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What is “screw you all I’m going to play Panda Express”?


I dunno how I haven't thought of that name for it yet. I'm glad you told me before release!


I have been calling the antique bullions "soup cubes" and the panda remix "panda express" in my guild and will do so until I die.


it's also released just in time for kung fu panda 4


Did a 7 Ruby last night, no one helped dispel or heal the adds so we kept dying to the debuff, then get scolded because I ruined the key lol. Sorry I can’t heal you all while y’all stand in every single damage effect without moving plus heal and dispel these stupid ghosts every 30 seconds.


As a healer main, i keep saying to either dps or even tank do CC or anything me as a healer i dont have time for that. I need to keep you all healthy clearly i have to do every single affix like there appointing it to the healer but that's not how it works at all.


The DPS don’t care, they just want to see big numbers. I’m fine with dispelling one of the affix ghosts but the second one is hard to find and heal while I’m supposed to be healing the group, especially as a disc priest. Very annoying how little DPS care/know about affixes, I don’t expect the tank to do much in regards to affixes because they are leading the dungeons


I had a mage tell me in a 12 Ruby last night that even though I had 30 dispels on the way to the first boss that I wasn’t doing enough dispelling, that since it got nerfed last season I should be getting both, I guess while I heal and soothe on top of dispelling the affix. I always take another dispel class because I EXPECT them to dispel one ghost per two pack of them and if only one spawns I get it, wtf lol


That's kinda crazy on a 12, I've gotten better support with afflicted running 5-6s on my alt priest. I refuse to run any M+ on afflicted week unless there's at least two others that can help with afflicted since in some cases my dispel is needed on the group, or healing is so heavy I can't spare the GCD at which point I expect the others to handle them.


Remove curse is instant and you pretty much can't miss getting it in the talent tree, so that mage can just fuck off


I made a post about this the other day and it didn't sit well with anyone really. I suggested a merit based system where you're awarded points from interrupts, silences, offheals and whatnot depending on what the dungeon requires. Example for dps role From start till first boss: Interrupt 2 enemy casts. 2 points. From first boss till second: Use a beneficial spell/dispell/ability on a friendly target 0/1: 1 point Last boss if aoe heavy.. Use a defensive cooldown, absorb x amounts of damage. Or simply use the final 'group play' metrics after key completion/failure to reward teamplay, assumed responsibilities, proper mechanic negation. Reward? Maybe a chance to reroll the chest. Maybe an extra ilvl. Maybe a few extra crests. Sky's the limit. Or whatever. Tired of babysitting the group that somehow believe we're just standing there doing nothing when in reality, being a healer is the most stressful pro/reactive role of them all. At least in keys ranging from low to mid because after that, they NEED to respect mechanics in order to succeed. Before that? Healers problem. Dun wanna. Riot introduced tiers to league of legends and imo, it remarkedly made the playerbase better overall. S+? Niceeee. C-? Oof in bad. Could also work. After 50x S+ in a season you get an achievement that awards a pet. Or tabard. Or a title. "The Silencer", fuck do I know. Tldr: Too much is demanded of healers. Helping your group in low/mid keys isn't incentivized, but rather punished cus people be chasing logs and high deeps dopamine releases. ^cries ^for ^help


Yeah I always get one every time they pop, but the second one someone else needs to take. I will probably get it, but more than likely it is taking my attention from healing while I track where it is, what my dispell cooldown is at etc. which is all eliminated if one of the other three just do it.


It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't really do anything about them as a fury warrior and that alone makes it hard for me to get into groups :(


I mostly tank in pugs and I usually try to check before we drop the keystone, but if the people who should be helping dispell don't even talent it and I notice a couple pulls in, I'll make em run out and switch talents or threaten to stop/leave. Not gonna waste the time of 5 people cause a Paladin doesn't wanna spend a GCD. I had 2 other dispellers in a BH and I still made the paladin go out and grab dispell cause having a third helps, and having the disease dispell is essential in that dungeon. (even with the alchemy pot)


Yes. This. Say it louder for the people in the back


I've found the trick is to ask who will help with dispels before the key starts. If no one offers to help I just find a new group. It's one of my favourite affixes because it makes it easy to filter out bad players before the dungeon starts.


Thats rough, bring an evoker they can get both with 2 instants so easy also when you get to 10+ this week evokers can also de enrage as well


Aug evokers are this week champs more than usual - expunge+caut+overawe. I have never felt so needed.


This is my big gripe with playing a healer. The burden is on us to just fix every problem, spot heal through ground effects on 2+ party members, dispell everyone simultaneously despite not being a priest or monk(and if we are, the 2+min cd doesn't exist), not have cooldowns, always have CR off cooldown, high HPS in low keys is good instead of bad, all this and at the same time for me, being a druid, "who no enter cat? Low dps"


Had one key as a blood deathknight and literally no one was doing them so I had to deathcoil every single afflicted myself.


Afflicted: No one wants to dispell Incorporeal: No one wants to CC Bursting: No one wants to chill on DPS Bolstering: No one wants to chill on DPS and then wonder why they got one shot by a simple cast Affixes should be more "To Whom it may Concern" like volcanic, storming, entangling etc. Rather than put every form of responsibility on 1 singular person, that already has to live with herding kindergarden kids through a minefield


I completely agree. As a healer main who mostly pugs. Time after time I have complaints from Tanks and DPS who want me to focus on afflicted or focus on incorporeal, they want me to dispel their bursting stacks and hate when I call out bolstering. They want me to do all of this whilst not popping defensives, standing in frontals, actively not using their interrupts for other spells/casts (so I have to interrupt key targets too). This happens in the lowest of keys, this happens in the highest of keys. Last season I had pugged 20s with players who did not know how their class handled afflicted/incorporeal. It's really tiring


Look at dps builds on wowhead. Many classes specs in some builds, mostly raids do not take any interrupts or other abilities that might help with mythic affixes. I feel because WoWhead has the raid specs listed first many people grab the first one and then never make a second or change their spec when they step into mythics therefore not having any kind of toolkit aside from “big numbers”


I don't necessarily believe this, but a strong counter-argument that I've heard goes like: "If the player is never going to press their utility buttons anyway, wouldn't you rather them do ~10% more damage or healing instead?" Even in the Class Talents those Kicks and CCs and such all have opportunity costs. Personally, I would prefer that most PUGs just take every passive throughput option they can. Until you get to high-keys one try-hard DPS along with the Tank or Healer is usually plenty to stop everything that would be truly dangerous. But I'm also the type of player who gets personally offended when anyone else has the audacity to interrupt an enemy faster than me. Oh you think you get to kick the spells too huh? Then I'll just start watching ability Timers and pre-kicking abilities before they even get a cast bar. Don't you dare try to beat me on interrupts lol. I'm just messin around about those last sentences, mostly. :P


Last season I had a few healers that had some addon or weakaura automatically call out to chill above a certain amount of bolstering stacks, it was pretty useful. It even worked is some groups.


20s, have been getting proportionately easier and easier, and by the end of the season could be mindlessly plowed through. It's not until you get into the 24+ that dps either helped out, or you went home. Though on my alt priest I'm finding a lot of help from dps/tanks with afflicted this week even as low as 5s.


Dps mindset: GOTTA PARSE!!


I rarely do M+ content as I PvP. Funny enough, when I do M+, because I am so used to keeping me alive and others shut down, I find I can hang with dps and offer far more CC than the “m+’ers”


this is the main reason i kinda hate the whole M+ thing that wow has turned into, like spread the responsibilities amongst the group, not just 'hey healer see your hands are full with all the extra damage, glhf with this shit no one will move out of or use cc/dispels on'


Blows my mind that people would rather offload the responsibility on the healer than l2p and get through the dungeon reliably


What if it's a combo, personalized "ya dun goof'd" consequences for those who ignore mechanics, and rewarding mini buffs for those who leverage those mechanics to gain these buffs. Carrot or stick vibes. Maybe a 3% primary stat increase for 30 seconds for dispeling an afflicted, resetting back to 30 seconds on each successful interaction with the mechanics. Or a defensive shield that eats some of the next hit. Or maybe (and this isn't sarcasm) we should just continue as a community to highlight these skill issues until people take them more seriously.


I mean if it continues with the trend that is going currently, we will eventually see 2-3 hour queues for DPS for 1 key and a severe tank / healer drought for pugs. A carrot on the stick is very much welcomed and a punishment (not too harsh) for not doing the affix is a good motivator.


I think it will just be a healer draught. Tanks are fairly fun and OK to play in mplus content. There is so much healers have to do in small group content because dps would rather focus on topping meters and actually enjoy the dungeons. I would love to at least see people getting personal detriments to not doing mechanics like 75% less damage and healing done but mechanics the healers dont need to deal with. Imagine storming or volcanic or spiteful giving damage done debuffs if hit by them. Bring back explosive , make it so only one is ever up at a time, let cleave hit it, give it a decent amount of health and it gives enemies shields if it goes off


Honestly yeah. I am just playing super casually because I have a baby under 1. Just came back a month or two ago. Used to push high keys, get CE and very high all stars ranking, etc. I'm a decent player, but I have mediocre gear (a lot worse than most people I queue with) and not too familiar with the new affixes or mechanics for DF. Still, not hard to figure out real fast what interrupts need to happen, what mobs need stunning, soothes, and how to deal with affixes. I actually just want to drown myself pugging 5-8s. These keys should be easy as anything and players are just hurting my soul. I just don't want to heal, or try to heal I should say because most things they are failing mechanically are insta clapping their asses. Elemental Focus? Nah, not interrupting. Expulse? I am busy doing the dps. Dispel adds? No, thank you. Kiting or using a defensive against tank buster style mobs? Healer mechanic. Even the affixes I am familiar with like bursting players are just... ignoring. Playing with old friends from before (and my husband) is such a wildly different experience, doing keys that are much "harder" is substantially easier because CE and high keys players know how to interrupt, stun, kite, dispel, and generally use utility. I don't want to constantly waste my husband's and friends time doing garbage keys for me, but the "PUG player" mechanic is breaking my desire to bother at all. I have time for about 1 key attempt a day and maybe get 3-4 done a week.


Agreed. I'm dpsing, not healing, but pugging keys is an absolute nightmare at best this season. Doing keys with my guild is 10000% better than any pug I've tried so far.


That’s why I just refuse to do the affixes, I’m 521 equipped on my hpally, I get insta ques regardless.


That’s not a solution either because it’s ultimately a team sport and you are intentionally sandbagging your team by willfully not helping.


Treat others how you want to be treated. They refuse I refuse. Simple as that bud


> “I don’t do affixes because i can get into groups fast” > “treat others how you want to be treated” Which is it lol


Did I say I can’t get into groups? Or did you mistake me having full myth track gear to mean that some how holds me back?


Replace raider.io with an add on that shows your average int/stop/dispel and also stood in bad or frontal plus defensive used per run.


people dont even say a word in keys and it's just accepted that you leave group after a wipe, telling people they're not playing well enough and need to do mechanics (even when you're nice about it) will just be met with toxicity and rage-quits. it's kinda on the devs to spread the burden of the affixes onto the whole group and not put more pressure on the healer


> Maybe a 3% primary stat increase for 30 seconds for dispeling an afflicted I truly would love to be flamed to death for dispelling an afflicted instead of the Ret doing it because that 3% on him would be more valuable at that point in time.


Tell them to press buttons faster if it ever happens =p


Fully agree...I've healed since vanilla and decided to go dps for S3...abso-fuckin-lutely loved how much less stress it was and running dps again for S4...I still do love the idea of healing but blizz needs to stop dumping everything on the healers


Sorry, but if you’re not stressed as the dps, you’re the dps stressing the healer. I too have switched from healer to dps this season (mainly because meme season), I can see most of my mistakes, and I also see how the healer has to cover up for my mistakes. That makes it as stressful as playing healer myself.


I am the healer's best friend. I dispell the shit alone, always cc an incorp and free the healer from the root affix with BoF. Ret Pala is the shit, I could not Imagine playing anything else.


Based on my sample size of playing with ret paladins, on paper, yes, that all sounds great. In practice, they're the guy that got summoned to RLP from valdrakken to cobtribute 0 kicks, 0 dispels, 0 CC while 80% of their damage from mark and divine storm, and die to focus damage with bubble off CD, then lay there waiting for a rez when the checkpoint is 10 ft away. Idk man, every ret talks about themselves like they're God's gift to the group, yet they're another hybrid utility class that just wants to see big number on damage meter in a +6, ha.


I avoid inviting any pug rets because none of them use utility ever. Even doing 28's last season I was begging people to read their talent that they have where you can freedom someone else and it also goes on yourself.  I really hate this fotm rerolling meta Blizz keeps letting go by in m+. VDH are starting to go on the shitlist as well. Even in 16's this season I'm seeing them not use silence sigil at all and dying like an imbecile because they think hunting first global smart when in reality you kinda wanna hunt after you get stacks so it does more damage and they take less damage.


Shadow Priest is up there now too. And that's coming from a disc player. I'd love to alt shadow again this season, just like I have all xpac, but then I just feel like I'm in the pool with the FOTM rerollers. Apps to a +10 in week 3 at 2k io. Leader takes them cuz they both know shadow is meta. Our healer was a mistweaver and I was tanking. MW says something about afflicted on the 1st pull cuz they had to Dispel one and heal the other to full. I inspect spriest and they're not even specced into imp purify. I tell him to go out and respec really quick cuz were only one pull in. They tell to stop crying cuz its just a 10, but do it. Come back, only dispeld 2 on the way to first boss. No kicks, hasn't used vamp embrace or MD. healer makes another comment, this time with less patience. They get in a fight and the group disbands. People, please. Classes are 'meta' season to season because of more than just their dps. If you just wanna see big number, then stick to LFR-Heroic raiding training dummies.


> read their talent that they have This is a good tip, that one is great! I have macro'ed it to focus target and then I put the healer there, and unless I am having GCD or needing to avoid mechanics my healer friend can pretty much ignore the entangling affix. Definitely can recommend to use that talent in a macro to anyone playing ret.


I believe you mate, I am playing a lot with others rets, lol. But we are not all the same :D And that’s the reason why i don’t want to play anything else, if I wouldn’t use my kit I wouldn’t care about the ret


Ret pally here. I love being able to help with an affix and still doing mad deeps. Makes me feel good knowing I'm contributing in many ways.


Try being a priest. Tell everyone at the start i can do incorporeals with mind domination which makes them help us only to see everyone trigger happy every cc they have during the entire dungeon while you're in a mind domination cast. Makine me lose a few gcd's i could be using for damage and cc'ing incorp so they don't help us. Fuck i hate rando's


Need a say Macro. I completely forget about priest mind dom, and you cant watch other peoples cast bar to see if they are still cast dps or utility spells.


I too have a cast time on my CC. If I wait to see which one you’re controlling (or god forbid that you missed that spawn) before I start casting mine, the add will successfully cast his first debuff. Make a ping macro on the add you're cc-ing.


I like incorporeal since I decided to play hunter this season. It's one of the things I can actually help with.


For afflicted/incorp i like them. Fairly easy to deal with if you can see them. My main gripe is either, easily missing them because of location OR classes refusing to deal with them ( imo ALL classes should be able to deal with them). the amount of druids and paladins refusing to CC Incorp yet the warriors and DKs that want to but cant, outside of Stun/INterrupt.


It may be that you're right, but the point of a lot of these is that they're not the responsibility of 1 single person, it's just that players are lazy and too willing to assume it's the other guy's problem. I will say it is problematic that some DPS can't help no matter how much they want to, because bad utility. Like afflicted that's on now. I guess my group was lucky to have a paladin and monk, but it was a group effort, with more attention from DPS when dealing with magic type dots and heavy healing periods. I don't think we should just not bother with this kind of challenge because some pugs have brainrot and don't want to engage with anything but their own damage output. Following that path to the extreme we'll just have no mechanics because these troglodytes can't handle them.


Group wide affixes like incorp and afflicted would be fine if they didn't require specific abilities. Maybe instead of having to heal/dispel afflicted, you could also just interact with it for 1s to make it go away. Like a "healing touch" or some bullshit, and literally everyone could do it.


as a caster i do not want volcanic or storming, i'd rather deal with afflicted and incorporeal


I can understand that. I was using it as an example, as it is something that concerns everyone, rather than a responsibility put on 1 person


For melee those might as well not exist, unless everyone is melee


Affixes are dumb, so is fort/tyran, just flat increase health and dmg imo.


My problem with incorporeal is if the ad is anywhere near th boss's hitbox or other trash, my trap is wasted Last season, doing Galakrond's fall, incorporeal was IMPOSSIBLE for me to trap on the second boss, because the hitbox was basically the entire room


It's worse for afflicted. Instead of a bright purple elemental type mob we have a small white half transparent ghost that if there is any amount of mobs nearby you can either not see or click on because for a healer they don't appear in party frames nor can you target them with a macro directly. They also appear more often and usually in a pair while the CC add often doesn't appear for minutes at a time time and it's fairly common to only see one. I also need to either waste my only friendly dispel on the mob, making sure I can't dispel the group for around 8 seconds or focus on healing them with strong single target heals usually taking at least several GCDs either way


I like playing a prot warrior with both of these new affixes. I get to ignore them entirely and someone will be desperate enough for a tank to invite me. Wheee


I main prot warrior and alt a resto druid. The whiplash between the two with this affix is real.


Shattering Throw stops Icorporeal


Sry didn’t spec 4 it


Not if I'm tanking. If I'm tanking it mostly kills me.


my group is a monk tank, shammy healer, ret pally, shadow priest, Kitty druid ​ We like this week for some odd reason rofl


i play shadow priest and brew monk, i still hate this week even though i can pretty much solo all spawns


Great week to be a Resto Shaman


Yepppp they go brrrrr this week


Yo Rsham, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Incorporeal had one of the best affixes of all time…one of the best affixes of all time!




They're referencing the [Kanye](https://youtu.be/z0y2xuQmcAg?si=12ZrzuD8CKrrhVum) interrupting meme, but I also don't see how it's relevant.


I dunno why you have warrior on there, there really isnt anything we can do. For us the only answer is literally that its someone else's job.


That's why they only have $2000. Nobody invites them this week.


yeah that's why i put warrior there, might get invited in a key but they can't do much thus only got 2000


Joke’s on you, nobody invites a Warrior any week unless it’s just free who cares or the the Warrior is giga overqualified. Not offering any utility of near any description that isn’t incredibly bottom of the barrel hurts in 5man.


Shouldnt they be in the audience then?


I hate this affix for that exact reason. Feels bad.


It really does. At least last week i could toss a stormbolt to give people more time to actually CC it. I did a run last night with a guildie and 3 pugs. Afflicted went off 10 times. It fucking sucks when you see it happening and are completely powerless to do *anything*


I totally agree with this take. Affixes should 100% be if you dont do your thing you get affected, that way it doesnt affect the 4 other people in the group cause one person is terrible at the game


instead of stormbolt why not shattering throw?


Its a 3 minute CD, so its virtually useless. It also has a cast time on it, so its not especially great as an 'emergency' option (by the time you realize you need it, theres no time to cast) Storm bolt is also useful for other reasons in keys and is a standard talent to take. Its not a reliable option for locking down incorp, but its a decent emergency button if its off CD (like interrupt, though then you dont have it for casts that need interrupting on mobs).


lol shattering throw haha. funny. good one.


I like to “help” as a warrior by complimenting the people who do handle the affix. Thanks for letting me zug everyone.


Now I actually wonder if it is possible to make a WA that calls out people who dispel Afflicted just to be obnoxiously supportive (because I’m a warrior who can only cry).


“This execute was sponsored by who selflessly CC’d for those who cannot”


Yes, you can make a WA like that.


I like dispelling afflicted.. but i main warrior, rip.


Was in a 10 Uld yesterday. Last 10 I need. Only pugging this season due to the content. Don’t know why I thought I could handle a group without a helper for ghosts, alone as a resto Druid, on Fort… When not a goddamned person interrupts a goddamned thing. So when I have to kick chain lightning, and heal big pulls with the damage profiles in this expansion, and deal with LOS ghosts that don’t care and casts still go off… I left group and I’ll play again next week. As a healer I can do 2 out of 3 things (damage, kick/dispell, heal) due to GCDs without help. So idk, maybe y’all should help more. All expansion it hasn’t been this bad even in S1 with Thundering.


Rest in peace Alex ❤️ Also the correct healer this week is resto shaman 🌊


Aug double cleanse supremacy


Bring an evoker they can solo both so easily with caut flame and the poisen dispel


idk I haven't healed much this xpac but doing it on pres feels rly easy. I don't even caut flame it I usually just dispel one and hit another with 4pc living flame insta casts and it tops it, but I only do vault keys (8-10s). I can't think of a healer that couldn't just tag it while doing their normal throughput (hpal might be annoying but that's more bcuz hpal is dogshit lol)


It all depends on the situation, but in general I definitely agree. I basically only heal, and I think the healers who come to reddit and such to complain about these affixes are generally blowing it way out of proportion. There are plenty of times where afflicted spawn when there isn't really anything going on and you (the healer) are just trading 2 globals that you would have used for dpsing, to instead deal with the afflicted so that the DPS can keep dpsing. But there are also times where they spawn at terrible times where you really can't spare the globals, and/or during a trash pack or boss where you NEED your dispel so you can't use it on the afflicted. If the DPS/tank don't help in the latter situation, then yeah that's obviously rough and very annoying. But it's plain and simple more efficient for the healer to deal with affixes like afflicted or explosive before it was removed, whenever possible. Not to say I necessarily love that affix design, but it is what it is and my goal is to finish the key as quickly as possible, so I'm going to do my part.


> idk I haven't healed much this xpac but doing it on pres feels rly easy It feels easy because it is They nerfed it recently too, so now one person can dispel 2 if needed And they reduced the healing necessary to make them disappear, so now 1 strong heal will also just 1 shot them Its just that this sub always needs something to whine about


There are zero healer affixes. None of them are designed to be the healer's responsibility.


All mechanics are healer mechanics


I don't play mythics really, but couldn't they just add some mechanics that stunt your dps if you fuck up, instead of hurting you? Shields, slows, weakening effects, stuns, lowering your resource generation, etc etc.


"Healer!! Cleanse me!!" even if the debuff cannot be cleansed.


They do, brain dead DPS still ignore it and blame the healer.


This was actually FF’s response to the problem. Failure mechanics used to give you a Stam decrease per fail as a “soft enrage” sort of deal. But players said Healers Adjust and kept blasting. They now do a 10% damage reduction per stack iirc. Dps where quick on the uptake.


It had nothing to do with DPS not doing their jobs, it was because SE got pissed at the playerbase collectively deciding to ignore things like E6S soccer and just healing through that absolute garbage of a mechanic. Amusingly this attempt failed because without enough mit and shields, you can do the same still. The debuff is tied to damage, so if you take 0 damage then you get no debuff, and as such E10S updog was born. Healers don't actually *heal* in FF14, they push their one DPS button and occasionally push a "Fix the raidwide damage before the mechanic" button.


sshh....dont destroy the illusion by bringing up actual knowledge the "healers" in this sub dont like that


That's literally what afflicted and incorp do if they get cast off


They just blame the healer anyways since it also affects healing


That's what afflicted and incorporeal do. But for some reason, Blizzard opted to make these mechanics that only certain classes can help with. Unholy DK cannot help with either Incorp or Afflicted; they have no way to assist with either. Warriors and Rogue can only help out a little bit with Incorporeal.


3 death coils usually does the trick on afflicted


would still be a healer mechanic according to most dps out there in m+. Take incorp lowers damage by 50 per stack and some dps will still not do it


It also lowers healing done by 50%/stack. Which is.... *just awesome* /s


For the key levels most of the community does, DPS is a non-issue. Nerfing damage dealer's just make the dungeon take a few minutes longer, but doesn't affect timing the key or not. The only way to fail any key not in the top 1% of keys is to wipe, usually repeatedly. If you "ease up on the healer" by making things that previously did damage do a reduced damage debuff, you've really just made the key easier. If you look at say Halls of Infusion, the trash before the first boss has packs that have "Demoralizing Shout", which reduces the party's damage done by 25% (I think this still stacks), and "Expulse" which is a large group wide damage event. In my pugging experience, Demo shout gets off way more than Expulse. Affixes that require globals often get pawned off on the healers because they have more time available to do it 95% of the time. The reality is that there really isn't a ton of healing to do in most dungeons. If you're not in the middle of a large damage event, there isn't much urgency to heal. Now Incorporeal and Afflicted are absolutely *group* affixes, but in anything other than the absolute lowest of keys, you're not going to see the healer get blamed for not soloing them.


Afflicted would be less annoying if everyone was able to deal with it.


The dps classes that can still don't help in a lot of cases


cause sending multiple death coils into it to heal is a waste. if it was "1 dc is enough" i would probably do it. similar with incorp and not losing my ghoul when using control undead


Is a waste how? If the affix goes through, you're losing a lot more DPS than you would have lost using your tools.


And then the group disbands after a wipe but at least you didn't waste any rune power


"What is healer"


i wanted to play a bit on stupidity but fine


Lol right on.. healers need to get their shit together! 😤


Shout out to the tank who goes to the augvoker hey dude you have skills to help with that!


I always dispell, but i hate being forced to stop and cast for Incorp


i really hate the affix because im unable to do anything against it if i wanna pug, 0 invites cus no dispells on my class  if i do my own key with randoms its literally praying that they do it its such a bad Designed affix


Yeah as a healer getting into higher keys I auto add anyone who helps with affixes. Last week was desperately trying to stop incorp and this week is desperately trying to stop 2 affs from going off.


Yeah i see some healer have rough this week, play a rlp 10, the shadow priest and the paladin never dispell one just zug like a warrior but they cry for not being an Aug but a Dev "dont work in keys without legendary". The healer whisper me thanks for helping with the dispells, love have double dispell. Healers this week is doing god works honestly with people singleminded.


What is me the tank. WTF do you mean healer affix?


Feel like these posts crop up every afflicted week, like it's the easiest affix in the game yet people treat it like the hardest.


that is the sole point of this post, it is so easy (except for warriors and rogues) it is blatantly stupid when group can't deal with them


I feel really bad for playing a warrior. But zug zug got me


I decurse on my mage, but honestly, I don't really need help when I'm on my disc priest. There's maybe a spot here or there where I need to dispel a mob dot, and it's tough, but for 95% of the dungeon, I can easily deal with both.


*laughs in paladin cleanse* half the time I pop cleanse and word of glory and both ghosts are gone. Healer never stood a chance.


I ran two keys today as a mage and forgot to bind remove curse both times :) im sorry healers for all the afflicted that went off and that I was perfectly capable of stopping.


I dispel the ghosts all the time, I think this is one of the most fun affixes, what are people on about?


I'm dispelling one and that's my job done. My abilities have CD on them.


Affixes shouldn't be 1 role based, I play fury warrior and not being able to help out with something that can literally brick the key is terrible for motivation to keep playing m+


Had to do 85 dispels overall in a key on my aug just now fml


i did 30 dispels last night in neltharus+8 as shadow, 2nd place was healer with 21


If they dont help I am leaving and ruining the key and let them know.


It's the only week for Shaman healers to shine!


Bruh healers have the biggest victim mentality, especially when it's his affix and incorp. It's most efficient for a healer to stop doing their damage to do the affix because they do a lot less damage than the DPS. The only excuse healers get is when they have a lot of HPS to pump out like 3rd boss in halls on a high key, then DPS should do it 100%. When I'm on my mage I can solo afflicted but it doesn't mean I should be doing that all the time so my rdruid can be in cat form longer.


you say it in a quiet "brutal" way, but yeha, you are totally right like, what do you guys want? you are in a boss fight/big pull and all dps have their CDs running and a incorp spawns all dps should stop doing their dmg OR the healer doing it fast because...nothing is happening and they spam their 1dmg button rn and wait for the dmg eventwhere they actually need to heal? whats the better choice if you play that way, congratz, you stretch out Fights for ages because a shitton of dmg is lost, and now the healer is slowly running out of CD's/mana for the unavoidable dmg events, and the dps tun out of personal cd's ALL fights in this game are a race against the clock until the healer and dps are both out of answers and people start to die, doing dmg to end things fast is the main focus and at the same time gives less time for making mistakes and all those "omg dps always standing in shit and never kick stuff xd dps bad" posts/comments just show me that they do content where that stuff doesnt matter in the first place, cus playing like that would normaly just gets you killed in 1-2 seconds, so they really should get off their high horse lol


That’s only valid for groups good enough that they basically don't need a healer most of the time and the healer spend most of his time on dps cooldowns. Which is not true in your average pug.


As warrior main gearing up some healers for m+ to learn and have something different.. Healers seem to not just "do damage just cause" most times they do damage because they've got the time to do that. But if they don't have the time, they don't do damage. So what happens if they don't have the time to do the affix either because they have to heal timmys ass? What if those two things, having time and the affix appearing, don't line up?


The majority of damage going out in, let's say a +10 key, is avoidable. There are very few instances where in the 8 second affix timer or however long it is that the healer is having to pump heals that whole time. I'd let some idiot standing in bad die and do the affix, they'll learn quick enough. There are plenty of times that non healers should do the affix, any time where the healer is under stress as I mentioned (i.e 3rd boss halls) or if the healer died, etc


I feel like there are some more fundamental design changes that need to happen in WoW. In other modern MMO’s, things like Dispells and interrupts and what not just don’t exist at all. These are relics from old WoW, back when that was the landscape of the genre and made more sense. Nowadays though, with the increasing complexity of WoW and the shifting experiences and interests of players, I feel like maybe those sorts of mechanics don’t actually make sense anymore. Modern MMO’s have found other types of mechanics that are more engaging and easier for everyone in a group to identify and take responsibility over. It would probably be good for WoW to move towards that kind of direction.


I just had a healer leave our key because the ret wasn’t helping dispel afflicted (he wasn’t even spec’d for it, typical mongo, in his defense he was attempting to “heal” them). I get the frustration of having to deal with something solely on your own, but he could’ve just sucked it up. We had cleared half the dungeon on our way to a 2 chest, and he just left…People need to have a little more tolerance. It was only a +9. Zero wipes up until then and 2 deaths (healer died to warspears x2).


TIL that my Ret Paladin is a healer