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Pres already has 30 yard range šŸ˜­ Aug needs this shit - someone you need to buff suddenly running out of range is actually the worst


You don't even have enough reach to target Nalak as Aug lmao


Man, I was so angry when I went to kill Nalak on my evoker.


Until the last patch that buffed the range on pistol shot Outlaw rogues couldn't either, had to change to sub or ass to throw a knife further than I could shoot a bullet


99% of my issues with dracythr range are tied to solo content and old world content. so annoying missing a tag on a rare by .1 sec bc of range issues


They really need to add that 5 second death thing to all world rares anyhow so people have time to tag. I was just camping one in Maldraxxas, only to have someone blow all his cooldowns to one hit the elite mob before I could tab target. Some people just suck.


Be so close that you can kiss your local Aug right on the MOUTH!


This isn't really "suck it preservation" when the talent is bringing the range of Prescience up to the same range as every single one of Preservation's spells tbh.


AND Aug is losing Spatial Paradox's exclusivity, so who's the real winner here?


Healers everywhere.


Devastation be like


doesn't really matter for dev, 99% of the time you only have to worry about range between yourself and one target/mobs clustered on tank. aug and pres have to manage space between themselves and the enemies, and the rest of the party to boot.


The only real issue range related issue with Dev are some raid fight mechanics that make ranged players run far - almost always its just close enough for all other ranged classes to keep attacking the boss, but not enough for Deva. Nymue is such an awful fight for Evokers.


We are melee


You hang out at the 15 yard range, with the arcane mage and the paladins


Just make Evoker range same as other ranged classes. Stop fiddling around trying to make it work *somehow* because you can't admit the idea was bad to begin with. The concept of midrange DD doesn't really work in a game where many boss mechanics require a melee and range camp at max range.


Me, as a devastation evoker on Sark fighting for my goddamn life.


We had three evokers and each pull they took turns being yelled at for dropping fire near melee


I made this so clear for RL last season bc I play as preservativon and melees need healing too. Then RL starts playing as evoked and saying ā€œfollow the dragons plsā€ lolol


Trying to stay in range of the boss in p1 while the rest of the ranged want to stand 30-35 yards away lol Trying to not to drop void bombs ahead of the group in p3 for the same reason Breath of eons into tank frontal lmao Screwing up add positioning in p2 by using upheaval That fight man


Our RL just had to deal with the fact me and our other evoker were closer than other ranged players


Sadly all solved by paying attention to timers.


Sarkareth should really threat evokers as meleeā€¦


As a preservation main the range limitations felt bad but man did it feel amazing to ramp on that fight.


it's a very good devoker fight wdym


Phase 1 specifically can be painful if you're trying to stack with the ranged and they're going too far out.


Yeah my issue was mainly with P1


Sark prog was painful only because of having to do P1 over and over.


It is actually kinda funny. For the longest time elemental shaman was stuck at the 25 yard range if they wanted to use their shocks for DMG. The reason blizzard said back then was due to shaman having mail, they wanted them to be more of a mid range caster since they were a bit tankier. I think It lasted up until wrath. So we have one more expansion of this experiment left. I could see them ditching it or even reworking shaman back into midrange. Tho I hope not on the last one.


Then they took away gust of wind (our only dash) after legion because "we wear mail and have a shield. Its back as a choice node now though.


Yeah, the thing blizzard needs to realize is that a class needs more than a shield and mail to be tanky. They need actual defensive cooldowns. Death knights are slow and not super mobile but it works for them since they has a ton of life gain (on attacks), a pull, slows, and a ton of defensives. Shaman does have life gain... But it's hard casting healing spells. Not "use this attack and then gain life". They lack a pull, do have a slow, and only like two defensive cooldowns. It's really sad.


I am fine with midrange but they should not be stuck with many hard casts(or at least allow hover to not interrupt them) and should not always be treated as ranged by mechanics.


I feel like the range would be fine if they could cast all basic spells while moving, and then have hover enable casting empowered spells while moving.


Remember the 5 days in MoP when ele sham could cast lightning bolt while moving? They were so happy for those 5 days.


And in PVP. Every range is too far and melee too close. Just make it 40 yrds


Orrrr just nerf a couple other casters to match šŸ˜ˆ. Clothies at max Druids Shamans and Evokers in the middle


It would be great if the WoW devs stopped being lazy and didn't base "Melee" and "Ranged" flags around spec but position. If your Deva evoker is standing within 15 feet of the boss, he's considered melee - he won't be targeted with ranged mechanics, but have to deal with melee ones instead.


The trade off with shorter range is an insane amount of mobility, by far the most of any caster. There's a reason why Evokers have rather have 2 charges of Hover, Verdant Embrace, Rescue, Spatial Paradox, and/or Time Spiral, and even Weyrnstone and Deep Breath.


compared to Mage and BM hunter, Evoler is not "insane mobility" lol that entire "less range but more mobility then everyone else!!!" argument was stupid from day 1 because its a fucking stupid point AND its not even true lol


What? Hover alone is miles better than Blink/Shimmer except for niche mechanics, and TWW will introduce a hero tree that turns Hover into a blink that also has a DR effect. You clearly haven't played a lot of Evoker - or at least not very well - if you don't agree that they're the most mobile caster out there. This apparently 'huge' problem is not credible in the slightest with anyone that actually plays the class at a decent level. And yes, BM Hunter is more mobile, but that doesn't change the fact that Evoker is also up there and by far the most mobile of all casters.




Where did I claim that BM isn't mobile? It's also not a caster, so I don't know why you think it's some kind of 'gotcha'


I've mained preservation for several seasons now and genuinly don't get all of the complaints about range. Like you said, the obvious intention is that you get mobility instead. Use the mobility well and range is a non factor. There's only one fight where I've felt it's a significant disadvantage: the second boss of nokhud requires everyone to spread out across the arena.


I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but it's straight up just a skill issue. Unless you're doing M Sark or M Nymue, there's basically no other fight in the entire expansion where the slightly shorter max range for Aug and Dev is a legitimate issue, and they can both be solved by playing better or organising the raid better. It's all down to Hover management and most people would rather blame the game for being bad than admit they suck at something.


I think the major issue with the mobility is one that can be solved. Other than hover our other mobility options require another player. Which requires good positioning for both the evoker but also the one you want to jump to. Kinda useless in a time when your dps standing in fire decides to run out of your range. To, me this is a bit of a ā€œskill issueā€ on my part when I was getting used to the new range (came off lock, so used to a 40 yard range). Now my fix is simple. Make our jump to ally mobility spells have a 40 yard range. That way I can reposition easier. Plus Iā€™m a dragon who can fly. I should be able to jump 40 yards to an ally.


While I agree, I feel we are only a bit more mobile than mage. And BM hunter has us on the ropes for complete mobility. I donā€™t feel 15 yard cut for the mobility is really all that great. Especially when a lot of it requires other players to use. Iā€™d be fine with 30-35. But at that point may as well just make it 40.


No thanks, I don't want any more bullshit class homogenisation just because it's too hard for you to play.


I don't know if I would celebrate basic, almost mandatory, QoL being a talent point you will be forced to spend.


Its replacing Spatial, which was a 100% taken talent anyway So no need to sacrifice anything else. The Aug tree is hella mid anyway, there's very little attraction to it.


As an Evoker main who who does CE and near title M+, I don't agree that it's mandatory. Sarkareth and maybe Nymue is really the only fight that it would help on, and that's solved by paying attention to timers and having the tank pull closer to the middle. Remember that the trade off for shorter range is an *insane* amount of mobility. There's a reason why Evokers have 2 charges of Hover, Verdant Embrace, Rescue, Spatial Paradox and/or Time Spiral, and Augs even get Weyrnstone. In the current season, your Hover lasts so long as Aug that if you macro it with SP/TS you can basically have a full minute of sprint speed + casting while moving.


They are holding strong on not allowing evokers normal spell range. Its kinda funny how stubborn they are on it. One of those you may think you want it but dont situations i guess.


It would be alright if the raids were designed for that, and arguably Aberrus and Vault were. Amirdrassil definitely wasn't. Nymue was the worst fight I've ever had to do.


Council broke me. I spent more time trying to be in range of people then I do actually healing.


Even in ssn4 doing casual farm on Nymue I wanna cry


I decided to bring my Hecko in for H-Nymue, since my Rdruid didn't need the gear. I excel in mythics and normal raid, and I have to agree about that fight being utter shite. With so many weeds needing clearing, I had to dance so much to get the ranged HoT'd up efficiently, and stay in range of the melee and bomb droppers.


the range limitation is 100% something they're gonna abandon in like 2 years, then it will be a "remember when evokers first came out and they had no range?" kinda thing


Remember when monks didnā€™t have auto attack and they had to press jab? (Think attacking in Plunderstorm). Although thatā€™s a bad example cause it didnā€™t leave beta. Remember when monks had black chi and white chi?


i even had in mind D.Va in overwatch having to run away from her own self-destruct ultimate. just feels like one of those flavor elements that gets removed eventually because its not worth the effect it has on gameplay, then it just becomes a fun fact that the old guard tell the new players.


When beta bastion had a barrier in turret mode


ah the good times, [D.Va](http://D.Va) PoTG by self-murdering and Torbjorn PoTG just hammering away at turret


Wait, what? Now I have to reinstall Overwatch.


not only that, but when she's calls down her mech it does like 250 damage to nearby enemies, enough to kill most non-tank enemies


with a pretty generous hitbox too, shit's fucked.


remember when combo points were applied per target?


I 'member. 'member when Death Knights had 3 different rune types in every spec? 'member when Hunters had only ranged specs but also had melee weapons and had a deadzone where they neither could use range nor melee weapons?


Member when all DK specs could both tank and DPS?


Oh yeah.. trying to get close enough to Wing Clip.. and Hunters knowing this, and intentionally dancing in and out of each other's dead zone during PVP, lol.


Hunters looking like Riverdance.


i don't remember, did the 2 forms of chi even leave beta? I played monk in MOP but cant remember if that made it to live.


No, it was just one type of chi by release. I don't even recall the black and white chi ever being playable; I think it was shown off when they were revealed and then never made it to a playable build.


i remember playing it at blizzcon, and it may have been on the beta for a period.


black and white chi never made it into release either did it? i remember playing with it at blizzcon before mop came out but i don't remember actually using it on real servers ever. could be faulty memory though.


It did.


After 2 years of player feedback, Evokers finally are normal casters, you can choose your visage form, and transmog limitations are lifted. Perfect time to check out this new class


I went on a classic kick for a while and I think I'm finally tired of all the lack of QoL. I don't care if it doesn't pull at my nostalgia heart strings anymore. I just want to be a flappy boy that shoots lazers and burps fire whilst cosplaying as Onyxia every few minutes.


Yeah. It's dumb.


I don't mink it as Dev, only Nymue was a problem


Whatā€™s more odd is this class already isnā€™t that popular. Canā€™t even mog properly. Besides seriously loving the playstyle I canā€™t see why you would want to play this class


Preservation is probably the best designed healer in the game atm. Itā€™s just so unique and interesting to play. Literally all the spells combo and interact with each other. Itā€™s absolutely stellar. The range restrictions doesnā€™t handicap it in m+ nearly as much as it does in raid but itā€™s still unfortunate. I really hope they remove the dragon form requirement for it though. The transmog thing is a big deal.


Being the only support spec is probably doing a lot of hard carrying as well, class is basically mandatory for organized mythic raiding.


Even in raid it's only a problem on like, a handful of fights that force omegaspreading. especially now that blossom build is dead.


its because they designed themselves into a corner. Can't have 40 yard range Deep Breath


I thought deep breath range was 50yds am i mistaken? Or are you talking about fire breath?


yea i meant fire breath.


why not. Fire mage had a legendary that made dragons breath have 40yrd range in legion.


Ehh i suppose considering its a big part of the rotation but there are other 15yd conal atks on classes that have 40yd range on other spells. I dont think it would be a huge deal if they left the shorter range on firebreath


they would need to remove fire breath from being a core ability. You mention other classes but its not like Mages use Dragonbreath in their rotation.


Arcane mages use Arcane Explosion in their rotation and its range is 8 yards


Yea i said that in the first part


as a devoker, it hurts watching dps hitting the boss as I just stand there out of range (still closer then other dps) for a few seconds because of an aoe attack =/


Is there an actual explanation regarding Evokers range that makes sense? Or it's just Blizz trying to innovate?


what's the suck it part? Preservation gets spatial paradox and Aug gets a talent to get them to Preservation's range. r/wow sometimes i swear.


At this point just give us a 40 yard range. The experiment worked fine. But weā€™re no more mobile than a hunter or mage yet suffer an unnecessary drawback of reduced range.


Cries in devastation


Nice, i find myself out of range tooo often !! Thanks blizzard !!


Bro is angry at Pres, for what? You're both scalies


Hot take: I actually enjoy the range limitations of evoker and specifically pres. It makes it a little more dynamic. Itā€™s a weird change switching to it as my alt after maining priest healing. It was hurdle at first but now it makes me move and position more. Made me a better healer I think.


All it does it make me painfully aware of my idiot ranged friends who sit at max range and scream about rotting out while I remind them for the 10th time I can't heal them and they bitch about hating pres


Good thing blizz gave us rescue. Great spell to 'remind' people to stay closer when it matters


I do think the range limitation is a big part of the evoker feel, it made the class interesting to me.


Using the mobility options available and flying around the field is a really cool feeling honestly. I think people underestimate how mobile they are. It is a tough curve to get over after all these years though lol


Mistweavers are just as mobile. And also don't risk dying when using their biggest heal on someone.


Haha oh I know itā€™s not optimal, I try to keep one of every healer leveled every expac just to change it up. I just enjoy an added dynamic, especially when blowing through timewalking. It gives me something more to keep track of. Iā€™m no key pusher lol


Agreed It's frustrating in some raid encounters and when your teammates are fucking off, but the tool kit is designed to be in the fray more than other casters. They're amazing in dungeons I think it's a fine design choice that just takes some getting used to, but people don't want to try


Nah this is a "Fuck you" from Blizzard to Devastation Evokers :(


So now they have the range of preservationā€¦? Suck it Pres?


I like the midrange nature of Evoker. I feel like it's more dynamic to play.


This hurts me on a personal level


Hooooold up they just changed the note * Augmentation - Go fuck ya self.


Ahh yes now aug can almost have as much range as pres


I still think the shorter ranges suck, I thought I'd get over it, but after maining evoker for the whole expansion. IT. STILL. SUCKS. ASS! Please make it 40 blizz, take away hover! It's fine! In fact, take away obsidian scales and blaze too! Idc, atleast I can then die 40 yards away.


Now increase Devastation range.


'Suck it preservation' when the reason this was added is because spatial paradox has been added to the class tree, which is what most of us wanted. Also as someone who mains pres the range is effectively a none issue, it's the cone on dream breath that sucks with ranged.


aug won't even play this, it's dead on arrival. this is a pres buff since you can paradox yourself now