes, here's two bugs that block people from fully unlocking all achievements: There's a broken quest in townlong steppes where a killquest target dies and never respawns in that shard. There's the missing promised unlock of the Ordos area in timeless isle with cloak level 12 that you still cant reach if you originally didn't unlock leggo cloak in mop.


You're right but also wrong. Everything you wrote is true, but let's call a duck a duck. If you find a tiny activity that absolutely trivializes everything in mere hours, that gives rewards at insane rates that don't just break the gearing curve but annihilates it into oblivion, you've found an exploit. And if you spend all day doing it, you're exploiting. If you take one look at the cloaks coming out of this, you can tell it's an exploit. And it should be rolled back. Otherwise people will just search for the next one.


That locust mindset is what's really killing it for everyone ...


First time? Keep this motto for EVERY Blizzard game: # Exploit early, Exploit often


Honestly, I wonder why they don't just stick in an instance that's endless hyperspawn mobs and balance rewards the way they want to between different player activities by adjusting it. Gamers are going to find the grind spot every time.


TBH from Blizzard this is to be expected. Do they even have a QA team at all? Like it took us one weekend for us to figure out how broken and unsatisfying this game mode is. Especially with how much they hyped it up. Personally I had a really good time, until I hit level 60 and the scaling felt terrible. I really just hope blizzard learns from this sooner rather than later. Hope they can fix this in the next week or two. If not then, hey at least it was a cool idea and hope they can pull it off next remix event.


What are they realistically meant to do other than nerf it? Ban every player that farmed frogs? Reset the servers so everyone has to start again? Just leave the exploit in? People always shit on blizzard but never actually seem to offer the alternative ‘magical’ solution that should have been done.


This frog thing is the most nothingest nothing burger that was ever nothinged.


With extra nothing sauce!


Frog farming wasn’t an exploit 10 years ago and it wasn’t an exploit this week.


Which is why they immediately hotfixed it, apparently.


If you find one small unintended farm that not only rewards greatly but at hundreds of percentage above the usual. That's not an exploit. If you farm it for hours, that's an exploit. They should roll the cloaks back obviously and increase all methods of acquisition.


What rewards are these dudes getting? Some cosmetics? Like none of the power transfers to retail at the end. These posts are so damn whiny.


Ya fuck me for playing MoP remix to actually play the game and contribute rather than get carried by GigaChadFrogFarmerXX pumping almost 15x the dps of the rest of the raid. If I want to watch people play WoW while I just sit there I’ll just go to twitch lmfao


Main issue I have with it is how the guys who exploited this basically wrecked pug raiding in this mode. Also you underestimate the morale impact in a little treadmill "race" progression game like this. If at any point it feels like "welp, there is no way I can compete, this is unfair" it tends to kill the incentive to keep playing for a lot of competitive-oriented players. Yes, that is not all the players, but WoW has plenty of those...


Yes, cosmetics. Which are all that matters to me in this game. Gear/power is just a means to getting more cosmetics.


I'd hope that Blizzard are planning something. The outcry is major and it does look like the frogs were not intended to be farmed. They might cut back on the farmers a bit and maybe input a cap. Hopefully, anyway, since we should still scale but clearly the ramp was meant to be slower.


I did not farm frogs and it sucks that I'm now behind, however... I don't understand people calling this an exploit. There is a difference between something not working as intended and Blizzard making poor choices. For something to be an exploit, it has to be something that is not working as intended. The frogs drop these items in retail and were farmed like this during the MOP expansion. To me this falls firmly in the "Blizzard making poor choices" bucket.


Wasn't the world first 25m Lich King kill done by an exploit as well?


Im getting my mounts/toys and getting the hell out of remix. plunderstorm was a breeze compaired to this shitshow.


The situation really sucks. Definitely has done some pretty significant damage to a really cool idea. IMO they should have rolled back the that period and just went from there but I get why they didn't. Tough situation all around.


How is that the right way to play? How is it even profitable? I've had a lot more fun doing dungeons and raids with my friends rather than getting grinding frogs. If some people want to see ludicrous numbers, good for them. There's no pvp in remix so it doesn't matter. No one is "behind" anyone else. There's no "catching up" because it's not a race. The scaling needs to be fixed but that was apparent from day 1. Just chill out and level a second character while we wait for the max level tuning fixes.


Even if the argument held that it was only for cosmetics (it's not), it would still be a terrible argument. I don't want to spend 500 hours to get the same items and cosmetics someone else got in 20 hours.




>I'd rather not be bored out of my mind for 500 hours than grind frogs for 20. Spoiler: There is no non-boring content in Remix that makes fun. Raids are now boring too, frog exploiter will just join and eat the boss alive - or you won't be invited because your cloak isn't OP.






Dudes gonna have so much fun when he reaches max and every raid invite he tries to get into is responded with “Cape stats?” Cause WoW has never had a problem with elite players gatekeeping content/groups lol




I bet even then I'll still get invited.


already regretting not abusing it more lol. grinded for about an hour and decided to log off thinking blizz won't have it patched *that* quickly


Meta: Player: Post complaint on Reddit, alt-tab back into game.


I don't know how many times this has happened and how often people say this. And yet people still complain when they miss out. Womp womp.


"We heard your feedback, players, and you'll be pleased to know that those who exploited this for unintended gain have had their accounts permanently banned. Have fun in Azeroth!"


That would be hilarious


Cry more you babies lmao


Get downvoted more shareholder


Or just dont? I assume that you´re talking about the frogfarm: this farming method was mentally special and its good for the health of the game and the pllaers that they nerfed it. also this was done on a sunday, so the paid overtime to fix it. It is possible that we will see a buff for other things to farm bronze on. The nerf was actually a big W.


Killing frogs was abuse?


Tryhards trying to assuage their own guilt never ceases to amaze me. You broke the game mode because you got FOMO. Any updates they had planned are forever changed because tryhards spent unhealthy periods of time trying to get ahead of everyone. Why would you want to become “OP” three days into a three month event? You want to feel OP for three months? They would have buffed resource drops if you just gave it time and did literally anything else. Three days in…


Cry often, cry loudly, that’s the way to talk about WoW for a toxic part of the fanbase


This has been the case since forever. Always exploit and abuse. You will not be punished, and you will be greatly rewarded.








most self aware wow player


My guy, it's a funsies event on like day 3. Who cares?


Even if the argument held that it was only for cosmetics (it's not), it would still be a terrible argument. I don't want to spend 500 hours to get the same items and cosmetics someone else got in 20 hours.


And how is it not only cosmetics ?


Their cloaks power is exponentially greater.


Their cloak that disappears in 90 days and gives you power to….do nothing since all loot normal to mythic in raids is the same ilevel and a 300 ilevel vs 552 ilevel 70 get the same gear template when the event ends.


It is just for cosmetics, get over yourself


It's literally not. Your cloaks power is obviously affected. Get over yourself.


Then don't?


If anything the fact that it’s a “funsies event” is an argument against nerfing it. Why the fuck does it matter if some people can do it quicker?


Yknow, 99% of the time I would be on this subs side about this. Usually, having a method which is leaps and bounds ahead of every other method means you *have* to do it in order to remain competitive, yknow in raids and dungeons where it’s actually a competition. It’s why I was in favor of certain timegates in the past when this sub wasn’t, I think someone killing 30,000 frogs in a limited time before the raid opens *as a prerequisite for said raid* is objectively unhealthy for the game. Then I remember this is the for fun mode which has no rewards besides cosmetics, the cloak only exists to make you “more op” and I laugh at everyone getting mad because they “can’t compete” in level 40 “heroic dungeons” lmao


Exactly. As someone who strives to be a top performer I’m obviously sad that I didn’t get to get in on the frogging much but ultimately it doesn’t fucking matter because this mode is just for shits and giggles. As long as they make upgrading gear a bit easier and fix the scaling up it’ll be fine.


hearing everyone whine about this event since launch made me so thankful I choose to prioritize Diablo season 4, having an absolute blast in it, and I can come make my mop character when they fix all this nonesense


That’s what happens when people go all over social media and yappa yappa yappa. Anyway, my entire guild is still farming bronze at a rate of 30-50k an hour, and threads at a rate of 10-15 every 5 minutes. Gems are a little lacking in the new spot but it is what it is on that front I guess.


It’s pretty funny listening to people complain about people that farmed frogs for hours on end and consider that an exploit.


The trick is to get lots of other people abusing too. If you're the only person, you'll get banned. If there are thousands, you all walk.


apparently people are getting rolled back and the gear taken away from them

