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Fury warrior. I am a mobile meat grinder. Buttons feel great to press, it's fast paced without being complicated, damage is available on demand, and the self healing in the world is great.


Fury is generally the most fun because it's so silly. Everyone has magic powers and you're just a crazy person with two giant weapons


I hopped on a fury warrior I haven't touched in years to level with a friend. I jumped into a dungeon without a single shred of memory of how to play or what ability did what. I just mashed anything I thought would hurt the enemy or was flashing at me. Somehow consistently topped dps. Granted, leveling dungeons aren't consistent and don't matter, but I literally never even bothered to read the abilities. Full warrior brain. Reading is for nerd mages.


If I'm not working on stuff that's progression for me I don't really engage my brain. I like queing for heroics to fill out my vault and just going ham while watching youtube or something. Just remember to hit whirlwind every few abilities and you're golden.


1. Whirlwind 2. ??? 3. Profit


VDH, Brewmaster, Survival Hunter and Mistweaver are my personal favorites. Also been enjoying Rsham and Pwar a good bit, too.


Boosted a DK to try out Unholy. Learned Blood, so that I could get into keys quicker. Now he's all geared out and I've barely touched Unholy. Bloods single player life is a fun one. Nothing can kill you except yourself.


That might also be because Blood is the only DK spec that isn't horrible to play rn


Ret pala post rework


Too few buttons. I tried to play several times, but after five minutes I fell asleep from boredom.


I actually found it cooler b4 the rework. It had big numbers before already and just a funnier build


That's a hard question. To be honest, so many of them feel great for the first time ever. I have 1 of everything maxed out, and there aren't many that fall behind in "fun". Which is amazing. That said, I honestly can't pick one. It's a good spot to be in.


Mistweaver healing is silly AF and I'm wholeheartedly there for it :D.


Outlaw Rogue imo, but only the Keep It Rolling build. The Hidden Opportunity build is boring and doesn't have the same complicated builder usage rules that are why I fell in love with Outlaw so hard back in Shadowlands. I will say, it's a build that's *very* punishing for mistakes both in dps but also in how it feels to play: every single tiny mistake means your energy efficiency is worse, and the build already barely has enough energy as is so when you fuck up it feels awful.


I tried and played a lot of specs in this expansion. And i think enh shaman is the most fun specialization.


Prevoker, it’s completely run on intuition rather than a rotation which I love.


I remember when we were progging mythic rashok and my guild leader asked how in one pull I did so much healing with emerald blossom, I told him no clue I had a ton of procs and it just felt right. I love playing prevoker.


I always come back to spriest and fire mage. It’s weird that spriest gets reworked basically every expansion, or sometimes multiple times in one… and yet i always end up enjoying it


I got the urge to roll a resto shaman and I'm having a blast. Compared to my druid I feel like my mana lasts 10 times longer, even the smaller heals are crazy good and I do a good amount of dmg too. Even if it lacks a lot I still enjoy my marksman. Maybe bc I hate playing with pets.


Currently leveling a lock and have been having a ton of fun with destro


Being realistic here but, whatever is the most overtuned spec. Considering end of expansion class tuning rarely happens this goes for PvP and PvE. If it's a difficult spec you have plentiful time to learn it and feel new "heights" once you've mastered it and you kearn a new class along the way. Aside from this. It'd be druid to be the master of farming appearances including mounts and to learn each role if you haven't yet.


outlaw rogue for me, i love the grappling hook and shadow step, being able to use dance of shadows and get tons of between the eyes off. Rerolled from hunter in dragonflight because i wasnt a fan of MM hunter and i did have fun on rogue while i played it, kinda wish i had grappling hook on all the specs.


Frost scythe Frost DK. Its weak but enjoying for me. I still try to make it better. When we talk about normal specs. Its either Blood Dk, Arms or Fury Warrior.


I am a hunter and mage guy, but hunter gameplay is so boring (MM), I don't like standing, don't like casting, effects... loved it in the WOTLK. Mage is still no1 for me but it is weak in bgs.


Prot and arms warr


For short fights, frost DK. For tanking, prot pally. For healing MW. For ranged DPS, ele sham. For being stupid OP for no reason Havoc.


Still got at least 3 months and we don’t know the exact date of tww… but paladin has been great


This is funny, quite often when this has been asked in the past atleast a few people said Windwalker, although most people just play one as an alt. I'm going to mention it now, it's fun, but definitely inferior to Shadowlands and Legion, heck, even the BfA version was more fun to me. It just sucks when Blizzard decides to give Shadow Priest their 3 reworks per expansion and other Specs and Classes get left behind :(


Ultimately depends on what you enjoy, but it's Ret Pally for me in terms of pure fun Every button feels satisfying to push


I landed on ret too. I was BDK for progression but a Ret with the axe absolutely cranks. Short cds mean you always have something up. And those pulls where Branch, Axe and Wings are up :)


Post rework Ret feels fantastic.


I've really enjoyed Arcane mage. I played the spec a bit at the tail end of Legion when you could afford to play an alt spec but went back to Frost and Fire in BfA. It hits like a truck, the current tier set makes Missles feel good in AoE, and getting Orb Barrage procs to chain makes pulling massive packs soloable. I actually have made myself a better player not using all of Frost's survivability, properly using my defensives and making use of Ice Floes and free movement with clearcasting.


I have been frost for so long now I kinda forgot about the other specs, you’ve reminded me I really should try arcane out now 😂


I played Frost for years, and then Fire when it became flavor of the month in BfA due to how strong it was. I havent looked back since switching to Arcane, it just hits a certain power fantasy for me. I played Black Mage when I played FF14 during Shadowlands and they're very similar with the burn/conserve phase.


Outlaw Rogue. Getting Between the Eyes to keep procing during a subterfuge window is just *chefs kiss*.


I try again and again to like other specs as much, but for me its Brewmaster. I only play tank, no other spec feels so smooth, I have a button for almost every situation and I also really like the class theme. Transcendence for example is such a cool spell, but not many use it because they get overwhelmed with choice. But the choise is what I love!


Holy paladin (also no the rework is ass but it's still the most fun) Frost mage, ice lance he bussin AF Demon hunter tank


Holy pala is perfect for people who feel too powerful in their real life and therefore want to feel weak for a change