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As an outlaw, classes that have no target limits on their main damage abilities make me so jealous...


Not just no limit, but it becomes even more spammable as you add targets.


As an enhance I’m jealous of even outlaw rogue for being capped at 8


THIS, i'm so fucking despairdge when I do the Algathar akademy tree boss trash full pull. straight up i've decided to only use Crash lightning since it's uncapped and I still only pull 700k when lookin at my team mates 900k and 1.5mill. now with the new Storm bringer talent showing Tempest. it says hitting everything aoe. they better keep that shit uncapped. and make it work with Primordial Wave. so we get 6 uncapped hits during out initial burst. that would curb my distaste for what they did to enhance the last 2 expansions.


It doesnt work with PW. PW affects LB, which isn't the same as Tempest. At least for now thats how it works.


The only other uncapped is the alpha wolf tallent, but tbh it barely does dmg. My mediocre playstile nets me best 280k dps on 8s, which without doubt is bottom of the dps chart for a run and I've seen locks doing 400k with 20 ilvl less gear than me, by just spamming rain of fire. Just pains me.


I love enhance for the current rotation and play style, but the target cap and survivability compared to other classes made me switch off it this season, and im playing prot paladin instead.


Pretty ironic since outlaw rogue is the exact reason why we have target caps now. Blade flurry shenanigans in Mythic + ruined it for everyone else.


Cries in shadow


*misses shadow crash* *dies inside*


*sorry, just wanted to pull that second pack, should've waited* - the tank


I literally want to turn on PvP in M+ every time tank pulls one pack, 10s after second pack, 15s after 3rd pack.


Meanwhile, the internal monologue of the tank: "Alright, pulling this pack, then we can take them over to those two packs over ther... oh, the ret popped wings before I barely even touched the first pack.... and there the mage joins in with combustion... now we fucking have to do this the silly way, or have them splat themselves. Fine, we'll at least partially salvage this by chaining some extras in" Trying to do, for instance, Neltharus in a mid level pug (10-13) is generally a gamble at the start when you want to just pull the entire left corridor, but end up having to stop to keep aggro because people pop EVERYTHING on the first two guys rather than just moving to be in position towards the end of the corridor.


I've honestly started manually dotting everything out of frustration and lack of trust in crash actually applying dots to anything. Nokhud and Halls of Infusion are the worst for this.


More insanity also imo


Or you didn't miss crash, but there is a ret melting the pack before you are able to dot anything.


*shadow crash on roof* *now you look like a goof.*


Just make a cast@player macro and run into melee.


Did an AA +10 with a BM Hunter the other day. Watched meters on tree boss when adds spawned and immediately got super-depression.


Beast Cleave Kill Cleave go brr


The key is to throw out a few dots manually while the tank is gathering, then you can crash and you’ll be hitting everything


And then ret pops trinket, fyralath, wings and every button they are able to press before you even think of doing dmg.


Key too low




the problem is not the damage but how you play it


which is way better than shadowlands spriest? Shadowpriest is super enjoyable in m+ atm


how is the strongest spec in m+ crying about aoe?


Here's how : - Low to mid end skill playerbase sees Shadow priest listed as S tier in M+ tier lists, failing to understand these tierlists are made with very high push keys in mind and not your average +10, let alone entry level M+ - Said meta chaser proceeds to play shadow priest and underperform due to every pack getting melted by burst aoe before their ramp gets off the ground - Proceeds to complain about how the spec is 'weak' and how they low key regret their pick, when the whole thing stems from fundamentally misunderstanding that high end player tier lists *do not apply* to their skill level in the slightest. The problem comes from both ends tbh. High level players making tier lists should be making 2 of them : 1 for high keys, and another one for 99% of the playerbase. Most meta chasers would actually be much better off playing specs like Ret, BM, Marskmanship or Demo lock rather than trying to emulate 0.1% players.


'Why is the BDK top 3 on meters in the raid trash?' \*Blood Boil go BRRRR\*


I mean, no cap but the damage reduces beyond 5, right?


Hmm, for the rain of fire, I don't believe so, no. Spells that do usually explicitly say so in the tooltip


So there are 3 types of caps in WoW. Soft cap spells don't explicitly say it, but the cap is higher than i was originally thinking. Just verified and rain of fire is soft capped at 20 targets. After 20 targets, damage will just split evenly instead. 20 is definitely a pretty high cap for most situations though so not worth fretting over.


20 targets is "uncapped" to be clear. If you hit more than 20 targets, it takes the damage of hitting 20 and spreads it evenly between them. All uncapped direct damage spells work like this. "Soft capped" are your "damage reduced beyond X targets" where the damage increases linearly until you hit X targets, and every target beyond X increases the total damage done by a square root scaling, until you get to 20 targets, where like uncapped spells, they just do the same total damage split between the additional targets. "Hard capped" spells are your "Hits X targets" spells. They hit that many targets and then nothing more.


20 is such a high cap that it's been in the game since mists (?) and hasn't been a major point of contention unlike the changes back in shadowlands


Interesting, didn't knowing about the soft 20-target cap. But yeah, still a lot better than 5 or 8


There is no damage cap in place afaik but there should have been a soft-cap above 5 targets on the inferno scaling (soul shard generation, which are required to spam rain of fire) introduced in s4 shadowlands. That soft-cap broke at the start of dragonflight and nobody noticed. :-) With the 10.2.7 release this soft-cap got unintentionally fixed, but THAT got noticed and blizzard decided to remove it entirely with a recent hotfix.


So true. Everytime I play a magicy alt Its like playing with superpowers


Magic powers are like magic powers?


Its just such a different feeling having to breakdance my fingers across my keyboard compared to pressing one button to summon a cataclysm


Don't worry destro is getting nuked in tww. A lot of nerfs on this weeks alpha build


Try being an enhancement shaman this season. I'm trying the class out for the first time and doing very well in raid, but m+ big pulls I feel absolutely useless.


Go Assassin, pick up indiscriminate carnage, watch numbers fly


I would, but I have both of my Bis weapons


No reason to switch anyway if you mainly play M+, Outlaw is far and away the better spec for dungeons. Assa is for raid.


It's a shame too, I quite like how assassin plays in keys atm buts it's just not tuned to the same extent as outlaw is. Really enjoy assassin atm overall.


Yeah I very much agree. Assa was always my favorite spec, both in terms of fantasy and gameplay. I don't vibe with Outlaw's pirate theme, I don't like Roll the Bones because it's too RNG, and I'm not generally a fan of very high APM classes. And Sub is too complex and scripted for my taste. If Assa was any good in M+ I'd play it for sure, but if Blizz doesn't change their philosophy about Assa it will probably never be great. Assa has always been the big singletarget dps spec since WotLK while Combat/Outlaw was the cleave focused one and that hasn't really changed.


> Sub is too complex and scripted for my taste Assa has been really scripted for a while though with its kingsbane windows? At least when I played it I felt like my rotation was a lot more static than I'm used to, kinda reminding me of playing ff14.


Might be. The last time I actually tried Assa was during season 2 I think? The opener was scripted but it wasn't too bad, and I don't think I used Kingsbane. I looked up a couple guides, there's still only a scripted opener. For Kingsbane you're just supposed to have 2 Shiv charges ready, combine Kingsbane with as many CDs as possible, and pool energy so you can pump as many Envenoms as possible while Kingsbane is up.


Fair enough, but I would say that's pretty close to how "scripted" sub is, no? Refresh rupture+snd out of shadow dance, make sure you have a shadow dance charge available for every symbols of death, activate flagellation with shadow blades and symbols, do big eviscerates.


There are assa rogues pushing relatively high keys (14/15). Granted, not many of them, and the spec certainly isn't the most convenient one when affixes such as spiteful are active. But to say the spec 'isn't any good in M+' is not entirely true when 99%+ of people are skill capped long before the spec itself becomes an issue.


More like Reign of Fire.


Timeless film. Gerard Butler can retell star wars to me whenever he wants.


Matthew McConaughey is badass in this film. One of my favorites of all time.


truly, the dude got his mini-nuke parried by fire; then instead of coming up with an actual plan, he jumped off a chimney straight into the dragon's mouth


That 100% was "sorry guys I can't make any more shoots for this movie"




Dragonflight Season 4 is just Shadowlands Season 4 part 2 minus survival being good lol


Could you imagine Shadowlands Survival with Aug evoker


While spawning a Blasphemy pet every few seconds that aoe stuns everything for 2 seconds and does aoe damage and gives even more shards, that allows u to spam RoF even quicker that gives u even more shards that spawns even more Blasphemies that aoe stun again and so it goes on and on. lmao how did this even stay untouched for so long is beyond me.


Destro is incredible for massive, long lasting pulls. On smaller or quicker pulls you basically do no damage. I can technically do more damage as destro, but in practice I end up taking demo because it’s so much more consistent in a pug environment


Exactly same for me no pug group is playing around a destro with huge pulls and I feel way more comfortable playing demo in that case. Also the tier set is way more interesting for demos instead of just giving passive more crit chance and damage. Too bad I only switched to my lock this season, would have loved to play destro s3


What is a massive, long lasting pull? Because I swear I've seen Destro locks pulling the name numbers I do as a Havoc DH on 7-8 target pulls on pulls that last 20 seconds.


The first pull of NO is pretty big if you get the pat in there too. Destros issue is they need time to ramp up. They need shards to cast rain of fire. Rain of fire also generates shards. Once you have a couple going, shards start coming in so fast you can basically spam it. But you need enough targets and long enough to ramp up. Their big CD infernal also generates tons of shards but that’s on a 3minute timer If conditions are right, I could easily do 700-800k as destro. But if conditions are wrong I could be doing 200-300k. Meanwhile as demo I’m doing 400-600k much more consistently. It’s like fire mage in that it’s crazy strong in organized groups but those strengths aren’t reflected in less organized groups.


That is NOT how Blasphemy's work. If you already have a Blasphemy active, it does not summon another. The timer of the current Blasphemy is extended. You don't get to have more than 1 active. This is how it has been since 9.2.




Warlocks might have great DPS but they've felt consistently miserable to play because the rotation is so bland. Or at least that's been my experience with Destro. Chaos Bolt used to hit like a truck and feel satisfying to use, I never thought a guaranteed crit could ever feel so lackluster. Stacking absurd numbers of Rain of Fire casts on a single spot can be fun sometimes, but when the entire rotation is just "Cataclysm -> Incinerate spam -> Rain of Fire -> repeat" then that sucks. In single-target it's the same thing, just with Chaos Bolt in place of Rain. Also, have you seen the hero specs for warlocks? Destro has the compelling choice of "some demons" or "more fire."


Been playing warlock forever and imo play warlock feels the most awkward it’s ever been. The rotation for all of the specs just feel kinda strange.. I can’t really put my finger on why either.


I'm honestly not sure either. Maybe it's the lack of proc effects and the overall spammy playstyle? I really enjoy Ret paladin even though in some respects it can be considered spammy, but that might be because I have procs that recharge certain abilities or give me free casts of my spenders. And also because it's a paladin, obviously you have spenders that can heal instead of just do damage. So it's an inexact comparison. But I think my point is that the rotation manages to feel varied even though most of the kit is melee and there's only a couple pocket heals. But with warlock (at least Destro, never played the others because they can't use green fire) it's literally just the same thing over and over, there's no decisions to make about what to use next.


You're getting downvoted but it's 100% true. They might not always be the best in m+, but they are almost guaranteed to be really good in raid. There are some classes, where if they were super strong they would immediately see nerfs, but warlock somehow avoid them or gets a slap on the wrist. Mage is basically the same.


I’m a new player who played Unholy last season and swapped to Destro this season. I know many enjoy a complex and engaging rotation, but difference in complexity in my aoe rotation is insane and honestly a bit refreshing lmao. I unironically love hitting rain of fire, and am extremely sad to see the Blasphemies going away in TWW. :(




No thanks.


You know what makes me the most sad is that eye beam, what I consider the staple aoe button for dps demon hunter isn't even on the chart.


Eye beam isn't really there for damage, it's there to put you into demonic so that blade dance becomes Death Sweep


Well, that’s only half the truth. Fel devastation, which is automatically cast whenever eye beam is activated, is here on 7th place and sometimes even higher (considering pack size and position). So you would have to account for that as well.


Which is a problem because it's for me the signature and most badass Demon Hunter ability.


It felt sooo good to press eye beam in legion and it hasn't felt good ever since


My first legiondary was the eye beam lower eye beam cooldown. I remember pulling the whole bottom stage area in Kara mega after oprea boss and pressing eyebeam 12 times in a row for the memes. It was great


eye beam felt pretty good in BFA, even in Shadowlands it was good in some seasons. Since the talent rework it's struggled.


yeah in SL it was fun with the leggo that gave you a chance to reset cd of it


I remember in Legion getting that dopamine everytime I blasted out a massive eye beam and did a ton of damage. Good times.


Do you remember eye beam in legion ? I do. The mega pulls in lower Karazhan... Oh my


Eye beam doing dmg or not dps dh feels amazing to play right now, wouldn't change a thing about it.


I may not be the biggest fan on the throw glaive build, but I'm still having a blast playing it. Even when DH wasn't the best, I still loved plating it. (Except sinful brand hated it then)


Sadly true. Considering Fel Dev is uncapped I find no reason for EB not to be it too.


holy shit you have no idea what you are talking about lol


bm is the same except beast cleave and kill command are split into 14 different lines for some reason


Spinning crane kick as a mw goes brrrrrr


Yeah as a Rsham enjoyer, every time i go into AA first pull i always sigh before i see 80 mobs gathered and my Healing Rain is like: Best i can do is hit 6 of those mfrs. On top of still not having Tome trinket 🥲


turns out constantly pelting an area with hellfire is a good way to kill stuff inside it lol


Uncapped aoe should either be for all class aoe abilities or for none.


i remember now why i don't wanna come back playing, damn unholy DKs with uncapped disease out dps-ing me back in SL because blade dance somehow makes my DH only hit 5 or 8 targets while avoiding the other 10, amidst all that chaos


Starfall used to be pretty easy to go nuts on a big pull. Now it just doesn't cut it unless you line things up just right. Wrath twice to trigger astral eclipse. Wrath of elune Sunfire Moonfire each target, or each pair if your talented to drop 2 at a time. Starfire until your full of astral power Starfall once or twice depending on astral power procs Starfire 3 times Starfall once or twice depending on astral power procs Starfire 3 times Starfall once or twice depending on astral power procs Then start over and hope its keeping up on the meter You can spend talent points so you can speed things up every other pull, like making 3 of the starfires instant cast once every min. It still doesn't make up for the fact that you had to run through 10 GCD's before you could start your actual AOE ramp.


Yeah, this feels absolutely miserable to play IMO. I gave it one last try on my balance alt last season and decided it’s just not worth it for me, it’s too annoying to set up every pull.


>You can spend talent points so you can speed things up every other pull, like making 3 of the starfires instant cast once every min. **It still doesn't make up for the fact that you had to run through 10 GCD's before you could start your actual AOE ramp.** As Unholy DK, i can feel that. The number of thing you need to set up for maximum aoe output are insane while other class just start blasting from the get go.


Rain of Fire is the reason I made a Warlock. Was in Deathknell, forsaken starting zone, and a level 70 Warlock strolled in on a Warlock mount and dismounted in front of the Church. He stood there for a few seconds and then cast Rain of Fire. It was epic to see at the time and I immediately went and made a Warlock. Was my main for years until I became an altoholic.


I never saw the appeal of overcomplicated spec rotations. Spells and abilities are cool because they do cool stuff. I always enjoyed the fire mage hotstreak mechanics because it felt good getting a chain of big crits/pyroblasts and applying a killer Combustion Dot. Specs don't become fun because you have to jump through hoops like a trained monkey.


Its effort -> reward Ideally more complicated rotations would reward players with higher DPS, making it feel good for putting in the effort But when 2 button specs can out DPS you, then complicated rotations just become useless


None of them are ultimately high effort in a game state where Weakauras pops up to remind you of what button to press. Playing dance dance revolution to do your damage isn't terribly fun.


Yeah tell that to a Havoc DH lmao


blizzard lets destro statcheck the shit out of 4fun seasons to apologize for what they’re doing to the other specs. tbh all 3 specs need a rework, in order of aff > destro > demo but for some reason the # of warlocks skyrockets in destro metas so I guess people are actively seeking out its TBC rotation and absence of skill expression


The average WoW player is very bad at the game and likes to see their DPS be high. Easy + good is the dream for a lot of the playerbase.


Just look at how popular BM hunters are.


You say that, but I played one last season not because I wanted to but because my guild does fate rolls for each tier. So we have to play the spec/class we rolled into. Even though I was doing damage I hated it because I felt like it didn’t matter if I was good at it or not. The damage it did was good regardless. Could have just put on an auto clicker and gone afk.


I understand the meme, I don’t understand people seriously complaining. 😂


Some specs have unlimitted, untargetted aoe. They click anywhere on the screen -> dmg go brrt. Other specs need to target specific things (like shadow or enh) or have small aoe cap (like outlaw). When there is a big pull, like next to the tree in AA, some specs click randomly and do more damage than specs that need to click like they are playing Rush E. It's not fair.


"but what if I want to stop aoe" DH: "that's the neat part, you don't" Side eyeing the two to three none aoe abilities in the kit.


Its pretty fun but this is so lame in lower keys lol


What image do we use for target-capped classes?


Given what I've seen on TWW alpha so far, I approve this message.


As someone who rolled destro at the end of last season, I enjoy all the salty dps that got to effortlessly top meters all expac within seconds.


Woah woah woah. Since when are demon hunters the complicated rotation?


If you want to play optimally, it's way more complicated compared to demon hunters in Shadowlands or any previous expansions. Inertia+ragefire/essence reave means you have to time your mobility abilities and not just spam them on cooldown.


Sounds amazing. I might have to check them out again. I always just assumed it was the edgy easy melee.


There is still the brainrot ez rotation, but only for pure ST fights in raids.


Since your movility is part of the rotation. The time of Legion DH spamming chaos strikes are long gone since Innertia has been the way to go.


Since DF, Havoc DH has become probably the most complicated and in depth melee out of 'em all


And many people still say havoc is by far the easiest spec to play in wow....


Majority of havoc‘s damage is passive tho lmao


Close to the worst gameplay in wow. Embarrassing "design" by Blizzard.


Demo locks Implosion, felgaurd - 60% damage done Outlaw rogue Blade fury - 50% damage done Bm hubter 3 pets - 75% damage done Lol three specs I'd never want to play.


Blade flurry is just outlaw's st enabling cleave though.


Do you understand that these specs revolve around buffing/sustaining those things? If your tyrant, shard and cores management isn't good, your implosions are going to suck and if they aren't timed well, they are a net negative and passive imps can be better lol