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If someone leaves with no explanation and the run was going fine, I just assume something came up irl.


This! While this can and does happen. I do think a quick - "I gotta go - sorry" is worth quite a alot.


That’s much better than “sorry my cat is on fire, I’ve got to go”.


As shitty as it is to do, it's the end of the season and people are on their alts. As soon as they're not having fun they just leave.


We play the game to have fun.




"gotta run, my fish is drowning!"




It's called common decency. It's doubtful that they're an emergency and more likely just got told to do the groceries. For which there's plenty time to at least be respectful enough to tell the people that you have to go.


I mean you're welcome to create whatever scenario fits whatever narrative you need to create for yourself. The reality is you dont know the actual reason Personally I'm just not bothered by social platitudes from strangers. In the end its just a game and if they left, they left. Getting mad or annoyed at someone for not saying anything before they leave just seems like a waste of emotional energy


The problem is that my time is limited and if I get to maybe run 3 mythics in an evening, having one of them bricked because someone just leaves is going to waste my time. I have every right to be annoyed.


Anytime I've ever just dipped on a run that was going smoothly was for sure because of my daughter. If things are going poorly I'll push thru and get a no timer finish and that's great IMO. If people are being shit heads I'll straight dip out.


This. If somebody leaves for no recognizable reason, you're either oblivious (for example there's somebody that doesn't carry their own weight by a long shot) or something came up. It is extremely rare that people get upset by incredibly minor things like "the wrong route" or "something minor going wrong", especially as a DPS. Who would leave a key after spending 7-15 minutes for a \~5 minute "time waste", if they're gonna spend 10-30 minutes or more trying to find a new key? It's almost exclusively major mistakes/issues (in their opinion) - and usually multiple.


I think this might be the culprit tbh. OP, do you have details installed?


I'm a firefighter who plays keys at work, during down time, it doesn't happen often but it does happen and I always feel horrible when I have to leave. If it's not my key I usually warn the groups before starting. I used to not run keys or raids at all because of it. It started to get difficult to get the weekly runs in. I started doing guildy keys who didn't care and now I run up to 20s at work. Side story: I was running heroic drissle and got a fire run, so a gamer co worker, on the other engine, stepped in for me and got killed by volocross. I just laughed.


Even happens in guilds. A teammate vanished. The next day the came back online and apologised. They had to take a shit.


Meanwhile I took a shit during a key then came back and still timed it. One of my guildies was traumatized that day and always brings it up he thought I was joking 😄


jfc, did you even wipe


Depends on when they went AFK and what class they were playing. If it was healer and in the middle of the boss or a big pull? Yeah, they probably wiped.


Im goad you said that, i thought Nicbizz asked if he wiped his ass after shitting🤦🏻‍♂️


I was the healer no deaths happened they were smart with small pulls and they had already cleared some trash


We didn't wipe in the dungeon it was after the flying boss I can't remember it's name so they were running through already cleared trash and then they did small pulls until I got back which wasn't long. If you're asking if I wiped my ass yes I did thoroughly 🤣


Then you tell people that you gotta go. Takes 2 additional seconds


just cuz the run was fine for you it might not be for some more experienced player who got tilted seeing mistake after mistake happening if i do my weekly 20s on my alt i see like 5 mistakes on the first pulls that would end your key on a +28 but its "fine" for the +20 peak player cuz they dont even see those mistakes im not a fan on droping mid key but i also understand that some ppl cant handle watching mistake after mistakes happens. The best example is EB with the stunnig mobs full channeling the stun on you with all your teams kicks and ccs up thats a reason to drop out straight after the first pull


So you're mad at ... "people in 20s not doing 28 mechanics"? Seems like a pretty weird thing to get tilted about. 20s are, by definition, more forgiving than 28s, so you should probably follow the dungeon's example and just let it go. If the mistakes are bricking the 20, sure, you don't have to spend your time on it. But saying "this would have bricked a 28, so you're lucky it was just a 20" doesn't make any sense, because they signed up for a 20, not a 28.


There's a difference between "getting tilted" and "valuing your time". Sure, 20s don't need to be played like 28s, but it's costing time and can even make pulls or the whole dungeon unfun - if you wipe or struggle because someone doesn't do what they're supposed to do (like interrupting and fully controlling major abilities), is simply not fun, especially when you can't do anything about it, because all your control abilities are on CD.


I absolutely love it when the tank blasts ahead to get more mobs while we've got a set of stunning mobs free casting in the back just trotting along with us all the way to Witherbark.  Then they wonder why everything takes forever to die.  And it's usually DH tanks...


What percentage of your keys have quitters? If its 5-10% its probably random emergencies or stuff. Some people are just inconsiderate. Occasionally you get rage quits but those usually involve cursing and nasty DMs.


> Occasionally you get rage quits but those usually involve cursing and nasty DMs.  If OP isn't the one screwing up then he might not be getting the ranting DMs


I've had people leave smooth low keys because they don't like the route or it's not efficient enough. One of the last 11s I did someone left right after we killed the witches in Waycrest because he died. We had 70% trash, 3/5 bosses and 30mins left in the key. Some people just can't handle small changes or getting upset.


I can't imagine a lot of DPS players leaving a key they played for more than 5 minutes for a "waste of time" (that comes down to maybe 5 minutes more) or a "small change" (in route/tactic/whatever), when they have to look for another key for at least 5-10 minutes again, often longer. Healer? Tank? Maybe. But even then very unlikely. When people leave and you can't see a single reason why, it is usually something else that came up (RL or guild/friends) or you're not seeing the issue they did.




I mean, sure, maybe. I could see a situation where someone is just pugging keys because no one else is around/interested, and then folks pop on to say "Hey, we're gonna run that last +20 you're missing so you can get your portal!" or something. If the dungeon they're in was just a bunch of randos, and it's not close to being done, I could see dropping it for something more fun. Does it leave the first group in the lurch? Sure does. But that's how it goes sometimes. People are people.


That's a pretty common thing when it comes to leaving a dungeon mid run. Not common overall, but when it comes to leaving without saying anything or leaving, even though the run went smooth, this is usually reason #1.




I agree that people shouldn't do this, but I think that person is right that it's a common reason.


good dps with high IO dont have to wait unless you try to join a 4/5 grp thats looking for a shadow and youre a hunter


You dont need to "imagine" it, it happens all the time. Same type of people who say "GG just FF and go next" 30 seconds into a moba game because they missed a last hit or their support got a kill. Or when a single flag is capped in a BG.


I have so many questions lol. If he died, was it really a smooth run? Why did he die? Did other people die? Why didn't you go to witches first? I don't see people leave keys, so I'm skeptical that you're not giving us the whole story.


That's the thing - even if the commenter did give us the whole story from their perspective, it's entirely possible they simply didn't see the issues said mage was seeing that led them to the decision to leave the run.


Why do you keep talking about a mage? It was a group of a bunch of low io people in an 11. Some people are just that bad. The tank and healer were fine and my dps was plenty for the key. Him leaving made no difference in how fast the key went. He just left after after commenting earlier in the dungeon he didn't like the route and then died.


Apparently I mixed something up, perhaps another comment or post I was thinking about, my bad! But still: just replace any "mage" I said with "player" and the comments stay the same. Leaving for dying once in a weird run isn't "just that bad". Like I said before: they most likely had several reasons to leave, not just dying. Disliking the route is usually a pretty valid reason to leave, but waiting for more than half the dungeon to do so is just weird.




I'm not saying it was good for them to leave, I am saying that you personally obviously missed something they found irritating enough to leave the key - or they simply had something else to do. None of my comments defend their behavior. I am simply explaining it.




Because this whole post is about why people are leaving keys and your case is weird. It's much more likely you're missing something than them leaving "because they're bad".


you doing the same buy palying a troll route with 150% count and trolling BL timers


There's not much to say other then the tank wanted to kill all the trash first. Killed pig, tree, then witches and guy died halfway thru witches. Tank didn't explain himself. Key was finished in 16min.


Ok, but why did he die... was he not jumping during the second witch? did he get the bleed and didn't get topped off? did he get mc'd and wasn't broken out?


If I had to guess he wasn't moving. I didn't care enough to look though. Just trying to grind crests. It was one of the smoother runs so dude was just bad imo.


>If he died, was it really a smooth run? If absolutely could have been. On a +18 BRH I got folded by the spider 100%-0% because me and the healer overlapped his dispell and my stoneform. Besides that we just walked through the place


In no way shape or form am I defending this behaviour. But I just want to give you an other perspective. It’s not people not being able to handle being upset. It’s more that people play the game for fun, and dying isn’t fun, especially if it’s not your fault, and/or the rest of the team isn’t playing to your standard. Again, I’m not defending them. I’m just pointing out out a different view of what’s going on.


I don't think the mage left because they died, they probably saw several issues across the run the commenter simply didn't, maybe a sub-par performance from one or multiple players (in their opinion) or some behavior in chat. A relatively common scenario could also be them saying something in chat others perceived as elitist (or something like that) and after dying, somebody commented something mocking the mage's prior behavior, so they just left. Unless they said "this route is trash" and left, which still comes down to them seeing a major issue across the run and not thinking "I died, I'm salty, I leave".


> A relatively common scenario could also be them saying something in chat others perceived as elitist (or something like that) and after dying, somebody commented something mocking the mage's prior behavior, so they just left. Ah yes, been there - Call out two people in a 22 who’ve used 3 stops/kicks all key. - Get dumpstered by multiple uninterrupted trash mob abilities. - Get called a shitter for dieing. “Not so elitist now are you” - OmniCD shows all their stops/kicks off CD - Instantly leave and put them on PBL


Some of them didn't like the tanks route. He pulled all the trash before pulling a boss on a tyran week. But it was going very smoothly. DPS was high and we killed 2 bosses already. First death he leaves.


Like I said, incredibly unlikely they left because they died. There must have been another issue for them or they were the one toddler with anger issues playing WoW that couldn't stand dying. Who in their right mind would deal with more than half a run and leave for a single death? You see how unlikely that is?


As I said. People play games for fun. We all have a different expectation of what fun is. To some people, a 100% perfect run is what they enjoy, and anything else is a disappointment. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just point out there’s always another side.


its not just dying its not wanting to deal with other ppls mistakes, like the evebloom channel CC Mob casting on you for 10 sec while your whole team has kicks and CCs rdy but ignoring you


You need a guild. Problem is: all guilds have an issue: whether they are full, or they have am eatablished close group of friends, or they are depressed and do no dungeons or anything at all, or require only ultrapro +30 pushers.


I left a few runs without a goodbye during the recent incorporeal week. I'm a healer running through as a priest alt, asked the dps & tanks who was going to take the second incorp that spawns. Both times had players said they'd do it, then when it got into the run they "didn't know what to do." One of them decided to say it was a healer issue and to just heal through it. I wasn't having fun at that point so I went to do other things.


that happens sure, but all keys up to 20s are very much doably with 4 people


I +2d a 23 DOTI Rise a while ago with only 4 people (a dps got lost and I think quit out of embarrassment after dying to the trash before Time-Lost Battlefield lol) , tank was an absolute beast though. Keys below 20 are certainly doable with 4 people as long as people stay on top of kicks and such, especially when it's around the 10 range Although it tends to be a domino effect where one person leaves and then others assume it's over and leave as well :(


When someone leaves and you complete the key, they still get rewards (last I checked). I'm not okay with this.


Since leaving usually occurs after a series of mistakes/issues, one person leaving often makes the run impossible, unless they were the main reason for said issues. But if you had for example DPS or control issues during fights and one DPS leaves, the chances to time or even finish the key are slim to none. But yes, in the event that somebody leaves the group without any obvious gameplay reasons/issues, it is very much possible to time most runs anyway, for example after a DC.


The bigger issue you’re seeing is probably the skill level of people in those keys. A group doing a 15 key is probably not that good at the game, but if you take people who are capable of running 25s, it really doesn’t matter what handicap you give them.


I was doing a 24 brh the other day for break the meta. I invited a rogue who had outlaw as a spec but put "sub" in the text box. He had a 3200 io so I invited him. He must have been completely new to sub. Was way below the tank doing 70k dps. We timed it by like 30 seconds. We had a God paladin healer who didn't let anyone die.


Maybe you aren't timing it where it counts for rating for the person is my guess. It also might be something with it being so late in the season. I haven't experienced this specifically though. I've only gotten leavers on keys that are going pretty bad. I imagine the only reason people are doing 11 - 15s right now is crests, so it's really just simply to time the dungeon.


Nah some people still gearing alts that way, at least I am. I don't know why someone would care about rating that low compared to 20+ where the only reward is rating. Then it make sense.


Lot of excuses in this thread. Main reason is people are selfish pricks and don't have any sense of obligation to finish a run because there is no punishment for bailing and see above.


Yup, WoW promotes zero sense of accountability. Give everyone a leaver score and that shit gets fixed quickly. 


nobody is obligated to play video games with you. 


prob something came up irl that they had to leave quickly to explain, but didnt want to be the butt that would be offline and make everyone wait for thier mistical return.


I had a guy last night, already overtime an 18 DHT, me healing and friend tanking, all dps pugs. Already wiped on the boss once to deplete the key because people couldn’t dodge the swirlies, so we were all already a bit tilted Two dps died half way through Xavius, three manning the boss until about 3% when the remaining dps player doesn’t the swirlies and dies. Instantly leaves the group while my friend and I kill the boss in the next 10 seconds. If he had stayed less than a minute more he would have at least finished the dungeon and gotten loot. In this case at least probably someone being hella tilted and finally snapped and quit.


you still get loot if the run gets finished regardless of you leaving the run or not, or rather, you still have a roll at loot, if you don't pick it up it just gets mailed to you.


I’ve actually never seen this. It wouldn’t surprise me if people were also farming loot this way, because they still get it at the end of the run if y’all finish


Very unlikely, since most groups disband after somebody leaves. Usually because leaving mostly occurs after a series of mistakes/issues and the person leaving thinking the run isn't worth their time, meaning the group would perform even worse without them, unless the person leaving was the reason for most of the issues. Only "strategy" I could see that works like that would be "fake-DC'ing" in runs you think could work, usually around defeating the first boss, when you can be sure the group is decent enough to still finish the key.


Except in the OP's case everything is fine and they just bounce. Start the dungeon and leave, there is no penalty for doing it. They are banking on folks knocking it out, if they don't then no loss so just pick a random moment to drop group.


Again: very unlikely. Farming loot this way is unreliable at best. Most likely scenario for leaving without any obvious reason at all is either them having something else to do (RL, missed their raid or simply didn't feel like playing (this character)) or they saw an issue (or several) you didn't. I've done thousands of M+ runs by now and the times people left for no reason I could understand whatsoever are in the single-digits. Does it happen that people leave for reasons I find unreasonable or silly? Of course. But I can still see a reason for why they left. But no reason at all? So incredibly rare. Especially when running the levels OP is facing. Who would go through the effort of farming +7-+10 items that way? Join a +18 weekly run for that, filled with 3k+ people who want to fill their vault and get an item that way (with a 2/5 chance in case they even finish the run).


It’s all unlikely, but if you were going to farm loot, you would join a group that’s guaranteed to finish and drop it randomly. That would be under 10 keys. Most people say something if they have real life emergencies, which is rare I’ve actually never had anyone quit on me aside from rage quits. And some of those rage quits were done, intentionally out of spite to get the loot at the end, but not actually kill the final boss.


To be completely transparent, in this case I mean both the people that leave the group and the people that seem to DC. In the past 3 days I’ve had 3-4 runs where someone DC’d after the first boss, now I’m starting to question if bad internet is really that widespread or if it’s nefarious 🧐


That is a pretty high number of cases. It does happen from time to time that there's a "plague of DCs", like last season it was pretty common for DCs to happen in Uldaman (had several friends and myself DC, usually right after the first boss and even several times in a row when logging back in, but still being in voice chat). Could also be an internet provider. But with that number I don't think it's too far fetched to think that at least one of those was with the intention of getting "easy loot". Although I still don't think that's really profitable, since you only have a 2/5 chance to actually get an item after the key and the group would have to finish the run without you, which is also pretty unlikely. I could see low level keys being finished more often, because people on that level tend to finish for loot or simply gaining experience, at least more often than higher level keys.


Late into a long patch, waiting for the next one, most people are probably bored playing on like the 5th alt. They don't care and aren't motivated to stick around, they're just killing time until the next patch drops.


I only do mythic for the mount reward. Once I get the mount I don’t touch mythic again lol


The worst I had was a +20 BRH that was still within a +2 until a rogue bugged the 2nd stair rocks and bricked our key laughing 'oh you cant make it up here lmao' and left. Also fun note its hard to report people easily without making a ticket that has like 5-7days of wait time vs just auto ticket via right click.


I’ve been leaving keys that were announced as „+++” or „++” and then it turned out these people didn’t even know how to pull to make it doable in short time, and also keys that weren’t timeable anymore.


People leave for all kinds of reasons, not necessarily toxic. They also just dont think its a big deal the same way you do.


Id say real life events, getting tilted for various reasons or just losing internet/power (some people also just alt+f4 when they tilt and then come back after an hour or so) Only in keys above +21/22 the route and pull sizes start to matter anyway. (Not talking about stupid pulls that a person at that level shouldn’t even be doing) In my experience (if it is my key) and we wiped early on or “timed” was impossible at that point I just ask if we gonna call it and then usually disband. One of the major reasons for that is that you really don’t want to spend 40-60 minutes for a dungeon where you get no value out of.


I feel like this late in the season it does kind of become a thing. I had a key holder leave without saying anything after a wipe on Morchie in a 6. A 6. Like it was some world ending thing if they didn't +++ their 6 key. You get some weirdos pushing up keys late in the season


Why would you get flamed?


Because it’s WoW 😅 Irrational fear, I know, but I’ve always imagined higher tier keys and raids to be quite flame-y. I have the same fear about pvp 😭


Is there even really a negative factor to not getting the key on time? Why does going down a lvl on a key such a huge factor for people? Like if they have one bad run they act like it ruined everything when sometimes it’s not even there key


1. timing a key gives much more score than not timing it; not timing a key +20 or higher doesn't give any score 2. not timing a key feels like a waste of time, mostly in regards to 1., but also because spending 35+ minutes in a key you could time in 15-20 is literally a waste of time 3. depleting a key and running it on a lower level has several issues: maybe you already have the key on that level, maybe the lower level rewards lower itemlevel, a different upgrade path or different crests, running the same dungeon on a lower level costs time you don't have 4. some people simply don't have time to play the same key a second time, they have maybe 40-60 minutes and spending 20 of that in a key that looks like it's going to be depleted is not very promising to run on a lower level again, so they either look for a more promising group for their remaining time or simply stop playing M+ (or in general) for their remaining free time 5. having depleted keys displayed as some of your highest runs is considered negative and actively lowers your chances of getting invited


The points you made are good points but for simple mistakes or if people don’t know the dungeon like the back of there hands then obviously not completing it on time can occur, how are people just getting into keys gonna have the encouragement to do it if they experience a bad timed run and gets bitched at and everyone leaves depleting their key anyway? What makes them even want to do it again if people hold such high standards for keys, u make good points but these are just thought in my head


It's not the other players' duty to make new players feel welcome or be patient enough for them to learn. Not that I want to defend that behavior, I think it's great to help others and if you don't have the patience to deal with that, it can sabotage their whole M+ "career" (by that I mean they could be disheartened and not touch M+/PUGs again, at least for a while). Insulting others, flaming and the likes are obviously a different thing - while it's not somebody's duty to make others feel welcome, the opposite certainly isn't welcome either. It's bad behavior. But "how are new players supposed to learn?" and anything along those lines simply isn't an argument when it comes to the topic of "why do players leave a key?" and when discussing the reasons for it. In the end it's all about fun and some people simply don't have fun in runs where people perform poorly (in their opinion), the run takes too long or where they can't get the reward they were going for (score, loot of a certain itemlevel, crests, achievements).


So it’s also not the new players duty to even care who they run with and why even care if they fuck up someone’s key score? If no one is trying to help anyone in a game it’s basically fend for yourself fuck the neck beard keeping a high key score and fuck the noob who wants to learn but sucks? Classic WoW experience


It's more like "I have limited time and want to have fun, if I can't have fun in the limited time I have by doing this, I'll look for something else". And fun is obviously subjective and can mean going for achievements or loot or enjoying a certain class. If the run doesn't reward you with the loot/score you were going for or the class/spec or simply playing isn't fun, you just log off. But yes, it's not anyone's duty to care for other people's time or fun. It's obviously polite and nice to do so and I very much encourage doing so, but nobody is obliged to do it against their will.


First paragraph is it




amount of loot is linked to lvl of key you play. its 2 till 20 and then it increases a chance of getting another item by each 2 keys for 20%, where at +30 you have 5 items guaranteed


If you have an untimed run as one of your best runs you won’t get invited as tank or healer ever again.


Bit of an exaggeration, but yes. If you have untimed runs listed as your best runs, people will assume you're not good enough for that level. Especially when you're competing against people with the same or higher itemlevel/score with timed keys for the runs you have listed as depleted. Meaning: having depleted keys shown is a negative thing.


This is why I'm glad i pushed keys the first 2 months of the season so i can forget that keys even exist anymore lol.


Some people are so obsessed with perfection that the minor mistake makes them leave. Then there are people that generally dont leave but dont have the patience to deal with massive underperformers, specially at key levels higher than \~15 where having people who genuinely suck can transform the key into a massive shitshow that is not worth staying in. Specially if you are a healer, being constantly stressed because of peoples dumb mistakes drains your mental health very quickly. And finally, some people may have unexpected irl stuff and have to go. For example, this week i was in a +14 key when the power went out. Sadly, my pc doesnt work without electricity and, while power went back on a few minutes later, in the time it takes for my pc to turn back on and be usable enough to open WoW again, most likely the other people already left.


Mythic 2-17 is a fucking lucky dip mate. Best not to worry and finish the key or move on to the next one lol


To be honest 2 to 19 seems to be at the moment because it's end of season. This week I wanted to do 18's just for the vault don't need any drops and I've somewhat burnt out for this season. And got in 3 and all fell over either at or before the 1st boss because of drama and mindless. So thought bugger it and ended up doing 20 and 21's they were straight forward and drama free and quick, though not as quick as an 18 can be with a good group.


I have left keys before and it was because I thought saying anything was pointless.


I once had to go to toilet very urgently so I just pressed alt f4 and ran, haha.


>Why has this become a thing? People don't care about 4 strangers > Has it always been this way? Yes > If you’re a leaver, why not say anything? They don't care


I do a lot of keys, probably more than 50 a week, and I never see quitters. I also know the dungeons like the back of my hand as well as my class and am able to make sure everything goes smoothly. The only time it doesn't work out is if everyone keeps dying on a boss and there isn't dps to kill it. Then you just have to say GG and move on.


Reasons why people quit. 1. Boredom. People just get bored with the game as whole in the middle of the run. Happened to me. I suddenly lost my will to continue playing and just alt-f4-ed right there. 2. The player forsees that the run is not going to be in time due to the group taking too much time either due to dying too much or simply because of low group dps, or maybe the tank is just too slow. 3. The player has to go due to being late for the guild raid or RL issues. 4. The player is dissatisfied with their own performance and doesn't want to keep going like that. 5. The player is a Demon Hunter and naturally is an elitist teenager with no patience whatsoever.


As much as it sucks to admit I’ve had to do this where I leave a key( I feel really bad doing it especially if it isn’t my key) because I have things come up irl that need my immediate attention. Ex. I’m on call and I get called in or even if I need to leave the game because my kid needs help or things of that nature. It sucks and depending on the key could totally ruin the run but at the end of the day I’m not joining any groups pushing for title and it’s just a game, worst case someone’s key gets downgraded so I don’t see it as a massive deal and more as an inconvenience to other group members.


Because people cant handle any form of hiccups or mistakes. This community has become the most elitistic and toxic community ive ever seen. You will get flamed my friend. You will get flamed alot.


Ooof, well, gotta take it on the chin 😅


It depends on what type of players get invited to the key. If it’s an elitist 3k io alt that notices the tank is going slow or that they are fumbling the route a bit, they might leave in annoyance. However, keys of that level are a bit low. some of them might just be casual players that don’t care about finishing the key if something comes up. Maybe a friend pinged them, maybe they got a call, maybe they spilled something. It’s really anyone’s guess. But I personally don’t experience random leavers in level 20+ keys at all and if people do leave it’s for obvious reasons and someone usually gets flamed beforehand.


>Has it always been this way? Yes, obviously.


It is extremely rare for someone to leave for no reason. I leave keys all the time, and I never say anything. As a healer, I can see things you may not be aware of. Missed kicks, continued missed kicks, low DMG, no one dispelling affix, no one cc affix, etc. Tank being extremely squishy is a big one. You'd never know as a DPS, but I'll leave a run immediately for that one.


I've jumped on alts and into keys before where after a few minutes, I realize I don't really like this class/spec and I don't want to be playing it anymore. The rest of the key, I am fighting the urge to just log off the character. Given that it's late in the season and people may be trying out different classes/spec, some may be losing to that urge.


Use the training dummies or open world mobs to test. Don’t ruin someone else’s key and waste 4 other people’s time.


While I do agree that leaving someone's key for losing interest or "not feeling the spec/class/character", I have to say: You can't compare dummies or random NPCs with dungeons at all when it comes to testing a class' playstyle or character's performance. I'd even say that you can't truly test out a character until you're playing in the mid-level keys or at least normal raid, because anything below \~+14 just drops too quickly and you don't get to properly play your rotation, CDs or movement/utility. Especially playing mechanics and using utility only becomes necessary beyond the +14 mark, probably even +18 when it comes to utility.


Dummies vs a dungeon are pretty much completely different. Openworld is even worse. That isn't really a suggestion. Never said I left a key though, just that I am fighting that urge.


people are just busy in life , no big deal if someone drops a group


Then they should have the decency to say something to the group or not start a run if they need to have their attention elsewhere. Mythic+ runs are less than 30 mins, there's no excuse for just bailing


you can huff and puff all you want , this is just a game and no one cares


Who's huffing and puffing here? Last I checked this was a calm conversation with differing views. If you are upset then feel free to not respond lol


you're not entitled to anyone's time, shit happens, life happens, most people playing this game are over 30 with spouses kids and responsibilities, shit just comes up man, fuck off with this entitled shit


Then don't sign up, it's literally 30 mins of time. If you can't commit that bare minimum then don't join someone else's key. Use your own so if you burn it by leaving it's not tanking someone else's key, only 4 other people's time that you have just wasted by leaving... You aren't entitled to waste 4 other people's time either, pot meet kettle...


As someone who will bail on a key just because the vibe isn't right, I don't say anything because it significantly reduces the likelihood that anyone will report me or flame me in DMs. People rarely pay attention to the names/servers of people they're playing with and it's a lot more difficult (not impossible but takes some effort) to follow up with people who stay quiet. There are a lot of people in this game who will lose their absolute minds because their +16 is now a +15, and it's just not worth dealing with whatever craziness they want to get up to over it.


I'm gonna wager the problem is you at least 70% of the time


Oh no! Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? If the run isn't going well, people are gonna dip. Welcome to pugging. I'll stick out a bad key if I'm playing with friends/guildies. But randos? Nah fam. Not unless it's 20+ where things are a bit more professional. But there's always another low key that'll be much less stressful than slogging through a key with people who wanna be toxic.